The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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JULY 10, 1909. The Billboard 39 MORAL INFLUENCE OF THE MARRIAGES. STAGE. LILE-BALDWIN.—M. Ernest E. Baldwin, | eases ? 00 comedian and singer, was married to Miss | Quite significant are the statements of Dr, | Azal Lile, at the home of the bride’s par| Temple, of London, who has de| ents in Grand The couple © the ang: clared himself to be a playgoer, and coupled the stage with the church as one of the most powerful influences on the life of London. The Bishop was presiding at the annual meeting of the Actors’ Orphanage Fund, held at the Playhouse. Around bim Kancroft, George Alexander, Cyril Maude, Edward Terry, Miss Lillian Braithwait, Miss Compton, Miss Eva Moore, Huntley Wright, Lyn Harding and other members of the acting profession “Looking around London,"’ sald the Bishop, “there are two things which I see and ] name as the two most powerful Influences in London upon the life of the people, and those two are the church and the stage. “Some people here may say the stage and the church, but I will not argue that. “Sometimes certainly it Is true that the stage doors are crowded when the church doors are nty.’’ The Bishop added that he wanted those two great powers to work more closely together. It seemed to him that it was for all of them to try to ennoble and enliven and brighten the life of the great city to which they belonged. “I look upon the acting profession as giving a great rest to the tired people of London,” he sak “IT was considerably cheered up by ‘The Flag Lieutenant,’ and was carried back to the days «f long ago by Mr. Tree in ‘The School for Scandal.’ “When on Saturday afternoons I see numbers of people waiting outside the theatres I am glad because I know they are going to a good play to get refreshment and be carried away out of thelr lives Into another sphere.”’ MONKEY CAUSES UPHEAVAL ON LONDON STAGE. Peter, the chimpanzee who does almost human tricks, riding a bicycle between rows of closely placed bottles, undressing, going to bed, has proved such a sensation In an ‘ unexpected fashion at the Palace Theatre that the management is endeavoring te cancel the con tract. he monkey goes through his performance in evident fear, and takes every opportunity to es. by jumping over the footlights Into the ence His escapades bave frightened many sensitive Women almost into hysterics. At one performance Mrs. Bruce, formerly Camille Clif f the daughter-in-law of Lord Aberdare. fainted when the monkey jumped over the foot lights and came rushing toward her. She was taken from the theatre In an unconscious state. In order to protect the women folk from the monkey's escapes into the andience the mansgement tonight stretched a charged electric wire across the front of the stage, and whenever the monkey touched the wire he received a shock which deterred him from escaping. Walter Kelly, Bert Levy, Clarice Vance and ether American performers at the Palace have registered the strongest protest against Peter’s " (declaring that they do not want to share bill with the monkey. This. together with the hostile attitude of the Dumb Friends’ Leagne nd the fright which the monkey has occasioned to the women folk, has led the management to sider the advisability of canceling the act. 1? MODJESKA FUNERAL SERVICES. S rvices over the body of Helena Modjeska, placed in a vault at St. Adelbert’s Polish Cemetery, Chicago, after her death In Los Angeles seevral months ago, were held June 30 by the sh Dramatic Society of Chicago Interment follow at Cracow, Poland, the birthplace if the actress. Rev. Father Francis Girdon n Catholie Church, metery before ession of 3.000 s taken to a train iramatiec club placed a wreath of artificial | of 3,000 leaves, each bearing the name of American. This wreath was of St. Stanislaus conducted brief services the casket. followed by friends and countrymen, nent Pols 1 e Inly Polish nd for the final services, to be held 7 were also held * Church, July 2. Nish socletios, ian md many in New York at St Floral tributes from from the Lambs’ and men and women in trical profession, covered the coffin Rozenta Chlopowskl, Modjeska'’s hus and ber daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ralph Mod ittended the services. They will accomthe bedy to Cracow, Anstrian Poland, will be placed tn the vanlte of the where the bodies of Poland's Kings and il heroes repose ( nt if Wavel EUGENE WALTERS’ NEW PLAY. ; Pogene Walters has completed bis aew play, which Charlotte Walker, bis wife, will star = ming season md bas named It “Jnst a The Walters have a summer bome et " hold, L. 1 where they are spending the ed season Near their home. at Creonport : uli theatre, where Mr telaseo will s company and rehearsals will be held under ideal conditions BUSTER BROWN AGAIN EN TOUR. c ‘ popular musical comedy Rueter Rrown " presented with everything new next sea : Buster, Tige and Mary Jane will be seen hew snrroundings with the play cos : ind seenery entirely new George Totten = wrote the play and the music is by John \ Iratton CORINNE ENGAGED BY SHUBERTS ‘t has been announced by the Shuberts that Will be starred under their management ~eason in a new musical comedy, which produced early in the fall ‘ ne is well known In meuaieal comedy, i played in Mother Goose, Rogers Rroth " Ireland and other plays, She ts at pres ‘ppearing In vaudeville LEO. HAYES FOR “NEWLYWEDS.” th Mr Leo Hayes, an exceptionally clever sing ; ana dancing comedian, has been engaged he part of Mr. Newlywed in “The Newly ‘nd ‘Their Baby’’ next season “ were Sir Squire | which | \sland, Neb., June 6. have gone to Fremont, where they will remain for several we¢ks. VAN DEEVER-MILLER.—Mr. and Miss in marriage at; Utica, N. Y., last week. Reed Miller Both | Opera singers, rope. DEATHS. BROWN.—Miss Myrtle L. died at her home in Boswell, of tuberculosis, at the age of 28 years. DODSON.—Alton M. Dodson, musician, died at his home in Luverne, Minn., June 21, from the effects of a paralytic stroke received May 16, at Marlin, Tex. The deceased was twenty-five years of ege. BIRD.—Mrs. Lizzie Bird, ef the Two Birds, | died at the home of her niece, Mrs. Allie V. Bucknell, in Oakland, Cal., June 24, after an illness of two months. Mrs. Bird was a sister | of Dot Fulton, of the team of Roberts and Fulton, now on the Jeffries Circuit. Brown, pianist, SNYDER.—Otto J. Snyder died at his home | in Uhrichsville, O., June 23, after a lingering ilIness of four years. Mr. Snyder was a clarinetist of more than crdinary ability, and for some time was leader of the City Opera House Band, at Ubrichsville. He was also connected with the Sells Brotr-rs’ and Gentry Brothers’ Shows. He leoves » wife, mother, Bow VAUDEVILLE. The Godfrey Sisters, in a neat singing and dancing specialty, with Del Godfrey, have just finished a successful eight weeks’ engagement for the North Western Vaudeville Association, and have fifteen weeks of Capital Amusement Company's time to follow. Ear! Flynn, “Original Boy in Green,” {is at Lagoon Park, Cincinnati, being featured there with a musical comedy company. Flynn will star in The Candy Kid next season under the management of Edward Hutchison. Hillman and Roberts, after playing nineteen weeks of Hopkins time, has gone to Saginaw, Mich., for a short rest, after which be will go to the Coast, booked by Archie Levy. Walters and Walters are no longer connected with the Mysterious Miss Jewel Com pany. They are now playing dates for themselves. The Four Rianos closed their season at Philadelphia, June 28, and have gone to their home at Freeport, L. I., for the snmmer season. Mrs. Joseph LaTremo, of the Famous LaTremos is spending the holidays with her sister and numerous professional friends in New York. Chas. Worthan will present a new dancing act next season. using a medley of ten dances, and music by Harry Alford. The LeFearl Trio, in their novelty act, are playing the circuit of Airdomes iv St. Louls and adjoining towns. Kelly and Mahlman have signed with the College Girls (Western Wheel) for next sea son. Miss Dora Good has been engaged to sing illustrated songs at the Iris Theatre, Globe, Ariz. Frank Hamilton, now on the Hopkins time. has in preparation a double act which he will produce in the fall. AMONG THE STOCK COMPANIES. The Rennett-Monlton Co., under the manage ment of Geo. K. Robinson, played week of June 28th. at Randolph and Woostock. Vt.. and as neval with this attraction had large business. The company will play return dates at each place They open at Barber Park. Bellows Falls. Vt.. Monday. July 5th, for their return engagement During the fall the company will! play all the gilt edge fair dates at Sherbrooke, Cen., Plattsburg, N. Y St. Johnsbury, and White River, Vt. Fdea May Spoener’s Southern tour has been extended on account of her success, until this is her twelfth week in Atlanta, Ga.. with sev eral more weeks announced under the direction of Jake Wells Miss Spooner and Mrs. Spooner are elated over their success during this, their first vist to the Sunny South. bo The Leigh DeLacy, and Yale Stock Companies nlaving respectively at Brockton and New Bed ford, Mass Roth are under the ownership and direction of Monte Thompson owner and is Vt Monte Thompson. the well known manager of the Rennett-Moulton Companies. taking a few weeks’ rest at Woodstock Inn, DRAMATIC. Lee Parvin, who, during the past season, has been In advance of In Wvroming, fs In Cincinnat! for a few weeks, shaking hands with old ¢riends Mr. Parvin remains with the In Wroming Company another season HW. FE Plerce & Co... of Duluth, still retain the owner ship of the play. Chas. A. Woodin has just closed a very snecessful season with Cliften Mallery's prodnetion of David Garrick, playing the role of Dick Chivy He ts spending the summer at his home In Waverly, N. Y¥ Erick Frickson, a new play by Bob Watt, of Philadelphia, will be put out next sea son by A. R. Basford. | ‘The Holland Rink, Butte, Mont., has | been remodeled and in the future will be used for athletic contests under the auspices of pri | vate clubs. Boxing and wrestling will be the | chief attractions. Nevada E. Van Deever were united | Mr. Miller and Miss Van Deever are well known | having toured America and Eu| Ind., June 11, | etxter and | | —_—_——FOR AL. RITCHIE’S BIG SHOW AND FRONTIER DAYS In all departments. Fifty Lady and Gent Musicians, Clown Band, Big Novelty Acts, 20 Clowns, 50 Broncho Busters, also Lady and Gent Straight Riders, Boss Canvasman, Side Show People all lines, 25 Cow Girls, 10 Billposters (Union), 3 Advance Men, 2 Cooks, Ticket Sellers, Door Men, and Grooms, Hostlers, Train Men and all kinds of working men. Show opens at Norfolk, Neb., July 23-24-26-27. I play three days ta week stands, ali big cities of 10,000 and up. Rehearsal July 20th, at winter quarters~ Address WILD WESTERN PEOPLE, all lines. AL. RITCHIE, Manager above show, care Winter Quarters, Norfolk, Neb. 108] THE LAKE CO, FAIR CROWN POINT, IND. August 3lst, September Ist, 2nd and 3rd. 4 Days 3 Nights. The Fair That Makes ’Em All Sit Up and Take Notice $3,000 in Special Attractions. Gregory’s Great Night Show, ‘‘A Night in Venice.” sold for anything legitimate. No gamblers. Can use three good, clean Pa Good money to clean outfits. Excellent stand for Trained Animals. Write FRED PRIVILEGE PEOPLE, ATTENTION Four Live Ones Free on the Streets Galion, Ohio, Eagles’ Gala Week, July 12th; Norwalk Home-Coming Week, July 19th; Coldwater, Mich., Mid-Summer Festival, week July 26th; Maccabee’s Mid-Summer Festival, Battle Creek, Mich., week August 2nd. FAMOUS ROBINSON SHOWS furnish all attractions. Massillon, O., week July 5th; Galion, O., July 12th. FAMOUS TINSEL PENNANTS As we are the Originators and Manufacturers of the Famous Baked Tinsel Pennants, we can furnish you with the BEST and RIGHT DESIGNS for all OCCASIONS. We are in position to turn out thousands of these Pennants on short notice. Our Pennants have proved to be the greatest success and money maker of the season. We have supplied all the big doings throughout the country, and no order is too large or too small for us. PROMPT ATTENTION PAID TO ALL. WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF THE LATEST AND BEST SELLING NOVELTIES. Confetti, Dusters, Canes, Whips, Paturel’s Rubber Goods, Eisenstein’s Canes, Shell Purses, Chains, Bracelets, Buttons, with all the funny sayings. Peach Basket Hats, with the latest turn. Panama and Merry Widow Hats. Our prices can pot be beat. Write for our Catalogue. RUDOLPH BROTHERS, 530 S. 5th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE MOVING PICTURE SHOW Siri COMPLETE Only five cent theatre in town of 18,000 population. Located in heart of business section. In perfect running order. Cheap for cash, if sold at once. Address J, D. §., care The Billboard. FAIR and PARK MANAGER There is no medium that will give your Fair or Park the publicity that an aerial ad will. Two young men with my No. 3 Ex. Outfit, on a tour of your neighboring towns, will give you service worth from $50 to $75 per week. I have no agents. For information address, SILAS J. CONYNE, 401 McLean Ave., CHICAGO. WANTED A Good, Clean Carnival Company for Street Fair Under the auspices of F. O. E. 10.000 population. All factories running. Big railroad construction work going on. No carnival for five years. Plenty of money for everybody. Citizens and city officials with us. Would also considgs a date for next season. Address, R. M. COULSON, Hartford City, Ind. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE MOTION PICTURES AND SUPPLIES ST.LOUIS : : : JOPLIN : : : MILWAUKEE Licensee Motion Picture Patents Co. AGENT AT LIBERTY car and tent shows. ‘| Concessions Shows for week. WHEELER, Sec One-night or Repertoire. Experienced in handling Address care Grand Opera House, Greenville, S. C. Electric Scenic Effects and Stage Lighting Appliances Complete line of CLOUD Effect, SNOW, RAIN, FIRE, Etc. Also SPOT and FLOOD LIGHTS, STAGE POCKETS, PLUGGING BOXES, RHEOSTATS and everything used in connection with Electrical Stage Lighting. IMPO D Carbons, Lenses and Gelatines at low 7"=. Send 10 cents to cover postage and mailing of NEW CATALOGUE, JCSEDHY CHEN ELECTRICAL CO,, Largest Manufacturers of Electrical Stage Appliances and Effects in the World, 360 West 50th Street, New York City. U. S. A. THE BILLBOARD FORWARDS MAIL TO ALL PROFESSIONALS FREE OF CHARGE. MEMBERS OF THE PROFESSION ARE INVITED, WHILE ON THE ROAD, TO HAVE THEIR MAIL ADDRESSED IN CARE OF THE BILLBOARD, AND IT WILL BE FORWARDED PROMPTLY.