The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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JULY 10, 1909. The Bi llboard 41 Seattle— Washington t Soclety Sons of the Rev. | | Fredericton, 0. O ¥ Medicine olution. Aug. , A. A. Armstrong, New York Block, Seattle, Wash. Seattlie—Washington State Arsen. of DPostmast ers. Sept. 7-5. E. PB. Kimball, Bremerton, Wash Seattle--Washington State Dental Soclety. July | 5-17. Dr. Frank W. Hergert, Coleman Bidg., Seattle, Wash Seattle—-Washington State Elks’ Reunion Assn. July 28. Ray L. Hodgdon, 202 Colilus Block, Seattle, Wash. Seattle-—Washington State Fed. of Women's Clubs Sept. 21. Mrs. L. W. Allen, Spo kane, Wash. Seattle—Washington State Game and Fish Pro tective Assn. Oct. 5. HH. Rief, 49 Maynard Bldg., Seattle, Wash, Seattle -Washington State Library Assn. Sept. 80. F. F. Hopper, Tacoma, Wash. Seattle—Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. July 28-Aug. 1. . A. Acheson, 930 W. 48th st., Ballard, Wash. Seattle—Young Women's Christian Assn. July 28. Mary FE. Walker, Seattle, Wash. Seattle—Kuights of Khorassan. Aug. —. H. W. Belding, Webster Grove, Mo. Seattle—Nationsl Sheriffs" Assn Aug. 10-12. Wm A. Gerber, St. Paul, Minn. Seattle—Aretic Brotherhood. Oct. 12. Godfrey Chealander, A.-Y Exposition, Seat tle, Wash Spokane—-American Institute of Mining Engtneers Sept. 26-30. R. W. Raymond, 29 W. Seth et.. New York Ciry. Spokane——Seventeenth National Irrigation Con —. Aug. 9-14. B. A. Fowler, Phoenix, Ariz. WEST VIRGINIA. Obarleston—Knights of St. fary National Convention. Aug. E. V. Seauses, Parkersburg. W. Va. Elkine—West Virginia State Medical Asan. Oct. Dr. T. W. Moore, 1048 Third ave., Huntington. W. Va. Elkins—Grand Castle, K. G. E. of West Vir inia. Sept. 7-5. & 8 Clay, 217 Ninth st.. duntington, Va Harpers’ Ferry—Tri-State lows. Aug. 3 E. T. town Va Hinton—Order United American Mechanics. Oct. 19. J. Alfred Taulor, Fayetteville, W. Va. Huntington—State July — Cc. L. Parkersburg ‘Ir. chanics Sept. 15-17. Martineville. W. Va Parkersburg—Knights of Pythias of West Vir en, Sept. SS. Maner Jenkins, Piedmont, a Parkersburg—Pythian Sisters. Mrs. Odd FelShepherds League of Lecklider, Funeral Musgrave. Order Directors’ Assn Fairmont, W. Va. United American Me Brent Shriner, New West Virginia Jurisdiction. Sept. 5&9 Mrs. Amanda Alex ander Manaington, W. Va Wetster Springe—West Virginia Bar Assn. Chas. MecCamic, Schmulbach RBildg., Wheeling. W. Va. Wheellng——West Virginia Esperanto Convention. Aug. 3-5 Herbert Scott, Moundsville, W. Va Wheellng-—Grand Lodge of West Virginia. I. 0. 0. F Nov. 17. E. A. Billingslea, Fair mont. W. Va Wheeling—Grand Encampment I. 0. O. F. Nov. 16 Cc. L. Simpson, 1942 Eighth ave., Huntington, W. Va. WISCONSIN. Ashland—Grand Encampment of Wisconsin I. 0 Oct. 13-14. Jas. A. Fathers, Janes . s. -American Instructors of Deaf Assn. Claire —State Funeral halmers’ Aasn. Sept. 29-Oct 1. fall. S11 Rroadway, Milwaukee, Eau Claire—Wisconsin State Assn. Horseshoers Sept. 6. Light st.. Oshkosh, Wis. Bau Claire—G. A. «. Grand Encampment. J. A. Wattrous, Madison, Wis. Galesville—I. 0. M. Great Council. Em. es. and c. L. Wis. of Master George Staples, 63 Directors Col. Aug. P. Aus. % w. A. State Convention. G. Raddats, president, Madison—Wisconsin State Aasn. of Master Honse Painters and Decorators. Aug. 10-12. Leonard Forester, 8618 Wells st.. Milwaukee, Wis. Madison—State Master House Painters and Decorators’ Asen Aug. 10-12 Leonard Forester, S618 Wells st... Milwankee. Wis. Menasha—State Federation of Catholic Soci eties July 18-19. Leo Kennedy, Burlington, Wis Milwaukee— Wisconsin State Dental Soctety. Harvey N. Jackson, Wells Bidg., July 13-15. Milwankee, Wis Milwaukes—Int. Photo Engravers’ Union of North America. Sept. 7. Louis A. Schwarz, 228 Apsley «t., Philadelphia, Pa. Milwaukee— Wisconsin Retail Jewelers’ Assn July 20-22. Franklin 0. Thompson, Sentinel Ridg., Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee—Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Agents’ Asen. July 21-29. Franklin Mann, Chicago, 1. Milwankee—International Rroom and Whisk Makers’ Union. July 12-18 C. T. Dolan, 258 W. Harrison et., Chicago, IN. Milwaukee—Rarbers’ Supply Dealers’ Asan. Ang. W. Second 9-11 G. G. Thomas, 121 st., Ottumwa, Iowa. M!lwaukee—Wisconsin Archeological Soctety. Aug. —. Charles FE. Brown, 1240 Chestnut *t.,. Milwankee, Wis Milwaukee—Wieconsin Golf Assn. A Howard Plimpton, 300 Pabst Bldg., “tinese: kee, Wis. Milwaukee—Home Contns Week. Ang. 2-7. Otte J. Schoenleber, University Bldg., Mil wankee, Whe Milwankee—Rohemian Slavonic Sick Renefit So. | 8. v. clety. Aug. 80-Sept. Lunak, St. a eale, Mo. wankee— Badger State Optical Society. Jul 20-22. Franklin O. Thompson, Sentinel Ridge. Milwaukee, Wis, Milwaukee— Wisconsin . A, facturera’ Bankers’ Asan. July Graettinger, Merchants and Manu Rank, Milwankee, Wis. Milwaukee Wieeonsin Teachers’ Asan. Nov. 46. Miss Katherine R. Willlams, 871 Buf fum st.. Milwaukee, Wis Oshkosh—Wis, State Luther League. Aug. 18. Geo. W. Rapps, 1625% Cherry st., Waukee, Wis Waupaca—Good Templara Mutual sociation. Aug. 68. B, cine et., Milwaukee, Wanpaca—National lars Aug. 3.5 ly, Maree Waupaen—Wisconsin Postmasters’ and 4th-clage offices, July Brown, Wisconsin Veterans’ Home, 16 Mil Renefit 4. F. Parker, 745 Ra Wis. Grand Lodge Good Temp Willard O. Wrylle, Rever ad League, y R Wm. Wis. ' John noe Auxil Racine, | | Toronto, | Cambridgeport | the while and shouted for help | crowds on the streets, ! WYOMING | Cheyenne—State Medical Assn. Sept. 1-2, | CANADA. Brampton, Ont.—High Court of Central Ontario oO. F Aug. 25-26. J. Niddrie, CreeOnt., Canada. ae es ee more, Blanff, Sept. Can. Assn. Que., Calgary, Alta.—Union of Canadian Mualcipa! ities. Last week in July. W. D. Lighthall New York Life Bldg., Montreal, Que., Can. Charlestown, P. E. I.wi, 0. F. High’ Court Aug. N. B.—High Court Dates not set. F. Moncton, N. B., Can. Halifax, N. S.—Grand Council Maratime Provinces. Aug. 4. I. Allison, Sackeville, N. B., Can. Haste. Ont.—Canadian Manufacturers’ Assn. Sept. 14-16. G. M. Murray. 1410 Traders’ Rank Lidg., Toronto, Ont., Can. Hamilton, Ont.—Loyal True Blue Assn. Grand Lodge. Aug. 31-Sept. 2. Nicholas Ingram, , Box 147, Post Perry, Ont. «ndon, Ont.—F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. ly 21-22 R. L. Gunn, Hamilton, sage Tg Hat, Alta.—Canadian Municipalities ition. ; John W. Stocks, Sq.. ) Sept. Pharmaceutical Tremble, Montreal, er. &, LL W. Emmerson, Royal Arcanum, Conver — 3 Beaver Hall Montreal, High Court. Montreal, Montreal, Oct. Que., Que.—American F. G. Duffied, Baltimore, Md. Montreal, ue.—Catholic Order of Foresters Aug. hos. F. McDonald, 1228 Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago, Il. Montreal—Canadian Freight Assn. July 20 and Oct. 19. T. Marshall, 314 Union Station, Toronto, Ont., Can. Montreal—League of American Municipalities fae. 25.27 John MeVicar, Des Moines, a. Morrisburg. July 8-10. Numismatic Assn. Ont.—Eastern Ontario Dental Will C. Davy, Morrisburg, Assn. | oO Can. mt.. Niagara Falls, pers’ Assan. tinsburg. W. Niagara Falls Ship Ont. —International Apple Cc Mar Aug. 4-5. . P. Rothwell, Va. Ont.—Internationa! Underwriters’ Assn. July 18. Alexander, 1208 Michigan ave., Ch Gear Niagara Falls. (nt.—Detroit Conference. 15-17. W. H. Howland, Saginaw, Mich. Ottawa. Ont.—Rebekah Assembly. Aug. Mrs. M. A. Pearce, 233 Markham st., Ont., Can. Ottawa. Ont.—Independent Order Odd Fellows. Aug. 11. J. B. King, Room 68, Canada Life Bldg., Toronto, Ont., Can. — lent Il. Se pt. 10-11. Toronto. Paris, Ont.—Provinciai Volunteer Firemen's | Assn. Aug. 2-4. Geo. A. Thomas, Niagara | Falls, Ont., Can. | Peterborough, Ont.—Master House Painters and Decorators’ Assn. of Canada. July 28-30. St. John—Pure Food Show. Dates not set. R.. J. Armstrong. St. John. N. B., Can | St. John—Templars of Henor and Temperance. | nt 10. Rev. C. S. Woodruff, Flemington, | Johns. N. R.—Rebhekah Assembly. C. 8. Woodruff, Flemingion. } Johns. N. B.—Maritime Provinces I. F. Grand Encampment. Ang. 10. we 145 Cameron st., Moncton, ~an St. Johns, N. R.—Maritime Provinces I. 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge. Aug. J. J. McKinnon, Charlottetown, P. E. I. St. Thomas—Grand Lodge of Ontario, of Pythias. July 13. Alex. Grover st., Toronto, Ont., Can. Sherbrooke, Que.—Rebekah Assembly. Aug. 17 Mrs. H. Spencer. Rox 668. Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Que.—Grand Lodge of Qnebec. 1. 0. O. F. Aug. 17. T. J. Potter, Box 432. Montreal, Que., Can. Strathcona, Alta.—I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Ang 10. O. E. Tisdale, Calgary. Alta. Toronto, Qnt.—Life Underwriters’ Assn. of Canada. Aug. —. J. F. Weston, McKinnon Bidg., Toronto, Ont., Can. Toronto Ont. -Rrotherhood of International Electrical Workers’ Union of America. Sept. — W. Collins, Pierek Bldg... Spring| Ont.—Ontario Pr. W. Hodgetts, Ont.. Can. Ont.—Fruit Growers’ 9-11. P. W. Hodgetts. Ridg., Toronto. Onrt., Can Toronto, Ont.—Ontario Horticultural Exhibition Nov. &-13. P. W. Hodgetts, Parliament Bldg.. | Toronto. Ont.. Can. Ont.—Canadian Architectural Institute. H Gates, Halifax, N. S.. Aug. Melv tite = By Knights Coulter, 59 | field, Toronto, 10.12 Toronto Toronto, Nov. Reekeepers’ Nov. | Blig.. Assn. Parliament Assn. of Ontario. | Parliament | Sept. Can. Winnipeg, Man.—Canadian Medical Assn. 23.25. Aug. AERONAUTS Have Adventures in Keeping With the | Fourth of July. Thrilling experiences and narrow marekd the Liberty Day celebration cities. In Roston. Prof. Joe Gannon. the aero| naut, had a thrilling midnight flicht through over the Charles River Basin | He waved a red lantern all | His cries, re| alarmed the and Policeman Buchan escapes in many und Reacon Hil) verberating over the housetons wire netting of the baloon and tore away from ' an, with several hundred men and boys, started | in pursuit. | Gannon arose !n his balloon as the finale to! a lawn party. His parachute caught tn the | | the trapeze to which Gannon was clinging. the balloon. He He | was hanging from ing on to his red lantern was marooned | after his dangerous vovace about 100 feet be | low the city’s main thoroughfare. | The policemen telephoned for hook and lad| der, and the firemen soon brought Prof. Gan| non to terra firma. | and also hold| most unique Fourth of July feast that ever took place on European soil was held at the National Exposition in Denmark. It was Yankee Day and the oceasion was used for an elaborate display of American patriotism. Reyalty honored the event. The American minister, ' and the members of the American legation and r | 000 plates, | ery | fourteen years of age, SANFORD DODGE CLOSES SEASON | of forty-two | after | early | Southern Theatre Managers will be held at the | Orpheum Bldg.. | entitled ‘“Time on the Suit Case Circuit.”’ | Western States circuit. | cago, | latter theatre, | the show June 24. | Stair and Havlin to play ‘‘Hick’’ in Schooldays | ing parks and sirdomes for the Western Vande yesterday. in this “TI am going to make flight.’’ said Moore, a big success “or go to hades. I have an idea that something will happen.”’ Eight minutes after uttering these words Moore dropped to the earth from the America, a distance of more than 40 feet, THE FOURTH AT DENMARK'S NATIONAL EXPOSITION. The government officials were present. Greeting ate Preside Taft and Sec’y. Knox were read ches made by the American Minister and others. A banquet, laid for 2. was given in the evening. MISCHIEVOUS BOYS DAMAGE THEATRE PROPERTY. Atchison Theatre, Atchison, Kan., by eight small boys during the past and considerable damage was done by They turned on the water and soaked the broke electric lights, used a hammer keys of the piano, cut holes in the scenand altogether did damage to the tune of about $1,200. The boys are from twelve to and unless their parents trouble seems to be staring The entered week, them. carpets, on the was make good the loss, them in the face. Mr. Sanford Dodge closed a successful season weeks June 29th in Denver, and a few weeks’ rest in the mountain resorts of Colorado he will commence preparations for the production of his new play. ‘The Lost Legion,”’ which will have its initial performance in September. ANNUAL MEETING. the She annual meeting of Association of Atlanta, Ga., Monday, July 12. at 11 m. Matters of vital interest will he presented and men of national prominence will be in attendance. HENRY M. ZEIGLER ILL. Henry M. Ziegler, of the firm of Anderson and Ziegler, is confined to his room at the Sinton Hotel, Cincinnati, severely ill. His condition becoming alarming, his family was summoned to his bedside. At the hour of going to press, however, he was resting easily. VAUDEVILLE. Miss Myra Dumont, who deserted the ranks of musical comedy for vaudeville two seasons ago, is collaborating with S. T. Rushton, a newspaper man, in the publication of a book, Miss Dnmont has gathered a vast store of material while playing the airdomes, town halls and “opry’’ houses, through the extreme South and West. The book, which contains principally hnmor. will not be ready for publication until next winter. + The Marvelous Warren, now playing with Zech and Zech, novelty gymnasts, on his return to the East will be seen with his brother in a new gymnastic novelty original in everything. new apparatus, wardrobe, special drop and electrical effects ineluding many new and original tricks on the Roman rings. The act will be known as The Marvelous Warren and Brother. Clever Conkey is spending a few weeks’ vacation at his home in Wausau. Wis.. after which he resumes work for the Western Vandeville Association. While playing Cineinnati recently he celebrated the twentieth anniversary of his advent in the show business. It was also his ninty-third week of association work. * Chas. Heuber and Ferne Darby, the Califernia entertainers, had to cancel Fort Wayne, Ind... Lima, 0., and the Majestic, ChiMr. Huebner sprained both knees at the recently, necessitating the layThe act will open on the Pantages CirAugust 30 if Mr. y »bner recovers. off. cuit Mrs. Margie Snyder, of the Two Snyders. mourns the loss of her father. L. R. Moore. who died in Memphis, Tenn., June 15. Mrs. Snyder left the James Adams Show at Richmond, Va.. to attend the funeral, rejoining + Jack Surat has recently closed a season of nineteen weeks on the Gus Sun time and is at present located at Wonderland Park, Indianapolis. Mr. Surat has been engaged by next + J. Bogert closed with the Olympic Minstrels at Kenosha, Wis., and is now work season. ville Association. WHITE VALLEY GEMS. The White Valley Gem Company. of Indian| apolis, Ind., is offering what is known as the | | White Valley Gem—a chemically white sannhire | which they claim can not be distinguished | from the genuine diamond, except by an ex| pert The company claims extensive sales of | | this article at fairs and street carnivals and | |other celebrations, and ai rapidly growing list | CAPTAIN JAMES MOORE KILLED | Capt. James Moore, the Los Angeles aeronant, | was fatally tnjured on July 3 at Redding, | Cal., when his dirigible airship, America, ex| ploded in midair before the gaze of 4,000) people, and succumbed to his injuries at 11.45 o'clock. He never regained consciousness, Moore's entire body was scorched by the burning gas | which escaped from the big silken bag. A. M. Short, who ts Moore's half-brother and also his helper, repeated Moore's last words A booklet explaining the spectal being mailed to those forward of customers. propositions. ing addresses. is La Pearl and Hamblin United Minstrels opened | their season at the Tuileries Park, Denver, Colo| rado, to large attendance. The show is carrying | thirty-five people, band and orchestra. The company will remain at the Tuileries for two weeks and will then commence their road tour, playing ten months’ time over the Inter-Mountain Circuit. | PARK LIST | a) No Circuit. ‘1) Park plays vaudeville, 2) Park does not play vaudeville. 3) Park plays bands. {8 Park does not play bands. 5) Park plays neither bands or vaudeville, (xx) Park plays stock. ALABAMA. aaniston—)xford Lake Park, Anniston Blectrie ry — Co., props. ; L. Rand, mgr.; (1) >. Gab. Anniston—Hobsun City Park (Colored), Anniston Electric and Gas Co.. props. Rirmingham—East Lake Park, R. D. Burnett, prop Chas. Fourton mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3): also opera and musical comedy. Gadsden—Elliott Park, A. C. G. & A. Ry. Coa., props.; Chas. J. Zell, mgr. attr (x) (1) (3); C. J. Zell books vaudeville attractions. Mobile—Monroe Park. New Decatur—Park, N. A. Traction Co., props.; J. F. Knowlen, mgr. (x) (1) (3 Selma—Elkdale, Selma St. A. Shuford, mgr.; C. mgr. (x) (1) (3); C. A. Shuford books vaudeville attractions. Sheffield— Woodside Park, Sheffield Co., props.; me A. Andrews, mgr. attr.; *heffield—tTri-Cities Park, Harry B. Elmore, rop. & mgr., also mgr. attr.; (1) (xx) (x); rry B: Elmore books vaudeville attr ARIZONA gy Park, Douglas St. props.; Daniel McDonnan, mgr.; io oe Me. Ingr. attr. (x) (5) npan — -'h Lake Park, Phoenix Rallway Co., rop.; 8. H. Mitchell, mgr.; also mgr. attr. (2) (4) (x) (xx). Tucson—Elysian Grove, Tucson Amusement Co., props.; E. Drachman, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (3); Bert Levey books vaudeville attr. AREANSAS. Batesville—Unique Theatre. Zarilington Five, owners and managers. ‘amden—City Park, City of Camden, owners; E. H. Carson, mgr.; (x! (5). This park is simply a ball park. El Dorado—Dreamland Airdome, Hardy V. Govin, prop.; C, D. Govin, mgr.; (1) (4); C. D. Govin books vaudeville. El Dorado—Colonial Airdome, Gardner & Parks, props.; C. Gardner, mgr.; (1) (4). @ureka Springs—Auditorium Park, Citizens Fleetrie Co., props. ; Adolph M. —, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1) (ay (x); Adolph M. Bar ron books vaudeville attr fort. Smith—Electric Park, Ft. Smith Light & Traction Co., props.; J. W. Gillette, mgr.; J. W. Gillette, mgr. attr.; (x) (1) (@); J. W. Gillette books vaudeville attractions. Hot Springs—-Airdome, J. Frank Head, prop. & mgr.;: (1) (4) (xx); J. F. Head books attr. Got ¥prings—Whittington, H. O. Price, prop. & mgr.; (5) (x). Little Rock—Wonderland, F. Jennen, & mgr.; (x) (1) (2); F. Jennen books “vledoville attractions. Uttle ee a a Park, L. R. Ry. & Elec. Co., . & mgrs.; Abe Stirwell, mgr. attr.; x) ie t+ city bands only; as. T. ylor, books vaudeville attractions. Uttle Rock—Airdome, J. F. Head, mgr.; Fred Parnel, mgr.; J. F. Head books attr.; J. F. Head ‘Cireuit; (1) (3). Pine Bluff—Forest Park, Park Amusement Co., Ine., propa.; F. E. Cherot. mgr.; B. Cherot, mgr. attr.; (x) (1) (3); F ®. Cherot hooks vandeville attractions Walnut Ridge—Airdome, A. Burg Israel, prop.; (1) (6); book direct. CALIFORNIA. Bakersfield—Hudnut Driving Park, G Luts, prop.; Kern Covnty Fair Assn, mers. (x) (1); plays local bands omg. This an amusement park only during the a fairs, usually held about October 12, and for the week follow 7 ne Tent City, Coronado Beach Carl E. Lundquist, Union Buildego, Cal., amuse. mgr. nk, Ben Do.” Park, Fresno "Traction s. and mgrs.; also mgrs. attr.; (1) ny Gaston States ‘Vaudeville Assn., San Fran cisco, book vaudeville aatrs. . Oakland—Idora Park, Idora Park Co., props.; B. P. Miller, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (x) (1) (3). Richmond—East Shore Park, East Shore & Suburban Ry. Co., props.; C. H. Robertson, mgr.; (2) Sacramento—Oak Park, Sacramento Electric Railway Co., props.; C. W. MeKillip, mgr. of company; A. H. Kines, mgr. park; (3). * a Mission Cliff Park, San Diego Elec. Co. props.; Carl EB. Lundquist, amuse. San cinta Springs Park, San Bernardino Valley Traction Co., props.; ©. Shattock, mgr.; A. B. Merribew, mgr. attr.; x) (2) (8). : Francisco—Chutes Park, Chutes Co., props.; . P. Levy, mgr.; E. P. Levy, mer. attr.; (1) (4); Sullivan ‘and Considine book vaudeill ttractions. on 5 Aetna pone Park, San Jose & Santa Clara my 3. S. props. ; . BR. Lawson, r. and m attr. Ph, nee Springs Park, Peninsular B. RB. Co., props.; F. E. Chapin, mgr. COLORADO Boulder—Chautauqua Park, props.; C. E. Boggett, mgr.; mgr. attr.; > (xy (5). Colorado Springs—Zoo Park, John J. Coughlin, City { Boulder, Boggett, prop.; M. J. Coughlin, mgr.; Harry Cc. Cull, mgr. attr.; (5). Colorado Springs—Staton, Straton Estate, props.; B. M. Lathrop, mgr.; H. T. Irvine, (1); one band engaged for en Cripple Creek—Union, Elks Lodge, prop.; Ro senberg & Stanley, mgrs.; (5) (x). fenver—Lakeside, Frank Burt, mgr. Severe Gardens, T. S. Long, prop. & mgr.; (1) Denver—Tullleries Park, Chas. Jacobs, mgr.; also mer. attr.; (1) (3): Western States Cir cuit; W. A. Weston books vaudeville. (Continued on page 44.)