The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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46 The Billboard JULY 10, 1909. [eT pairs | )LIST OF CONVENTIONS ge Illustrated Pocket klet of . . * P . ‘ igns of the Times carries a big lis WATCHES WOTICE.—Oniy such iste as have net bese Every issue of S g ig t as published in this list ore appear under the ° 5 JEWELRY general heading ‘‘FAIRS.’’ Back numbers conof conventions. i ae taining previous ae > a ae Pa _ 44 tained y addressing the publishers, if they . ° ° ° i ene are not to be had from newsdealers, The July issue will carry a list of the conventions to be , is — > Under oe —, re and Boron * errors will be emendated and changes indicated. ° i | Those who wish to collect copies of the Fair held In August, September and October. f etc.,etc. Drop us a postal complete list are — to yy af ~ 4 : SHE ies of The Billboard from week to week. e , 4 =STABtD D 2677. compiete Fair list is published in these columns They are far enough ahead to do you the most good. 7 S$. & B. ©. WEINHAUS CO. overy a week. It appeared in ‘the issue CS I f . b s ti t = y ° omplete copies of the list may also La 722 Penn Avenue. Pittsburg, Penn. My Fay nde ete gee Cente to The Bul Send in your dollar now for a year’s subscription to H board Pub. Co., 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, 0. . x Vo ORGANS —Signs of the Times. Address ] CALIFORNIA : AF for MER BY 30 Sakersfield—Kern County Agricultural Assn. ', ING RINKS TENT Sept. 6-11. Cc. L. Foster, secy. ) bee comer SIGNS OF Lh paired and rebuilt Broad Brook—Fair. Sept. 15, Henry F. Fletch , ith NEW UP-TOer, Hazardville, Conn. $ Bate wba ctor chestet Chester Pale" Sept. 15. D. F. Mood 416-418 Elm Street ‘s edata JE. secy . w MANUFAO.loleheate ‘olehester Grange Fai Sept, 2. TURE. REPAIR and ra ~-_—7 a etek ater Grange Fair. Sept. 3. CINCINNATI. ce _ = rod ot OHIO put NEWMUSICon . . oe Secee = T G ? ALI KINDS OF OR. —— Granby Fair. Sept. —. heo. Be 1 GANS. State your ase, secy. , + — fully. Estab. Greenfiel'd Country Club Fair. Sept. 14-16 e @ = lished 1897. Mrs. D. BR. Adams, Southport. Conn : JOHANNES 8. Guilford—Guilford Fair. Sept. 29. Robt. DeF. GEBHARDT CO., Rriston, secy. 9% 3024 Lawrence St... Hamburg—Lyme Grange Fair. Sept. 22. J. 4 and 327 Orkney 8t.. Warren Stark. Lyme, Conn. ‘ Philadelphia, Pa. Hartford—Connecticnt Horticultural Society. = Oa , — Sept. —. Alex. Cummings, Jr., secy. = = ‘ One of the a Harwinton—Harwinton Fair Oct. 5. D. K. * amusement riding de Rentley, R. F. PD. No. 2, Torrington. Conn. , *s vices and money \fadison—Madison Fair. Sept. 23. E. N. Wil $10.50 Per M. » 4 getters. $1,070.50 lard. secy. ‘ receipts at one fair. New Milford—New Milford Fair. Sept. —. J. $250 in five hours at E. Hungerford. secy . another. $400 in OME Vw ieh— New London County Fair. Sept. 6-8. Biggest varieties, lowest prices. ! ‘ day in e park. An T. W. Yerrington. South Canterbury, Conn Orders shipped same day as re ef , other carried 26,052 Simshury—Simsbury Fair. Sept. 29-30. A. E ! ceived. Pennants made to order. passengers at 5 Lathrop, secy any wording desired. Write for ‘¢ sapest Salces trite Wethersfield—Wethersfield Fair. Sept. —. C. $1.45 Per Gross. free illustrated catalog. $2.75 Per Gross. — “ye E. Adams, secy . “ ee ee Willimentie—tiorseshoe Park Agrieuttora as WEBB-FREYSCHLAG MERC. CO., Kansas City. Mo. Pak _talogue full of — sociation. Sept. —. Frank P. Fenton, secy. a ¢ BEnres ond Soase Woleott—Woleott County Fair. Oct. 13. E. P. , ‘mF po... 148 2B. Woodin, Waterbury, Conn. ‘ at : IDAHO « Roodhouse, Ml. iy Mountain Home—Elmore County Fair Assn. a a Sept. 29-Oct. 1. J. A. Purfell, secy. L 3s : KENTUCKY re) Falmouth—Falmonth Fair Assn. Sept. 29-Oct. 1s ¢ a Tk z 2. J. R. Williams, secy. The strongest trunk in Amestes. 7 4 : MINNESOTA Has no weaknesses. Our catalogue a s 7 . | ure NOVELTIES Plainview—Wabasha County Fair Assn. Sept. will tell you why ‘ee Fancy Goods and Jew29-Oct. 1. Geo. F. Sylvester. secy. Ironclad, 32 inch venue $10.00 yet elry for all occasions. NEBRASKA a ‘exes 10.75 ie, We supply Streetmen, Culbertson—Hiteheack, County Agricultural Sois me: ow 11.50 * 5) Se aoe ciety. Sept. 16-1857 W. Z. Taylor, secy. “ 38 “ ..... 12.28 pe musemen ar , i v Knifeboard Men and NEW HAMPSHIRE oe wsc0s Oe i w Novelty Dealers. Send Newmarket—Newmarket Agricultural and Me4 = for catalogue. Deposit required on all C. chanical Fair Assn. Sept. 14-16. A. L.| The Belber Trunk & Bag Ce. : a 0. D. orders. GOLDBERG a Co., Churebill, mgr. Be 111 West 6th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. NEW YORK No. 1641 N. Hancock St i a ee ty Fair and Racing Assn. Sept. 6< PHI DELPHIA, a PA. i ! } 0. Jos, zevey, secy. \,~ STREETMEN! = mole RR preg lt Sey Lexington New Perry Connty Agrcatara THE CUTLERY KING’S 1909 CATALOG bs Seemnets prteted te our exer ee: ee a ns is now ready and it is yours for the asking. Contains money-makers in = G NEY. Send for Cata secy ‘ bit on these new novelties. Sam» TEXAS CUTLERY FOR KNIFE RACK MEN IF Bes L..,-% og A ~ pa e* | Belton—Belton Fair and Live Stock Show. July HARRY any receipt o 0 co y . SS 26 2 a a o secy te cial colors for 4th of July and Elke’ = ES a ae oF ad C. Bom, 3 CANES FOR CANE RACK MEN SAYS tu convention. R. G, HUNTINGHOUSE aoe | secs. a ee ee 80, i,’ QOTILLON WES., 518-618 Larrabee JOE) rinrence—Falr. July 19-24. John McDowell, JEWELRY for Fair Workers irs de . > ed secy. a mo Greenville—Fair. Ang. 25-28. H. C. Harris, If you want orders filled--the best, the 8° ; —: G. MINA, :— secy. cheapest, the quickest, send them to , " ~ ‘ . : q 11 First Street, New York. MeGregor—Fair. Aug. 6-7 J. C. Kilgore, Mfr. Cylinder Piano Organs. secy. } Single action and with Man Rockdale—Fair. July 14-16. R. W. H. KenHARRY L. WEISBAUM :' dolin attachment, for Skatnon, secy cater ’ S in Stabe. MeresTeylor—Pair. July ST. John PF. Pack, 296-262 E Madison St., 9th Floor Hunter Bidg., s.e. cor. Madison & Market Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. , -rounds, Tent and secy. ' TY . P. Shows, etc. Temple—Ffair. Aug. 16-19. L. S. Williamson, New music to order. ecialty in second hand piasos with new music at reduced prices. ° 4 . ° PERFECTED sees. The New Chicago Straight Pin Set Spindle "AT {S97 Waco—PFair. Aug. 26-30 W. H. Slim, secy. WISCONSIN : Durand—Interstate _ and Stock Show. Sept : = 28-Oct. 1. C. A. Ingram, secy. p 3 Nugget Jewelry, Watch Chains, 7 Charms, Stick Pins, Bracelets, etc. Corrections and Changes $2.00 per bottle. Dice of all kinds. We make and sell more of ’ Send 2c stamp for price list. these goods than all others combined Send for Free — — Catalogue. ALABAMA Aldress H. C. EVANS & CO., 125 Clark Street, Chicago, UL i) : J . J. S H E P H E RD, Birmingham -Alabama State Fair. Oct. 11-21 E. E. Green, asst. secy. BIG MONEY OR AGENTS RED BLUFF, CAL. ARKANSAS Ss O AP . They will interest you. Our advertising assorted packages with valuable premioms have the Payetteville—Washington County Fair. Sept. Get our prices on soap and tollet articles, flash and value that get the money, 28-Oct. 1. W. J. Reynolds, secy. FOR SALE CHEAP 9 er Berlin—Connecticut Stats Everybody uses them. MAKE GREAT SOUVENIRS FOR SHOWS. CARNIVALS, . Agricultura] Soci ety and Berlin Agricultural Society. Sept. Money getters for canvassers and fakers. One young man cleared $1,008.53 In 6 months straight on a house to house canvass Are you doing as well? If not, send postal today. . 14-16 Frank L. Wilcox, secy. 1 [ {| || W nt New Haven—New Haven County Horticultuural Society Nov 4. Fred H. Wirtz, 11 Eda We will teach you how. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 38 Union Park Court, Chicago. After years of experimenting we are the only firm to produce the greatest spindle ever invented, guarantced to work perfect. Size, 22x22 inches; comes in handsome case; price, $50.00. Re inember we are still selling the twisted wire set Spindle; price, $20.00 The World's Fair Striker, the Evans Bee Hive Cuses, and all fair ground goods. The Evans New Koulette Wheel, complete, with 1000 Harris Checks. Price, $150.00. Check Oop, ; 9 wards st., New Haven, Conn. About 75x35 feet, 12 or 14 feet high. Also r Moving Picture Car and appliances. Address a + mi senor rrin E. Jones, 57 Central St., Providence, R. I. ree Ae ois Valley Fair. July 20-23 ss P. Shinn, secy : _ s Bee ek ant Dave O. Sexe. 09-80enteral anted---A irstlass arnival 0, Oct. 1-2, 1909. Falmouth, Ky.—Bids for privi Hardinsburg—Breckenridge County Fair. Aug leges invited We also want to book several y : c 31-Sept. 3 David R. Murray, secy. A-1 attractions on percentage basis. Good free attractions wanted. No gaming. Address J. R. WILLIAMS, Secy. One who can furnish own light preferred. Can arrange date to suit; week engage~ UNSOLD PRIVILEGES ment. Can set up on streets in center of city or lot convenient to street car station. GANTED TO BUY —Moring picture ott | SBENCER CO. FAIR AMUSEMENT COMMITTEE, COUNTY SEAT, AERIA F. 0. E., LISBON, OHIO. customers for high-grade outfits. Give fuil de ‘ scription with original cost price and your low August 1Oth-I3th, inclusive. : est cash price. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT CoO. ’ Duluth, Minn. Taylorsville, Ky. A L B U Q U E R Q U E = Baby Rack, Cane Rack, Merry-go-round, Soft OCTOBER |! to 16 1909. HOTOS—Cabinets, $2.50 per 100, First-class | Drinks, Refreshments and Dining Hall. Wanted, = al ’ work. Larger sizes in proportion. Have sit-| Balloon Ascensions. days, Pret. Pair hog WE WANT—A First-Class Carnival Company. A Real Air Ship ; tings or send photos or negatives Established in County New grounds, big attendance. Ad-| For the 29th Annual New Mexico Fair and Resources Exposition. $10,000 for horse races and 27 yrs. JOHNSON, 193 Wabash Ave., Chicago. | dress F, B. SMITH, Treas., Taylorsville, Ky. ‘| baseball. Write at once. JOHN B. McMANUS, Secretary, Albuquerque, N. M