The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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JULY 10, 1909. The Billboard Lindholm, Herbert Littl, A. J. Doe Homer *Lopez, Lecundlo Lotto, Wm. lols & Love Lowande, A. A. Lowery. Geo. B. *Lowther, Prof. Lloyd *Luce Lace Locas, John W. Lueders, Henry Lumphin, Charlle Lundy, A. 8. Lyman Bros. Lyman Twine Lymans, Walter 8. Lynch, Humphrey Lynn, Harry Lynn, Harry Lyons, Leonard MacOonnell, Parker McAdams, *McAleer, T McCall, McCall Trio McCannack, McCarty, D. E *McCassan, Wm. McOaumy, Wm. MeCloskey, John L. McConkey, Prof. Wm. McCoy, James McDade, E. C. McDade, David McDonald, Henry MeGowen, Harry McGown, Prof. Harry McGrath & Page McGreevy, James Long. McGuire, Tom McHenry, Cornel Melntyre, Frank J. McKeeWeick Am. Co. McMahara, Frank McMahon, T. J. MeMabon, Frank R. McMillan, Don MacNelll, Great MeQuigg, M. W. Mack, R. J. Mackay's E Circus *Mafera, Patsy A. Madison, Arthur Magnus, Morris Main, Walter L. uropean Manning, Alfred *Marable, T. H. Marion, C. A. Marks, H. Marsh, Joe Marshall, Leon W. 1. A. Eddie Charles » & Marriott Mascagal, Stephen Massick, Albert **Masten, Harry Matthews, Harry D. Maxwell + Ma swat c. ig Buy Vester Mick, Harry Mikelson & Kusit *M rd. Billy M I_p M r. Mad M r Lou E. M John Miller, Ernie M tT. Marsh M Geo H M nh, Gene R. Mir Vinice Mitchell, Curly Mitchell. W. =. *Mitchell, Herbert G. Moor Robert mR rr . Hi srold ** Moore Archie 8. Moore, Archie Moore, Geo, Austin **Mooar. E. } Morgan, Fred Morgan, Wm. Morlock, RB. W. Moross, J. A ‘ ell. Pred M “ Dave M s HOI Morris, Dave Morrissey, Billy B **Morton, Great \ mand Thomas “I ‘ *Mowatt, George Morattanango *Mueller. Gus Mallen, Thos. T. **Murato, Toki M phy, Joe R, Murphy, James F. M phy Ww. oH. “Murray, Billy ul to. Frank Mutehler, Fred Melle & Orth lau Prof, N Dan FP. Nalbandian, Jake nN Eugene H. Neoser, Chaa, ‘ tional Amusement Co eal, Shoals Am, Co, Nello, Mr. and Mra. Nol eon, Vietor Is Vie etl, Hugo vent. James Newton Kn. RK. won, Baxter os, Isaac Norwood, E. A. Norman, Jimmie Nye, Thos, *Nye, Harry o’Conner, Prof. J. L. 0’ Rourke-Burnette Trio Oberfield, Wim. Oderkirk, C. J. Ogden, Mr. and Mre, Obas. T. Obren, E. E. Opperman, Oreal, Oregon, Ki Orletta and Taylor Orr, E. Osborne, J. A. Oskara, Harry Osterling, George *Ostrade Overland Amusement Co. Ovette, Magual Vuborney, Chas. Outen, Babe Owens, Al. Owens, Fred L. Painter, Alfred *Palmer, Thomas Palmer, Thomas Palmquist, D. L. Parker, W. C. Parker Carnival Model | Minstrels Parker, Chas. P. Parker, C. Emmette Park-llogan Airship Co. Partello, Jack Patton, B. Co. Pearce, Al. Pearce, Pearson, Harry Peck, Fred L. Peeso, W. D. Pendergast, Jess Percy, Jack erkins, Si *Perrino, Prof. Perry, Thomas Perry, C. Herbert *Pete Bros. Peterson, 8S. A. Pettibone and Sons Phillips, Charley Phipps, *Pierce, Harry F. **Picknell, B. Kerl Pilgrim, H. B. Pilkington, H. Pitts, D. Platt, D. W. Poeling, Al. Porter, J. 8 Powell, Mr. and Mrs. A *Prentice, Preston, G. Price, Capt. B. A. Park Price, Thomas Price, Ben *Pulver, Milton M. Pulver, Milton M. Purchase, G. Queen and Crescent Shows Quincy, Thomas *Quincy, Thomas Quinian, Joe *Quirk, Billy *Kaboo, Elepbant Boy | Rader, Dave Kembo, Harry Rambo, Geo Ramza and Arno Ranchard, Doe Randall, Jack **Rawhnson, G. Ray. Prof. Edward Raymer, Walter J. Raymond, . ‘*Raymond. M. B. Rea, John Rea, Jobn Reade and Wright Reagan, John Redway. Eddie Reece, Happy Reece, Nat Reed, Al Reed, J. H. Reed, Walter . Frew Rentfrom, J. W. Renzos, The Reynard, A. D. Reynard, Harry Reynolds, George Reynolds, Ed. A. Reynos, The Rex, C. W. Rhyan, Frank M. Rice, C. B Rice Broa. Rice and Conley Richard, Joe Richard, Dick Richards, M. 8S. Richards, B. V. Richardson, R. A Richardson, C. T. **Richardson, ‘. w. *Richle, A Riggs BR Co. Rink News Pub. (Co. Rising, W. 8. Ritchie, Joe Risal & Atima Roberts, Jimmie Roberts, A. F. Roberts, Qeo, Robert, Stanley J. Robertson, BR. M. Robertson, James Spot" Robeson and Partlan Robinson, Nat C. Roddy, W. Mek. Rogers, F. D Regera, Ww. PD. *Rogere, Wilson Rogers and Clark Dog and Pony Show Rogera, q Rogers Bros, *Rotttaire”’ Rollins, Wm. G. Rontue, Reckless Rook, Fred A. *Rooney, Rosards, Rose, H. Ross, Eddie G. Koss, Wu. Rosekoff, Capt. F. Roy, Chas. E. Loyal Amuse. Co. Royer, Archie Ruheeles, W. Rusk, J. W. Russell, Bob Russell Bros, Russell, Jim Ruth, Scott **Ruth, Scott W. Ryan, Glenn Salisbury, George Salter, Ed. B. *Saltey, Chas. Saltzgaler, Don Samayoa, Mr. *Samons, Ralph *Sampson, L. Sampson, Dr. H. Sanderson, Clarence Z. — Doe Alex. *Sang, Don Sanger and Ray Amusement Co. Sappington, Chas. "Sargent, Fb. Pb. Sauimer, ‘ Saunders, Scarbrough, William Schenkel, Ed. Schmidt, C. W. **Schmidt, Herr Schoenfeld, O. E. Schuauenberger, Carl Schreck, Walter Schupack, Sam Scott, John M. Seott, A. G. Scott and Rankin **Scott, D. J. *Seott, Ed. H. **Scrantons, The Seacost Vending Co. Seelig and Meyer Seeman, Adolph Seiler, S. ‘ Seitz, H. Seldom, Tom M. Senrab, Billy Senrab Billy and Mae Shalicross, H. A. Shandeaux, Prof. Sharper, Lovure Shelby, James, Shows Shelby, Hi Sheidon, G. H. Sheldon Stock Co. Sheldons, Comedians Shelton, Clarence Ss Shepard & St. Angmoa Sheppard, B. C. Sheppard, C. W. Sheridan, _— G. Sherwood, R. *Shickler, } «& Sebafer Shimoze, Sam Shioi, K. Shirley, Wm. Shumaker, Geo. W. Siders, F. J. Siedenberg, H. V. Sieffert. Felix J. Signs, The Great **Simons, Robt. M., Jr. Simmons, Harry Six arry Sinclair, R. Sinclair, Geo. B. Sittig, Geo. *Skovgaard Concert Co. Slagle, Jack Sloan, John & Mayme Slover, Gus. . Small, Harry L. Smejkal, Klenha and Ring e*Smith, Eddie Smith, Tom Jr. Smith, Chas Smith and Waltone Smith, W. 1. Smith, Smith, F. J. Smith, Will Z. Smith, Jos. H., Smitz, J. W. e*Snyders, Ed. Vaughan Snider, T. W. Sommerville, E. V. Southwestern Carn. Co, Spencer, Arthur 8 Spencer, Clarence **Spessardy, Paul *Spinx, Monsieur Stanley and Scanlon Stanley, Steve *Stammers, Frank Stanley & Farr Alvin & Co. and Starke, Chas. Starr, Earl Star Amusement Co. Ste. Fleure, Roderic Stein, Frea J Steiner, H. BE. Stelling, Fred Stephens, W. Stephens, Thomas Sterlings, Renowned Sterling, Wm. Stetson’s Uncle Tom's Cabin Stevens, Stevens, Stevens, *Stewart, atrical Co. Stewart, Chas. Jennie Stetyn, Stillman, W. W. Stockman, Jake Stokes, Dick Stone, Harry **Stone, Mort D. Story. J. O. Strahle, Charley Stribling, W. L. Strobel, Chas. J. Stroud, Charlle "(Mer.) and Stubbs, L. E. **Stubblefield Trio Stublefield Trio Stuck, Jesse Stuckhart, Col. W. D. Sullivan, Neal Sully, Daniel Sumner, Chas. or “ay Hudspeth Am. 0. Sweeney, J. R. Sweeney, John D. Sweeney, Henry C. Swift Bros. Swift, Herbert *Sylvester, H. H. Sylow, Henry *Syms, Mr. (Mgr. Side Show) **laggart, Oscar Takahash, G. M. Talbot, Ralph *Tanaka, Henry Tarver, J. G. Tate, Fred Taylor, Chas. Taylor, William Teller, Ivar Dabl Temple Amuse. Co, Templeton, C. M. **Tenaldro, The Tendehoa, Chief Tennegen, Ted **Termain, Mark Terrell, Mr. Tetuswary, Y. Theodocius, Mack Thomas, 8S. R. Thompson, Ed. Thompson, F. B. Thongo, Prime Thorne, Kverett M. Thorner, Juggling Thornton, R. E. Therman, Smith Thurston, C. F. Thurston, Harry E. *Tibbitts, Jobn Timponi, E. J. Tobin, Maurice Toledo, Sidney Torbett, Emery Trainor, Geo. Trask, Clarence Coul ter Travis, Fred Triamuniran, Trimble, B. Trixie, Little Tucker, Tom S. Tumber, W. R. Turner, Burs Turner, Doc **Tuscanc, Otis Tuttle and May Tyler and Burton Tyson, P. C. Uncle Sam Trio Van Clere-Denton Co. Van Woehler, Mr. and Mrs. *Vass, Victor **Von Fassan, Harry Valdes, Frank Valdies, James Vallan, James Valour, E. 0. Jamie Varuly, V. A. Vaughners, The *Veaux, Clyde Vermelto, Ray Verno, The Artist Verona Musical Trio Vetter, J. K. Villa, Fred Arn Vinning Amusement Co. Vogle. Ino. W. *Voitier, Frank H. Von Ericksen, L. A. **Vontella and Nina Vonway. BE. C. Wagenor, Ted Wagner, Ed. C. Wagner, Lloyd **Waldron, Andrew Walker, Jack Wall, Lawrence P. *Wallace, Joe *Wallace, Jas. Wallrapp, J. L. Walt. Arthur *Walters, S. S. Walton, Gordon Wampler. W. Warde, Harry Warren, Chas. H Washburn, H. 8. Wetson, Bobby *Watson, Fred B. Watsons, Four **Weadick & Ladue Weaver, Julius J. . Webb WwW. G. Weinbourg, Gus Weik, Chas. H. Weldon, James Wells, Ben L. Wells, C. L. *Wells, Wente, Werdon, W. L. West, J. W. West, Al. H. West, H. W. Westerman. Geo. W. Wheeler, H. E. Punch Wheelock, Chas. *Whitcom, Cleve. White, Frank b. *White, H. ** White, Phil E. *Whitecrow, Chas. Whitehead, Joe Whitney, Alvin M. Whittaker, S. T. Whittier, Norman Whittington, D. Wilks, Monte Willard, Le Roy Williams, Kent Williams, Lester Willtams, Sish *Williams, J. H. Wilson, Carley Wilson, Billy Wilson, Chas *Wilson, Allen Witson, Geo. 8S. Willis, Taylor Willis, C. R. Wills, P. J Wilson, Harry K. Wright, Fred M. Winn, Jack L. Wright, Sam C. and bd ad | + a Co. Ida rth, Phi . Wodetsky, J. C. Wyoming Kid Wolfe, B. K. Yalto Duo **Wolfscate, Roy Yarnell, Albert Wameek, H. G. Show Yeager, Kemp and Turvis Wonderland Amuse. Yorris, Ben Edwin Young, Frank A. Woodal, Billy Zanfrellas, The Wood, G. T. Zarrow, Happy Wood, R. M. Zelma, I. Z. Woodward, H. Guy Zeno, Prof. George Woolcott, Mark Zera, Edward Woolf Bros Zerber, W. E. Zierke, Robert Wright, Zobedie, Fred Chas. N. CHICAGO FILM NOTES. (Continued from page 13.) Schiller’s Crystal Theatre on North Clark street is running only moving pictures and illustrated songs and the absence of vaudeville will continue over the summer months. Three thousand feet of film is run at each performance. Mr. Schuchat of the U. S. Film Exchange is in and out of town these days personally directing the service of his customers but finds time to conceive some excellent advertising ideas which he is putting in effect. It is rumored that a large new moving picture house will be erected at Madison street and Western avenue and that soon will be building, at Madison street and Kedzie avenue, several houses which will show pictures and vaudeille. % The pictures of the auto races taken by the Selig Polyscope Co. are having a well-deserved vogue. Mr. Thomas Quill of that company, recently returned from a trip out of the city. * It is said that Harry Spoor, brother of George Spoor, will give up his position at MecVickers Theatre and will take care of some of the Eurcpean business of Geo. Spoor and Co. .* Sam Schiller, head of the Schiller Film Exebange, says that in the fall he will erect three new houses in Chicago and enlarge several of those now under his control. * Mr. F. C. Aiken has purchased from Mr. Hutchins and Mr. Roebuck their shares in the Theatre Film Service and it is now under his sole control. * Another addition to the Chicago colony made recently is the Western Song Slide Company which is at present guided by Mr. Harry Spears. % Their recent loss by fire seem to in no way have affeeted Messrs. Van Runkle and Auerbach who are just as busy and optimistic as ever. % Carl Laemmle promises lots of new things which he intends to unfold after his impending Eurpean trip. Some interesting news is expected soon from the C. J. Hite Film Co. * Mr. Urban was in Chicago last week and had a long conference with George Kleine. MOVING PICTURE NOTES. Captain Peabody (better known as Hustler Peabody}, manager and proprietor of the Mecca and Gem Theatres, Springfield, Mo., is putting an addition to his Gem theatre to take care of the greatly increasing business. The Kalem Co. were the victims of petty larceny, by an employee who destroyed al! cireulars and lectures instead of mailing and sold the stamps causing much confusion and annoyance. + E. B. Cridler’s Theatorium, at Dansville, N. Y.,. will eb closed during the summer months, excepting Saturday night, when an ex tra fine program will be presented. + Commencing July 10, Manager Keith, of the Iris Theatre, will run moving pictures exclusively. + The Theatorium, Utica, N. Y., a moving picture house, has closed for the summer. THE LATEST FAD JUST OUT. —Genuine— ALLIGATOR CLAW WATCH FOB 7 5cEach Postpaid to all parts of the U. S. SpeCial wholesale prices to re tail dealers and curio stores. Express or P. O. Money Order must accompany each order Agents wanted. JOS, FLEISCHMAN, 197 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Ga. SIDE SHOW AND PLATFORM MEN — The greatest money-getter on earth, the six-legged Pollymozuke and Painting, $40.00; two-headed Giant and Painting, $60.00; Sea Serpent and Painting, $40.00; 9-tune Hand Organ, $40.00; list free. WM. NELSON, 6 Van Norden Street, North Cambridge, Mass. Write for catalogue of Notions, Canes, Toys Novelties, Jewelry, Cutlery, ete. WHITES N 240 E. Madison Street, CO., (Yellow Front ), CHICAGO. dress C. D., ' rincess $ Gowongo AT LIBERTY Reads the back of the hand, has no competitors. Is a feature and gets the money honestly. Invites offers from the biggest and best. Address SEASIDE THEATRE Corpus Christi, Texas. AT LIBERTY FOR PARKS AND FAiRS Lionheart, The Wire King Fulfills all his contracts. For terms addrcss W. Jd. LENHARDT, 2819 Salena St. Louis, Mo. WANTED BY Elstun Bros. United Shows Elstun Bros.’ United Shows—People in all branches: Musicians, Boss Canvasman, Boss Hostler; none but sober and reliable people need apply. Freeman, Mo., July 6; Harrisonville, Mo., July 7; Pleasant Hill, Mo., July 8; Holden, July 9. LOOK—MAGICIANS—LOOK _Consider this offer We send “you a book of Hindoo Mysterfes which will teach you bow to unlock handcuffs, how to escape from packing boxes, cells; also drawings and explanations of the padlock leg shackle —any lock can be used; also 32 card tricks, the floating piano; complete outfit for $1.00, postpaid. MAGICIANS’ SUPPLY CO., Providence, . I . H. GRAY, Mer. FOR SALE CHEAP One Large Greyhound | Trained to leap high. WILKE SHOWS, R. F. D. No. 5, Meigs Road, ontgomery, Ala. WANTED-—-For ADAM FETZER’S SHOWS—Performers doing two or more acts, to strengthen show. Wagon show; eat on lot, sleep in hotels; long season South; salary sure; those who answered last ad, write again, mail got lost; state lowest first letter. Address . ADAM FETZER, Irwin, Mo. Mt. LIEUTENANT HULBURD’S ROUGH RIDERS WANTS 5 Cowboys, 6 Cowgirls, Rough Riders, Ropers, Crack Shots, and all other Wild West People; MUSICIANS for Band; state your lowest; must join at once; no tickets. Address B. N. HULBURD (Gen. Del.), Kansas City, Mo. Baritone doubling First Violin Other Musicians write. Address SUNNY SOUTH FLOATING THEATRE, Havana, III. ATTRALi:IONS WANTED for Wayne Co. Fair Association, to be held at Monticello, Ky., Sept. 7. 8, 9 and 10, 1900. ISAAC WALKER, Secy.; G. T. Ramsey, Pres. FOR SALE—Conderman Ferris Wheel, with 3% h. p. Woodpecker Gasoline complete, Engine; only been running seven months; can not give it my attention; price, $575.00. Address 15 E. Northampton St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 7 FOR SALE XI Only theatre of the kind in Armourdale, Kans. ; population, 15,000; 500 opera chairs, pitted floor: elegant stage, balcony, Edison Picture Outfit: established ten months; price, $1,000, half cash. Don’t answer unless you are in the market Reason: can’t give attention. Ad care The Billboard. = a tare i a aon eet pe: —