The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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The Bi JULY 10, 1909. | | but a few minutes away. Arriving at the hum ill, indeed, requiring speedy and unerring atten tion to save her. Meanwhile, Edith, his own child, hes grown worse and the mother has despatched the maid to hurry him back home. When the maid arrives and tells him the conditions, he for a moment wavers, but then his duty seems clear to him. If he leaves the poor voman's child, death is inevitable, so he dismisses the maid with the word that it will only be a few minutes longer, and then he will return. Little Edith sinks rapidly, so the | maid is egain sent. This time he is about to leave, as the child Is out of danger and will recover So he leaves the poor family happy and relieved, to rush madly to his own home, There across the lIifeless form of his dear | ebild lays his moaning, horror-stricken wife. + ES Exhibitors! Write to my Chicago Office If you want to learn some | deep impression on the simple farmer's wife, | who had chosen an honest farmer to wed five years before. The tempter succeeds in making the grind of the simple life decidedly irksome. At length she almost decides to go away with |} finding the letter, innocently taking it up, | follows on, guided as if by the hand of Prov can’t tellhere. Mark your | error of her way and resiles before it is too ial.” perturbed and chagrined. | AM THE MAN WHO SAVED $100,000 ON M. P. LAMP Current Bills CARL LAEMMLE, Prest. THE LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE, 196-198 Lake Street, Chicago. THIS CHAIR IN STOCK 2 Can ship 500 Daily our orders immediately. OM your Incandescent Lamp Current ee oor HALLBERG ' It’s Guaranteed Quotations by return. — ae NOW | WILL SAVE mayo: Ge cena, bet 60 to 70 Per Cent. ILLINOIS © SURE QUALITY _— Free Booklet No. 14 tells all about it. AND I have many new and good things for PRICE M. P. and Theatre Managers, including ae Carbons, Spot Lights, 4,000 ¢ p. ‘laming Are Lamps, Buzz and Exhaust OPERA CHAIRS Fans and the Best M. P. Machines. Get —Many Styles— acquainted. A post card will io it—NOW. J. H. HALLBERG, ‘CHICAGO, : : : : '‘ Write for quo on. 30 Greenwich Avenue, NEW YORK. ROYAL METAL MFG. CO. Main office & faoctory, 1821 Dearborn S&t., CHICAGO. WANTED _ A First-Class Trap Drummer Must have his own traps. Roy E. Davis write or wire. WM. TODD SHOW, Oxford, W. C., week of July 5th. ALTO PLAYER AT LIBERTY Experienced {in Show Business and Standard music. Can join at once. Wire or write. Permanent address C. E, TUTTLE, Cowan, Ind. NOKFROSENE = ble cabin of the woman, he finds her child very | THE MESSAGE.—The smooth persuasive reas| | oning of the city chap, a former suitor, made a | him, but later she struggles against the incli| nation, until a note telling her he will be at | the old ‘ridge to take her with him, decides | her. Leaving a note of farewell for her hus| band on the table, she goes to the place of | | meeting. She has hardly left, when baby, | thing about the noe | the letter So mamas, Sect co Woetsen. Gstves | . ~ } > tte oO am s 3 as € s ives picture businese which up in sn auto. The woman sees clearly the | envelope ‘Billboard peo| late, leaves the tempter standing in the road, Last Year INCANDESCENT ECONOMIZER AND SPECIAL . | llboard 43 rT] DOWN, BUT NOT OUT!!! Rising out of the ashes with true American spirit. Entire New Stock Of Films NO INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS. (All shipments made promptly as he-etofore.) TEMPORARY QUARTERS: : 118-122 . saat . aru American Film Serivee. The Motiograph Motion Picture Machine projects wonderfully brilliant, steady Flickerless Pictures, has a Patent, Two-minute Rewind connected with main crank, Revolving Magazines, Automatic Fireproof Shutter, etc., not a part of other machines, and WILL WEAR TWICE AS LONG The Double Dissolver, 1909 Model, Underwriters’ Approved Model, is a Wonder. Prices, $150, up. The Enterprise Calcium Gas Outfit is the only satisfactory substitute for Electric Light. Write today for catalog. Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co., 83 W. Randolph St., Chicago | | | | | | | | OUR HOT WEATHER PURCHASES ARE BIGGER THAN EVER. We Rent All the Best Films Released by the MOTION PICTURE PATENTS CO. C. J. HITE FILM CO., 360-365 Monadnock Block, CHICAGO, ILL. WE MAKE CURTAINS, PULLEYS, SPOT LIGHTS, HARDWARE, 5 GENT PICTURE MOVING PICTURE BOOTHS. SHOWS (eee czy Boorse. THEATRES UNION ELEVATOR & MACHINE CO. 144 and 146 Ontario St. CHICAGO. A BETTER SERVICE For the same, or as good for less money, is what we guarantee. Let us ‘have the full particulars of your present service, and we will make good. UNITED STATES FILM EXCHANGE, INDEPENDENT NO LICENSE. (132 and 134 E. Lake Street, “MOVING WANTED For Moving Picture Show Singer for Illustrated Songs; Experienced Operator fer Edison a ie = gentleman.) Must join by July_ 15. advance tickets. Address C, 8. SULLIVAN, Calumet, Michigan. ~~ CALCIUM ~ WPIT" FOP NEw CATALOG | MOORE BONDS CO CHICAV OIL. eS Kennedy Bros. WANTED--Tent Shows Shows . ren al ry by re. Also other priviWants Aerial and Acrobatic Acts for big show; Aug. 80 to Sept, 3. 1900 ateme, () Fee, Boss Canvasman, also Billposters. Frank Maco J. E. ZUMWALT, Supt. write, Address Culbertson, Neb., to July 10. Ne WOODMAN'S CARNIVAL strat “nn Week of July 26th to August 1st, inclusive. Wild West Show and a few Pe Feature Platform Shows, two more Free Acts and Ferris Wheel. Address, R. L. CARROLL, Manager U.S Carnival Co., Gen. Del , St. Paul, Minn P. S.—A number of other big ones to follow in North and South Dakota. AT LIBERTY centsronstan: wanacens ony ARMSTRONG FAMILY BAND Free Act, Moving Pictures and Vaudeville Show. Parks or Carnivals. Address HARRY ARMSTRONG, St. Simons Island, Ga., care of Tilton’s Pier Hotel. A LIST OF CONVENTIONS, REUNIONS, CONCLAVES AND ASSEM BLIES IS CARRIED IN THE BILLBOARD FROM WEEK TO WEEK, CORRECTED AND REVISED AS ADDITIONAL DATA IS OBTAINED. } Tay CHICAGO. a Te as a eee —_ << rh Eo Bt (See