The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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te Parganas ede mien Pain we 18 The Billboard JULY 10, 1909. TENT SHOWS gregations—Personal Items and In Close Touch with the Leading Shows— : the Tented People, Reports From Whom are Encouraging From a Business Standpoint—Seasonable Weather Favors Most Ag Newsy Letters From News of Performers. HAGENBECK-WALLACE By JACK WARREN. SHOWS. After leaving Denver, the one more stop in Colorado, and jumped from Greeley to Cheyenne, Wyo., where we showed to two enormous houses. At Laramie, the next day, the big top was filled at both performances, and at Rawlins, Wyo., on Saturday, June 19, the attendance far exceeded expectations. The largest jump of the season, 317 miles, Was made when the train pulled into Ogden, Utah, on Saturday afternoon, June 20. Logan, Utah, the hot bed of Mormonism, greeted the big show with enthusiasm. This beautiful inland city was crowded with stranggers and city folk, who expressed their appreciation of our great parade by attending the afternoon show in such numbers that it was necessary, long before two o'clock, to close the doors, and turnaway was marked up against the afternoon's work. The show said good-by to Utah, and after a quick haul of 156 miles by the Oregon Short Line, we pulled into Idaho Falls, Ida., where we hesitated just long enough to give one show, Butte, Mont., on Thursday, June 24. The 213 mile run was made without mishap or delay. and it was here that opposition certainly showed its bright side to us, for although evbillboard and nearly every building, and, in fact. any thing that could be covered with circus lithographs, was show made but covered with a Coming Soon banner, a Sells-Floto lithograph or one of our advertisements. Still the populace flocked to see our magnificent performance. The tents were rammed and jammed and packed full at both performances, and Colonel Johnson, after talking it over with Ben E. Wallace, the sole proprietor of the circus, ordered a lot of hooks to be fastened to the center poles. These hooks hereafter will be utilized to hang the late comers on, so that they can see something besides the aerial acts. Helena, Friday, June 25, and in the capital city was lure of the circus and two capacity our day's visit. Missoula on Saturday, June 26, and one wonders where all the people come from. The tents were packed at both performances, The jump of 257 miles to Spokane was made without any untoward incident. Monday afternoon, focation, and. at long before eight, commodate our reception very cordial. The proved to be irresistible, audiences was the result of June 28, was packed to suf as it was impossible to acany more. COL. WELSH’S GREAT AMERICAN | SHOWS. | quent visitor, Col. M. H. Welsh’s Great American shows opened the season at Verona, Pa., June 10, and will play all the leading lots of Pittsburg and Surrounding towns before beginning their regular road tour. This is an eighteen ear show, with two cars in advance. It is Col. Welsh's intention to make a long southern tour. Herewith is the executive staff: Col. M. H. Welsh. sole owner and manager: Homer B. Day, general agent: Thos. Aiton, railroad contractor: E. M. Langford, local contractor: Tom Allen special agent: Will C. Smith, excursion agent: James Nelson. checker-up: Harry Wilson. twenty-four hour man: I. R. Davis. press agent R. C. Hanks and N. J. Kelly. ticket sellers; Harry Green, manager of dining tents: Shanty Ross, boss canvasman: Fred Lucke, boss canvasman of side show: M. W. Graves, train master: James S. Bass. superintendent: W. C. Lane. side show manager. Advance car No. 1, J. C. Andrews. manager: 8. J. McAllister, boss billposter, lowing assistants: John Parns. Vv. S. Russell, M. L. Watkins, Bob Lynn, W C. Black, M. T. Case, Sydney Warren. Charlie Stafford. John Hickory, 0. T. Fallen. S$ auer end F. Paturel: Curley Moore, S. H. Wes ton and H. A. Todd, hographers and banner men: FE. C. Flint, prog mer: FE. 0. paste maker and porter; E. M Chas. O'Bryan, Erickson, Osgood, cook 2 Kendall. manager: Doan, boss billposter: J. Fred Johnson MeHaley, N. S. Proper. D “obs, A w. i billposters: E. I. Jury ographers and banner men programmer: Robert M. Thomp maker and porter; Ned Johnson and § H. Pell E. C Stephens, son. paste cook. Phone Canal 3664. Established 1865. Thomson & Vandiveer MANUFACTURER CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. 816 East Pearl St., THE BEST SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTING at lowest price in the land. High-grade work only. Illustrated catalog to the profession. Tell us what you need and we will send lowest estimate on job. ENKEBOLL ART CO., 5305 North 27th St., Omaha, Neb., U. S. A. CIRCUS & JUGGLING APPARATUS) Clubs, Zatons and Novelties Stamp for cata logue. EDWARD VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, 0. Show Ou fits Send for Free Pargain ENT Fooklet. AFMBR STER MEG.CO, Springfield, Illinois. The tent on} night the doors were closed | with the fol| CINCINNATI, 0.) | The report here was that our July Side Show, W. C. Lane, manager; Dick Allen and Fred Fischer, ticket sellers; The Great Burkhart, lecturer and magician: Prof. Aiken's troupe of performing bears; Miss Aide, snake charmer; Miss LaRose, mind reader; Mitchel Sisters, singers, dancers, and instrumentalists: Miss Arlington, bag puncher; Mons. Goroux, sword swallower; Lonilon, punch and judy show. Among the performers in the big show are The leRoys, aerial artists; Madam Ettevelio, roman rings; The Great Grant, contortionist; Geo. Devere, swinging ladder; LaFayette, burlesque artist; Stafford Sisters, bare back riders; Madam DeVere, traps and bounding wire; The Great Hill Family of society acrobats; Prof. Wilson's trained goat, dog and pony circus; Mons. Aiken’s trained bears; Rose and Rose. impalement act: Hitt and Hitt, song and dance artists; Ada Molton, aerial bars and traps; Nelson, James and Nelson, acrobats and stilt walkers: Madam Leona, cloud swings: Mrs. M. H. Welsh, high school menage act: Nellie Adams, contortionist; Anderson’s trained cockatoos; Hall and Woods’ performing elephant troupe; Geo.. Acton mule hurdle rider: Dan S James, four horse rider; Max Hugo, principal clown, with the following assistants: Bob Kes. ter, Chas. Yorke, Dick Adams, Frank Tate, Free Rose, Tom Tipton, H. F. Kauffman: a white band of fourteen pieces with Burny Hanks as leader. A colored band of eight pieces for the side show is under the direction of R« oy A. Temple. YANKEE ROBINSON NOTES. At Ardoch, N. D.. June 24, the day opened clear and pleasant. When the show ‘y the after" noon was about half over, we encountered a three-minute cloud burst, and the rain cxeme through the tents in torrents. There being no wind at the time, the audience was very orderly. One show was given here and we were lute in getting off the lot. Cavalier on the 25th, ninety mile jump, nice town, big business and fair weather. Larimore, June 26, one hunired mile run. threatening rain. business good. ne ef the property boys fell from the top of a tableaux wagon here. and was picked up unconscious, escaping with but a few bruises. He was asleep at the time. We Snndayed at Park River. morning abort 10 o'clock, appeared in the sky, and the big top was lowered until it passed. No damage wus dene. as it was only a baby cyclone. Business wos not up to the standard, owing to the fact that we showed sixteen miles from here a week ago. Hanna, June 29. close to the Cana-lian lne. 5th stand ‘ and on Monday one of ‘*‘those things’’ | was blown off the map the other day, ani all | communications cut off. We are not troubled with any dust so far | this season, as the “Rain O Plane” Is a fre and a very strong rival to our airship. Michigan, N. D., June 30, one hundred and twenty mile jump, arriving on time. and pessing through Langdon, N. D., a small hamlet that was hit by a terrific cyclone a few days ago killing five people and demolishing a score of buildings Big business here despite the fact that it rained nearly all day. 1. L. Kelly, our steward, is framing up for a grand ovation in the 4. culinary department, July THE SPARKS SHOW. The Sparks circus made a favorable impres sion in Steelton. Pa.. Monday. June 28, and was well received. The show Is transported tn ears which inclndes the private car of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sparks. Just a very few years age the show was carried in only two cars an it has been fitly termed a Fashion Plate show The performers include Alfred Heintz. the npsi le down marvel: Mike eight Or oa the famous Pettit family of acrobats, the Valentines, the Elliotts Iillian Turner, Mr. ar Mrs. Burt M and Paul Jacobs who works the elephs ‘ and Rich are two very clever e! introduced some new ideas in com As a rule Mr. and Mrs. Spar ke thonght of socially through the pre sent re nnevl vania country, In which they are ing parade is the subject of much favorable ment and especially for a small show carr: three elephants m Steelton the show to Lykens, then to Millersburg. Pa with cellent prospects ahead HEARD IN THE MARQUEE. Quite a gathering of showmen paid their re spects to Mr. and Mrs. Sperks at Steelton In eluded were Harry Allen. the well juster: eorge Beckley, the M. Tait, Kreisel, the animal man Lairda, the Japanese conjuror Pnud. Martin. the chef, who Welsh show, has cirens inst 4 tt the John assumed charge of the cook house H. H. Turner. the band leader, has an excel lent lot of men under him L. C. Gillette, the general agent, has booked some fine stands for the show James Beatty has a big annex that gets the money T. W. Bollinger is a capable assistant to Charley Sparks NOTES FROM. WOOLCOTT BROS’. SHOWS. Woeolcott Bros’. show has been on the road for eight weeks under their new eighty foot round ton. Businese has been good, considering the weather. ete The show experienced a cy clone n Channing, Tex which damaged the big top to some extent The show Is en ronte to the coast. playing Trinidad, Colo., this week They have two cars, special paper, and are | featuring ‘‘The last daye of Messina.’’ carry ing their own light plant to reproduce same Skating Rink Tents E want every proprietor of a summer skating W rink who needs a tent to write us for our prices before he places his order. C-G Skating Rink Tents possess as much individuality as do the other C-G Tents, and that means that any tent you buy from us is the best Tent it is possible to make. c-G Skating Rink Tents are absolutely and positively waterproof. They have many features not to be found in any other tents. If you want to know what these special features are, we'll tell you in our reply to your inquiry. Write to-day. nie-Goudie Mfg. Co. Kansas City, Missouri. TENTS SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL NEW AND SECOND HAND TENTS DURING THE NEXT 60 DAYS TO REDUCE STOCK. SPECIFY JUST WHAT YOU WANT. COLUMBUS TENT & AWNING CO COLUMBUS, OHIO. TENTS— Show Tents, Black Tents, Merry-Go-Round ad And everything in canvas. Send for catalogue. DOUGHERTY BROS. TENT & AWNING CO 108-11 South Main Street, St. Louis, Mo. SideShow Paintings SIEGMUND BOCK, 62 Blue Island Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. BEARS, SNAKES, Monkeys, Baboons. FREAKS——MONSTER SNAKES PUTNAM’S WILD ANIMAL STORE, 490 Washington St., BUFFALO, N. Y. SHOW PAINTINGS E. J. HAYDEN & CO., 106-110 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Song Books Our specialty tis 30 YEARS REPUTATION BACK OF EVERY TENT GOSS’ SHOW CANVAS suck TENTS circus FLAGS Waterproof Covers SEND FOR NEW CATALOG AND SECOND HAND LIST The J. C. GOSS CO. ON Portable Grand Stands Folding Gries bairs Manufactured Company or Special Cover Books, the biggest, the flashiest. Sell on sight always. Compare it with the one you are using and judge for yourself. It contains the season's popular hits, containing recitations, jokes, parodies, monologues and two pieces complete music SIZE 10 by 13, Cars for sale or ™) cars. Repair work TRANSPORTATION CO., ©)-Foot Box, Steck or Flat lease. Stores wick 7 solicited St. Louis, “uo $10.00 per 1,000 SIZE 9% by 12, 8.00 per 1,000 SIZE 8 by 11, 7.00 per 1,000 Send for samples and our Song Book Letter, giv ing full Information on song book matter. Send Oc. in stamps to pay postage. Order filled on dav received for stock books No books sent C. O. D. Cash must accompany each and every order We do not pay oo Charges or Freight In ordering books cane write Name, Address, State and County aiebe. Largest Song Book Publisher in the World. W. C. HUBBS, 264 William 8t., WN. Y. City. PASTE 5 cents a Pound Bernard's Cold Water Taste is not ae expensive Circus Tents ' as fone “at present prices. A 200-pound barre " paste md the ter Is ase 50 pown vl ang $3 OO: 200 pound varrel, $10.00 BERNARD | PASTE DEPT., a Bidg., POSTERS WE HAVE FOR LEASE CARS ‘ft shipping seenery, automobiles eSranen, —_ _ merry -go-rounds long, for baggage, Desirable , Reasonable rates. THE "ARMS. PAL ACE. ‘HORSE CAR OO., 1220 Monadnock Bidg., Chicago, Il. LARGE AND SMALL. ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Manufactured by W. H. LUSHBAUGH, = Covington, Ky. ih) S sheet posters, 100 S-sheet posters, 1,000 SECOND-TIAND TENTS FOR SALE. \% sheet hangers The whole lot for $25, cash with order Red or Blue ink; white or yellow paper. JOE A. WALLACE, Oswego, N. Y “TENTS: BARGAIN LIST Almost new, 30x120, 60x90 40x00; and 200 smaller tents for sale, cheap. D. M. KERR MFG. CO 278-280 W. Madison Street, Snakes and Wild Animals Give us a trial; all snakes fixed safe to handle, and prices cheaper than others ARMSTRONG SNAKE COMPANY, Cor. Commerce & Steves Sts., Ban Antonio, Tex. ‘Chicago, Il. ea Portable Lights TENTS FOR SALE AND FOR HIRE | AUGUST F. et eg = MFG. ©CO., 522 Hudbs son St., N. Y¥. Phone, 1887 Chelsea ALL panese FLINT'S PORCUPINES stand captivity Bg long shipments Hound, healthy, attractive, The Bolte & Weyer Co. vegetarians, inoffensive, inexpensive. Unequaled drawing cards for circuses, feos, carnivala, LINWOOD FLINT, North | Indo Mapias 223 Michigan St., Chicago. | Waterford, Kaine. ee Sve i=