The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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INE 12, 1909. The Bi llboard 49 T. M. A. News HOLD ANNUAL REUNION. ence Lodge, No. 10, T. M. A., held ty third annual reunion at the Warwick 32 About fifty members were After a chowder had been served, a athletics, commencing with a min Marathon, was run of A ball game { shich was won by the single men, captaluey of Mr. Lovett, by a score 3 second race, held after the x ‘ was won by Mr.” Cheeca, who reiver cup as the first prize At the f the games the clambake was mmittee In charge of the affair was f of Fred Newsomb, J. P. Sullivan, C. j itver, H. B. Caffrey and William Doo officors of the Association are the folJowlug President, Den Kelley; Vice-President, i ! t-r Financial Secretary, C. L. Lat Corresponding Secretary, Bert Paddock; Treasurer, Harry Callender. RICHMOND LODGE NO. 29, T. M. A. Stanley, Harry 8 manager of the Comedy 1 tre, Newark, N. J., was the winner of the diamond ring offered by Muncie Lodge No. 29, Tr M.A The number was 60, series 87 Yhe following officers of No. 29 will be installed June 66 Cc. R. Andrews, president; J. C. Proctor, past president; F. W. Gray, vice president; E. A. Kramer, treasurer; R. F. Tumjeson, secretary; J. J. Tuttle, marshal; G. H MeCoy, sergeant-at-arms; C. G. Foresman, G. A. Klein and W. O. Sawyer, trustees; G. R. Andrews, physician. NEWARK LODGE NO. 83. Mr. Oble Archer, member of Newark Lodge No. 83, T. M. A., and Miss Ethel May Huffman, of Newark, were married Sunday. May 30. Mr Archer is electrician at the Bijou Theatre -in Messrs. Harry Cranston and John Smith, of » Theatre, will be connected with Park after the close of the Orpheum WINNER ANNOUNCED. Series 106, No. 85, was the winner of the diamond ring, offered by Louisville Lodge No. 2. ©. & The person holding the above number is requested to communicate at once with Larry Gero, secretary of Louisville Lodge No. & Gero's address is 513 Preston street, Louts Among | the Stock Companies The Miller Stock Company opened Its season onder canvas, May 41, at Keota, lowa John M. Miller is manager of the company: Harry (Shorty) Gilmore is stage director, assisted by fam Mevers The Miller Company carries elghteen people with band and orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Faye Clough The North Brothers’ Stock Company closed a phenomenally suecessful engagement at the Novelty Theatre. Topeka. Kan., May 22, having played to turn-away business at every evening performance, for eight weeks The company opened at St. Joseph. Mo., for a summer season run at the Alrdome, May 24. The John C. Dempsey Opera Company opened a limited engagement at the Avenue Theatre, Wilmington. Del.. May 31, before a large audi ence, offering the comic opera, The Mikado In the cast was represented quite a few good volces, and used to fine effect. Mise Mabel Cullen, leading lady of the North Brothers’ Stock Company, fainted during the matinee performance, at the Novelty Theatre. Topeka, Kan May 22. due to nervous break down The afternoon and evening performances were cancelled + The roster of Waring’s Clifton Show is as follows BR. BR. Waring. owner and manager: Jay Poland, Mrs. Poland, Estelle Waring, Roxy Waring, Harry Seymour and John McNamara. he company is at present touring Nebraska. The Vernon Stock Company was the Initial Attraction of the season at the Glendale Casino, in Glendale Park, Nashville, Tenn The first performance was given June 7. The Jolly Della Pringle Stock Company, now plevine an indefinite engagement at BRolse, Ida., has been materially strengthened by the addition of seme new members. » Button Stock =. managed by Bob Sutton, resumed its road tour at Pleasant Hill, i May 27, after a three weeks’ engagement in Louisiana, Mo Pegar Coffin, who has been spending a vaca fon with his parents in Oskaloosa, Ia., joined t Hickman-Bessey OGompany, at Davenport, ! May 30 The Wykoff-Drew Stock Company opened the ‘ er season at Oskaloosa, Iowa, from where co to Ottumwa for the balance of the sum t enson hur HMerthelet will give stock productions Millbrook Park Casino, Portsmouth, 0., encing June 21 Rehearsals are now in { « Jamea P. Lee Comedy Players will shortly their engagement at Globe, Ariz., and will ‘ Pl Paso, Texas, for an indefinite run Orpheum Stock Company has opened an te engagement at the Orpheum Theatre, ! Mont... managed by 1. A. Howard leaner Jeffora la now a member of the 1 Comedy Company, having jJolned that ration at Rockwood, Tenn The Streeter-Bryan Stock Company 1s now in its third week at the Dreamland Theatre, Globe, | Ariz. | The Vernon Stock Company closed Saturday, May 30, at the Casino, Lake View Park, Augusta, Ga. If applause is any criterion of appreciation, the Franklin Square Stock Company, which opened May 31, in the Franklin Square Theatre, Worcester, Mass., has won the hearts of Worcester theatregoers. The production for the | first week was The Man on the Box, at which | time each member of the company proved to be an artist of quality. WIKOFF-DREW OPEN. The Wikoff-Drew Stock Company opened the summer season at Ottumwa, lowa, to excellent business, and both the play and company made good It is the intention of the Wikoff-Drew Company to remain all summer in Ottumwa, | presenting only the best of plays, at popular prices. Messrs. Will J. Wikoff and Carroll Drew are the managers, ami both are known and well liked for thelr work in stock. The roster is as follows: Carroll Drew, Will J. Wikoff, Geo. L. Dick, Fred Bartlett, Pierre Watkin, Geo. Keilback, John Lewis and Tom Watts, Agnes Dent, Bertha Bartlett, Marie | Romerill, Gail Hamilton and Irma Wikoff and | Miss Christie McLennan. AIRDOME CIRCUIT STARTS SEASON The Airdome Company, on May 31, opened their eight airdomes in Western Pennsylvania, Fastern Oblo and West Virgiosia simultaneously, large crowds attending at all places. The domes at Washington and Braddock. Pa., | opened Saturday night. May 29, with big attendances and were crowded to capacity. The elght airdomes opened with repertoire, which will be continued at each place all summer for a season of sixteen weeks. General manager of the circuit, F. R. Hallam. has secured eight companies which will continue on the circuit for the entire season, a company playing two weeks at each city. The Taylor Stock Company appeared at Brad| < lock and the Belmar Players at Washington. The repertoire of the Belmar Players consists | chiefly of melodramas The other stock companies are all well known and include such organizations as North Brothers and W. A. Par| tello’s attractions. | Notes of the Airdomes The third season at the Airdome Theatre, Fort Scott, Kan.. was opened May 17. with the Hutton Bailey Company, whose engagement of two weeks was highly successful. North Brothers opened May 31 for two weeks to 8S. R. O Manager Harry Ernich announces the following companies booked for the remainder of the season, each for two weeks, in the order named Clint and Bessie Robbins Company, Bailey Lockwood Company. Morey Stock Compauy, Payson Stock Company. Earl Stock Company, Whyte Dramatic Company and the Hitch. | Gard Stock Company. + The Airdome at Texarkana, Texas, which was recently destroyed by a storm, has been rebuilt | am! refurnished. and was opened Monday night, | May 24. The Airdome is under the management | fC. V. Brown, who has charge of the Brown's Theatre during the winter months. Mr. Brown hes engaged the Buscie’s Band and Orchestra of seventeen pieces, and is booking vaudeville | ami stock companies. Moving pictures are | shown during intermissions. * | The Coliseum Theatre, the new airdome | house which was opened at Danville, Ill., about a year ago, is closed again and perhaps will | not be reopened, at least not this season. T } last manager, Mr. Conway, of Chicago, after | trying both stock and vaudeville and being unable to make either pay, locked the doors the other day and left town. The new Airdome, at Wheeling. W. Va.. was | opened May 381 by the Harcourt Stock Com| pany, who will remain for a two weeks’ en| gagement The opening business was very good | and satisfactory to the management. The Air| lome venture is something new for Wheeling, | this being the first one ever constructed there. Announcement has been made that Mrs. Hen| rietta Diamond. manager of the Orpheum Theatre. at Fort Wavne. Ind.. will open a new airdome in that city about June 10. seating 1,200, and playing high-class vaudeville. The new airdome at Owensboro, Ky.. which has recently been completed. is giving three performances daily to tg business. The seating canacity is 850: A. ID. Rodgers and Arch Smith are the managers. + The Comet Amusement Company is erecting | a new airdome at Red Oak, Towa, to seat 750 or 800 people. High class vaudeville and stock will be played. L. L. Priessman is manager. Rierm’s Majestic Airdome, at Fort Warne. Ind., was opened May 30 with highclase vandeville, booked through the Western Managers’ Association F. A A most brilliant success was the opening of the new and up-to-date airdeme “6 eon, Tex., the evening of May 24, by the Gr 1meron Musical Company Venderson’s Stock Company open d the Airdome at Princeton, Ind., May 17, to good Dastness The destines of the Airdome are cuided | by V. TL. Gamble. After being dark for a week, due to Inclement weather. the Afrdome at Louisiana, Mo., was reopened May 27, with the Madison Square Stock Company Capt. W. D. Ament has closed his Alrdome tn Tackson, Tenn, although the Elite Theatre, in that city, will still continue under his manage ment 1 Martiing, manager of the Airdome, Wichita, Ken began the summer engagement with the Elite Stock Company, May 31 | also get my cupoles from any of the following jobbers: Walker, Richards & Thayer, Muskegon, Mich. iB Sayso Cupolas. These simple little cupolas are the only practicul, common sense, dependable Cone Oven on the market. They operate over any gas, gasoline, oil or alcohol stove, making aboslutely the most perfect goods that can be turned out. You can make any size of Cone from one inch to ten inches in length——-make them any thickness, any shape, any color, together with a variety of other novelties all on the same iron. I teach yon the whole business of making and marketing cones, loving cups, pyramids, and other novelties, in a forty-page book of instructions, giving you all tools necessary such as a ladle for the batter, an ice cream dipper, a cone shaper, a loving cup form, also window signs and other advertising free with every outfit. My prices are as follows: F. O. B. Shipping Poiut. Terms half cash, balance, C. O. D. SOMETHING NEW. You can have your own uame or brand on the irons instead of Sayso without one cent extra. Boost your own brand. It is a good idea. SAYSO CONES. The finest you ever saw or tasted, packed in the best shipping packages ever devised, packages originated by me. If you do not find these goods satisfactory in every way, I buy them back. eee GROSS, SHIPPING WEIGHT A 7. Serre ee Te $ 1.50 3 har wus ve mene pee 2. 500 at: ae Pe are Foss aues 4.75 1000 4 si i ., ee 9,00 A. T. DIETZ, : 127 Michigan Street, TOLEDO, OHIO. Remember, I have a branch office in SAN ANTONIO, TEX., now at 307 Grand Ave, You can W. E. Beckman & Co., St. Louis, M 0. H. A. Johnson & Co., Boston, » ' 2 Secborndorfer & Eberhard Co., Cleveland, O. . a New. L 1 Wm. Hart, 36 Catherine St.. New York City. Vv. L. Knorr, Pittsburg, Pa. Salt Lake Hardware Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Byrnes: & Kiefer, Pittsburg, Pa. Scott Hardware Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. South Texas Candy Co., Houston, Texas. The Bauer Ice Cream & Baking Co., CinecinThe Iowa Candy Co., Des Moines, Iowa. nati, Ohio. Peoria Candy Co., Peoria, Ill. The Northwestern Bakers Supply Co., MinneapThe Toussaint Soda Fountain Co., Dubuque, Ia. olis, Minn. M. Getz & Co., San Francisco, Cal. The Temple Candy Co., Temple Texas. The Nichols Candy Co., Indianapolis, Ind. California Commercial Co., Los Angeles, Cal. You can get my cupolas and cones from any of the following jobbers: The Fremont Candy Co., Fremont, O. Buon & Co., South Bend, Ind. W. H. Armstrong, Piqua, O. Wm. Barentsen, Benton Harbor, Mich. The Smith-Kirk Candy Co., Toledo, O. Zipp Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. R. A. Bartley, Toledo, Bixler Co., Cennellsville, Pa. The Ohio Dairy Co., Toledo, O. A. E. Brooks & Co., Jackson, Mich. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Toledo, 0. A. E. Brooks & Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Berdan & Co., Toledo, O. Valley Sweets Co., Saginaw, Mich. Prices Lowered by IMPERIAL COMPETITION “THERE’S A REASON” A large stock always on hand. Noiseless hinges—Original designs. Immediate shipments guaranteed. Our upholstered line is unequalled. Special designs for all theatres. WE HAVE THE LARGEST EXCLUSIVE OPERA CHAIR FACTORY IN THE WORLD. We are not jobbers and are NOT IN THE SEATING TRUST. WRITE FOR COMPETITIVE PRICES. IMPERIAL SEATING CO, 1347 State Street, -. Chicago, ills. DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS. Bake with the Duplex, and get two cones where you are now getting only one. Think of pulling off 6 cones over a three burner outfit. Can you keep up with the man who is doing that? And you only getting the little 3. If you are after the big money, ‘you must get the big money tools. We rely greatly for come-back orders. Therefor the Duplex is constructed with the idea of producing a cone perfect in color, thickaess and style. Our prices are lowest when you consider the above. 1 Duplex $9.50; 2 $17.50 and 3 $24.50. Now note our fair proposition. Send for 1 Duplex,, 39.50, then when we receive your order for 1 more it will cost you the difference between $17.50 and $9.50— $8.00; or most likely your order will be for two more, the cost of the 2 will be the difference between $24.50 and 39.50—$15.00. If the Duplex is not as represented, send it back and get your money. Terms, half cash, bal. C. O. D. Take notice, we have patents pending. We furnish batter formulas, etc. DUPLEX ICE CREAM CONE MACHINE CO,., 116 E. Peari Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. SUMMER PARKS, AIRDOMES 8 Open Weeks, _ Beginning Sunday, June 27, near Chicago. The Famous Dixie Troubadours . : . ‘s best negro comedian, Happy George Taylor, in a hew two-act Musical Comi time ot the ‘Nile. Special printing—Sumptuous porduction—Creole chorus. | Scenery— Costumes—Private Car. Certainty or Percentage. Who wants it? Guaranteed a big hit or cancel first night. Address H. D, COLLINS, Rcom 601, Times Bidg., NEW YORK. Vaudeville Theatre For Sale THE BIGGEST AND BEST IN THE SOUTH. 8 e ‘ jedmont Park. (Brand new.) In the city limits of Winston-Salem, N. C. Want pan "Han or Repertoire people, full cast: Stage director with scrips. It possible report on wire. Two bills per week. Those doing specialties preferred. Carnival Co’s. this is a good one. Concessions of all kinds can get the money. _ Tent, Platform and other shows, write. Can place Merry-go-round, Circle Swing, any riding devices. This park is in the GeorgiaCarolina-Virginia Fair Cirevit. Want to hear from bands, free acts, balloonists and anything that will draw in a live city and a virgin park. Pay your own wires. Address MANAGER PIEDMONT PARK, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Marathon Race Promoters, Attention. The following new pictorial printing now ready for immediate delivery: 3-sb pictorial ‘“The Finsh,”’ per 100, $10.00; I-sh pictorial ‘‘The Start,’’ per 100, $4.00. Panel for reading matter on each bill. Cross lining extra, per 100, 3-shs, $2.00; per 100, I-shs, $1.50. Samples of both posters by mail, prepaid, 20 cents. NATIONAL PRINTING & ENGRAVING COMPANY 601 Times Bidg., New York. 1512 Tribune Bidg.,Chicago. 513 Elm S&t., St. Louis. AT GREAT SACRIFICE Located in the best show town in Kansas; a town of 54,000 population. Theatre is right in the best location in town and doing a good business. Cheap rent and long lease. Seats 700. Also has an excellent ventilation in which one could run a moving picture show in the summer months if so desired, or could continue with vaudeville all summer long This is undoubtedly the best show proposition ever offered. Reason for selling, owner has cther_business in another state. Address ““‘WAUDEVILLE OPPORTUNITY", care Billboard, Cincinnati, . age Rat POE gl DER IRE A AE ee Mennonites é 8 : : ” o 4 reef RR Ft ROAR aR AM NN LN IS AN Tet