The Billboard 1909-06-12: Vol 21 Iss 24 (1909-06-12)

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The Billboard Paris Letter (Continued from page 16.) STRIKE PRECAUTIONS. Here's a tip for American managers: We've been regaled for the past week or so by the presence of a strike against the Government. The postmen and the allied workers in | the employ of the French Republic thought they | had a grievance and some of them stopped work. Not succeeding very well, other labor organizations decided to join in and help boost the game along. Among the willing workers were the electricians—that is, their secretary | said they would join the strike—and having once | experience a shutting off of all light—including the gas—once before by this same secretary, Paris sat up and took notice. Among the wideawake boys were the managers of the theatres. Not knowing the day nor the hour, as the good book has it, when the secretary of the electricians would cut loose, the fellows who depended upon box-office receipts for a living, got mighty busy. They didn’t want to have to refund two or tbree thousand dollars in good gold Louis just because the vexed secretary wanted to help the postment, however worthy his idea. So they paid many and mysterious visits to automobile sales-rooms and soon each manager was wearing the smile that won't come off. The reason was this: Each manager had equipped his baleony with acetyline tanks and high-power automobile searchlights, the wings an loft were similarly equipped and one after noon, during a rehearsal, I saw one of these new stunts tried out. It worked perfectly and really had the electricians gone on strike, the audience would not have known the difference. A WORTHY OBJECTIVE. Now here’s what I call a bully idea! The actors of France—principally Paris—have just organized an association, the object of which is to assist players who have been taken on the road and left stranded by their unscrupulous or unfortunate manager. The initiative was taken by ‘‘Comaedia,’’ a theatrical newspaper printed daily here, and instantly the artists themselves came to the support. Albert Carre, director of the Opera Comique, president of the Directors Association of Paris. and viceoresident of the Association of Dramatic artists, ent his valuable assistance and the result is that on June 13, there is to be a Fete at the Pare des Princes for the starting of a fund. This will be merely tie beginning, as from time to time, as it seems desirable, there will be other benefits for this most worthy cause. How many times in American cities have I sn even young women left to their own resvurces through the misfortune (or perhaps the machinations) of some manager! It's always tough, a mighty tough proposition. In Europe it is even worse for in many instances the unfortunate stranded ones not only know no one BASED ON MURDER CASE. Steinbeil murder mystery, Steinheil and his wife’s mother were found murT > Was tied to a bed pane. Later she accused two different people of » murder and in one case said it was for the Supporting this contention, ge pearl was found in the purse of the ac i i il home) the pearl being identified , admitted having put » in order to throw > also admitted that “1. was also innocent prison herself, formally charged with the crime. y takes these incidents, in order to gain sympathy A ~ rearranges them py the same authors and which Mr » woman, and = glready purchased for American and English pro interesting kind of a piece |) duetion No doubt Miss Burke will role which Mme. Regnier is playing here At the Renaissance the actress has plars in view, including Le Viell Homme its bill em Old Man) by Ge CLEO DE MERODE. fered there is Cleo de Merode, She now plays a small part : portant) in Le Premier Pas, an operetta in one Chocolatiere famous dan the Rejane THE FRENCH BILLY BURKE. as belonging to the Stein Mme. Marthe Regnier the Parisian i driven into a Rurke—I can’t describe ber better-—is » of the country | act by Miche! Carre and Georges Menter rhe happen to find themselves other offerings are Fffets D'Optique 1 comedy in two acts by Rou n Coolus: L'Amour Chante, comedy in one ac by Darant and Masemey Another play has just been given its premiere and Nuit Napolitaine, a minotrome tn one act » being based on the famous by Lucian Mayrague with mus by Willy Red yet less than a year stone » location a le aio org REJANE AT VAUDEVILLE. » story is too According to the best dope obtainable, Mme Artist tejane is to give up the management of the Theatre Rejane and will return to the Vande where she was such a tremendous favorite Mile. Lantelme will assume the management of Billy to quit into the the Gymnase this Spring and next Fall will be suspicion on this man. | seen at the Renaissance It will be the second party whom perad that Mme Regnier created the now playing a similar part in L’ Ane remem French » is now in origina! Jacqueline in Love Watches ane she is » Buridan Fre 4 man has play the many (The rges Porte-Riche, which will be y being of produced in October There are other plays on tap by Henry Bataille, Georges Capus (however im Gavault, this last being entitled La and Petite JUNE 12, 1909 JEAN COQUELIN INJURED In a collision between two automo Coqguelin, the whor-mManhager, Was pea jured in the head The wound ts not dangerous, but it will be some tlie will be able to reappear on the steg il transported to bis residence in the R champs, where attending physicians the injuries as somewhat serious great alarm need be felt for his MONUMENT FOR MENDES Rillboard readers will remember = ¢ ending of the life of the playwrig ‘ Mendes, who Was ground to death & . wheels of a Saint Germain train On M at the Theatre Bernhardt there will | performance in aid of the fund wh! ready been started for the purpose of g a monument to his memory On this « Mme. Bernhardt will appear as (Cyr scene from the Rostand play One of t talked of fentures of the bill will be Le« \ Alles (The Two Wings) by Mendes. ¢ pretations being by Mme. Segond Wel» ’ Mile. Eve Lavailllere. BERNHARDT IN REVIVALS. The Spring engagement of the diy S bas been a series of revivals, one Tosca, which Parisians have not seer years. After this play, Fedora was rr for a Sunday matinee, Phedre was She played to packed houses as usua! vived the bill AS FAST AS HARD TICKETS SAFER THAN ROLL TICKETS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST MINNEAPOLIS, PERFECT WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES WELDON, WILLIAMS & LICK EAPC FORT SMITH, ARK. | SELL WITH ONE HAND—MAKE CHANGE WITH THE OTHER Book Stri THE “ONE-HAND” TICKET Tickets NUMBERING PERFORATING SAN FRANCISCO, CALL oo But it will produce a colder drink with the same amount of ice than any of the so-called iceless fountains because of the perfec tion of insulation and compact, economical design. USEEIT Soda Fountains are absolutely guaranteed to give better satisfaction than any other fountain on the market, and are sold upon the direct understanding that if you are not satisfied after thi days’ actual use of the fountain, we will refund your money. If you are in the market for a fountain your loss will be more than ours if you do not buy a USEEIT. The capacity of this fountain is as great as if it cost you $5,000. You can serve just as much and just as cold as any fountain on the market, regardless of price. USEEIT Fountains are not imitations of any other fountains. We originated this type and our fountains are covered by broad basic patents. A New Fountain Each Year for $5.00. We will keep our fountains in perfect re for five years at $5.00 per year. You may have your fountain each year practically as good as new and aur charge to you will be only $5.00 a year. This should interest you I[t does not take a fortune to buy a USEEIT Fountain. Price, complete, $100.00. Write for Catalogue We have an exceptionally interesting proposition to jobbers and dealers. GRIEL BROS. CO., Southern Agents, Montgomery, Ala. MICHIGAN DRUG CO., Detroit and Saginaw, Agents for Michigan. Consumers Cooler Company, 3601-03 Butler Street, Chicago. Write for our up-to-date selling plan. INDEPENDENT «= WE RENT NEW FILMS WE HANDLE THE INTERKATIOHAL IONAL PROJECTING & PRODUCING CO.'S FILMS Exclusive Feature Service. Cincinnati Film Exchang 214-216 W. FIFTH STREET, Write for Prices. CINCINNA 6