The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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JUNE 12, 1909. The Billboard 46 protection was allowed the , So successful have after the registration manver causes or * expressed the opinion that The, In each case the police are enjoined from in| , with its portrayal of the vicis| terfering with the entertainments unless it is . —s en oo was not vul clearly shown that the law is being violated. ‘ * did not feel like going to } “ip He (recalled court decisions | 7O Stan a eae ne ager ad : 4 to the most approved moral Next season, Frederic mith wi Sh d C » declared nulsances and done ‘'« starred as Bud Larrabee, the westerner, in ows an oncessions The Lost Trail, a character created by him : seat 2s Sal better call it off,’ said Mr, | three seasons ago; and later will be seen in a | Grand opening Tri-City Park. Good Door * other things to think of be new play now being written for him by An ; Talke sne 9.19—te i avs | , sides going to court." thony E. Wills. An entirely new production lalker June 3 19 -ten big days. Address, was decided to nip the career of The | is being built for The Lost Trail, and the sup-| W. E. CHAMBERS, Tuscumbia, Ala. 4 —— nt or both in the its budding and close the porting company. headed by Miss Isabel Gould, , » this decision was reached, an Will be a capable one. P of nearly four hundred dollars had NOTES | e night, and the prospects were ' would have been filled. Charles Frohman has decided to $8,000 to get the show ready,’’ make The Dollar Princess one of his first proFOR COMING SEASON mn to im prisonme nt, . “TI intended to keep it on al] (uctions next fall. The Dollar Princess will public wanted it. I couldn't see | be produced at the Knickerbocker Theatre, on $5,000 Anatomy Museum. about it, and I don't think the same night that it is brought out at Daly’s ‘ i the matter with my moral Theatre, London. In London, the cast for The Permanently installed, and season's rental paid. withdrew it because [ didn’t | Pollar Princess will be made up of the prinRequires only a door man and inside lecturer. Mr. Woods would put on any | Cipais that played in the London Merry’ Wid| Great opportunity, Gilt’ Edge Location, and not decent.” ow. The principals in the American produc| Show that gets the money. Particulars, address , Investors in theatrical prop reve nts a de + “dl » was certainly vulgar,”’ said | tion of The Dollar Princess will be headed by WG. Smith, Old Orchard Beach, Me. is just the sort of play that Valli Valli. to last season when there Mose Gumble sailed for London June 5. FOR SALE—Large exterior snow drop, panouproar over certain shows being |ramiec effect. Also black ag flannel drop troadway. If Mr. Woods had not |) ——— curtain. Write for a. & ND. . to withdraw the play, and Mr. Haek359 W. 57th St., New York City. is stated that they run well into the ‘ power of the Association was dem ‘osinted. on patting it aw’*) ROCHESTER TO HAVE MID-SUM have taken steps to have it | MER FESTIVAL. ILLUSIONS WANTED nuisance.’’ ; | And Magic apparatus. What have you _ for sash? 904 4 tells the story. Rochester is to have a Mid-Summer Festival, se on ” Prospect Ave., New “THAT QUARTETTE” LOSES July 3-11, at the Western New York Fair r who had Jumped his contract manager to his rightful employer sees of this description are i Grounds, Crittenden Park, with features as “That Quartette” was in court June. varied ‘a8 the colors of the rainbow. In the 4. answer » suit of Sherret and Braff, Lon-' list of attrections as advertised there are to r ic F agents, who demanded from be special events, gorgeous night pageants, a Joseph Sylvester, George Jones military spectacle and sham battle, in which ‘tre | r companies ious members and thea ¢ members themselves salisende and between booking their act in London for pate There is also to be a spectacle known as! Municipal District Court, heard the plea. large city, with its parks. business blocks and » prompt and energetic » full amount of damages be imposed. Dennis Progresses to a certain state and then airships Violin to lead O. Pianist, both to double. Strong Baritone and Tuba, Boss Canvassman. Car Tent McLaughlin, in the Third the ‘‘Battle in the Clouds.”” The scene shows a ayes = er State lowest and be ready WM. TODD SHOW, Forest City, N. C. commissions to the amount the American and Canadian troops will partici for the plaintiffs, urged that Streets in stage of seige by troops. The seige represented Morrell, and Gustay ™ake their appearance and complete the deter the interests of Seiventer. struction of the city by bombs, shells and exrap rummer rd of Directors in itself carries as plosive missiles dropped into the city. Build *r contefied Morrell, who had acted in us after building catches fire and burns down WANTS ENGAGEMENT » four, had no authority to ac| Until at the end nothing but desolation reigns P for less than $450 a week. that Where a flourishing city stood before. Experienced; no bells; can make good. sociation has been fortunate in its and it would seem hardly engagements abroad other than the Show and all the usual Midway features. A Frati & Co 250 per week when they were Food Show has all been taken, and the exhibMarinelli iters are very enthusiastic and predict all kinds London when they T returned to this country, where from the city, with a five cent fare. There “That Quartette” received | A Marathon race will be held on Saturday. Address B M., care The Billboard. Morrell contended he had auJuly %. in which the best known runners will FOR SALE » best figure he could, as they participate. There wiil also be a Wild West . Orchestrion, as good as new; has bass drum. snare drum, violin, bass trumpets, cymbals and piano; cost $1.500; suitable for skating rink, dance hall, penny arcade, etc. Will that the four were broke in Of success for the festival. The grounds are 24); at bargain price. Address or call H. C, went to the Vaudeville Club. °asy of access, being only fifteen minutes ride prERCE, 967 Madison St., Brooklyn, N. Y. completed, and they received, The space for the Agricultural Exhibits and receiving $300 a week alone. will also be excursions on all railroads enter ‘ve McLaughlin decided that Morrell had ing the city. All communications should be adtae pout epee 0988 right to act for the others in the Sherrett dressed to the Secretary, 110-11 Central Buildx14 $4. Cash with order. traf agreement, and awarded judgment in ing, Rochester, N. Y. Ship same day. Rush Pte against all four. House, 79 Fifth Av,Chicago elr wheedlings to tell J PICTURE MEN WIN ] WANTED—Black Tent, 20x60. Push Pole for Justice Carr rendered thr isi moving pictures. State lowest casb price, subor Oo » proprietors of moving. picture ject tc examination. C. H. UPDIKE, Front in the Supreme Court, June 4. He Royal, Va. injunctions restraining the police GREATER THAN EVER. grant Vays *lans interfering with the places conducted by GET THE MONEY—Our Book of Ways, E » Fox Amusement Company, at SSO Broadway, A Feature at the and —— aon how beg ie Fakers, —_— . and 1498 Third Avenne, Manhattan. = rows orkers and Salesmen make the cnows given by Peter Econouply, at 37 Palisades Park «vis. me complete book, telling everything y and 13-15 Park street. plainly sent for $1. Cir. FREE. J. F. POL * stands for elevating PALISADE, ™. J. LARD, Box 231, Joplin, Mo. shadows that fringed PARK-VAUDE. AND PICTURE THEATRES and here's just what he COOK & MYERS Get the very best Vaudeville Acts at=the lowest possible cost by placing your Theatre on =—“TED. SPARKS’ CIRCUIT” -— Here’s a sample of “SPARKS ACTS,” and they are all just as good: JIMMY LEONARD THE KLEINFELTERS ELDREDGE & DEE FLETCHER & LAPIERRE ART. BROWNING ROGERS & ASAIDA TACKAHIRA TARLTON & TARLTON THE MINORS ERNIE & ERNIE THE LEWIS'S POST & GIBSON UTOPIA DUO BILLY DRYER THOSE MACK BOYS MEYER & MASON THE EMERYS RAND’S DOGS BALLOON ASCENSIONS AND FREE ACTS TED. SPARKS’ VAUDE. AND DRAMATIC EXCHANGE, S5itind. Kansas City, Mo. REPERTOIRE AND STOCK COMPANIES FURNISHED FOR ALL KINDS OF SUMMER THEATRES ‘ing of teeth and chorus girl 3 The shoy must go, “AROUND-THE-WORLD-TOUR’” Presenting in Spanish, French, German and Portuguese, the biggest, best, most Personal direction MAURICE F. RAYMOND. W.W.SAUNDERS, American Representative, 825 Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., Annex, New York. THE GREAT RAYMOND GLOBE-TROTTING FUN MAKER. Now in the third season of his second successful ‘‘World-Cireling.” Creating a positive furore everywhere. elaborate and costly MAGICAL PERFORMANCE ever staged. 14 PEOPLE. 8 TONS OF BAGGAGE. En route to Africa, India and the Far East. Co ut pier BP naan cio Hay) aay wha ee ies Ses 7 tes > ee Nr SP a | i a ane ai gla te Sion a Bon te GO MELLON REL Pe LTE SO eta * amet wpe ber Fare aot ee on Path tyes St ee EG Me Pg es oe TOE ca ee oe Oe AY RI <a : & ‘ 2)