The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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38 The Billboard JULY 10, 1909, T S Calumet Stock Co., John T. Conners, mgr.: So. LaPorte, Mae, Steck Co., Joe McEnroe, mgr. :| Wallace Stock Co.: Mt. Vernon, O., June 21ROU E Chieago. W1., indef. (Airdome) Davenport, la., 27-July 10. July 31. : Camden Stock’ Co., M. M. Me@allums, mgr.: LeRoy & Hazleton Comedy Co., Wm. LeRoy, | Waverly Park Stock Co.: Lansing, Mich., in(Continued from page 35.) Camden, N. J., May 17, indef. ne a, i" : s; Valley View def, | . Campbel Stock Co.. J. M. Campbell, megr.: ¥-10; ore 2 35 rvine 6. Wieting Stock Co., Nathan Appell, mgr.: SyraMUSICAL. Faribault, Minn., indef. Lacnere tae Seek Oe, Senet Kelme | cues, BM. S.. Maw ST. intel, Pe Y 3 Bur ter, The, Wm. P. Culen, mgr.: Jam >; balan ae a. oe _— “si” weeling, W. Va.. 28° | wixon-Drew Stock Co.. Will J. Wikoff & Car‘ urgomaster, we, m . Culen, mgr.: James *ark) Johnstown ’a., May 31, indef. y Ww. E : ol Drew, aie 0 ’ town, N. D., 7; Hibbing, Minn., 11; Ash-| Chorus Lady, with Rose Stahl, Henry B. a hm gues ai — — Cass. | indet. ie lates ss i ae a) land, Wis. 12: Ironwood, Mich., 13; NorHarris, mgr.: London, Eng., April 19, indef. Frohman, mgr.: Spokane, ¢ . ; | wreaths Meech fia: P ; way 14; Ishpeming 15: Calumet 16; Hancock | (lima The. Jos. Weber, mer. . wo... Lawes Oreck, Co., W. F. Lewis, mgr.: Kenesaw, | ia ~~ sone Co.: (Minnequa Park) Pueblo, Col., «s 7. Apr 12, indef. nc ype Mi > Oe a a i e To —‘ > 's Candy Shop, Chas. Dillingham, mgr.: Chicago, | Columbia Players, Metzerott & Berger, mgrs.; | Mclean Stock Co.: Benton Harbor, Mich., in Woodruff, Ted, Stock Co.. C. W. Vidor, mgr.: June 14 indef. Wash., D. C., May 3, indef. def. Kankakee, Ill., June 14, Iindef. + Carle, Richard, Carle & Marks, mgrs.: Chicago,| Columbia Stock Co.. Frank G. Long, mgr.: | McRae, Henry, Stock Co.: Tacoma, Wash., In Woodward Stock Co., O. D. Woodward, mgr.; ny June 6-indef Columbia, S. C.. May 17, indef, def. Omaha, Neb., May 16, Indef. r Curtis Musical Comedy Co., Allen Curtis, mgr.: > Cook Stock Players: Hartford, Conn., indef. Mack, Willard, Stock Co.: Salt Lake City, | Whyte Dramatic Co., Chas. P. Whyte, mgr.: : , és long Beach, Cal., June 6-Sept. 27. Cook Stock Co., Chas. Emeison Cook, mgr.: Utah, Jan. 11, indef. | (Airdome) Atchison, Kan., 27-July 10; (Air7 r 4 College Girl Co., J. E. Jackson, mgr.: (Delmar Springtield, Mass., May 17-July 10. age stic Stock Co., N. C. Mirick, mgr.: Utica, | | dome) Moberly, Mo., 24. Garden) Oklahoma City, Okla., 4-10; (Air| Courtnay-Morgan Stock Co., Roy D. Way. mgr.: Y., May 10, indef. Wells, Raymond, | Co., B. Roberts, mgr.: Man. dome) Shawnee 11-17 (Riverside Park) Saginaw, Mich., indef. ssoahent an Theatre Co., John L. Parsons, mgr.: Y ag oe NG = July a. ; ie Delmar Garden Musical Stock Co., Dan 8. Fishell. | Court Theatre Stock Co., Goodman & Bachelder, (Hampton Park Airdome) Charleston, 8S. C., ase Beet o., ont Lompson, ingr.: New . mgr.: St. Louis, indef mgrs.: Wheeling, W. Va., indef. indef. | _ Redfrd. Mass., — April 19, indef. , iy DeAngelis, Jefferson See The Reauty Spot.| Craig Steck Co.. John Craig, mgr.: Boston, Millbrook Stock Co., Harry McKee, mgr.: | Y8ukee Doodle Stock Co., Geo. V. Hallday, : English Musical Comedy Co., Max Faetkenheuer, Aug. 2S, indof. Portsmouth, 0., May 17-July 31. mer. Calumet, Mich., 4-10; Lake Linden ‘ ew SChantee Pr _ me gy wed os Cone Breck Os.. 2 :. Cummings, Morgan Steck Co.Cedar Rapids, Ia., indef. | 12-17 ow a cces Saeny LS. Cees Sie, | mer ontreal, April 5. indef. Morrison Steck Co., Lindsay Morrison, B32 | a ly Ft. Worth. Tex., indef. Cunningham, Arthur, Stock Co.: San Fran, cata ean 14 Rey ~ —— a) Area SOCIETY INSTALLATION. , ollies of 1909, F. Ziegfeld, jr., mgr.: N. Y. C.. cisce, indef orris Th, Meni | ath © > Cte . : ’ June 14-indef. Cutter Stock Co.. Wallace R. Cutter, mgr.: Ben= wrston Stock Co.: Bay City, Mich.,/ Jnetatation of officers provided an —— for ,, Gaiety Opera Co.: Galesburg, M11, indef ton Harbor. Mich.. June 20-July 24 ‘ J : a jollification, to the Actors’ Society of Amer3 A “A . *’ . 7) arbor, } °° el y «+t. Morey § k : x s Z be, , : ; owe . Soe SoA. Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Chicago, Feb. Callicotte Stock Co.: (Alrdome) Rock Island, _ _—— Co.: (Airdome) Ft. Seott, Kan., | jeq, at their headquarters, 183 West 45th St., : »inaetr,. ’ -_ “ : o Yednesday, » SOth, or rather Thursday = Ill., 27-July 10. Morais N iis it y s * ' n Wedne day June , rath Gorman. J. W., Musical Comedy Co.: Worcester, | Chariiell Winterbuf Stock Co.. Harry Chappeite, Mais. of Mares ,with,,Mazle Doro, Chas. | morning. July it, the cali speclfring 11° ms ‘ Mass., indef. mgr.: Steubenville, O., 28-July 10. Minnelli Bros.’ Dr tie Co.. V. C. XM ll, ange : . Griffith Musical Comedy Co.: El Paso, Tex., Culhane’s Comedians, Will E. Culhane, megr.: “ge amatic Co., V. C. Minne ting under way. } . us. mgr.: Hillsboro, O., 5-10. Pantie "iae > w * indef, . Poplar Bluff, Mo.,’ 28-July 10; Mexico 12-24. yfetropolitan Stock Co., Francis J. McCarthy, |; Lg m= oy Mn wig Ag om gg v) Hartman, Ferris, Musical Comedy Co.: Seattle, Davis Steck Co.. Harry Davis, mgr.: Pittsmgr.: Guthrie, Okla., 4-10; } Reno 12-17. blematic of wisdom for whieh the genial presi June 6-indef burg, June 7, indef. Martin Stock Co., Geo. E.’ Cochrane, mgr.: — > oe ~ al , Ne. . Havena with James T. Powers, Sam S. & Lee | DeLacy, Leigh, Stock Co., Monte Thompson, Salina Kan., 28-July 10. —~ ie 4 — go ginny bag a8 as —y~~ = Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: N. Y. C., Feb. 15-indef, mer.: Rrockton. Mass. = 12, indef. Manner * Stock Co.: Wellington Kan 27-July Fanny Cannon was the ~ u sean ; ite ? . . : . P “ . s .s , ~~ «© Y non, which to use her own words, ‘‘just tickled : ’ Witchcock. Raymond, H. E. Rice, mgr.: Chi| Delmar Gardens Stock Co.: St. Louis, Mo., 10. ber to death.”’ and which she promised to use , one +17. . Baas May 23, indef. ee . ow a Maxam & Sight’s Comedians, J. W. Sights, | on the Fourth, even if she got lockjaw, the ; Imperial Musical Comedy Co.: Portland, Ore, | Dorner Stock Co.: Yonkers, N. Y., May 20, mgr.: Mevils Lake, N. D., 5-17 most serious affliction that could befall a womJune 7-indef indef Morgan-Pepple Stock Co., T. Dwizat Depple., | an phe recently elected treasurer, Harold International Grand Opera Co., Frank M. NorDoro, Marie: See The Morals of Marcus. mgr.: Hutchinson, Kan., 27-July 10: Newton Wolf received a large brass key. from ‘the mem: _ cross, megr.: San Francisco, June 14-Aug. 7. Drew, John: See Jack Straw. 11-24. bers. while the new sec “retary. H. Nelson Morey Kan+ Comic Opera Co., Robert Kane, mgr.: Holy| Eckhardt Stock Co.: Boise, Ida.. indef. McElroy, J. Henry, C. H. Mohler, mgr.: Mach| ya, presented with a pair of shoes, emble matic ‘ oke, Mass., June 5-Aug. 28. Tlitch Gardens Stock Co.: Denver, indef. ias, Me., 7; Lubee 8; Eastport 9; Calais 4. of the shoes of former secretary, George -Seyiss Kolb & Dill: San Francisco, indef. Elite Stock Co., Chas. Berkel, mgr.: DavenMaxwell Hall Stock Co., E. F. Maxwell, mer.: hold. who is returning to the footlights after Lincoln Park Opera Co.: New Bedford, Mass.,| port. Ia., May 24, indef. ote i. oe Mich., indef, | Bis active and valuable services in the interests ndef. Empire Stock Co.. A. A. Spitz, mgr.: Provttional Stock Co ay City, Mich., indef. i Lewis & Lake Musical Comedy Co.: (Delmar idence, R. I.. April 26, indef. Neill Stock Co.. James Neill, mgr.: St. Paul, ey yO that Secretary Morey did not } a Okklahoma City, Okla., 27-July 10. Everitt Stock Co.. G. J. Lanshaw, mgr.: MaMay 29, indef & leave the club rooms until 3 a. m., he was at ” anhatten Opera Co.: Elmira, N. Y., May 31son City, Ia., indef. North Bros.’ Stock Co., Sport North, mgr.: Lit| pig desk early and had obtained engagements wa Sept. 11. Elisworth’s Associate Players, Haynes & Elistle Rock, Ark., indef. for several members before ten o'clock the same j 4 Manhattan Opera Co.. Robert H. Kane, mgr.:: worth, mgrs.: Chanute, Kan., 27-July 10; North Bros.’ Stock Co., F. C. Carter, mgr.: St. | morning. Worcester, Mass., May 30-indef. Independence 11-24. Joseph, Mo., indef. * It may be important to note that the collation ' .! “— ~~ — Opera Co.: Dallas, Tex., oy oa Wartaner, mgr.: Arkan-| Nef & Pennington Stock Co.: Shattuck, Oka., | and refreshments ae ond served until = ~ ine 7-indef. sas y, Kan., 4-10. : 5-10. tle pleasantries noted above were over an¢ i+? .° Sons, 5 Ring, Shubert & i mg a v M. Dunbar, mer.: Corpus | Orpheum Stock Co., Grant Laferty, mgr.: Phil| punch and lemonade were not responsible for j elds, mgrs.: N. C., May 22-indef. “hristi. ex., indef. i ; adelphia, Sept. 12. indef. any of it. ty Motor Girl, Frank Hennessy, mgr.: N. Y¥. C., Fe rris Stock Ce.. Dick Ferris, mgr.: MinneapOrpheum Steck Co., Edward Doyle, mgr. $$ : June 15 indef. _olis, May 30, indef. o (Young’s Garden) Terre Haute, Ind., indet. | NEW VAUSEL LS BOOKING EX” “ : . : ? Merry Mac’s Co., Fred Mackley, mgr.: (AltrFlynn Stock Co., J. J. Flyna, mgr.: Lowell, Our Own Stock Co., Davis & Churchill, mgrs.: CH NGE. y Ry dome) Rector. Ark 27-July 10. j Mass June 14, indef. J ~ ia sig Il. May 31 indef. “ : | ny — — Co ber rank DeAtley, mgr.: Mem Prenkiia —. : “— : ‘a hag ge ale, Out in Idabo, F. N. Brush, mgr.: Charlotte-| Chie Howard. formerly ly of the Fayette Thea‘ 3° ee eee 7 ees ~ apace eg dl dil tea town, P. E. 1, Can., 6-7; Summerside §; | tre, Detroit. Mich., has opened offices in the 4 ; — > 4 eel W. Savage, mgr.: San ~~" J. J., Stock Co.: Watertown, Wis., Amherst, N. S., 10. Lyric Theatre Bldg. Grand Rapids, Mich. Tee ’ 7 anciseo, 4-17. indef. -age Stock Co.: « fa... May 10 . r ” le dly e and sl ; 3 Olympia Opera Co., Edw. Seamon, mgr.: (White Friedenwald Stock Co., Norman Friedenwald, . 4, f eneek e.: Bichment, Ve... ae performers are “weleame. © « ae” City) New Orleans, indef mgt.: Davenport, Ia., indef. an » . ae ; |= = — he . . ae . ease oe hae ; Paige, Mabel, Stock Co., M. Richie, mgr.: | ——— : Ag +" ret James, Musical Comedy Co.: San Diego, Friend Players, Arthur S. Friend, mgr.: Milsacksoaville. Bie.. eb. & indef Be 2S Panne ies, Sept. 14. indet. gr.: Lin-| Pantages’ Players: Seattle, Aug. 9, indef. “HALLBERG” 500 VOLT DIRECT _* = J ay . " or Ps “Kz ee ss ‘ * wes s “ ~ , > geles, June 21nee omedy Co.: Los Anain Neb.. Oct. 14, indef. . Peartello Stock Co. (Eastern), Harry J. Leland, CURRENT ECONOMIZER. ye, Powers, James T See Havana Fiske, Mrs.: See Salvation Nell. mgr.: Mansfield, O., June 28, indef. , aes f Wor} ‘ Rice & Cady Musical Comedy Co. ‘D i. Reset Gagnon-Polock Stock Co.. Bert C. Gagnon, mgr.: Partello yr { ~ ——— oe UR. Moore, a SS ae Hallberg a y ve n ; =) ie oe eg rs , S, ex j > er.: qua, . June 28-Aug. . , . pom? we i (West End Heights) St. Louis, May 16 Dallas, Tex., indef. , P ~ greek Co (Weste n) i. sey J. Spell. | Alternating Current Economizer exclusively in 4 ndef Gentleman he Mississippi. Prady & Grismer, artelo Stor » catern), shart} = heir theatres throughout New England, have at Robinson Comic Opera Co.. C. I. ee mers.: Y. C., Sept. 29, indef. man. mer.: LaCrosse, Wis., indef yy ~y PB me nl ely ae east } ~ a ad Binghamton, N. Y.. May 31-indef. * | Gentleman yet Mississippi. Brady & Grismer, | Payton’s Lee Avenue Stock Co., — es Pn ges West Haven, Conn As ts ; obinson Opera Co.. C. L. Robins : ; mers.: Chicago, April 25. indef. mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 10, indef. on . « r FOO volt trol; treal, May 17-indef onanen, megr.: Mon Girl from Rector’s. A. H. Woods, mgr.: N. Peak’s Island Stock Co., Bartley McCallum ay aw By 4 oe SS pene a = “Hallberg” ’ mer.: Montreal. May 17-indef. Y. C.. Feb. 1-July 10. mer Peake’s Island, Me., June 26, indef Economizer has been put in, and a large saving ; Rodrigues Musical Stock Co., L. J. Rodrigues, | Glaser Stock Co., Vanghan Glaser, mgr.: De Pernchi Gypzene Stock Co.: Tampa, Fla., in anticipated ' mgr.: Columbus, O., June 14-indef. a troit, April 4, indef. = def. Another advantage Is the absence of heat Royal Comic Opera Co., Chas. Van Dyne, direct| Giffin Stock Co., Arthur Griffin. mer.: Union poli Stock Co.. S. Z. Poli, mgr.: Bridgeport, from. the large 100 volt rheostat, and‘ the imor, Williamsport. Pa.. May 31-indef. Hill. West Hoboken, N. J.. indef. — Conn.. May 17. indef. possibility of the operster getting A shock, pare Conte Co.: Memphis, Tenn... May 10-indef. | Gordinier Bros.’ Co: Rushville, Ill. 5-10. |. | poli Stock Co., 8. Z. Poll, mgr.: Scranton, | which would injure him on 500 volts. The Roos: ing Slanchs See Midnight Sons. B) on ._ (Repertoire) Stevens oint, Pa.. May 10, indef omizer is furthermore furnished with a £ Sheehan, Jos. F., Opera Co.: Winnipeg, Can., Wis.. June 7-Jnuly 15. : : Poli Stock Co., S. Z. Poli, mgr.: Springfield, | controller, which keeps the light constant when a a — 2 — Stock Co.: Cleveland, Mass.. May 10. indef the voltage jumps up and down. ells usicn]l Comedy Co., Jake Wells -_ June , indef. ali Stock Co.. & 3 roll wr. : rate . —_—eT Memphis, Tenn.. ak ke Wells, mgr.: eeeekinae Meck Ca.: Cabemeest @ask) Of Poli Stock ¢ S. Z. Poll, mgr Waterbury, toona, Pa., June 7, indef ‘ Conn., May 5. indot. MENCHEN’S NEW OUTPUT. Heyward, Grace. Stock Co.. Geo. M. Gatts, or ne oy o., 8 sPoli, mgr.: Wilkes-Rarre, DRAMATIC mer.: Lincoln, Neb... May 24Sept. 4 Bet ge crs ed ge alt « . ; -An apparatus has been placed on sale by the : Hickman-Ressey Co., Jack Bessey, mgr.: (AfrPoli Stock Co a -Z. Poli, mgr Worcester, | Joseph Menchen Electrical Company, of 360 w. Acme Stock Co.. C. O dome) Davenpert, Ia., indef. Mass., Mey 24, indef “Oth Street. New York, which Is designed to erett. w aor aa e W. Schultz, mgr.: EvHitlman’s Ideal Stock Co., F. P. Hillman, mgr.: 7 Stock Co.: Jefferson City, Mo., 27-July produce realistic cloud effects, snow. rain, om, ee Rtock Ca ae ie Omaha. Neb., indef : etc. The Menchen company claims tha . fg ? r\ yg F. Albee, mgr.: Provinnn Sto . Co.: Metehinecs, Kan., April 26, | 0" ley. Jay, Stock Co Duluth, Minn., indef. | process is absolntely harmless to scenery. cosDieser Siok oo indef. Rober, Katherine. Stock Co., S. Bastable, mgr.: | tumes, ere., and that the operation of the ap: Francisco. indef asco & Mayer, mgrs.: ¢iunter-Rradford Players:: Hartford, Conn., Ph ice-ongy 1 N. ¥ engi indef 3 “ paratus is most simple 7 Stack (Cx laws ~ : May 10, indef. obe rts orence, J¢ ort, mgr San ran : hila., indef, —-” ~lward Shayne, mgr.: yorne, Edwin, Players: (Airdome) Ottawa, = {isc Jane lé-Jely 26. Ri —:S80LD EVERYWHERE :— 4 oe ‘o < r Kan., 28-July 10. entfrow’s Jolly Pathfinders, J N. Rentfrow, — Ring ~ k Co., Louis Von Wiethoff, mgr.: Harcourt Comedy Co., Chas. K. Harris, mgr.: mgr.: Hot Springs, Ark., 5-17 IN‘SS MAKE UP inghamton. N. Y.. May 10, indef. t 3 a Allen, Estelle Comedy Co.: wa E. Liverpoo, O., 28-July 10. Rvran Stock Co.. Daniel R. Ryan, mgr.: 8t 5 oe f benville, 0... 28-July aay (Airdome) Steupfarvey Stock Co.: Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., John. N. R.. Can.. 5 17. ia ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. i 5 Babeock, Jane. Stock Co. Jake Rosenthal indef. . . a Sans Souc! Stock Co Chicago, May 22, In-| a mgr Dubuque, Ta May 24. ind senthal, Harvey Stock Co. (Southern): Excelsior Springs, def | nt memes oe , set Mo., 28-July 10. Bs Schiller Players: Norfolk. Va.. June 14, Indef. | WANTED, PART ; line, Ill, indef. 0: (Alrdome) Mo| Hickman-Ressey Co. (a). FW. Jenks & Guy Shaler Mack Co., Jas, McBride, mgr.: Bloom| ‘ Beck’s Theatre Stock Co.: Belling _ Hickman, mare, vv see ana " ington, Ind., indef Something new Z Rig Money Getter. You ee June 20, indef -: Bellingham, Wash., a 4 S. = Macmillan, M&T.: ghinmon, Gertrude, Stock Co.. Lawrence B.| Cannot Lose. Must have 2,000 ft. of side wall, 2 Relaseo & Stone Stock Co., Belase oe ee ‘a 1, a . McGill, mgr.: Puffalo, May 24, Indef. Lighting Plant, and 20 Baggage Wagons, or a : mers. Los Angeles, indef. mace & Stone, SSS a ie — _ MET? | Smith's Stock Co.. G. C. Smith, megr.: Oak-| the money to buy same Reference given and — © Theatre Stock Co., L. Stoddart. TayHenderson Stock Co., W. J. & R. R. Henderland. Cal H indef | required L. J. WHITE, Marinette, Wis. . or, mer Wash.. D. C.. June a ~~ oe a 928 ny Snow, Mortimer, Stock Co.: Albany, N. Y. 4 Bishop’s Players. H. W 2 ne 14. ind f. son, mers.: Me xieo, Mo., July q . eaay & taiet WANTED Small Musical Comedies, Comic Playe . . Bishop, mgr.: Oak| Imson Dramatic Co., (Under Canvas), Burt JIniv oo, tmede | . Scenic P ; land. Cal., indef Imson. mer.: Ke nm are, N. D., 5-10: Donny Stanley Stock Co., Arthur Stanley, megr.: St. Operas, Minstrels, Stock ¢ ompanies, Scene roBlue Mouse, Sam S. & Lee Shubert, Inc., mgrs.: brook 12-17. ‘ Louis. indef duetions, Sketches and Vaudeville Acts for oe Chicazo. May 23, inde Jack Straw, with John Drew, Chas. Frohman, | Stone Hill Stock Co., Frank Grave, mgr.: Pe Ing season at Theatre 8. C. 800 In Penna. y ’ Bonstelle, Jessie, Stock C > ro : ; ; r ’ | having 75.000 popniation, Address particulars . , » Stock Co., P. C. Cornell mgr Butte, Mont., 10 orta. Tll.. A . ‘ ; ornell, ¥ » s o9 fa, . April 5, indef ‘e ” Billboard. me Puffalo. April 26, indef. Keating. Virgiaia, Stock Co.: Madison, Wis., Snburhan Garden Stock Co., Oppenheimer Bros | ene terms to EATRE,”’ care The Bi : owdoin Square Theatre Stock (Cc Jay : te tape Pe. . ; mer.: chon coed EE Ss Say Cleat, ae < ra . » A then. .St. Touis, May 17 Andef | FOR SALE—Moving picture film, 1,000 ft. Brady's Lake Sto k Co Ralph T. Ketteri ~ tl ~ — op semen 2 : Moore, ™&T.: Servant in the House, Henry Miller, mgr.: Port | reels, $10 and $15, released to June Ist. Pathe's : : ady’s Lake Stoc 0., Ralp x ettering, -ortlend. e.. pri 9. indef. land, Ore., 8-10. ee, Ay » : 7 Sa, $000 i mer.: (Brady's Lake) Kent, 0., May 27, inKelley Stock Co., Jewell Kelley, mgr.: KnoxSpedden & Paige Stock Co Sam Snedder cae — i P ogg © . ia 5 Rent ny { def ville. Tenn May 17. indef mer.: Huron, 8. D.. 5-10: Pierre 12-17 over land a y ng agon, en i Breadway Theatre Stock Co., J. W. Rusk, mgr.:| Kennedy, James, Co.: Lowell, Mass., June, Salvation Nell, | ith Mra. Fleke. Harri. Grey | Bee's of Film, 3 Sets Song Slides, $12 weekly; | fio 6. 5. teter . Sk, 3 — y. —_ * 3 a” . Mass., ones on — “ ss. — sare "Te m4 lene shipment. WH buy Passion env. film, . ! “ » . -' sep 2, ” . ° 5-7 co % . . ; : — vad Pim am } ga ee Guy C. Sraith, Keystone Dramatic Co., Max A. Arnold, wer.: Wash., 8; Victoria, B. C., Can., 9; Vanecon| machines. H. DAVIS, Watertown, ts Be.s amsene, Sat., sacet. Seuth West Harbor, Me., 5-10; itar Hethor ver 10. ; Brown, Sherman, Stock Co.: Milwaukee, May 12-17 Spooner, Edna May, Jake Wells, mgr.: Atlan FOR SALE OR TRADE ' mh... rece’ , = : Keyes Sisters Stock Co., under canvas: Indiana, ta, Ga., indef. |< | One Ferris Wheel, elght chariots and steam : et ng, Emma, a, Russell & Drew, megrs.: Pa., 5-10. Thalia Stock Co... Max Mascowltz, megr.: N. ¥Y | engine, all In good shape. WII trade for a Seattle, Wash ; May 30, indef Kempton Komedy Co.: Idaho Springs, Colo., C. May 14. Indef board runabout, or any good runabout. D. ; Burbank Stock Co., Oliver Morosco, mgr.: Los 5-10. Thurston, Howard, Magician Atiantie Clty, | FITZPATRICK, Corning, N. Y. Theatre Stock Co., Alex. Pantages, mgr.: Indef Rarrymore. Ethel See Lady Frederick. Seattle. Ang. 9, indef ‘ . : Traveling Salesman. Henry RB. Harris, mgr.: } nee _ (Airdome) Ft. Scott, Lorch. Theodore, Stock Co., Pelton & Smut Chicago, April 12. Indef. ° : an., 28-July ‘ zer, mers Denver. June 6, Indef » * Co . » : / Big Bittner Co.: Houston, Tex., 14-July 17. a ae Pasay ‘ 5 N'Y... May 17, Tempest Dramatic “ J. ¥. Tempest, mer.: ; f Angeles, Cal., indef. Lois ochester, > ae Brown, Gilmor, Players, Harry Lustig, mgr.: Roch r St. Regis Fall«. N. Y., 5-10 ’ * ; inde Turner, Clara, Co.. Ira W. Jackson, megr.: 0 T G d Sh ' <... 33. _| Lyeenm ‘Theatre Stock Co., Louls Phillips, Homestead, Pa., 29-July 10 ne or iwo 00 ows a aa ve. 510: Suakees tenaihe Tica mer.: Rrooklyn, Ang. 10, Indef Taylor Stock Co. x W. Taylor, mgr.: Wash FOR . i A teat Mae — ~ | Lyrie Stork Co.: Portland, Ore., Indef ington, Pa., 28-Jnly 10 ; / — pny Co., Edwin Barrie, mgr.: Enid istell, Bert. Stock Co.: Rochester, N. Y., Valencia Stock Co.. Walter Heff Seely, megr.: NORTH VERNON FAIR ; : Okla. ; 4-10: Tulsa 12-17. ’ °3 ’ June 14, Indef. San Franclaco, Sept. 12, Indef July 27, 28, 20, 80, 1909. Grounds ghted by a : Briant Bros.’ Comedians, Jay Ray, mgr.: Sa| Lyceum Comedy (o., Al. 8S. Evans, mgr.: West Van Dyke & Eaton Co.. F. Mack, mgr.: Elk cectte mm. Open day and night. Write " pulpa, Okla., 4-10; Coffeyville, Kan., 11-17. | Point, Ga., 5-16. | hart. Ind. July 4, Indef W. G. NORRIS, Bec. ~