The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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sa tae? are arene were ee “ ILY 10, 1909. The Billboard 11 politan Centers In all big cities aside from New York & Chicago Orpheum. was successful from an entertainment as well as a financial standpoint, over five dred a crs being turned over to the which will be used for entertaining news per men Manager Charles Loof, of Luna Park, amiles on account of the excellent business he fe doing His show runs a close second to the Pay Streak at the 4.-Y¥.-P Exposition. following are some of the attractions sa’s Clown Band, Ostrich driving in mammoth Roller Coaster, Circle Boat gigantic Carousel, Joker House, Fducated Horse, t the Chutes, Canals of Venice, Joy Wheel and a vaudeville M. Cook, formerly manager Alaskan, which is now playing a successful en gagemenut at the Great Northern Theatre, cago, arrived in Seattle this week, the management of the Moor Theatre ; The total attendance at the Alaska-YukonPacific Exposition June 1 to 22, inclusive, 610.411, or a dally average of ne 200, very pleasing to the manageme LEM A SHORTRIDG E. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. July 14 is the positive opening date pew chutes on Fillmore street, and eight in« uding some bandsome » now being posted in the city with n a radius of Ww hen complete, the new ing the Chutes, Scenic ng, Devil's Slide Human nightly will be one of the big f powerful searchlight will be placed eo that it can cover the entire city. Every ll able space will contain beautiful palms Cc. J. Norris filed a petition in bank June 21. His Habilities aggregate $5,116 principal creditors are Mrs. L. J. Whitney and Marion M. Morris, of Santa Cruz. The include fourteen shetland ponies valued each: 12 performing dogs, at $3.00 performing goat at $5.00. There are also s lature book and ladder wagon, a racing chariots, a wardrobe wagon, s and monkey cage, all $280.00. The property was transferred Dean, of Oakland, and was advertised In a letter received from Lind, addressed this office, he mentions that he bad a cessful American tour, and leaves for to fill engagements and arrange for a for next season Harry LeClaire. Harry Burgoyne and Burt, Bert Sheppard, Zena Keife Last of the Regiment, all Sulli acts. leave this week for Los Angeles Smiling Miss Clara Throop has jus here and her first call was at The Ofice. Miss Throop was here just one 3 and is one of the feature acts on the ¢eircult Faust Brothers those eccentric Were Billboard callers this week They bere about two years ago, playing the Frank’s Yiddish Opera Company is back here and will play at the Garrick Theatre July 4 and 5, also 11, and thereafter will give ces at the above house twice Marie Doro, in The Morals of Marcus the Van Ness Theatre this week and splendid supporting company including old favorites. made an excellent impression and Will do a nice two-weeks’ business Crowds continue to flock to the Theatre and The Blue Mouse, and nightly fi house The big. laughing audience heard away out in the street Several records have been made at this house the “ke of things, it's a safe bet Blue Mouse will carry away laurels the nd week and a third week Is Salvat har | 1 it a second visit Arthur ham. supported by the stock company, In Arral » Pogue ' Grand Opetra continues to Ss very good ® Roberta is on her second week with Du Barry, at the Alcazar Next week | The Country Girl I “os business continues at the Hot it the night shows. but {ft I« 2 nee to see the mid week matinee ty This week all the news : cool Joseph art's Futurity 5 headline act: James Thornton t act, took up all the time . ! then some: the ble lauch was Camille Trio In thelr comedy . ; roteasque and offered a successl pe which were the ginger ® Clark and Rergman, as The Mata were ai little too slow . house Blizabeth Murray ~ audience In a friendly mood nd Mevers and Adelaide and 's, held over from last week ” ever National, thia week, Master Leo y violinist and loeal attraction woand was much appreclated md Company in her very A Man From Texas, repeater eae La Lou Helene, an added sented a very clever Cleopatra's Mise Mabel MeKinler was an ‘ng some four or five encores Brennon and Downing, in a farce, which include od an be he Vv. Big New Chutes Park, San Francisco, Opens-Vau-~ deville and Stock in that City Still Thriving Despite ‘Torrid Weather--Minneapolis Amusement Situation is Excellent, the Parks Being Splendidly Equipped. Two reels of moving and ‘two. reels of moving pictures were rp ‘attractions ager Hall offered Miss Ett ill be the attraction, a banner week's business 1, Galloping Horses, Penny ery, Touring Car, Flea Cir small concessions The opening tens will include Quintano and his Band, Desperado in his daring leap. The iMhumir ‘all. the principals, features Mabel Hite mpany, The Donlin, Nadge ee featured and kept tumultuous epplense. van-Considine " ce XIT Ranch Wild MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Next week the company will local stage manager, buy or lease a theatre y within a short time, ~~ that ] is a m Nell, at the Valencia, is fom! second week's business, and many hold at the Princess and the second week's business of the Unique Theatre, mon er of the Poli Stock Company at Wateryury, Conn. Travelogues, motion pictures and illustrated songs continue to please patrons of the Bijou. Rose Schaaf and Joseph Kelly are still solo sts. Friday nights are still devoted to amature entertainments, which cause the audience much amusement. Pete Raymon, of the Ferris Stock Company, has invited the members to rehearse in his barge, ont at Cedar Lake. Stage Director Sedley Brown says that this system will enable him to give any of the players a ducking if they fail to grasp ideas promptly. Bradshaw and Company, in a comedy sketch; Carl Ryerson, Iri<h comedian; Grace Pinny, ilIustrated songs; The Harrison Male Quartet and motion pictures constitute this week's program in the open air theatre at Forest Park. The dancing pavilion, with Long and Potter’s Orchestra, is drawing well, and the park managemer will have especial offerings for July 4, Secale an elabo rate display of fireworks. All of the regular attractions are drawing a fair share of patronage. IL. E. Lund, manager of the Novelty, Isis and Wonderland theatres of this city, will attend the Elks’ reunion at Los Angeles Mr. Tund was associated with theatricals on the Coast some time ago, —_ Np a general good time revisiting is old imping ground. Big Island Park business continues on the boom. The concerts in the Music Casion are pe nr ing large crowds, and there is a different pienie in progress on the grounds every day. The regular attractions, such as the Mystic River, Roller Coaster, ete., are in demand, and the cool ferry ride to the island is enjoyed by every one One of the prettiest motion picture theatres is located at 2100 N. Washington avenue, and is managed by Mr. Paul Weigel. The People’s Theatre, as it is known, is finished more on the order of a regular playhouse, being equipped with regulation opera chairs laid out in aisles. a fine ventilati ng system, ete. The People’s | offers motion pictures and illustrated songs. ard draws a nice percentage of family trade at all performances. The Two Dusky Sunflowers headline a bill of considerable worth at the Novelty Theatre this week. The Novelty has not suffered much lapse of patronage on account of the warm weather, and the penny arcade in connection with this theatre is always crowded. The Scenics, a baseball team maintained by the Scenic Theatre, have won seven straight vietories and claim the championship for the sixteen-year-old teams of the city. Their lineup is as follows Pitchers, Truman, Rosentrol: shortstop. Feller; catchers, Levy, Davis; outfielders, Mesbesher, Rigler and Eisenberg: first base. Bolter: second base, Kohn, tuaird base, Landry. This team challenges any other teem laying claim for the Sixteen Year Old Championship. Communications should be ad dressed to Martin Eisenberg, Manager Scenic Raseball Team, care Scenic Theatre, Minneap olis, Minn. Business continnes fair at the motion pic ture theatres of the citr RODERIC STE. FLEURE. BALTIMORE, MD. The weather continues red hot here, and the parks are crowded aightly Under the conditions it is really surpri gz how the Academy of Music, Holliday Street nd the Victoria, which will run vandeville and pictures throughout the summer, keep up the large audiences that attend nightlr. Electric park. as heretofore, is proving a big success, and Manager Rosen should indeed be happy Speedy s still thrilling the crowds with his marvelous high dives, and the regular cutdoor attractions e as interesting as ever e regular vouide at Gwynn Oak and Bay attractive. but the real is the Bostonia Ladies as is always the custom, » entire day and night, and yr reaped at a rapid rate. EMANUEL DANTEL. are packed dh the shekels MONTREAL, CAN. The two Bills’ Show played to overwhelming business. After twe and é ght p. m., they were ! sal ff tickets A show of be ber yked for four days at least in a city of this size There are some especially Rossi's Musical Ele res were given at the Princess by the Robinso Opera Co., producing The The Cireus Girl was the offering at the FPran Dominion Park Theatre has a good vande| this week, which is drawing well. Sohmer Park has its usual good offerings NEIL W. SHANNON. Interesting News from Baltimore, Buffalo and Montreal Indicates Prosperous Conditions. BUFFALO, N. Y. Onee one of Barnum’s greatest attractions, Harry Sherwood, known all over the world as the human pincushion, a stunt that required the driving of pins and eight-penny nails into all parts of his body, is now a chef at one of the hotels in this city. He would still follow the red wagons, but, having married, his wife is opposed to the pursuit. He was born at Mattoon, Ill., has traveled all over the world, and owns a fine farm at Lockport, N. Y. He still feels the call of the sawdust and has offers. to open a show in this city. David Belasco’s drama, The Girl of the Golden West, has been selected by the Shipman Players at the Lyric for the week of July 5. Luna Park presents Enoch, the human fish, the second week. and Primrose and Rohloff, Otto Fischer, baritone, will sing, and concerts will be given by Simon’s Military Band. David Warfield, in The Music Master, was a special event at the Teck. Big crowds during the week. The week’s attraction provided the Bonstelle Stock in The Girl in Waiting, at the Star; Shipman Players in Charley’s Aunt, at. the Lyric: Montague’s Burlesquers at the Lafayette; The Bathing Girl and vaudeville at Shea’s, with Luna Park, Crystal Beach and other outdoor features. Manager Shea provided Hart’s Bathing Girls, Fred Losman, Nora Kelley, Kelmer and Brown, Frank Morrell, Bessie Crawford, Roy Barnes, Eldora, new pictures, and Julius McVicker in The Portable House. Ringling Brothers’ Circus has a big outlook for full tents July Manager White’s Big Royal. Circus. Holstein and Sangster’s World of Wonders, Rig Otto’s Wild Animals, Randall Brothers’ Plantation Show, Talbot’s Fighting the Flames, Dickey’s Wild West, Stroebel’s Airship, Dare Devil Schreyer. Adgie’s Trained Lions and Albee’s Polar Bears are at the Mid-Summer Expo sition. The first week of the Mid-Summer Exposition started out well, although, like all expositions. it required the finishing touches. It covers twenty acres in the heart of the city with food products and concessions of various kinds. A three-ring circus that has not been equaled in this city for talent. a big midway, animal show, museum of wonders, band concerts, openair vaudeville, airship flights and various amusements that go to make up a first-class attraction, that is what the Mid-Summer Expo is. It looks as if the big hue and ery of two or three new theatres for Buffalo was but superheated air. and that next vear the seven original will hold the fort, with the Star, Teck. Lyric: with the popular Lafayette and Gordon burlesque shows, vaudeville and the Academy. in the old line of melodrama. At the Academy. Manager Wilbur offered Jeans and Carew, Eddie Foyer. Goldie Grimes Carley Carlas, Anderson and Evans. Professor Forest Cheney and the Three Mitchells, and South and Clayton.. The Winnebago Indian Congress and Village are winning good notices of Indian life at Fort Erie Beach. At the matinee at Shea’s on the 28th The Girls of Hart’s Bathing Girls made quite a hit by entering from the body of the house to the stage In their street costumes and singing the songs of the skit Their scenic effects and cos tumes did not arrive in time for the afternoon show. The regular scenery of the house was made use of. But the girls pleased With the twenty-five or thirty moving pic ture theatres in this city, managers claim com petition does not make the as large as would be liked. A Sunday opening would help out. But the Sunday opening is held in check by the police, who have the situation well in hand, backed by the mayor, and the canned drama _ suffers. Vaudeville and song pictures have invaded the motion picture field to quite an extent. Hal Swann, Ling Ling Lee, the Dixie Minstrels and Emery Manley are at the Hip. Miss Willard and William Mack at the Grand. Jack Stanley, Hamlin and Lyle. and Young and Young. at the Theatre Comiqne. and other honses will have illustrated songs and vendeville JOHN S. RICHARDSON. a at nar nan eg