The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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JUNE 12, 1909. The Billboard ntteman from Misxsissippl (Eastern), Brady & Grismer, mgra.: N. Y¥. C Sept. 27, Indef. ntteman from Mlssissippl (Western), Brady A Grismer, mgres Chicago, April 25, indef. from Rector's, A. H. Woods, mer N \ Cc Feb. 1, tndef «r Stock Co., Vaughan Glaser, mgr De it. April 4, Indef, ng Some, Sam &. & Lee Shubert, Inc., megrs.: \. ¥. C., April 12, indef it John Ganton, with George Fawcett, Sam = & Lee Shubert, Int mgrs N. ¥. © May indef fith Stock Co., Arthur Griffith, mer Hobo er N. J.. May 31, Inde lodlg Wm See The Man from Home iarcourt Comedy Co,, Chas. K. Harris, mgr.: Wheeling, W. Va., 31-June 12; Steubenville, o 14268 llarvey Stock Co., J. 8. Garside, mgr.: Mar quette, Mich., 7-12; Sault Ste. Marie, 14, ndef Hlarvey Stock Co. (Southern), H. D. Orr, mgr: Topeka, Kan., 31-June 12; Excelsior Springs, Mo., 14-19 Hlenderson Stock Co., W. J. & R. R. Henderson, gers Cairo, M1., 31-June 12 Hlickman-Bessey Co., Great, F. W. Jenks & Guy Hickman, mgrs. (Delmar Garden) Ok lahoma City, Okla., 612: (Cycle Park) Dal las, Tex., 14-19 Hugh's Comedians, Hugh A. Nickels, mgr.: Neol la 71 Harned, Virginia (Sans Souci Park) Chicago, 22 Jun 12 ik vy Family Stock Co Harry Stilwell, mer Saranac Lake, &M. Y 7-12; Lake Placid 14 iu Hall, Don C. (Repertoire) Stevens Point, Wis., June 7July 15. Hayward, Grace, Stock Co Geo, M. Gatts, mgr Lincoln, Neb.. May 24-Sept. 4 Herman, Selma, Stock Co tearton & Wiswell, mer Seattle Apr 11. Indef HW rt. Robert n A Fool There Was, Fred Thompson, mer N y ( March 24 ndef Ml n’s Ideal Steck Co F. P. Hillman, g Ohuahe, Neb indef Holl 1 Mildred. Co dw. ¢ White mgr Cleveland, April 26-June 12 liome Stock Ce Hutchinsen, Kan April 26, indef. ; louse Next Door, Coban & Harrix. mgrs.: N. y c April 12. indef HonterBradford Players Hartford, Conn., May 10. Indef Imson Dramatic Co Furt Imson, megr.: Cros by. N. D., 7-12; Rowhbelle 14.19 Jack Straw, with John Drew. Chas. Frohman. mer Los Angeles, Cal 7.12 Keystone Dramatic Co.. Max A. Arnold. mer.: Relfest. Me.. 7-9; Bucksport 10-12: Thomas ton 14-16: Camden 17-19 Kessler, David Rochester, N.Y 9; Syra me 10: Albany 11: Brooklyn 12 Keating. Virg nia, Stock Co.: Madison, Wis.. May 10. indef Keith's Stock Co Portland, Me indef Kelley Stock Co Jewel! Kelley, mgr Knox ville. Tenn. May 17. indef Kennedy, Alice, Co.. W. A. Partello mgr.: Mansfield, 0 Indef LaPorte, Mae, Stock Co.. Joe McEnroe. mer. Museatine. Ia... 30-Jnune 12 Lewis, A. S.. Dramatic Shows, under canvas Fairbury, Neb., 7-12 Lyric Stock Co Excelsior Springs. Me.. 31June 12 Iais Theatre Stock Co.. Alex. Pantages, mer.: Seattle. Ang. 9 ndef Lonergan Stock Co., Lester Lonergan mgr.: Kansas City, May 9. indef Lyeeum Stock Co Rochester, N. ¥ May 17. ndef Lreenm Stock Co Ed. Kelsey. mgr Taledo O.. April 2@June 19, indef Lyceum Theatre Stock Co.. Louls Phillips mer Brooklyn, Aug. 10, indef Lynn Stock Co., Geo. D Mackay. mgr: Lynn, Mass indef Lyric Stock Co.: Portland, Ore.. indef Mary Jane's Pa. with Henry E. Dixey. Henrs = Savage, mgr Grand Rapids, Mich... 7 “—— Stock Co Rock Island, Il., 31-June M ~s Henry, Stock Co Tacoma. Wash... In de Murgan Stock Co (Airdome) Cedar Rapids, la WJune 12. i Metropolitan Stock Co., Francis J. MeCarthy, mee Sapulpa, Okla., 7-12; Coffeyville, Kan., $12 MeKvey. J. Harvey, C. H. Mohler. mgr.: Rumford Falls, Me.. 9; Dixfield 10: Mechanic Falls 11: Oxford 12 Me — * Big Show Winnipeg. Man.. Can., 7 raaios Hand, with Nat C. Goodwin Vancon ver, B. C., Can., S80: New Westminster 10 Belitaghar, Wash., 11; Everett 12: Seattle wW Morgan Pepple Stock Co., T. Dwight Pepple mer Salina, Kan., 13-26 Mack, Willard, Stock Co Salt Lake City, Vtah, June 11, Indef Majestic Stock Co., N. C. Mirick, mer Utica N. Y¥.. Mey 10, tndef. Man from Mexico, with Wm. Collier, Chas Frohman, mer N. ¥. C., May 10, indef Man from Home. with Wm Hodge. Liebler & Co... mers N. ¥. C., Aug. 17, Indef Manhattan Stock Co., Jack Parsons mer Charleston, S&S. C indef Millbrook Stock Co., Harry MeKee, mgr.: Port mouth, O.. May 17-July 31 Miller's Associated Players Henry Miller mer Chicago, 1ll., May 31, Itndef Morris Thurston Stock Co Bay City, Mich., indef North Bros.’ Comedians Hot Springs Ark 24June 12 North Bros.’ Stock Co (Airdome) Steuben ville, O., &idune 12 North Rros.’ » (Airdeme) Des Moin Ta 2 June North Bros’ (Airdome) Ft, Seott, han t1 June National Stock Co., Thos. Alton, met Cairo, b Va 7; Harrisville 10-12; Elisabeth 14 " Narrow Path, F. Ray Comstock & A. H. Woods, mere ia ws © May 31, Indef Neill Stock Co St. Paul, May 2, I(ndef Out in Idaho, Fo ON. Brush, mer St. John XN. KR Can 79: Moneton 10; Chatham It; Sackeille 12 Orpheum Stock Co. Grant Laferty, mar Phil adelphia, Sept, 12, Indef. —_—— Stock Co., W Wu Starkey, mer ‘ampa, Fla., Indef Our Own Stock Co., W. E. Rice. met rt Wayne, Ind., Mareh 21, lndef Paycen Stock Co, (Airdome) Atchison, Kan., 3O-June 12 Partello Stock Co. (Central), Ed. R. Moore, mer.: Newenstle, Pa., 31-June 12; Youngstown. O., 14-26. Russell, Lilliam See Wildfire. Pair of Country Kids (C. Jay Smith’s), Ed. Ka dow, mer Laona, Wis.. 9; Wabeno 10; Oconto Falls 11; Oconto 12: Oshkosh 13; Stepbenson, Mich., 14; Gladstone 15; Florence Wis., 16; Norway, Mich., 17: Iron Moun tain 18; Ontonagon 19. a Stock Co.: Richmond, Va., May 10, In ae Paige, Mable, Stock Co., M. Richie, mgr.: Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. &, indef Pantages’ Players: Seattle, Aug. 9, indef. Partello Stock Co. (Eastern). Harry J. Le land, mgr.: (Idlewild Park) Newark, O., May 23, indef, é Partello Stock Co. (Western), Harry J. Spellman, mgr La Crosse, Wis., indef. Payton's Lee Avenue Stock Co., Corse Payton, mgr Brooklyn, Aug. 10, indef Sezectl Gypuene Stock Co.: Tampa, Fla., in ae Poli Stock Co., S. Z. Poll, mgr. tridgeport, Conn., May 17, Indef. Poli Stock Co., S. Z. Poli, mgr.: Hartford, Conn., May 24, Itndef. Poli Stock Co., 8S. Z. Poll, mgr.: Seranton, Pa.. May 10, indef. Poli Stock Co., 8. Z. Poll, mer.: Springfield, Mass... May 10, indef. Poli Stock Co., 8. Z. Poli, mgr.: Waterbury, Conn., May 3. indef Poli Stock Co., 8. Z. Poli, mgr.: Wilkes Barre, Pa May 3. indef. Poll Stock Co., S. Z. Poll, mgr.: Worcester, Mass., May 24, indef. Pringle, Della, Co.: Boise City, Ida., July 20, indef Reser-Mason Stock Co.: Crawfordsville, Ind., 7-13. Readish Stock Co M. A. Francillen, megr.: Ardmore, Okla., 7-12. Rocedia Stock Co., No. 1, Thompson Amuse. Co., megrs.: Kansas: City. Mo., 31-June 12. oo No. Thompson Amuse. Co., City a 31-June 12. No 3. Thompson Amuse. ‘%.. mers. Chanute, Robbirs, Clint & Bessie, Ft. Scott, Kan., 14-286. Rentfrow’s Jolly Pathfinders, mgr.: Honston, Tex., Dec Rober, Katherine, Stock Co.. S. Bastable, Syracuse, N. Y., May 17, indef Shortridge, Great. Shows, F. M prop. & mgr Ft. Dodge, Ia., Sothern, F. H., and Julia Marlowe Sam S. & Lee Shubert. Ine.. t1June 19 Spedden & Paige Stock Co., Aberdeen, S. D.. 7-19. Salvation Nell, with Mrs. Fiske. Fiske, mer.: Los Angeles, 7Servant in the House, Henry Miller kane, Wash., 7-12. Seymour, Donna, Stock May 3. indef Sonci Stock Kan.. 31-June Stock Co.: (Airdome) 12. J. N. Rentfrow, 20. indef. megr.: Shortridge, 7-19. (Repertoire), mgrs.: N. Y¥. C., Sam Spedden, mgr.: Harrison Grey 12 . Mgr.: Spo Co.: Lowell, Co.: Chicago, May 22, {adef Shipman, Gertrude, Stock Co.. Lawrence B. MeGill, mgr.: Buffalo, May 24. indef. Sins of Society, Brooks & Dingwall, mgrs.: Chieago. April 14, indef. Snow, Mortimer, Stock Co.. John T. Pearsall, mer.: Albany, N. Y.. May 10-June 26. Stone Hill Steck Co., Frank Grave, mgr.: Peoria, Ill.. April 5, indef Suburban Stock Co.: St. May 17, ndef Taylor Stock Co., H. W. Taylor. prop. & Homestead, Pa.. 20-June 12: Braddock Turner, Clara, Stock Co.. Ira W. mer (Airdome) Youngsiown, 0., Louis, Mo., 14-26. Jackson. 31-June 12 Tempest Dram atie Mass., | megr.. THE CHRONOPHO OZ = > AUMONT AZO = 124 East 25th Street, CO., NEW YORK CITY. ARCHERY The American Archery Game HAS MADE A HIT. popular amusement specialty and Latest most fascinating fad of the century. NEW ONE, Carnivals, Picnics, descriptive lars, write literature, Patented January the money at all Parks, Reunions, Amusement Resorts everywhere. price and 26, Fairs, full the IT’S A 1909. Gets Street Shows, Celebrations For illustrated and particu MONARCH MFG. CO., Bonne Terre, Me. Wanted for Roy E. Fox’s Lone Star Minstrels Under Canvas—All kinds of good Act. MUSICIANS—Baritone. letters answered; June 14, 15, 16; DesMoins, 28, 29, 14 years without closing; Channing, 17, 18, 19: 30; Trinidad, Colo., best Minstrel People, | Sketch Team, Man who can produce, Sister Team, Cornet and Trombone, Dalhart, July 1, 2, 4; To ng 5, 6, Horizontal Bar to doubie violin; feed. 21, 22 Clay _ Seng and Dance Comedians, Act, other musicians write; all ROY E. FOX, Manager, Clarendon, Texas, ates Mexico, Musical Act, or some good Feature 24, 25, 26; Legitimate Concessions, Ferris Wheel, Glass Vaudeville Show; give best terms first letter. attractions. Blower, WANTED--FOR GOODELL SHOWS Sketch Team and Novelty Acts for Will furnish White Tops complete for good Can place good Tent or Platform Show. Cc. M. GOODELL, Gardner, M1, June 7-12; Chenoa, M., June 14-19, DANVILLE CARNIVAL CO. to lease two 60-foot Circus Flat Cars, Address H. B. WANTS for immediate delivery: ANVI LLE, ENNIS, refer cars now located in Texas. S, week of Jure 7 to 5 Co.. J. L. Tempest, mgr.: Massena, N ~— 12; Malene 14-19. N] M EN] Thalia Stock Co., Max Muscow!tz, mgr N. Y¥.} *.. May 14, indef. } Third Degree, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. | Attend the Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration at C.. Feb. 1, Iindef. Ww 28 Traveling Salesman (A), Henry B. Harris, | bo NS. KANSAS, JULY 26" mer Chicago, Il., April 12. indef | Biggest crowd getter in Western Kansas. We want concession men of all kinds. Parties having Traveling Salesman (B) Henry RB. Harris. Ferris Wheel, Gaiety Girls, Freak or Animal Shows, Glass Blowers, and other small shows mer. Roston. Mass. April 19. indef. "please write. Plenty of good locations on Great White Way, which is lighted by hundreds of Uncle Tom's Cabia (Burk’s) under canvas: electric lights. Address RALPH RHOADES, Secretary, DOWNS, KANSAS. (owatonra, Minn., 9 . Vernon Stock Co.: (Glendale Casine) Nashville, Tenn., 7-12 Valencia Stock Co.: San Francisco, Sept. 12, indef. Vale. Travers. Stock Co.: Manchester, N. H., |" May 10 July 17. FIRST-CLASS CARNIVAL COMPANY Vance Stock Co Macon, Ga.. May 24. indef. | : , , Van fyke x Eaton Stock Co Milwaukee, For week or more at summer resort in a Seuthern city of 80,000 people. Communicate, with full March 1, indef particulars regarding dates, ete. SAVANNAH ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAVANNAH, GA. Was She to Blame, Jed Carlton. mgr.: Neo~ desha, Kan... 1-15 Wood, Dorothy, Stock Co., Mock Sad Ali, mgr.: Rochester. Minn., 7-12; Winona 14-19. | Wolfe Stock Co.: (Lake Minneqna Park; Pu eblo, Col., 30-June 12. } Witte. with Lill Russe, gos pros, FOR HOWE’S GREAT LONDON SHOWS mer Fond du Lac, Wis., 10. | “ . . wt . . . 2 Performers in all branches of show business, Clowns, Musicians for white and colored bands, Weber Stock Co: Columbus, ©.. 30-Tune 12. | Comedians for Side Show; also Novelty Acts for Side Show. Performers address FE:ANCIS REED; eee itlon Poree. Van ep sIRE® | Side Show and Colored’ Band address E. J. KELLY; Musicians address A. R. WHEELER, us iz on orge, » 6°*Eae > ; > e 9: G . rm, Ky... ’; 7 Py s Pn, c¥.. : 1 ’ ty., 12. Wieting Stock Co., Nathan Appell, mgr.: SyraVersailles, Ky., June 9; Georgetown, Ky., 10; Williamstown, Ky., 11; Ludlow, Ky euse, N. ¥ May 17, indef. i Wikof Dew Steck Co Wil J wets cr WANTED—Great Sanger Shows—WANTED rol! Drew, mgrs Ottumwa, Ia... May 31, indef Colored Performers and Musicians; must be A 1; travel in private car; can; can use quick, one Wolfe Stock Co., J. A. Wolfe, mgr Wichita, good Platform or Novelty Show, Sober Door Talkers; Serpentine and Skirt Dancer, Vaudeville Kan.. indef and Musical Sketch Teams, Ballyhoo People Concession People notice: Lunch Stand, Cane Woods Stock Co.. A. H. Woods, mgr.: N./| Rack, Cone Joint, sold exclusive. Can use any other clean Concession except Novelty Stand and Y. C.. Mareh 15, indef games of chance. Yes, this show is getting the money, because it plays good towns, good Woodward Steck Co., O. D. Woodward, mgr.: | auspices, bills lixe a circus. LeMars and Sheidon, Iewa, where big ones. More to follow. Omaha, May 16, Indef ddress H. SANGER, General Manager, Luverne, Minn., June 14 to 19. Yankee Doodle Stock Co Geo. V Hailday, mgt Gladstone. Mich.. 7-12 FOR SALE—Vaudevill nd M. P. Theatre; . > » Yale Stoek Co., Monte Thompson, mgr.: New! seats 110; new stage. a scenery Peerless ty nn A cages nl _ ee ee yy . ‘ . " rae audeville. Also ope oO king wi pre ge Fe y ned sees ee will stock companies. Address BOX 368, Wichita —: SOLD EVERYWHERE — sell without piano. Don’t answer unless you Fails, Tex. have cash, for we won't give it away. W. A. PESSSERNS MAKE UP NICHOLS, Medina, 0. . FOR SALE—0One Black Bear. one year old, fine and healthy. Smallest Horse; just the ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Earn $26 to $200 Weekly The most fascinating and besi paving profession in » the world. Our complete and comprehensible course on eloeution and dramatic art by mail willin a short time prepare you for the stageor speaker's platform Suc-exsful students everywhere. Booklet Free Chicago School of ae + g} Grand Opera House, ve ee Sc THEATRE FOR SALE. Only exclusive moving picture theatre in a Northern Illinois town of 15,000, firmly estab lished in the best location in town, doing a good business even in summer; runs seven days per week; town wide open; plenty of working people. $2,200 invested. Address answers to NICKEL THEATRE, care The Billboard. FOR SALE—Merry-go-round, people. Small Organ, complete, fine shape, Stored Rich Hill, Mo. lin, Mo. 28 ft.: seats 30 Gasoline Engine, all fine for picnics. $500, H. G. SPRAKER, Jop thing for fairs, carnivals. ; DeHAAS, Riverview Exposition, Chicago, Address RICHARD Il. WANTED AT ONCE and Specialty Write or wire. Ladies, MANAGER JOHN Grand Theatre, Toledo, 0. —And at also Sketch all times, Stoek Teams. A. WISE, MARION (ILL.) BIG RACE MEET, JULY 3— The Williamson Co. Fair Assn. will hold a big Race Meet July 3. They have the finest race track in Southern Illinois. All other good, moral attractions wanted. For further information, Address GEO. CAMPBELL, Seey. Si = Peg Tae ae ate ee eribetees Teen vate pest 8, Re ED y re ant aay POMEL Ain anit Sine nlen Lila snore LO MOE BOLLE REMLMOP EL # Sea Ph RA BRE AML GLEN” ee RY agar ORR SP OP 8 Pee wi 4 j ‘1 4 orsab neon