The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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feet ) , i 10 The Billboard JULY 10, 1909. Amusement events ... of the week News From Metro Philadelphia Park Managers Now Have an Inning Since the Mercury Has Soared Upward and Indoor Attractions Have Lost Their Hold---The Summer Season Now Under Full Headway. Boston, Pittsburg, Kansas City and Seattle ' Reports Encouraging. Mid ~-Season Forecast. PHILADELPHIA, PA. | have been placed in position, and are now sold | opening |} is looking | letters A continued spell of intensely hot weather has helped all out-door amusements, and the perk managers are bubbling over with glee at the big boom in business. Money is plentiful hereabouts, and it only requires favorable weather conditions to make the people spend it freely. Concessionaires of the different parks in this vicinity all state that the crowds are | spending money more freely than for the past five years, and if will all clean up The numerous this is a clear summer, they small-sized fortunes. out-deor theatres which have sprung into existence here this summer are all doing well. The Hippodrome is playing to capacity on clear nights, and this will be one of the top-notch amusement enterprises of the city before the summer is over. The circus and vandeville acts being provided at this place are all good, and the bills are getting bigger and better every week. The Criterion Theatre and the Kensington Hippodrome are also doing well, and Welsh Brothers’ Circus is packing them In at every stand. It will hang close to this city until the snow falls. The hot weather bas cut down the attendance at the burlesque houses, and the Trocadero has closed for the season. The Bijou, where Watson's Rurlesque stock have been playing for many weeks, will shut up July 35, and the Gay ety is apt to follow suit any day. The Chestnut Street Theatre, where the Orpheum Ployers are giving the best stock productions ever seen in this city, is drawing fair bouses when the weather is not oppressive, and, as the business is at least fifty per cent. larger than last summer, the house is making money The Middleman is the week of June 28, and it is drawing well. Candida is announced for week of July 5. offering for) Keith's Theatre is also doing a profitable business. although the matinees are not crowded | during these very hot days. The bill for week of June 28 consists of Richard Golden and Company, McKay and Cantwell, The Four Londons, Angusta Glose, Charles Leonard Fletcher, The Four Rianos, The Rooney Sisters, Muller, Chunn and Muller and a number of other acts. The Grand Opera House, Park, People’s, Girard, Forepangh’s. German. Unique and Palace are all doing well with moving vaudeville. and wil! not close during the summer if the present pace keeps up Lyman Howe's Travel Pictures opened at the Garrick Theatre June 24 to a big house, acspite the hot weather, they have been doing a big business ever since. The program is one of the strongest that has ever been put together for a moving picture show, and although we have been surfeited with exhibitions of this kind. bie business is looked for at this house for many wee to come. The attraction has been billed like a cirens Theolore Thomas Orchestra, under the direction of Frederick A. Stock, will play at Willow Grove Park from June 27 until July 10, and there will be many special musical events at that plac during the continuance of the engagement. Arrangements have been made to give the people of the smaller cities in Pennsylvania an opportunity to see the operas at Hammerstein’s new Philadelphia Opera House next season. Special trains will be run, to take care of parties now being formed for special nights, James Mer president of the Pennsylvania Railroad. who is one of the enthusiastic boxholders at tf} house, is taking great interest in this. and will arrange the train schedules to suit the wants of the people. R. FE. Johnstone. who manage the tour of Damrosch and Isadora’ Duncan, the dancer, announces that the tour w begin in Philadel phia in October William J rane wh 1 the Eleventh Street Opera House as a picture and ranudeville house two months closed the Season ‘ tes that the busi: tisfactory The work of house has now starte 1 that the honse will be ready to open in August. A new will balcony will be put in and the lower floor Thi 1 do the former ca f ise the house will b@ run on tt same style as has proven suc cessful th lle of the better kind and he shown at a flat trte of adr t ents The success the Hippodrome has heen so great that boxes on top of the grand standa pictures and | | every clear night to people who were formerly unable to get seats, The Kensington Hippodrome is the latest addiiion to out-dooramusement ventures. Vandeville and moving pictures are given in the open air and business has been excellent since the night. Willard McGuire, the hustling advertising agent of the Grand Opera House, after the management and giving that attract the people. R. Wood, Passenger Traffic Agent Pennsylvania Railroad, has received flattering from David Belasco, Victor Herbert, Joseph Rrooks and Augustus Thomas, thanking him, on shows of the behali of the Lambs’ Club, for the excellent arrangements he made for the transportation of that club during their late theatri eal tour They speak in the highest terms of the accommodations provided and of the arrangements to have the train on time at all towns nlayed. The Pennsylvania Railroad thought so winch of these unsoughtfor testimonials that they have had them published in a booklet. There has been one crash already at Atlantic City, N. J., on account of the backwardness of the season at that resort. An opera com pany under the management of Gustav Heinrichs played one week without getting any money, and in the middle of the second week the chorus and principals refused to go on unless guaranteed their salaries. The company disbanded at once, and Lyman H. Howe put on a series of moving pictures to fill out the balance of the engagement. Rain is playing hob with business at all New Jersey summer resorts, and there will be no money in amusements there until the real hot days of July and August. The Reading, Pa., Lodge of Elks dedicated their new hall June 30, with apropriate cere monies. The new hall is a beautiful structure. whitch cost $80,000. Joe Dawson, formerly well known on the big vaudeville circuits, but who has lately been running a dancing academy in this city, opened the theatre on Young’s Million Dollar Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., June 28, with Daw son’s Dancing Dolls and a number of other at tractions. He will be there for the entire summer. One hundred members of the Philadelphia Lodge of Elks have departed on a thirty-two day trip through the West. They go te the annual meeting of the Elks in Los Angeles, and then proceed to take in all the northern California cities and the Exposition at Seattle. | They will return home by way of the Canadian | Pacific Railroad. Mrs. James M. Munyon has sued her husband for divorce. alleging that she was put out of his mansion by force. Professor Munyon is the manufacturer of household remedies and has |} amassed a fortune In a few years. He Is sixty-five years of age. Mrs. Munyon was for merly Pauline Neff, an actress. who met with | quite a lot of success in vaudeville, and who was formerly in mnsical comedies. She is and, | about twenty-five years of age | People who have wondered at the successful season of the Orpheum Players in stock pro ductions at the Chestnrt Street Theatre. can read the answer when they see the magnificent scenic production of The Middleman as prresented at that theatre week of June 28. The originel production was never as complete or as beantifnul as this one, and it is only in keep ing with the big productions provided by Manager Grant Laferty for every one of the produc tions at this honse. Harry T. Jordan, local manager for RB. P. Keith in this city. Is now on his annual vaca tion, and is now lolling along the cool shores of Maine and deserved it, it is the during the other forty-« Is ever present on his j If any man ever needed a vacation self same , ght ) Harry. w weeks in the shake for all his frien smile of Ing to every one of the m s of patrons visit this beantiful theatre Had the count few more managers like Mr. Jordan it wonld he well worth while visiting a theatre, even if the show was not up to the high standard always in evidence at Keith's Leo Donnelly, an ex-newspaper man of this elty, fumped into vs last week and met with remarkabls laying the entire Western cirenit of vandevile honses Week of July 5 he is to be greted by thousands of peo ple who have known him as an l-around good fellow for the past fis years Vinnie Daly. while pl ng a week of vande ville In this cit slipped over to Camden, N J.. and was married to P. J. Kohl, * of the Chicago vaudeville manager Th edding was kept a secret. but a big celebration took place on the follow! when the pp ny made the anr and made preparations for a long f Tmo trip The Clart Kn. J d has been engaged to give wal concer Cape May, N. J Anrir ¢ summer The nro etore of tt Orean Pler, at Ore Cite ‘ 1 } heer g g ne ng pictnres of rel « enhlerte « Ss lay evenings. and , g Sen n nr. rletor of the other ving pieture parlors called or the Mavror nformed him that they would open their establishments moving pictures on Sunday The Italian residents of Philadelphia paid a strong tribute to John Wanamaker June 2S, by marching to his new store in a long pre headed by a band of & pieces In Hal part of the mammoth stere, a long musical program was rendered, and two compositiens written by a well-known composer played first time The celebration was in tien of the help given by Mr. Wan amaker to students of music. John H. Keenan, of this city, who has a num ber of riding devices on the State Fair grounds at Oklahoma City, Okla., reports that business is good and the outlook for a The result was that all ire now prohibited in this place “ession, Egyptian for the vast prosperous sum mer ure unusually bright. Mr. Keenan will re turn to Philadelphia in the fall, and more than likely turn to the theatrical business and msnage Fastern theatre. The members of the Alloway, N. J. Band have arranged for a novel fourth of July cek bration A game of baseball will be played in the lake of that resort A diamond will be laid out on the water with boats as bases, and the pleyers will have to swim from boat to boat in making scores. A rubber ball will be nsed The plans look feasible for a very inter esting exhibition Tris may develop into a novelty that have a stream of water fernard L. ch, of the Atlas Booking Cireult of New York, spent several days here last week. business for his firm. It was his first here in years. The T Tourists: Tom Grady. Joe Mitchell and Hart, are now at the Hotel Kroh, Carlsbad. Germiny. and will remain there for two weeks. They are on a steady diet of water with nothing on the side, and all are improving in health. The New Broadway Theatre, Camden, N. J is closel for the summer, but many improvements are being made in the house, and it will be reopened early in August with vaudeville performinces, under the management of Phil, Nash. Califorai be the July 5, a Frank’s Wild West Comypany will attractio nat the Hippodrome and daily matinees will then be a Matinee Musical Opera Club is the name latest organization in this city There are seventy-five members, and they w attend the operas at the Philadelphia Opera next season, occupying eight of the pri boxes BOB WATT. 1 vate ~ BOSTON, MASS. Miss Angusta Glose leaves for home in the Catskills following the engagement at Keith's. Donald Meek is making a big hit tle Square as chief. fun maker in and the piece in general is being lent prodnction The week of 28 the final week of FPlorodora, as well week of the season. For the coming seasen, in Angust, Mr. Craig is already in the midst of preparations, having already engaged his company. which Includes all the favorites of the her summer close of her at the CasFlorodora, given excelwill mark as the final which begins late present season, and he is rapidly completing a repertory of plays and musical comedies that will be certain to please his patrons The Lindsay-Morrison Stock Company, at the Orphenm, is doing a record business, and the announcements are watched with great inter est The week of 28, Sapho will be produced, | with Edna Bruns in the title role The version of this play as it will be produced will be as beantiful and as refined as any play the pany has offered in the past. The ob features of the original have and in place a great deal of wholesome injected com etionable minated, comedy At tre close of Mile. Dazie’s engagement at Keith's, she will sale for Eurone Tune Park, the new Revere Beach resort, Is becoming very popular One of the free features of Paragon Park, which is attracting a great deal of attention. is the singing of an opera company, which gives Pinafore Ben Johnson will make his vandeville appearance & in Boston at Keith's the week of 2 * J. BUNTIN. PITTSBURG, PA. their existence last Sunday, due to the tie-up of the street railway which took effect early Sunday morning and caused the parks, without exception to present the appearance of mid winter. so far as attendance was concerned. The terrible storm of the afternoon had the effect of marring what little pleasure the park seeker would have gotten ont of day enfoyment but the effect of making the etavy at home mor ceable, The early settlement of the etrike welcomed by the Park management, thr the city. and by the public G r & Hunter's Great Wild West Show opens a six weeks’ engagement sat Kennywood Park thie week Previons to the ening. July %. the nenal high class line of attractions will eopesr. among which are Mr. Marr and Erans, Fret W. Watson. The Prownings, Col. Ned Sey monur, and St. Clair and Brink Wretview Park has this week the Green ily Concert Companr. and the Second Eri tand willl give concerte every evening hands will add materially to the enjoy ment of the many plenic parties arranged for Howe Travel week at the Nixon ally well Pictures are In and their second are drawing exception Pittsburg Parks received the hardest jolt of | i ly. Glendower and | The stock this week, at the Grand, is presenting Salomy Jane, and Miss Lillian Kemble in the title role made a decided hit This ws the first presentation of this popular New York success, in Pittsburg, and has made a very favorable impression ‘be attendance is keep ing up and, to all appearances, the house will continue stock throughout the summer months All of the cheaper vaudeville houses The Family Theatre, Hippodrome, Liberty, and Bijou are doing very nicely Harry McRae Webster, a well kniwn ducer and stage director. has taken the Harry Davis Stock Co. A decided improvement is noticeable Park, in attencance as well as the ered Luna under the present shows that everything possible is to entertain the public, and the showing its appreciation LOUIS L. Duquesne procharge of at Lona free bills management being done attendance Is KAUFMAN. KANSAS CITY, MO. Every one in Kansas City had a good time uly 4. Three days were celebrated as our naday this vear. It started July 3 and lasted mgh the Sth. There were excursions on all allroads, and this brought many visitors into city for the week-end n fact, these more n made up for the absence of any of the citizens of the town that might have been spend ing their vacations elsewhere The parks, all of ‘em, did a land office business From early morning until closing time, all three days, the people swarmed in the gates. It seemed as if people conld not wait thelr turn at the gates but all of this meant rejoicing on the part of the parks The picnic grounds and swimming pools, and every park In Kansas City is equipped with either a lake and bathing beach, or swimming pool, were the most popular amusements in the parks And then for three nights the fireworks Electric Park made a most credit«ble showing for itself. There were set pieces > including ruptions, earthquakes, the horror, and a specially arranged ballet, *h more than a hundred girls took part. had been In training“since the park opened. Twice a week this summer, from now on, Mlectric Park will put on fireworks. They have always proved a drawing card, and each week will see a change in program. Then there was first-class vaudeville in the German Village, all the old rides and many new ones, the Dime Museum. the Jolly Bachelors, dancing in the ball room and roller skating in C. F. Mensing's mammoth Hippodrome Roller Rink. Mr. P. F. Cavill, the Australian champion, is manager of ithe swimming pool at Electric and the bathing heach During the summer Mr. Cavill will give exhibitions of fancy swimming and endurance tests an! other aquatic sports will held in this pool This middle of July brings the smiles @0 Mr. Cavill's face Forest Park celebrated the Fourth heat n good old style That is, there were both firecrackers nd fireworks and set pieces of every descrip tion. The early morning hours saw the park pretty well given over to the Fourth celebrators, ind the evenings of the three days made Mr. Anderson, the manager of Forest, exclaim: “If this keens up. where, oh where will we put ‘em?’ There are any number of new devices at Forest for the amusement of beth young and old, and al! the rides the heart could wish for, including some new ones Then there is free vandeville and one must not overlook the immense swimming pool. This is said to be the largest in the city. Mr. Gabe Kauffman, well known for his excellent work at Convention Hell last season, is the manager of the swimming pool, and is always devising some thing new to entertain the visitors. Every week aquatic sports are held in the pool Ringling Brothers’ Big Shows are booked July 19, for two performances. This means the opening of the cireus season here, and the Ringling peop'e onght to do turn-away business, as Kansas City Is essentially a circus town. The town was posted last week, when the advance was here WM. W. SHELLEY. SEATTLE, WASH. John Drew tn Jack Straw, at the Moore The ttre, June 23-27, did a splendid business The role of the masquerading prince is one of the best Mr. Drew has had since he became a star. His supporting company Is an especially xood one, including Miss Rose Coghlan, Edgar L. Davenport and others Ferris Hartman and his superb company presented The Sultan of Sulu at the Grand week of 20 The Great Ruby, a magnificant production by Panteges’ Players, was the atraction at the Lols Theatre week of 20 Miss Emma Bunting and Company in At Cozy Corners, a New England comedy play, proved a strong drawing card at the Seattle Theatre week of 20 A bill of features, evenly balanced opened at Pantages’ Theatre week of 21 The Prentise Troupe Is entitled to first mention Others on the bill were Huntress, The White City Four, Arthur Elwell, Five Prentise Troupe Loulse Kent and Co., and the Naples Quartette Grand Opera was given at the Orpheum week of 21 Helena Frederick and a tuneful ensem ble, In the one act opera, The Patriot, Char lotte Parry, John Keller, Selma Rraatz, World and Kingston, Jarrow and Marie Russell com pleted a magnificent bill Mile. Alice Loretta and her $10,000 atatue dog, Ren. was the headliner at the Star The atre week of 21 Others on the bill were Rae and Braeche, Jere Sanford, M. Devitt and Kel Manion and moving pletures, benefit for the The Seattle Preas Club at the ae ate memes