The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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The Bi JULY 10, 1909. llboard 33 THREE FRESH SELLERS These Make a Streetman Hump HANDING THEM OUT FAST ENOUGH AND TAKING CARE OF THE COIN, BABY TRUMPET It says Papa-Mama. Any one learns at first trial how todo it. A lively, interesting, profitable seller. Gross $4.00 HERE IS ONE ON YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW. The latest Pendant and Button. A squeaking dressed Jap Doll Pendant attached to Button inscribed “I Love My Wife But O. U. Mother-In-Law. Per 100, $2.00 Yr) : if Love my \ Gay MOTHER ANOTHER NEW ONE. I Love My Patent Leathers, But, O. U. Undressed Kid. SHAM PANAMA HAT There is actually a scramble Per 100 for them wherever shown. | china Doll Pendant, $2.00 YO" Gross $3.75 | Metal Doll Pendant, 1.50 busy. Send For Our Free New 1909 Complete Catalogue The Best ever published. The Best and most Complete in the country. Biggest tn America. Square Deal To All N. SHURE CoO., Manufacturers, Importers, Wholesalers 220-222 Madison St. CHICAGO. LEVIN BROS., Est. 1886, Cor. 6th and Cherry Sts., Terre Haute, Ind. FOR ALL OCCASIONS We supply Amusement Parks, Nickel | Shows, Carnivals, Streetmen, Knife Board Men, Cane-Rack Men, Novelty Dealers, Canvassers, Peddlers, Auc GS Se fo we 1p i tioneers and Merchants with the a t! right class of goods and at the right i i price. Get our catalogue and get 22 iis. in right with the right house. “hs | ‘ Rg i WESTERN BARGAIN HOUSE, : Wholesale Notions, Jewelry, Cutlery 0! YOU KID HATs, Watches, Novelties, etc. $7.25 Gross. 242 East Madison Street, NOVELTIE 7 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION We are headquarters for this class of goods. 1909 Catalogue Now Ready Your name on a postal brings a copy. FREE. America’s Foremost Streetmen’s House. OUR OPERATORS ARE enenienanss MONEY | WITH THE WONDER CANNON Photo Button Machine The “CANNON” makes finished Photo B butte in 30 seconds, ready tO wear. erience nor dark room required. orners, out money maker on street c picnics and all Ab £ at fal rs. carnivals, door celebrations. This includes Complete Outfit, $25. 0 Wonder Cannon, ripod and supplies for making 300 fin ishe “1 Photo Buttons. Send $5 deposit with order; balance C. O. D., Catalog free The Original Photo Button —_ . 120 Ferrotype Bidg. CHICAGO FERROTYPE co... * CHICAGO, ILL. JUST THE THING FOR WOODMEN PICNICS— AX BROOCHES OLD RELIABLE Exact reproduction of Photo Button and Frame. Fe aga tn wen 11 50 The M. L. JEWELRY CO. > ee ia LF FAFA HEE FFAFHEHA ASE 4 444 -> + PARK AND FAIR MANAGERS! * > FEW OPEN WEEKS + ... CARLISLE’S WILD WEST SHOW... + 40 PEOPLE AND HORSES. This is THE one that created a SENSATION at Palisades Park, N. J.. for SIX a R. C. ° , or care * WEEKS. Write quick CARLISLE, 547 W. 129th St., N. ¥ cITY SHEFF FEHFHE EH EFHE E+E H+ 4444-4 + Palisades Park, Palisade, N. J. FOR THE Wanted x. G. BARKOOT AMUSEMENT CO Ghost Show, Machanical Shew, Flea Cireus, Big Snake kinds for 4 in one show. Legitimate Concessions write lainch, Confetti and Novelties. Plantation people and Door 5 to 10: Middle Port, O., 12 to 17; Parkersburg, W. Va., 19 BARKOOT, Gen. Mer. Send for our Free, Special Summer Bulletin. If you want quick sellers and prompt eervice, 256 East Madison St., Chicago, lil ° good Shows, Human Laundry Castle, or other Platts rm Shows. Freaks of all w me on, except Candy Wheel, Tatke ‘Ts, write. Huntington, uly to 24. Address all cor, to K. SCHEPP’S FAMOUS DOG-PONY At Liberty MONKEY CIRCUS An A-l gnaranteed box-office attraction that draws the crowds and pleases old and young alike. Can be produced in 2 acts 15 minutes each, or all tn one big act as desired. Perform in or out doors, " pletie rm or ground. 5 successful trips to the Pacific, Northwest, and Southern Gulf, a eat, Hundreds of testimonials. Write or wire, CHAS. W. SCHEPP, Circus Headquarters, 188 Crescent Avenue, Louisville, Ky. WANTED, AT ONCE For the Gabriel peek Hunter Wild West Snake Woman, Punch Man, Magician, Bag Pune her, Strong Man, =. Join on wire. Wire my expense. EDDIE WRIGHT, Kennywood Park, Pittsburg, Pa. SEND YOUR ROUTE TO THE BILLBOARD TO-DAY. 1 1909 Model Sleeve Machine will take and furnish 200 pictures an hour, size of picture 1%x2%. Our 1909 Model Sleeve Machine will make more money for you than any other Minute Picture Machine on the market. Price of machine, $15. 1909 MODEL CANNON MACHINE costs us $1.25 more to manufac ture, but we have not increased the price. Price as usual, $15 Plates for all Cannon machines on the market, 90c per hundre d. fi Plates, 1%x2%, $1.00 a hundred; Frames, $1.75 a gross; Mounts, i: 25 and 35¢ a hundred; De eveloper, 15¢c; Circulars, Free. AMERICAN MINUTE PHOTO CO,, 269-277 West 12th Street, Dept. H, CHICAGO, ILL. ROLL TICKETS ge 8 Any of the following styles Carried in stock ready for immediate shipmemt at the above prices. Seenic Theatre, Admit One Majestic Theatre, Admit One Roller Rink, Admission Admit One Animal Show, Admit One Electric Theatre, Admit One Admit One 5c Miniature Railway,One Ride Famiiy Theatre, Admit One Mystic Maze Merry-Go-Round, One Rice Dreamland Theatre, Admit One Ferris Wheel Merry-Go-Round, 6 for 2c Vaudeville Theatre, Admit One Circling Wave Scenic Railway, One Ride Wonderland Theatre. * Lyric Theatre Good For One Ride Whirling Coaster Auditorium i Theatre, Admit One Crystal Theatre Theatorium The numbers on this ticket is printed in red, the Amusement Name, ete in black. the BACKS of all these | tie kets are printed to match each style. If the pame of your Amusement Place is not on this list, send for our big list and tell us your wants. CASH WITH ORDER NONE SENT ©. O. D. SPECIAL PRINTED TICKETS 50,000 $6.50 100,000 $10.00 ROYAL TICKET COMPANY, SHAMOKIN, PA. + DESIRABLE THEATRE LEASE FOR SALE A ten year lease on the Majestic Theatre at Kansas City, Mo., located in the heart of the shopping district. Can be secured January ist, 1910. For further information, see SCHOENBERG REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., LEASES A SPECIALTyYy—— Second Floor Commerce Building. KANSAS CITY, MO. Agent, Actors, Musicians and Specialty People Wanted. Agents salary, $25 a week, pay own hotel; must have 2-car show experience, absolutely and no grafter. Musicians must be first-class, as I have a 15 piece ro that play eff the Can use a good Bird or Cockatoo Act; will buy or engage. This is a two-car show. 10th s winter and summer under tent. Salaries as sure as a bank. If you booze or ec yt star pros perity do not answer. Address W. A. EILER, Mgr. King of the Cattle Ring, Big ‘Timber Mont., 10; Livingston, 12: Townsend, 15; Drummond, 17: Plains, 19. Per. Add. Whittemore, Iowa. WANTE GERMAN COMEDIANS, TYROLEAN SINGERS (Eisenduers, write) and all attractions for GERMAN VILLAGE at MOOSE MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL, 10 days, July 20-31. Write or wire, EDW. H. FICK, Gen’! Manager, 371 Denison Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. All kinds of concession people, write -= WANTS -:FOR SALE —New Thorne Set Spindle The strongest Freaks and Platform | Perfect condition; 16 Watehes, 5 H. C.. all good condition; 1 pair Opera Glasses; 30 Chains and Shows in the business. Salary or} rons, 9 ‘Waten Cases, and 1,800 sm: all prises; e— 28 o . st come first served; enclose percentag wire. FREDERIC RITCHIE, $28 takes outfit; first come first v 2 Billboard Office, San Francisco. Skating Riok, Skates Airdome, Admit One Base Ball, Admission Base Ball, Grand Stand Moving Pictures, Nickelodeon, Admit One Good fer 5 Cents in trade stamp when writing. F. C. T., 813 N. 11th St., St. Louis, Mo.