The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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JULY 10, 1909. The Billboard 15 PARK NEWS Unsettled Condition of the Weather Continues to Intefere with Business of Greater New York Parks—Managers and Concessionaires Spirits Rise and Fall with the Weather—Much Personal and other Comment, More or Less Interesting. GREATER NEW YORK PARKS. AT CONEY ISLAND. Unsettled weather conditions muss the good nature of them have been hard hit as far as the summer has progressed and to many the outlook is viewed with considerable pessimism. On the other hand there are those who view the situation in a practical manner snd look for a whirlwind finish. Putting aside the weather conditions there are other elements that enter largely into a parkman’s profit-making capacity. There are shows in the diffs rent resorts that always make money. When it rains they los», but let a stray ray of sunshine sneak over the roof tops and the nickels continues to parkmen Many of this summer—that Is and dimes begin to hold conference in this or that showman’s pocket. There are others rain or shine who can't get the prosperity sign to hang right. There's a reason for all this. The time of getting the public into a show just because it gives a chance to spend money are over Mister Public, or that part of him who has a dime to spend wants ten cents worth of value. Big gaudy fronts, gapping mouthed spielers and the like may get In a few but the goods must be delivered on the inside or every = tencenter becomes a knocker. , _ Thos Ryan entertained forty physicians at Creation, In Dreamland, last week, Several new press agents have announced themselves at Coney Island within a week. One is reported to have fallen overboard near Dreamland which fact fishermen allege is responsible for the nothing doing thing. Some talk of building a ship at Dreamland This vessel would to all appearances be the thing only the hull would top several spiles. | In other words a replica of the good Cabrillo at Venice, California. It woul good stunt here. For instance this vessel pot nA. AY seas would not be amenable © any municipa Sune 0 « « ae a — inday or Hquor ¢! wing laws. on Rogers, . charge of the Coney Island * department, is ve »D i > bere Ghee io an ery popular with all the Wm. A. Brady opened the fight picture show on June 26 at the Rowery. The Monitor-Merrimac show at Luna continues to he one of the season's money getters. Bob Mercer has bonght a new water wagon concession along Surf Avenue Capt. Louis Sorcho has received a Parade his calliope through the to the timbers you chance now. , be a permit to Streets Back other noise wonders, no The Electric Farm at Dreamland has installed several beehives, . ue Wonderland ride is one of Coney'’s best ere And apeaking of rides try the ‘‘Whirlwind.”’ It's nicely named. ; m. red Fleck has left A Night in Paris Show. rt Says that summer time was meant for va ons Frederick is a guest at Mount Blane Rert Young, the affable. has measured the exne t acerege of Dreamland by the foot rule Valerie Ford. Rertha Kemp and Eleanor Swan ker are among the cashiers at Dreamland Eddie Murphy is at the Great Divide Frank MeCune, and Selig Jackson are getters for Hell Gate 7 Diam mi Tony's Cafe on the Oceanic Walk f Rowery {is proving «a popular place for the two Den Ryan. equestrian director at Dreamland h ae ved the biggest kind of a sncecece DP ka Meers, the dainty little bare back Tho Teet Qrmsatioanl feature at Dreamland * Iron Steamboats are doing a thriving bust tt y It's a dandy cool ride and mere than thet * service ft most excellent N In every respect bow’? . . I Livingston fs rea ling up on a new : ~ rature “Doc’’ is very busy theee days, very — ‘ ’ ; ercile Hawks {fs revising Decker's new sketch = nds Acroga the Rar."* Some of the drv ts are being fixed up Decker has mother An tmposs!ble subject called Spendthrift."* one In preparation Biography of a oo spy the visitors to the Saved by Wireless st week was Stanley C. Coles.*the wire —, erat v aboard the S. S. Slavonia that ton a on the recks of the Agoree on June at Ot pald two visite te Jack Rinns. the be ess hero of the Republic, who is presenting new show tn Lona Park Coles pald Rinns« me ral compliments on the manner in which +? value of wireless at sea is demonstrated in t? ' new Pproaduetion J Trixie the stout lady at Dreamland, ts sv entertaining guests wm lire ww The Bradley giants are a wonderful feature at Dreamland longer the pink shirt, bovs—the grey bath che does duty now ‘aD kles T s ’ i ilekle at’ hea they N say. a | ! That what Russel Start and Wm. Dowling are the notse makers and Money getters for Ventee ey Murphy, on the Great Divide. te a ~tler Ret ween Start, Dowling and Murphy re ie nothing to ft. NORTH BEACH. not, Gale Park, North Reach, will be found Wrieme of the many attractions that WwW. 8 ght has been successful tn arranging for this “AsOn Mr. House, the brid _ ge Jumper ing card tet Gena eee Jumper, ts a big draw Grand display of fireworks last Thursday eve nt ne Was dazzling and the finest that Was seen or a long while. Mr Balun ts agat manage » Se Amusement attraction. mennger Cr Seits red, of the Indan Amusement game, ts al weve making darts, “Ive while . » » aie te oon — the publie get their meee Dack's of Brodie, te the only one who Deut how to sell the frankfurters on utschmann ts the only happy man these hot 8, for he is the one who ts making all the wg sper bathing days. artin’s venir stand has the real ‘ goods, bric-a-brac or postal cards. —— _ Silver mines are scarce, but there is one at North Beach. It's Oesterle’s and covered with canes and knives, Its umbrellas are handy in a shower, and if you ring a cane, just call it mine. Nedig’s Merry Slide is getting more ular these fine days. You will always find « auen at the merry slide. Miss Anna Hellmeyer will make her first appearance at Gala Park in her latest high wire and fancy diving act. ; MackMahon is drawing crowded houses every evening. Mack is working hard to make the big Meriden the most popular place at North Beach, billing the house big, with free to all. The Old Mill is turning the big mill wheel and is getting the money. Frank is « busy fellow with bis cane boards, always working hard. Rude shooting Range spending their money. ck’s swings did the business last Sunday. The place was packed, people waiting to ride on the swings. Stella Park opened for the season July 4, with a big Wild West Show. Lucky striker is very popular with the sporting class, so says George. has all the shooters | visitors attested to by a majority of them going there several times to escape the scorchng sun in the city and delve into the spirit of the fun the big park provides. | Even more new attractions are to be provided | this week and one of them, The Bouncer is a scream. It is a slide made of canvas and is to | be cne of the many free shows in the park. | Besides this an entire new circus bill is to be put on. There will be new acrobatic feats, twelve in all—new riders for the beautiful white horses, and the dogs and ponies have been taught new tricks. Every show in the Park is doing a rushing business. The Witching Waves, the Virginia Reel, the Tickler, The Dragon’s Gorge, the Mountain Torrent and the other rides have required extra attendants to care for the crowds | waiting their turn, and the theatres in which | the shows are given are playing to capacity daily. PALISADES AMUSEMENT PARK. At Palisades Amusement Park, beginning Monday, the William Morris offices will put in the vaudeville bill for the open air theatre and a particularly strong one is promised for the opening week under the new arrangement. The headliner will be May Ward, the dainty comedienne who was recently seen at the American Theatre and who will have a new repertoire of songs and dances. Other features will be the Rosedale Quartette, Smirl and Kessner, in eccentric acrobatic song and dance, and the Three Judges, all of whom ere well known and popular on the Morris Circuit. In addition to the vaudeville theatre there are numerous attractions in the Park. First of these is of course, the Strobel airship, which makes daily ascensions. Of the other features, the most popular are Carlisle's Wild West, Blake’s Hippodrome, Willard’s Temple of Music, Millican’s Hindoo Theatre. the Monarca moving picture show and Mitchell’s snake show. The open air free attraction this week is the Aerial Howards. The zoological garden is a source of enjoyment to the patrons. At Palisades Amusement Park in the arena of Carlisle’s Wild West Show Jack Hammond, bronco buster and chamhpion rifle shot, and Clara Verdon Tunney, one of the ticket sellers in the park, were married last week. THE MAGIC CITY. A bird's-eye view of the wonderful miniature on exhibition at Sans Souci Park, Chicago. its own electric light plant, which is motive power to the three hundred small figures, various duties of the home and business. The little town is perfect in every detail, and run by a 20-hoerse-power motor, city known as ‘“‘The Magic City,’’ and now has and which furnishes who, are alive and about their apparently, Over 4,000 electric lights illuminate the city and show, under the fairy glow, a wedding party leaving the cathedral, a band playing in a summer garden in which are seated guests at the tables and others who are watching the miniature animals pace realistically in their cages, for all the world like the living beasts. This won derful work is the result of four years’ work of the combined labors of Arthur Frazer and George McCall Black, who are the sole owners and proprietors. Everyone is working hard for the big carnival which comes off on Sept. 7. ard lasts five days. All say it will be bigger than ever. The circle swing is attracting big crowds, Adams being very popular. Kremer’s Carousels sre doing the business Itesaha, Jap ball game, gives valuable presents and makes all merry. Jerry Hon ts going into the shooting gallery business, so look out boys, cigar business is slow. Tell it to the wire workers at Kremer’s Ca rousels; fancy, good, fine prices. Fred Droge’s merry-go-round is popular with the voung folks. Kohler’s moving pictures and dancing are drawing full houses See who the proprietors are, Baldauf and Green. Of course Green ts Green. Dr. Chas. Austin is again telling the cheerful lies Kelly’s striker is for young and old, big fat Kelly on the job. Ed. Rogers is scoring a hit at the Meriden with his fine singing GREATER DREAMLAND. Greater Dreamland has entered July with all |} flags fiving and the record for doing the big gest business during June that Coney Island has ever known Every day has seen the big park crowded with many new features, its breeze and its own real ocean. which finest bathing beach on the Island tions are being added constantly cus in the arena over the lagoon week the following new acts The Three Nevar os, head balancers and barrel jumpers: Herman and Rice, comedy acrobatic act; Professor Gon goles, dancing ficures: Totito & Company, com edy gymnasts: the Three Deltons, comedy acro bata, the Nohrens, triple trapeze; the Three Coles, wire working and tumbling: the Orloff Troupe of three men on horizontal bars: Miss Meers, equestrienne, and a number of other acts All of the shows fn Dreamland are new this season. Rostock has a better animal display than ever and acts of the world’s best trainers Creation and its Fall of Man still draws the crowds. enjoying its blown streets also offers the New attrac The free cir incInded this merry-makers LUNA PARK. Luna Park was crowded almost to its capacity last week during the hot spell, and the records for the big attendance en previous days went by the boards with a vengeance. Luna Ia a cool place in summer. This fact, the thousands ov is an Irish girl not long in this country, and is the granddaughter of Michael Verdon, a former lord mayor of Dublin. MANHATTAN BEACH. Lieutenant Carle E. Carlton, the Fighting Bandman, with his famous Royal British Guards Band, entered upon his second week in the new concert stand at the Manhattan Beach Hotel. The young British soldier, who was | trumpeter to Queen Victoria, and a hero of tne Soudan and South Africa, is a consummate leader, and he has two score crack musicians. So great is the Fighting Bandsman’s hit that Manager Amer of the Waldorf, who is managing the Manhattan Beach Hotel, is buy off Lieut. Carlton's contract so as to keep him and his band at the seashore all scem™mer CHICAGO PARK NOTES. Wm. Fricke. who up to this week was at Ww hite City with his Flea Cireus, has gone to San Francisco where he has obtained a conces sion at the Chutes. Mr. Fricke will open there on the fourteenth. * he Vaudeville at Riverview ts some very good stuff under the Geo. E. Snyder who is holding forth at this concession Mr. Snyder's last weeks bill included Prince Mescaline & Co., Mlusionists; sev eral singers, monologueists and dancers. producing Management of Al Meltzer, who {fs manipulating a pair of scales at Riverview Park, claims to be the best guesser on the grounds. Well, we must confess that he guessed a few coins out of our pocket. Julius Schaefer, the midget who was with the Turner Shows at Riverview, doing the Chinaman act, is now with Mr. Selleck’s animal show at Porest Park giving = on the animals. Cc. C. Harvey, who is connected with the Kuckoo Klock. at Riverview, is on the job all a time making noise like music on the cal ope. + Dr. M. A. Conney is the proprietor of the Raby Incubator at Riverview, while Chas. B. Altman has charge of the ticket box and does the talking. oo Rifou Vaudeville & Unity Amusement Co. at Riverview is owned and managed by Geo. E. The bride ss | leasing concessions for show space, booths, etc.. | number of other features for the children. ] | | | } } | | | ville was in Snyder with Wm. Oakes Stage Manager and Electrician. Miss McGuire’s voice is proving quite a magnet as an audience enticer for the Seven Temptations of St. Anthony at Riverview. Jake Stenard has instituted an amateur night at the vaudeville theatre, Forest Park, which will be every Friday evening. Hofeldt’s Big Illusion act, Milk Can,’’ just opened at Riverview. is one of Houdina’s big acts. “The Mysterious This Mr. H. E. De Shon is the proprietor and manager of the Passion Play which is again bolding forth at Riverview. Earl Dozier does the talking in front of St. Anthony and The Seven Temptations, Gee. Harris’ attraction at Riverview. Trip to Niagara Falls at Riverview is managed by E. W. Murray and Ben F. Wolcott does the talking. The Lobster at Riverview is managed by F. C. Hottopp, who also does the talking. | “NEW PARK AT REVERE BEACH. A new amusement park has been opened at Revere Beach, the seaside resort Of the se | j | |of Boston, under the management of H. H. Pattee, well known in New England and New York. The new resort has been given the name | of Luna Park and has been a success since its | opening, Bunker Hill day, June 17. The grounds | eover about two acres and while not yet com| plete, have a good supply of attractions. The Norris, a feature attraction, are giving an exhibition in the Coliseum, in a 50-foot swimming tank, surrounded by raised seats, coliseum style, the building being capable of seating 700 people. Among the other attractions are the Wireless "Phone, connecting with the Man in the Moon; Love’s Tangle; the Laughing Grotto; the Slide for Life; the Air Ship: Bottomless Well, all free to patrons except the airship, -s Mr. Pattee is booking new attractions regularly and A ten years’ lease has been secured upon the ground occupied with other ground for enlargements. The park has its entrance on the main boulevard of Revere Beach, through an arcade of attractive appearance. A series of swimming and other contests between local amateurs is being arranged, all being con ducive to attracting sightseers. Having shade, the park also fills a long felt want in this respect, at the beach. BREEZES FROM HOVER PARK. Week of 20 on account of bad weather, Hover Park, Lima, Ohio, drew only fair crowds. Attendance week of 27 showed up big. Lion Heart was one of the free along the Midway. attractions | week of 20 with his slide for life by his teeth and pleased, especially when making the slide at | night in a mass of flames. Garrick Stock Co. presenting Merchant of Venfee in Airdome week of 20. Week of 27 vaudeAirdome with an_ exceptionally | strong bill including Frank Irwin, Thomas and | | Ryan, Margaret Ryan, Honeymoon Quartet and others. “ The Tellkvists were featured week of 27 as a free attraction with their high diving act and | more than made good. | Altro to endeavoring to | i | Wheeling, W. N Special attractions are offered week of July | 4. ineluding Rollo the Limit in his Somerset of | Death, and Prof. Rackensoe with his educated horse ‘‘Mazzepa’’ will be featured in the Airdome. The 5th was the big day with it’s pyrotechnical display. ete. Roller Rink, Dance Hall. Figure Eight and all other concessions doing nicely. ALTRO PARK BRIEFS. Manager Max Rosen, of Altro Park, Albany, N. ¥:, has found the weather much to his liking of late, as the heat has driven thousands to enjoy the cooling rides and river breezes. Strobel’s Airship closed a most successful two weeks’ engagement June 26. The free vaudeville for the week of June 28 included The Laurent Trio. The Daring Holmens* The Lovitt Duo and the Sensational Everetts. Children are now admitted to Altro Park free on all days except Saturday and Sunday. Manager Rosen has secured the picnic and field day of the Central Federation of Labor for | Labor Dar. A Chinese Restaurant has been opened, with Oriental cooks and waiters serving dishes prepared a la Chinese. : Business continues big at all concessions. PLAYING FREE ATTRACTIONS. The week of June 20 was the first week that the Citizen’s Traction Company of il City. Pa, plaved free acts at their pretty Monarch Park, which is situated between Oil City and Franklin. Chas. Woodford, the amusement manager, se lected and booked Lionel Legare’s Mammoth Spiral Tower act as the first act to appear at this park. The weather was anything but favorable for the first week as it rained every day ; Capt’s Webbs’ Seals were the attraction for the second week. DARE DEVIL VOLO INJURED. Friday evening, June 25, at Wheeling park, Va.. Frank Fasimo, of Brooklyn. . Y., professionally known 2s Volo.’’ fell a distance of ten feet from his biey cle while looping the loop threugh rings of fire. A physician was summoned and upon examination it was found that aside from several bruises he was not hurt seriously The escape is considered miraculons as he landed on hia head and shoulders. His act was the free offering for the week ending June 26. CHILHOWEE PARK OPENS. Chilhowee Park, Knoxville. Tenn., was for mally opened June 28. The attendance was alt that could be desired and all the attractions fared well. The Royal Band. of New York, is giving daily concerts at the park this summer. Frank Rogers and R. L. Foy have the con| cessions. (Park News continued on 28.) page st igs aia in ei ACO nF arn