The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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oo 4 ¥ y! 4 ; “ od The Billboard JULY 10, 1909. NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE NOTES. The week’s offerings commencing July 5 at the houses remaining open. American Music Hall—Rosario Guerrero, the Spanish dancer, plays her first weck here after an absence of six years in her new dramatic dancing pantomime, ‘“‘The Rose and the Dagger.’’ Consul, the educated chimpanzee who does everything but talk, also opens his first week and Pauline, the hypnotist, is in his third week at this house. fifteen in all, complete the bill. Hammerstein’s Victoria Roof—Annette Kellermann, the Diving Venus still continues the headliner at this house and also continues to draw the crowds, in fact, she is credited with breaking the record for this Roof Garden during the past couple of weeks she has been here. Princess Rajah, A Night In a Monkey Music Hall, Willy Pantzer Troupe, Seldom’s Living Marble and The Quartette all hold over while Bedini and Arthur, comedians, make their first appearance at this honse this season. + Fifth Avenue Theatre—La Belle Dazie made her initial New York appearance after her Boston triumph in her new pantomime “L’Amour De L’Artist.’’ Emma Francis and her Arabs in an acrobatic novelty; Frank Nelson and Company presenting ‘*Thirty Dollars,’’ John J. McCluskey, operatic baritone; Potter and Hartwell, equilibrists; Van Cleve, Denton and Pete, The Three of Us, Pete being an educated mule; Charles Montrel!l, novel juggler and oth ers. Carrie De Mar will present characters, three of which will be entirely new, when she reappears in vaudeville here this sum. mer and afterward goes abroad to fill her European dates. Miss De Mar of course, will continue as Lonesome Flossie that is such an established favorite. One of her new characters, however, that she believes will rival Flossie in popularity, is Dolly Dollikins. In this she appears as a little girl of doll baby days with flaxen curls and pink sunbonnet. It is with this character that Miss De Mar will introduce her new song, ‘Billy Brown,"’ that she confidently believes will be the vocal hit of the season, when presented with the patter that is of the sure-fire-laugh-producing sort. The other characters to be included in her repertoire are as widely different as Flossie and Dolly, in fact, it will be her object to make the act one of contrasts as striking as possible. * Miss Marie Laurent, the songstress, | who has made such a success in vaudeville, has just signed contracts to appear as the star in 4 new musical drama, the title of which has not yet been decided upon. It will give its first production next fall and will come to New York about November 1. While the play in itself is not a musical one, provision has been made to give Miss Laurent ample opportunity for the display of her beautiful soprano voice. It will be remembered that Miss Laurent was among the first singers to use and popularize “Senora,’’ the beautiful coloratura Spanish waltz song, which since has attained tremendous popularity, considering the fact that it is of a semi-high class nature. : * Rose Edyth, the well known premiere danseuse, is offering two new acts with herself and eight dancing girls, ‘‘Directoire Ballet’? and the “Golden March.’’ She recently closed with the Frank A. Robbins Show and is now booking fairs and vaudeville. Mlle. Rose Edyth is one of the cleverest and most original ballet pro ducers we have and she is at work producing acts for other people in addition to her own interests Do Martin Meyer, who has successfully conducted a moving picture theatre at 8th Ave®nue and 145th Street, has filed plans and com menced work on a new theatre in 145th Street between 7th and &th Avenues to cost $30,000 and have a seating capacity of over 1,000. He will present good vaudeville acts with moving pictnres at ten cents. The new theatre, to be known as the Hendrik Hudson, will be opened in September. + the magician, who, it is said, at the request of recently went to the hospital, was, and gave a special performance for him after a regular matinee. The circumstances of the parents did not enable them to pay him for bis performance, which was given freely. where the boy ” The New Rochelle Theatre, New Rochelle, New York, booked by Joe Wood, has developed from a ten-twenty picture house to a real vaudeville two-a-day with prices to fifty cents. Trixie Friganza at $750 per week initiated the new policy and Alice Lloyd was the headliner last week. * Donald MacDonald, twenty-nine Years old, and a member of the Abdallah Troupe of Acrpbats, committed suicide by shooting him self with a revolver in New York on June 27th, after closing a successful week at Keith and Proctor’s Fifth Avenue Theatre. + Nancy Withrow is now presenting a clever pianologue act. She is using “To the End of the World With You,’’ ‘“‘No One Knows,”’ “My Peach Basket Girl’’ and ‘“‘Abie, Take An Example From Your Fader.”’ + The Central Opera House in East 67th Street. property of the Jacob Ruppert Brewing Company is now presenting vaudeville A number of other acts, | The | the clever | four | two | A story is being told of Thurston, | the mother of a sick youngster, a stranger, he | and moving pictures. Bookings by the Leo Circuit. | billed as Dawson and Gillette. The Rose and the Dagger, Dancing Pantomine, Brings Rosario Guerrero Back After Six Years’ Absence. Lonesome Flossie will be Supplemented with Dolly Dollikins---New New York Vaudeville House. The VAUDEVILLE PROFESSION CARSON AND WILLARD. Appearing in Vaudeville. Consul, the educated chimpanzee be|} ing presented by William Morris, has been of| ficially adopted as mascot by the New York | Giants and the Yale College baseball nines. « + | Miss Maurice Wood, practically a new mimic has made a decided success with her | impersonations of Irene Franklin, Anna Held, Eva Tanguey, Harry Lauder and Eddie Foy + Florence Bindley will open on the | Orpheum Circuit, September 1 fer a seven | month’s tour with her act, An Afternoon at | Home. + Walter and Géorgie Lawrence are | presenting Just Landed, a musical comedy sketch | by Frank Tannehill, Jr., at Brighton Beach this | week. + Parson Sisters are presenting a clever dancing act in which they offer in an original manner Stern’s ‘‘Down At the Huskin’ Bee.”’ * Earle Reynolds and Nellie Donegan have scored a hit in London, their first appear ance having been made at the Palace. % Max Hart is now looking’ after the | interests of a number of new acts turned from a month's trip in England. a Horace Porter in a monologue, is a new act at Shea’s, Bucalo, this week, discovered by Ed. 8S. Keller in Baltimore. having re| Ed. Gallagher's “Battle of Bay Rum” with Lou Sue.u, opens on the Sullivan and Considine circuit, August 3ist. May Ward, dainty and clever as ever, still continues to score She is using Halland’s “I'm Awfully Glad I Met You."’ bod Severin, the French pantomimist, will again be seen on the Morris Circuit, com mencing November Ist. Albert Chevalier, it is stated, will receive $2,000 per week for twenty weeks next season on United time. The Romany Opera Company is at the Brighton Theatre this week booked by George Homens. + The Yorkville Theatre has been added to the list playing moving pictures and popular vaudeville. % The vaudeville bills at the Palisades Park are now being booked by the William Mor ris offices. % The opening of the William Morris American Roof was postponed from July 3 to 10th. te The Child From Pittsburg is the title lof an act offered by Alan Brooks and Jeannette + | Clara Mae Hammer, who is presenting an excellent singing act, has been booked | solid for next season r | William Morris. Joseph Hart will present Sewell Col lins’ Awake At the Switch and also Mason | Peter's Homeward Bound in Europé next season. | Louise Gillette, of the original Gil lette Sisters, has a new act with Eli Dawson, | i | vaudeville act by Despres. aad Howell and Scott have arrived in New York after their European trip. oy Edith Livingston will be offered in a WII Rossiter. a Keeney’s Third Avenue Theatre is closed until the first week in August. ~% Netta Vesta will be at the Fifth Ave~ nue Theatre week of 19th. Joe Bickel will soon be in vaudeville. | Ed. Wrothe ts already guilty. VAUDEVILLE NOTES. Miss Jessie Shirley, late of the Shirley Stock Co., made ber try-out Thursday night, June 24, at the Orpheum Theatre, Spokane Wash., in a sketch written by herself entitled The First Woman Governor. Miss Shirley bas written her sketch around the dramatic situations of a woman in the office of Governor, esked to pardon her own son, who has beea convicted of murder. She fortes from him a confession of guilt and at last the sense of duty battiing with her mother love sends him away, leaving the issue in doubt. A packed house greeted Miss Shirley and her company, which included Geo. D. Quarrie, L. C. Greet and C. F. Ralston. The act will open on the Orpheum Circnit in Butte, Aug. 22, and the following week will appear is Spokane on her way to Seattle and Portland, and down the coast on a ten weeks’ engagement in Orpheum theatres. + Bob Watt, of Philadelphia, announces that he has disposed of the full rights of bis novel Western sketch, The Red Girl, to ward Westfield and that no one else has a right to produce the same. This sketch made a big hit when produced months ago and will now be sent out with a complete outfit of scenery and effects. It is novel in theme and full of Intense heart interest. It is practically the condensation of a Western play. It will be sent over the larger Vaudeville circuits by the bnew owner. + La Fevre and St. John are at pres ent doing their new act, The Propertyman, on Jake Well’s Cireuit after finishing the Lyric and Majestic Circuits They are booked solid for next season and will stop work for three weeks after finishing the Well's Circuit to enjoy a rest at their cottage which they bought recently in Long Branch, N. J. + Belle Jeanette, the child-actress, late star of A Child Shall Lead Them and The Outlaw’s Christmas, played week of June 28 at the Bijou Theatre, Bayonne, N. J Her act consists of realistic impersonations of Fay Tem. peton, Anna Held and Ethel Levey. Miss Jeanette will star in one of Al. H. Wood's productions next season. + Albert H. Busby and Cora Williams, following their successful operatic season of twenty-two weeks in Dallas, Tex., where they were, respectively, leading baritone and prima donna-soubrette, have just concluded twentyfive weeks in vaudeville in the Southwest, and are now on Northern time, under the direction of Paul Goudron. + Mile. Janet, a singer and classic dancer, tried out a new act at the Bijou Theatre, Bayonne, N. J., June 24. Mille. Janet is a graceful dancer and has a voice of wonderful power and range. This act will be seen on the small time during the summer, and at the opening of the fall season will play Orpheum time. + Gillette and Halahan, in a kid act, played at the Bijou Theatre, Bayonne, N. J., week of June 21, and crowded the houses at each performance. This is one of the best kid acts now playing the smal! time. The ec centric dancing and kid songs of this team are very good. + Kentucky Jinglers Frank Kirk, musical acrobat; James comedian and dancer; Herzel Meyers, lyric sonrano; Minnie Ross, magic: Billie Adams, contortionist; Willie Smith, hoop roller and juggler. b Myrtle Victorine and the Zolar Sisters. and Grimm and Satchell have gone South for their vacation. They expect to be gone five wecks and will then return to Chicago to re hearse their new acts, which are now in preparation. Roster of the Company: Colmore, + Vivian D. Enochs, J. Watson Enochs and Miss Mae Harp, who have been with the Orphenm circuit for the past three months, are taking care of the musical end of the Gem moving picture theatre at Springfield, Mo. > The Lavails, with their latest nov elty, the silver arch, breakaway and self revolving bars, are a tremendous bit at the Alcazar a’Ete, Paris They are now filling a month's | engagement at that house. + The Stagpole Comedy Four have just | finished a most successful season In the East for Wm. Morris, and opened at Winnipeg, July 5. fr a twenty weeks’ engagement on the Sul livan and Considine Circuit. Peter H. Alvin, the society gymnast, has just closed a five weeks engagement on the Interstate Circuit. He holds a number of contracts for parks and leading vaudeville houses through the middle west. Al. Kramer, formerly of Kramer and Oarroll, has reunited with Bert Ross, the German comedian, and are at present rehearsing @ new act, which they will present in vaudeville in the near future. Jewell's Manikins have just concluded thirty weeks on the Orpheum Circuit, and are especially engaged by Markin Beck for the Saltair Pavilion, Salt Lake City, for the en tire summer. + Tom Cofer, the comedian, and The Rinaldoes, hoop rollers, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Hayers, during their engagement at the Orpheum Theatre, Wichita, Kan., week of June 21 (Continued on page 52.) oe ae enebewat ©