The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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The Billboard JUNE 12, 1909, Exhibitors! Write to my Chicago Office If you want to learn something about the yy | picture business which can’t tell here. Mark your > Coe ‘Billboard Speci Rd CARL LAEMMLE, Prest. THE LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE, 196-198 Lake Street, Chicago. BIG MONEY Is being made exhibiting the GENUINE SEPT. 9, 1908 Nelson Gans FIGHT PICTURES 21 rounds complete from training quarters to knockout Write for our low rental terms. CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE, Mossler E. Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. BRANCH OFFICES San Francisco, Denver, Omaha, ard Nashville. ORGANS ForCARNIVALS Merry-go-Rounds, Skating Rinks | and Moving Pic| ture Theatres | CARD-BOARD MUSIC made to order for all instruments. : A.BERNI, 112 Greenwich Avenue and 234 W. 13th Street, New York City. Phone 628 Chelsea. THE BIG GRANGERS’ PICNIC, Williams’ Privileges sale—Shows, Cane, | Racks, Photo Novelties, Palmist, all | kinds of games. Attendance last year, 200,000. | No gambling. D, TRIMPER, Ocean City, Md. | | household assailants, Film News (Continued from page 9) PATHE FRERE THE BLUE LEGEND.—A devoted couple living happily in their simple country The man, being a violinist, passes his time playing for his loving wife, who manifests a deep appreciation for his to amuse her while she attending to her duties. The bright rays of happlhess are sOon darkened by the black clouds of serrow, for one day, as the good wife is going through a lonesome road in the mountain, she is attacked by two robbers. The frightened woman fights hard to protect herself from her but after taking her few trinkets of value they leave her prostrate on the ground. A neighboring woman hears the screams of the victim, and, after recognizing her, hastens away to inform the unlucky woman's husband The latter, upon hearing of the attack, hurries to the scene of the crime and finds his wife in a truly serious state He carries her to home, where she is put to bed, but the unfortunate woman is unable to survive, and while the loving husband plays her favorite tunes on the violin, she peacefully away. are home. leisure always efforts is passes THE PULVERIZER.—This is one of the most interesting and clever trick pictures which we have ever been fortunate enough to present to the public. The picture opens showing the interior of a laboratory where a man has invented a powder which, when poured upon an object causes the same ize. A: couple of mischievous youngsters the can of powder, and going up to the they throw the wonderful stuff down the chimney. Next we see the interior of the house Where the powder has a marvelous effect upon everything on the mantleshelf over the fireplece. We see the clock, candlesticks, statues and bric-a-brac all crumble into a dust, which blows up the chimney and _ settles down in a heap on the sidewalk below. The youngsters | then gather it up and carry it in a basket back to the garret, where, after shaking some more of the magie powder upon the heap of ruins, we see them again attain their normal condi| iion oo J LA TOSCA.—The opening scene of ‘this pow| erful drama reveals the interior of the dressing room of Floria Tosca, a public singer, who is in love with a young artist named Mario Cavaradossi. The happy lovers are together when Baron Scarpia. who is chief of police and a man greatly feared by all, enters and imperiously demands a private audience with Tosca. Mario reluctantly retires, and when Scarpia finds himself alone with the woman whom he intends winning, he immediately attempts make ardent love to her. But she will hone of him, and when he tries to embrace her che calls for help, whereupon Mario rushes in and strongly denounces the cowardly villian, who leaves the place, vowing vengeance, While passing through the public square front of the theatre, Scarpia is attracted by a great multitude of people, and, upon investigation, finds that a political demonstration is in gpogress, and that some strong speeches are being made against the government. He, therefore, loses no time in placing Angelotti, the leader, under arrest. At this juncture Tosca and Mario come upon the scene, and, being friends of the accused man, plead with the heartless wretch to have mercy and release him. Searpia, hungry for revenge, pays heed to their plea, whereupon Mario denounces him as a monster and swears that he will aid the prisoner, even at the risk of his own life. | In the next picture we see Fort St. Ange, where Angelotti is imprisoned, awaiting the sentence of death. Mario, true to his vow, comes to the place and throws a note the dungeon at through the window, informing the doomed man | that in the loaf of bread and supposed jug of water he will find the necessary articles to help | overjoyed | him make his escape. at the news, rope in the The finds a file jug. and, prisoner, the bread, and a when all is still, files away the bars of the window and Limself down with the rope. Mario stands waiting for him at the edge of the wall, but, just as they are about to steal away, a senti nel catches sight of the fleeing pair, and, after firing on them, rushes with the news of the es cape to Baron Scarpia The latter, realizing in that the prisoner is being aided by Mario, goes | direct to the home of Tosca, where the fugitive has found shelter. Upon hearing Scarpia at the gate, Mario bids the fugitive to hide in a well. Scarpia then enters in a terrible rage. He accuses Mario of harboring the criminal, but | the artist denies all knowledge of the fugitive’s whereabouts. Scarpla threateningly demands where Angelotti may be, and warns Mario that torture will conquer his reticence. All during | this stormy interview Tosca clings to her lover, } and Scarpia, in a jealous rage, tc have the artist's head bound steel. With fiendish cruelty, Scarpla asks questions, and as Mario refuses to divulge hiding place. the torture is made more gives orders in a filet o the severe, Just the Thing for Your AIRDOME The Pictures that Talk, Sing, Dance and Act CAMERAPHONE NEW FILMS BEING MADE EACH WEEK NEW SUBJECTS EACH WEEK MORE BUSINESS EACH WEEK For reasonable terms drop a line to BARNEY SHEA, 51 Harrison Street, Chicago, II. nection with office. Demonstration room in con their | to immediately pulver| steal | roof, | to | have | in | no | the | A Better Show A Better Chair And 10 cents Admission That is what live ones are bringing about. Throw out your old chairs and put in stronger and neater ones—not necessarily expensive. We carry good chairs instock for prompt shipments. Write for Booklet T-10 and prices. AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY CINCINNATI NEW YORK BOSTON Mitchell Building 19 West 18th Street Franklin Street Branches in all parts of the United States. TRAINER’S Asbestos Portable Moving PICTURE BOOTHS ASBESTOS CURTAINS SEND FOR BOOKLET C. W. Trainer Manufacturing Co. 80 PEARL’ST., BOSTON MASS TI-TRUST FILM CO. FILMS FOR RENT. All the very best Foreign and Domestic Films purchased weekly. CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA 215 Wabash Avenue 1235 Arch Street Interior View. Machines of all makes constantly ready for shipment. Write to-day for our big Film List. ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. 77-79 So. Clark Street, CHICAGO, ILL. | FIFTY CENTS A DAY FOR ONE YEAR BUYS MOTIOGRAPH MOTION PICTURE MACHINE A , te Its use may Increase the receipts several dollars per day. After sev | = \‘ eral years of phenomenal success and still gaining, it has been furtber \ \iT° improved with 20 new features and movecs '909 THE MOTIOGRAP MODELS PRINCE of Motion The King and the IN TWO STYLES Machines are now ready for delivery at prices from $150.00 up. The Motiograph is truly a won derful machine, Chicago, Boston, New York, and ‘Frisco approved, and is Liceused. SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITORS are learning that PERFECT PICTURES mean a MOTIOGRAPH in the Operator's Booth. Write for Catalog. 87 W. Randolph St., Chicago. C. J. HITE FILM CO. 360-365 Monadnock Block, Chicago, III. Big Buyers of Licensed Film. ane ne Picture