The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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32 The Billboard JULY 10, 1909. FAIRS AND CARNIVALS Tidings from Camival Attractions Have an Optimistic Tone---The Season Has Thus Far Been Kind to Them---North Dakota State Fair Association Meets With a Fire Loss---Boiled Down Carnival and Fair Information from Everywhere THE GREAT PATTERSON SHOWS. The Great Patterson Shows are enjoying good weather and prosperity. Taking the season, so far, as a whole, the weather man has been exceedingly kind. Of course, there have been some rainy days, but compared to last season, up to this time, it may be said to be entirely fferent. The same sections of the country have been visited both last season and this. It will be remembered that last season up to this time, entire west and southwest had rain and floods. While there |as been much this season, yet the Patterson Shows seem to have been out of the path of the storms, except in a very few instances. The week of June 21 to 26 was played at Centerville, lowa. This beautiful little city proved very good for the shows and concessions. All did a large business. The weather was good during the week. We had to tear down in the rain Saturday night, but from a business standpoint, the weather man was very good to us as the storm did not strike until after 11 o'clock. The Patterson special was scheduled to leave Centerville at seven o'clock in the morning but on account of the road to the loading track being heavy and several of the heavy wagons getting stuck we did not pull out until eleven o'clock The week of June 28 to July 3 was spent in Oskaloosa, Iowa, and this proved to be another hanner town. The Oskaloosa Baseball Association was the auspicies under which we played. We played this city last season but the business was much lerger this season than last, the latter being very good It was a hot week and people were glad to get some outdoor amuse” ment, the grounds being crowded all during the week This week we are playing Ottumwa and in repetition of the week played in this city last season, business has been very large, in fact it may be said that everybody ‘‘cleaned up.’’ Major DuViond has been very unfortunate the past three weeks, having been injured several times in his fight for life in the den of the untamable lion. Several of these injuries have necessitated his being out of the bill for several days However, none of them have been serious and he is back at work at every performance Thursday night, July 1, at Oskaloosa, Iowa, occurred the marriage of Jas. Townsend, better known ‘Little George, the Iowa Midget,’’ and Miss Dollie Brammer of Kansas City, Mo. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. McFerrin, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Oskaloosa, as using the beautiful and impressive ring service. The couple were attended by James Patterson, Jr.. and Miss Allene Darnaby. The cere mony was performed on a large platform that had been erected in the center of the carnival grounds. The merchents of Oskaloosa had heard of the approaching wedding and presented the bride and groom with many useful end beautiful gifts. : week will find the eighteen attractions Great Patterson Shows at Washington, under the auspices of the Washington Band During the week at Oskaloosa, Iowa, welcome visitors to the show were Mr. and Mrs. J. Darnaby and their danghter Allene. Mr. Darn iby has the J. A. Darnaby Stock Co. under canvas, 2nd reports business to be exceptionally we His company is playing Oskaloosa this week, July 5-10. NORTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR NEWS. The Liberal Arts Building at the State Fair grounds in Grand Forks, N. .. the largest building on the grounds, was struck by lightning June 29 and completely destroyed by fire which resulted. This will not interfere with the Fair in anyway which is to be held July °0.24 inclusive, as the Association immediately had ~— orem ared for a much larger and nicer building be erected in its place and _ the work is ane ady well under way and by Fair time will be ready for use Among the froe attractions at the State Fair this vear are Prof. F. P. Robinson and lion in their balloon assension: Wm. H. Willard, the bierele wizard: Leon Bros., The Scotts, Patrick CHEAP PANAMA HATS. the latest in to withstand Panama hats made of paper the novelty line They are one or two showers of rain and figuring on the basis of what a regular panama would cost one could have a stock of paper hats that would last the entire season for than one quarter the price of one of the regulation kind. Osear Leistner, 119 Franklin street, Chicago, Is the man who handles them and he states that they are about the biggest thing yet for street men. Mr. Leistner is an importer and manu facturers’ agent for a large line of paper decorations and novelties Chas. Jessop. of the few days at his home are said these less Outlaw Show, in Connersville, spent a Ind. BOOKI NG BIG ATTRACTIONS. The Lake County Fair, Crown Point, Ind., Angust 30 to September %. will have as its special free show, The Venetian Carnival! This show will be presented on the lake ‘in the center of the fair grounds by the Gregory Company, of Chicago. Besides this show the management has engaged the follow ing vaudeville acts: Mme. Schoman and her trained dogs and horses; Chefalo, loop the loop: Latcy Brothers. comedy acrobats; Ramza and Arno, gymnasts, and Delano Brothers, comedy act. Barney Young and his Concert Band have | also been engaged. " whiclt will be held at Fransico, Sawyer & and many other free Herbert A. Kline | charge of the Pike. GREAT COSMOPOLITAN SHOWS. Bert Hoss joined the the Cosmopolitan Shows, at ky. ently. At present the outfit consists of the following attractions. Beautiful Alps. Outlaw Show, Katzenjammer. Castle, Original Amie, I Gussie, Crazy House, Burehfield’s Jungle Show, Clark’s Old Plantation, Great London Ghost Mystery, Peeler’s Holy City and Passion Play, Grotto, Ferris Wheel, Merry-go-round, and as the feature attraction, the Castle United Shows, with Mr. Burch as arenic director. Mrs. Riley Waner, of the Alps Show, will shortly visit her home in Indianapolis. DeLaina, Tossing Lavallees attractions. Carnival Company have advance of Owensboro, Great rec GREAT PARKER SHOWS. By Elmer Walters. The flock of Creston, instrumental that city, Iowa, birds which were in bringing the Parker Shows to qualified among the very best of their class, and the birds are numbered among the neatest boosters, collectively, under whose auspices we play. Ruralites for miles around were sufficiently interested in the Parker Shows to take advant age of ‘“‘special’’ excursion days. Chas. G. Kilpatrick, the former daring cyclist, but who is now manufacturing ‘“‘Human Roulette’ wheels. was the guest of Mr. Kennedy at Creston. After a week’s vacation, due to a slight dislocation of the small bones of his left hand, Capt. Strahl renewed his high dive twice daily to the delight of those who were of a sensational turn of mind, and the Capt. won many friends. Twenty-eight of our boys were initiated Into the Fraterns!] Order of Eagles at Creston and the writer renewed old acquaintances with the | newspaper fraternity, Messrs. Robb and Golden, of the morning Americen and with Mr. Friend, of the Advertiser. An electric storm made itself obnoxious to the workmen while tearing down at Creston but did not delay our get-away. The carnival spirit is a distant relative to the ‘“‘ghost that walks.” The Ferris wheel is a merry-go-round and yet it is not a merry-go-round. To operate a carnival it is necessary to have a carnival. Hell hath no fury like an electric storm when tearing down. Oo To spare the rol weuld be to kill the liontamer. A chattering monkey has a long tail, but a chatty woman has = tale. Canvasmen are not necessarily proteges of an awning factory. Spieler proposes, — seller disposes. Any high diver looks before he leaps. COSMOPOLITAN SHOW BRIEFS 1 opened The Great Cosmopolitan Shows No. in Redford, Ind., June 28, to big business. The week here ended with an appropriate Fourth of July celebration on Saturday. Everybody is painting and things generally will soon present an entirely different appear ance. The Aime Show has a brand new front and Is a dream. The new calliope arrived at New Redford. Several new concessions also joined there. Chas. Jesop has returned from a visit to his home in Connersville, Ind The Cooper Bros.’ R. R. Shows are now with this ontfit, as a feature attraction It is now known as the Castle’s United Shows. The weather has been so hot that it was almost unbearable. and Dr. R. Anderson ts slightly ill. Harry Clerk, superintendent of lots, is recovering from a recent lengthy [illnesss, MOOSE meemmaatd IN INDIANAPO The Loyal Order of Moose, the fraternal and beneficial society that has made such remark able strides in membership since its rejuvenation in Indianapolis, early in March, have de cided to advance the date of their mid-summer revel from Augnst 10 to a mnch more acceptable time, and have set thelr official seal upon Iniy 20231 as the heralded advent of the *“*Moose Festival.’”’ The Indianapolis lodge now hae an active membership of over 2,000, and National Organizer Fdw. H. Fick, to whom the credit of this rapid growth Is freely attributed, promises a healthy increase approaching 3.000 by the date set for breaking ground for the ‘‘Moose Home,”’ the $200,000 edifice which will ultimately house Indianapolis Lodge No, GILLESPIE-ANDERSON NOTES. The Gillesple-Anderson Carnival Company had a great week at Franklin. Ohifo, June 21-28 under the anspices of the Uniform Rank K. of P. and Beeste’s Band. Baby Jim played to over | $700 on the week, and other attractions did, |ing Norwood, | this year at t= equally as well. The shows are this week play Ohio, then go to Columbus for two weeks at Recreation Park, of the Afro-American K. P. At Columbus the company will be joined by Burkhard’s Animal Show, Mullhollan’s Museum and Kooh’s Oriental Theatre. NEW MEXICO’s FAIR. The Albuquerque Fair officially known as the 29th Annual New Mexico Fair, will take place Albuquerque, N. M., during the week of October 11 to 16 inclusive. A first class carnival company and a real airship will among the amusement features. An excur siom train recently visited the City of Santa Fe, under the ausplees State Encampment. |} on a fair boosting expedition, and over 700 tick | the middle |} season with the Great Patterson outfit. ittle | | Loran C. Spees, ets were sold. BACK WITH SHOW. Harry S. Noyes, contractor with was back and general agent and rallroad the Great Patterson Shows, visited the show for the first time this season, at Centerville, Ia. Mr. Noyes has the show pretty well booked up until the first of October in some of the best towns in West. This is Mr. Noyes second ERRATUM. In the edition of The Rillboard, it was erroneously stated that Marvel, performe: i his spiral act cis one Shows at the Greensboro ebrath in New York The act Was not performed by Minting, but by the Great Bertini, wunicyelist. Minting is at present en route with the Smith Greater Shows. dated Minting, the with the Fran Bridge Cel June 26 ADDRESS WANTED. If ‘‘Wellwisher’’ writing from St. Joseph, Mo., will send the editor his name and address he will confer a favor. His suggestion was thankfully received. CARNIVAL NOTES. Leaf Brothers’ Show are now in their 4th week in Pennsylvania, and business has been fine up to date. Russelle, magician and hand evf! king, is the latest addition to the show. The following is the roster Leaf Brothers, sole owners; Frank Leaf, manager: Geo. Nor man, advance; Russelle, magic The Farrows, comedians and wooden shoe dancers Ed. Marshall, Loulfs Leaf, Frank Leaf, acrobats and wire artists: Miss May Simpson, serpentine dancer; Bell Sisters, aerial performers The company will finish in Pennsylvania in two weeks, and then tour West Virginia land. Herbert Klein Carnival Co., under the anspices of the West End Commercial Club gave a very eycellent and clean carnival show at St. Paul, Minn., last week and drew many large audiences. The Iggorotes Village, which was one of the special features, made a big jump from Dreamland, Coney Island, to St. Paul on very short notice. Mr. Klein’s next stand is at Winnipeg. The roster of the band with the Pollow Amusement Company is as follows: Edward C. Beaning, bandmaster; Fred Comtois, Chas. Braitzka, Gilbert John stone, Boyden Spees, Bert Falconer, E. Hegel sen. Giles Winchester and Albert FE. Edwards. The company is at present touring the West. and Mary Wm. A. Peterson, manager of the. Opera House, Ottawa. Il, successfully managed the big street carnival at Bloomington, M1.. week of June 28, for the Bloomington Baseball Association. The Great Parker Shows were the attraction. Mr. Peterson will have the same outfit at LaSalle, Ill., week of July 19. Liles Amusement Company was struck by a severe sand storm at Okeene,. Okla., June 29. All the tents were blown down, but no damage was done excepting to the Snake Show tent, which was torn to pieces. The Scurlock Carnival Company ex | hibited at Danville, Ill, last week under the auspices of the Danville Rod and Gun Club. The company gave good, clean exhibitions, and the | Cirenit, | Mont., | takes place attendance was good. Owing to the closing of the Imperial H. C. Moore has joined the D. W. Robertson Carnival Company with his Oriental and Dancing Girl Show. The Montana State convention of F. 0. E., with the Parks Shows No. 2. kept Butte. busy all the week of June 21. The show did an excellent business. The Hudson-Fulton September 25 to sive, on the Hndson River, New York to Albany. The Great Parker Shows Bloomington, Tll., week of June 28, auspices of the Baseball Association ness was the rule. celebration, October 5, Ineln all the way from played under the Big bust Baucher’s United Shows and. the Great Western Exposition Company exhibited et Petersburg, Ill., July 5-10 to good business The Hubers are now en route with Hart’s American Carnival Company. FAIR NOTES. This year’s Minnesota State Fair will surpass any previously held. thousand dollars will he offered which will be divided between short-horn show, sheep division. and flowers, snd country side clubs and societies and silver medale everything possible enthusiasm of Department, Department larged this Over forty in premiums, the horse show, chickens, fruits | exhibits Many onthave also offered gold silver cups and ribbons, and will be done to awaken the those competing The Women's Manufacturers’ Department, and of Farm Implements will be en year The fair willl be held at the State Fair grounds from September 6 to 11, with C. N. Cosgrove as secretary. The Fifty-sixth Regiment Band, of Fort Dodge, In.. leaves Angust 1 for an extend ed Western trip, reaching Seattle Auguet 12 (lowa Day). The band will stop at all the principal cities en route. The Helen May Butler Band will | travel over the same chantanqua course taken by the Kilties two years ago. the band is booked for appearances at falrs. | All the Privileges at the Farmers’ 175 Liberty Street, In September moraine, Cumberland’s (lowa) open air Car nival and Fair will be held September 2-4. A. W. Stryker is secretary. The American Carnival Company enjoyed excellent business at Columbus, Ohio, the week of June 21. Vincettie and Pearl are with the Dode Fiske Show, doing the high dive and two concert acts. LEAP THE GAP Rider Without Outfit AT LIBERTY Address “Gap Rider,” Billboard, Chicago DICE CARDS High-class Work Only. Dies... .....5..-. SRR eee Catalogue Free. HUNT & CO., 56 Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. 2s PUTNAM CO, FAIR CARMEL, N.Y. August 31 to September 4, 1909, GREATER THAN EVER. For ground space and privileges apply to WILLIAM B. REED, JR., Treasurer, Brewster, N. Y ACTS TO RENT For Fairs and Parks. GREAT WESTERN BOOKING ASS’N., 818 Schiller Bidg., Chicago. OUR “UNIQUE” SERVICE IS EXCLUSIVE And a better business-getter than second run Licensed Film. If you can not afford it, try our Commercial Service. Good, usable, well selected Inone Every Film with a title. ship’t $15 6 REELS 3 SONGS FOR SALE— Headquarters for Fight Films. 100 reels Film, $10 to $30; 200 sets Song Slides. $1 to $3. THE UNIQUE ‘FILM & —soo TION CO., Unity Building, CHICAGO HURRY. HURRY, HURRY. HURRY. Privilege Men and Concessionaires TAKE NOTICE. Mid-Summer Festival are for sale. Hurry with your appli cations; no time to lose. Want to hear from a good Girl Show. Address ED. C. EICHELBERGER, Mgr., YORK, PA. FOR SALE 5 Reels of Film in A-1 condition. Will send C. 0. D. subject to exam ination. Send for list. Ww. JAMES, LYNN, MASS. BALLOONS air Balloons of all sizes in etock at al! NORTHWESTERN BALLOO bso Clybourn Ave., Chicago. BALLOON RACES Grand International Tournament de picting serial war-fare. Fair and Park Managers investigate. GREAT WESTERN BOOKING ASSN. 818 Schiller Bldg., Chicago. fine curtain, con No. $45.00 takes Lubin Machine complete, dition, 1,000 ft. good film, 12x15 10 stage cable and lamp cord, case, carbons, switches, $25.00; film, $12 Mm. KE. Winnebago Avenue, Chicago, slide and shipping tickets. Ll. mn. Separate HAYDEN,