The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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JULY 10, 1909. The Billboard Among the Stock Companies The Keystone Dramatic Co., Max A. Arnola, manager, is in its sixth week of summer tour ¢ the Maine summer resorts. So far, business bas been very satisfactory, according to Man oger Arnold. Daisy Burtch, the star, Is adding we friends by her clever work, and is a bi, | tevorite. The roster: Max A. Arnold, manager; Will A. Wilson, agent; Geo. A. Fox, musical di-etor: Arnold C. Balding, J. H. Owens, Ed. W ilabbard, Will J. Dyer, Fred Munroe, Chas. A. tewls, Millie Bell, Amy Kingston and Dalsy Hartch. Specialties are introduced by Chas. A. towls, W. J. Dyer, Millie Bell, The Agony Four ead Daisy Burtch. The Brainard Comedy Company {s playing to big business through Missourl, not having lost a night In four weeks. F. Brainard, proprietor aod manager: Bert Brown, agent and treasure. Prof, Wiley, leader of orchestra: The Brainards, Jack and Maimie, sketch artists: Clara Brat and. juvenile serio comic; Maimle Brainard, ser entine dancer; Frank A. Young and Sarab (ikeles, black-face, song and dance artists. The Balley-Lockwood Company is filling a two weeks’ engagement at the Fort Scott, Kan., Air dome, June 28 to July 10, and are giving excellent satisfaction. n extra special bill was given July 5 The performance began forty minutes earlier than usual, in time for the fireworks display. The Morey Stock Company open at Fort Scott Airdome July 12 for two weeks. Manager E. A. Schiller, of the Bayonne Opera House, Bayonne, N. J., has taken the Schiller Assoclated Players, formerly the Conness and Edwards Stock Company of Bayonne to Norfolk, Va.. for the summer season where the company {s making a big bit at the Grandby Theatre. At the conclusion of the summer season Mr. &ehiller will take the company back to the Opera House. * The De Lacy Stock Company, at City Theatre, Brockton, Mass., lately produced a military play by Walter Woods, the general stage dlrector of the Monte Thompson attractions. entitled The Sunset Gun. The play was well received During the week Mr. Woods closed arrangements for placing the play on tour next season. + Mies Alice Rudge, a well known singer, who has been touring the south with the Irene Jeavon's stock company, spent a few days at home in Wheeling, W. Va., while en route to join the Chambers Theatre Co. at Sewickley, Ia., with whom she has an engagement for two months. + The Court Theatre Stock Co. Goodman & Bachelier, managers, at Wheeling. W. Va., presented The Road to Yesterday week of June 27 and the attendance is very good as this fs the first time the plece has been presented In that city. The company !s offering Divorcons this week. Rachel May Clark. of the Parcen Stock Con, ny, was the receiplent of many boquets to Atchison. Kan At Moberly. Mo., the entire Parcen Stock Company was treated to an automobile ride. This company is becoming the most popular one in the west. Jolly Della Pringles Company which bas been playing at the Turner Theatre, Boise, Idaho, bas closed ite season, and Manager C. K. Van Auker and Miss Pringle have gone to the Payette Lakes to spend a few weeks hunting and fishing. Cc. J. Emmerick, considered one of the youngest character men in repertoire chose with That Stock Company, at Winfield, Kan.. and hae signed with Edwin Horn to play over the Crawford Circuit of Airdomes, through Kan eas and Missourt. Miss the Toll + Rianche Shirley, leading Iady of Stock Co., of Hartford, Conn., has been transferred to Seranton, Pa. where she will anecced Fdna Archer Crawford as leading lady of the Poll Stock Company In that city. Mies Grace Tinff has left the Wolfe Stock Company. at Minnequa Park, Pueblo, Colo., to play on important role in Liebler and Co.'s preinetion of The Straight Road Miss Jane Morgan has succeeded ber at Pueblo. Mise Leigh De Lacy, who has been enjoring a sell earned vacation at her home in Tacoma Waeh.. will probably resume her place at the head of the De Lacy Stock Company, in Brock ton, the week of July 12. Miss Edna Archer Crawford, leading lady of the Poll Stock QGompany at Scranton, Pa.. has resigned to accept a position under the management of H. B. Harris. The Ideal Concert Company plared a week's engagement at Dalton, Ga., to turn-away bust ness, it being necessary to provide extra seats to accommodate the crowds. + Vr and ire Josenh Jaeohe who wer with the Helen Grayce Stock Company last season, have joined Rentfrow's Jolly Patbfloders at Houston, Texas + lessey is now leading man of the Geo. Poll Stock Company, at Worcester, replacing Geo. Arvine, the week of June 2 Miss Marion Lorne, leading lady of the Hunter Bradford Players at Hartford, Conn., is to play the leading role in The Forist Shop next season. ” The Royal Comic Opera Company presented The Bohemian Girl at the Family Theatre Williamsport, Pa., week of June 28 to good busi ness. who left the company % The Bijon Own Stock Company will be locatel at the Rijou Theatre, Benton Harbor, Mich., for the summer season. The company opened June Yale Stock Company, at Hathaway's Theatre, New Redford, Mass., produced a new play, The Woman in Question, for the week of June 28. Miss Alma Chester, Iast season with The Witching Hour, has joined the Court Theatre Stock Co. at Wheeling. W. Va. nA The Cntter Stock Company opened a ‘ive weeks’ engagement at the Bell Opera House, Benton Harbor, Mich., June 21. Mrs. Temple’s Telegram was the bill for week of June 21, by the De Lacy Stock Company at Brockton. Arthur Maitland will play the leading | role in The Man of the Hour during the com and was concluded | ing season. * Miss Panline Geary White has lately joined the Yale Stock Company at New Bedford. Notes of the Airdomes The new airdome at Watertown, 9. D., under the management of H. A. Miller, was opened Monday, June 14, to capacity business. A new lighting device is being used to that when the twilight has faded awar. the inclosure is well lighted with electrie Mghts. Earl Meyer, tenor, is singing the songs, and Bruce Pettit runs the machine. + Frank Green, owner of the Airdome Theatre, Vincennes, Ind., has just completed a new air dome at Indianapolis, enne. at Fountain Square. The seating capacity of the house is 700 Vandeville and moving pictures will be the policy. Manager V. L. Gamble, of the Airdome, Princeton, Ind., bas played six weeks of reper. toire to excellent business, and commencing this week will commence a season of vaudeville for six weeks. The acts will be booked through Gus Sun The Airdome, at Brownwood. Texas, has been purchased br Armstrong and Throop, and has heen semodeled, reopening Juis 1 with Mildred’s Comedians. The season will be devoted to stock. The Airdome is managed by Billy Bennington. The Airdome. Clebnrne. Texas, for 1009 Is as follows: John R. Johnson, manager: W. W. Murphy. secretary and treasurer: P. J. Murrv, advertising and business manager; Carl Wels, stage carpenter. The Airdome Oclwein. bill for the week of June 21: The Kidders, Harry Lonine, Kennella. Two Colemans. Ward Sisters and moving pictures. Business is good despite bad weather. The Estelle Allen Stock Company onened a two weeks’ engagement at the Tri State Airdome, Steubenville, 0.. (C. W. Maxwell, ager) June 29, to good patronage. staf? of Brown's Ia., had the following It {s rumored that the Airdome, Danville, T1., will be reported early this fall under new management, but this report cannot be verified at the present time. te A new Airdome hes been erected in Oblong, Tll., by Geo. FE. Beach, to be devoted to vaudeville and stock. CINCINNATI, OHIO. With the mercury averaging 93 degrees, {s it any wonder that the several local amusement parks ace doing a land office business? The sweltering weather ts driving multitudes to the several parks offering aquatic sports, and Coney Island, with its ten mile scenic boat ride. is sharing profits with the Queen City Bathing Reach. owever, attendance at Chester Park. The Lagoon. and Zoological Garden was better last week than the corresponding week of any season the past five years. Kryl concluded a three weeks’ engagement at the Zoo last week and is succeeded by Thadiu. Valpi’s Eduented Bears were at the Zoo last week. A new consignment of animals has been secured, incinding two Thibet bears and a twelve foot alligator. A succession of grand operas bas been given hy the Chester Park Opera Company since the opening of the season, several weeks ago. Dur ing the Turn Feet, beld in Cincinnati, a double bill was presented, half of the week being de voted to the Bohemian Girl, and the other nights to Il Travatore. The past week the Mikado met an enthusiastic reception owing to the splenMid production given this opera by the company. Mise A.lelaide Norwood, {in the role of Yum Yum, as usual, was excellent. Miss Collier and Miss Winkoop acquitted themselves edmirably Mass... Robert Pitkin was goo, as Ko-Ko, Henry Tar | some located on Virginia av| lor. as Nanki-Poo, gave a good account of himself vocaliy, while Arthur Dean was irresistible in the characteristic finish which he gave the role of Pooh Bah. The current week will be devoted to musical comedy. Mr. E. F. M Intyre, prese agynt of Chester Park, will have a part In the cast. > ainnsement manager of Coney Island, Mr. Geo. W. Englebreth, has secured a galaxy of well known vaudeville stars to appear in the — alr theatre at the up-the-river resort next week. Vaudeville was given at the Lagoon theatre last. week, following the engagement of the stock musical comedy company. of sterling qnality, and of great diversity. On Independence Day a new policy was inaugurated, and hereafter theatrical offerings, equalling any class of shows heretofore seen in Cincinnati will be given In the Amphitheatre. i Mr. Jos. O’Meara, well-known actor and present instructor of the Dramatic Department of the College of Music, in this city, just received an offer from Leslie Davis to star in Shakespearian repertoire next season. While fully appreciating the offer, Mr. O’Meara declined. preferring to retain his connection with the local college. Gordon Park, a favorite Cincinnati resort for picnicers, continues to draw well. The acts were | Excellent programs, together with the aid of oscillating fans and cooling plants, are responsible for the.first class patronage which haa attended the local theatres vaudeville and moving pictures. This form of amusement seems to take well in the Queen City, and excellent attendance is recorded by several managers. REYAM. TOLEDO, OHIO. The hot weather has brought about a big improvement in the summer park business which hes been exceptionally bad since the opening of the season. At the Farm, Joe Pearlstein has brought in some of the best bills ever seen here, but was still unable to draw anything like paying business. This week is the last of United vaudeville at the Farm and the next effort will be in an operatic direction, arrangements having been made with the La Born Opera Co. to play a six weeks’ engagement at the house. and it is to be sincerely boped that there will be been the worst known here in years. Casino things have been but little better although some excellent bil!s of vaudeville have been offered. This week the headliners are, | Madge Maitland, Billy Noble & Jeanne Brooks | dancing | unfiene teeth whirling act in mid air. man| end the Waterberg Bros. Noble & Brooks are making a big hit with their new act which Is bright and snappy, and the Waterberg Bros. close the bill with one of the biggest foot juggling novelties ever seen here. While juggling objects of all discriptions with their feet these talented performers play beautifully on various instruments keeping exact time with the dancing objects above them. Madge Maitland is bet ter than ever and the Great Pascatel does some ——— equilibristic work upon a high pedastal. with a funny sketch Is introduced, geome excellent songs, with “You’ve Got Me Going Kid.”’ into which some clever and Marie Clark sings now presenting | SPECIALLY } } | ; 412 For 100000 CARRIED IN STOCK IN 5 & 10¢ & ADMIT ONE CORRECTLY NUMBERED NEATLY DESIGNED CKET PRINT! UN 1! fond = INTEDIICKETS WRITE FOR SAMPLES BEFORE ORDERING Provivence,RL THE BEST MONEY-GETTER improvement in the business which has | At the | The free attractions in the grounds are Rollo, | the Limit, with a sensational roller skatiag leap the gap and the Tag&ma Trio who are making a phenomenal hit with their attractive and The park itself is doing fair business although Lusiness in the theater has been far below the average. “The Girl From Rectors’’ will be the attraction in the theatre for the week of July 11, and the show ts billed like a circus for miles around. At the Lyeenm. the stock company organized by Messrs. Kelsey & Kemble is in it’s last week, new pleying The Devil, to wonderful business. —_ Lyeeum Stock Company has been a colossa to repeat the experiment next year. The Arcade theatre is still playing vaudeville, booked through Gus Sun. and is packing ’em at every show. Seme excellent bills have been seen here of late and a word of praise is due the | management for the liberal and progressive sys | fortable, tem whieh has been pursued. Outside the thea. tre there is a huge sign which reads ‘‘Come On In, There are Fans Everrwhere,”’ and so there are No expense or trouble has been spared to make the patrons of the Arcade com and at the present writing, I believe it Is the coolest place in town. The Valentine has changed management, and it is no longer | controlled by A. A. Caille and J. H. Kunsky of Detroit matin The same resident manager will re Rurts Theatre still remains closed and are, so far. no prospects of it's opening for some time to come. Great preparations are be | ing made here for the big Home Coming to be | held Ang. 28 to 22. and a large sum of money |} has been collected towards I!t's organization. Ruffalo Rill shows here July 6. Major John Burke was here July 1. He {fs looking as young as ever and is just as loquacions. SYDNEY WIRP. The Shubert Theatre, Utica, N. Y., | has closed for the summer, and will reopen the | August 11-14, latter part of August with the usual high-class | Keith's vaudeville. WANTED All kinds of Tent Shows on a percentage. Carnival companies, submit proposition for Falr 1909, Middlesboro. Ky. JOH success from the start and it is intended | | CLARINET, B. & 0O., ‘ there | | DANCERS AND OTHER USEFUL SOBER MEN Sohn W. Vogel’s Big City Minstrels | August 8th. Address, with full particulars, | Stating very LOWEST salary. I pay ALL. “Vogel’s Beach, Millersport, Ohio, R. F. D. No 2. I aeeeieneienitiemeeianaianatainiemmseain dancin diieiees teeeeeeeeenateaat ean aeeeiemeeeteneeeeeee Cook, Bord & Aaks is another big hit, | making an especial hit | H. HURST, Secretary. CELL, Conmittee. In The Moving Picture Line. se); *)> -< -_ ® > me x PEA e), 2 i T Las (els Sb, Bs ° i ep > @)e@/@)}*.* = a ‘ OnIF J { hess 0 — % . Ll ) eS CO ’ D GUIS ES e 8 o D . 7 sl yuu Want a winning attraction, one that will crowd your house and get the money at every performance, write for our low rental terms for the Summers-Britt Fight Pictures now. CHICAGO FILM EXCHAN Mossler B. Bidg., ago, Ill. STRING BASS AND TUBA, SLIDE TROMBONE, B. & O., CORNET, B. & 0., TRAP DRUMMER WITH BELLS, SOLO AND CHORUS SINGERS, AND RELIABLE MINSTREL PEOPLE, FOR Rehearsals begin at Lancaster, Ohio, Sunday, JOHN W. VOGEL, Owner and Manager, 0 Vil nin ; WANTED—Three or four people to give vaudeville turn. Also one or two people for free attraction for Carnival. Four evenings; week of July 26, 1909 Rushville, Ind. RK PUR FRANK’S FILM HOUSE 347 Sixth Avenue, PITTSBURG. PA.— INDEPENDENT——Suite !!. Larned Bidg., SYRACUSE,N.Y. WEEKLY RENTAL SCHEDULE: WE have the largest stock of Independent Films in United States. We sell everything pertaining to Moving Picture business 20 per cent. cheaper than any ‘ther house. Write us today. 2 Reels Weekly. . 3 Reels Weekly... 6 Reels Weekly..... i2 Reels Weekly ee 6.50 10.50 20.00 “eee eer ee Te ee eo —— SoS SS essere ~~ = — on