The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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nw om en Oe |e 20 a ow mete Aw LPP ON ey? =3* The Billboard JULY 10, 1909. If you are about to start in the Moving Picture business—or are dissatisfied with the film service you are now, receiving. Patronize us. Geo. K. Spoor Co., Inc. ov 62 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. THE VIASCOPE SPECIAL FIREPROOF ! NOISELESS! FLICKERLESS ! NO VIBRATION!; Guaranteed forever against defective workmanship or material. ~~ Viascope Manufacturing Co., Room 1, 112 E. Randolph St., CHICAGO. Only the Best Films in Stock. PRICES THE LOWEST WRITE FOR CATALOGUES ELDRED FILM SERVICE C. H. WYATT, Manager 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. Film Review. (Continued from page 14.) The elderly gentleman soon discovered his mistake, and was not long in finding Harold. Harold's story was soon told and the elderly gentleman was touched. Although Harold knew it not he slipped a substantial sum in the overcoat pocket with a note signed ‘“‘An Absent| minded Cupid,”’ and Harold was placed on his financial feet with the usual result BIOGRAPH THE COUNTRY DOCTOR.—In the peacefui Valley of Stillwater nature smiles as we make | our way up the lane, lined on each side with blossoming trees and fragrant flowers. until we come upon Doctor Harcourt, one of God's noblemen, seated on the veranda of his house, with his wife and little daughter, Edith. Al! | are care free and happy as we stroll with them | through barley flelds, lanes and daisy beds. But | the fates are jealous, and there are gathering clouds to shut out the radiance of their happy | existence. Little Edith is taken very ill, and | the Doctor is at first inclined to think his | wife is unduly alarmed, but upon examining the child, he realizes the illness to be serious indeed. So much so that it would be probably fatal for him to leave its side until the crisis is past. While so engaged, a poor woman of the village hurries to his home, to enlist his services for her little girl, whom she at the point of death. Oh, God, what a situation—Lis own child needing his undivided atten tion most urgently, on the one hand, and duty on the other. Irresolute for a moment, he at length goes, Just the thing for the Summer Months. Start s BABY SHOW At Your Theatre Get the mothers interested. You'll be surprisea at results. This attraction will jam your house. | Write us at once—we’ll tell you how | NOVEL TY CO., 221 E. 58d St. eon York City. | TRICKS FOR PROFESSIONAL USE YOST & COMPANY, 900 Filbert Street, (Established 1870), Philadelphia. as New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. | WANTED A few more Big Show Acts and single and | double Aerial — also Magician for side show. j}oene who can do two acts preferred. U | BROTHERS, 338 Summit Street., Toledo, 0. WANTED AT ONCE—For the best small show on the road—Good Strong Novelty Man, must heve 3 or 4 changes. (Salary good as gold here.) Must deliver the goods. No place for you te try it on the Dog. Just canned several meat eaters. Week stand show. Stop at hotels. Best treatment to good people. Dolph Voigt and Mont T’eters, write. Address WALTERS & KIRBY'S VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINERS, week July 5-10 at Belle, Mo. FOR SALE—1 Thurston Illusion, Maid of Mys tery, in first-class condition. Slides. At a sacrifice 135 S. Ervey St., WANTED—Lady and Gentleman Amateurs, can sing and play some instrument, Co. under canvas. Address STOCK scher, Ill Kankakee Co For Sale—Picture Machine Gas Outfit, Scenery, Films, and Vending Machines. A, H, Jennings, Kansas City, Kansas. Nickel and Penny Address 8. P, SLAVIN, Dallas, Texas. that for Stock CO., Her fears is | assuring his wife that he will be | Over 75 per cent. of the finest theatres in the United States and Canada are furnished with them. They are used In 318 of the 405 moving picture theatres in Chicago. To meet the growing demand for LOW PRICED OPERA CHAIRS we bave originated a number of styles which, though Inexpensive, ure characteristic of ANDREWS QUALITY Write for our large catalogue, illustrated in colors, which will guide and assist you, when contemplating the purchase of Opera Chairs. THE CHICAGO ESTABLISHED (905 NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO sT Lou's TACOMA TRAINER’S Asbestos Curtains Picture Booths Send for Booklet. C. W. TRAINER MANUFACTURING CO: 80 Pearl Street, . BOSTON. *'4 SPECIAL DAYS | society LOOK HOO! HOO! LOOK OWLS CARNIVAL and GALA WEEK CELEBRATION CUMBERLAND, MD , JULY 12 to 17. Auspices Nest No. 90—O. O. O. 3 BIG PARADES 2 Big Pay Days Entire Country Billed FREE—LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS DISTRICT—FREE. First Free Carnival on Main Stree 1905, Marr's Greater Dixle tions. WANTED—Two more good Shows Will furnish handsome Uniformed Band of § or 10 pieces. Will few more to join at Cumberland. Have for A-1 Platform Shew Wire, no time to writs Can use one good act suitable for cireus. Address MARR’S GREATER DIXIE SHOWS, Berkeley Springs. W. Va., week July 5; Cumberland, Md., week July 12; Lonaconing, Md., week July 19; Piedmont, W. Va., week July 26. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR LOUISVILLE, KY., SEPT. 13-18 I want a Big, New Feature Act for this Fair, to work as an added Free Attraction. Advise what you have to offer. FRANK P. SPELLMAN, Neave Bldg., Cincinnati, O. t since Shows furnish attrac carved wood fronts for same place Privileges, good opening Piano Players in 5c Theatres—Do you want an easy ragtime piece? The Nickelodeon Rag. A great hit. 17c.. postage prepaid. Ada Burnett, 1103 E, Court St., Cincinnati, 0. THE BIGGEST WEEK IN ILLINOIS. Arcola, Ill., Aug. 3, 4, 5 and 6. Home Coming week. The first reunion. We want attractions of all kinds, all concessions open. Every thing on the streets. Free attractions all en gaged; time in the broom corn section, big the THOMAS richest farming country in the world. F. MONAMAN, Sec. SHOW MEN GET ON IT. Cave of Horror, 35.00; Pig Child, Spider Boy, $15.00: Alligator Boy, $20.00; Sea Serpent, $20.00; 2-Headed Giant, $35.00. PROF. C. H. HOOD, 6 Van Norden St., Cam'dge, Mass. $15.00: Versailles, Kentucky. WANTED DATES By Hermann and the Great Sylvia Well known by the press and public in tbe State of Iiinols. THE WORLD'S GREATEST TELEVATHY ARTISTS."" They make the money MANAGERS! if you want the money, GET THE PEOPLE. GET If you want the people THESE GREAT ARTISTS! Their ACT will get you the MONEY, for they are AMUSING and draw the crowds. For particulars, write or call Room 29, 92 La Salle St., Chicago, LI. FOR OVEN DATES, address SPRINGFIELD. ILL. Gen. Del. VERSAILLES BIG COUNTY FAIR Y®®362-4"Ss **: WANTED—legitimate Concessions of all kinds for sale, (except Soft Drinks.) Merry-go-round, Ferris Wheel, Baby tack, Knife Rack, Cane Rack, Novelties, all kind of Privileges, except games. No Gambling allowed. Also four or tive good, clean Shows: will sell these outright. This Wair will run day and night, and will be one of the best In the State Big surrounding country to draw from Here is your chance if you want the money. Write FLEMING MEEK, Secy., Temporary Quarters, Fire Destroyed Our Old Films But our best reels were working, and we still have them. with more up-to-date subjects, and are heavier buyers than ever from the Motion Picture Patents Co. In addition, we have replaced the burned film Write us at once for a service that is the “BEST IN AMERICA” AMERICAN FILM SERVICE 118-122 E. Randolph St., Chicago, Ill