The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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JULY 10, 1909. The Billboard T. D. MOTT, 415-17 DEARBORN ST_CHICAGO, ILLINOIS } wa Ey 7 Maes Novelties for Fairs and Qhiters imitate or LOOK HERE!! We are the low , : est price Whole Ab TaGh sale ‘Seacie and Novelty House tp CATALOG America. WRITE FOR eS CUT-PRICE CATALOGUE. We have every thing of the latest and largest stock of JEWELRY GORDON & CUTLERY & MORRISON NOVELTIES wre.eceas We are exclusive sEWELERG ane U. 8S. A. Agente sme ane for the greatest «. oo Money Makers, Hamlet & Raynold Watches; also Hamilton best sel) ing Razors. GORDON & MORRISON Wholesale Jewelers, Chicago i 199-201 E. Madison St., Chicago, Tl. CAN DY We have the richest box of chocolates in appearance Eight colors embossed in gold. $27.00 per hundred; also, other 1-Ibs., at $25.00, $20.00 and $18.00 per hundred. Gum SSc. per bundred packages. Send for Special Catalogue and Price List. BERRYS (Established 35 years.) 180 State St., CHICAGO, ILL. A WINNER For SIDE SHOWS, FAIRS, CARNIVALS, &c. THE AEROPLANE OR FLYING MACHINE A Terfect 16-Foot Model of the Latest and Greatest Wonder Now Astonishing the World! We Sell the Machine Outright A CLEAN, UPTO-DATE EXHIBITION! Of a Working Model of the Aeroplane or Flying Machine. It Gets the People Everywhere. A TWO-MAN SHOW— EXVENSES SMALL. BALCH BROS. & WEST CO., Utica, N.Y MUSICAL PLAY FOR SALE $100 to $300 Profit Weekly can be made easily with the successful musical comedy written for 5 people only by a wellknown author from his own book; published by a wellknown publishing house, and pays a royalty of 15 cents on the $1.50 edition and 5 cents on the popular edition, and played past two seasons and wanted again by same local managers for next seasen Will sell outright, the book and comedy with its twenty-two numbers original music, fine scenery and properties and exclusive use of lithograph printing for $1,200. Present owner will assist purchaser to book and direct it for coming season. Address P, 0, BOX 1156, Boston, Mass. Anderson Park ON THE BEACH We are open for engagement with a first-class k Company; percentage basis Address, Pascaco LA ST. RY. & POWER CO., Scran on iss WANTED..Attractions for August 17, 18. State | what you can givé with fuil particularé and price. B, W. FELLOWS, Marlette, Mich. STREET FAIRS. NOTICE,.—Only such dates as have not been published in this list before capeer under the —— heading ‘“‘STREET FAIRS.’’ Back num— containing previous instalments can always be obtained by addressing the publishers, if, | they are not to be had from newsdealers. nder the caption, ‘‘Corrections and Changes,’’ errors will be emendated and changes indicated. Those who wish to collect copies of the Street Fair complete list are advised to preserve their copies of The Billboard from week to week. The complete Street Fair list is published in these columns every fourth week. It appeared in the issue of May 22. Complete copies of the list may also be had by sending twenty-five cents to The Billboard Pub. Co., 416 Elm St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ILLINOIS Metcalf—Home Coming Aug. 19-21 dD. C. Spellman, Metcalf, Il. INDIANA Indianapolis—Moose Mid Summer Festival and | Razaar. July 20-31 Edw. H. Fick, 371 Denison Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. MAINE Bridgton—Rridgton Farmers and Mechanics’ Club. Sept. 22-24 C. Lester Ames, secy. MARYLAND Emmetsburg—Old Home Week. July 13-16. 8. Galt, Emmetsburg, Md. MINNESOTA St. Peul—Fast Side Commercial Club and M. W. A. Aug. — H. Martin Johnson, secy MISSOURI El Porade Springs—Annual Celebration. July 20-22 Cc. P. Ryan, seey. Tipton—Annnal Street Fair. Aug. 18-21. A. J. Thomas, secy NEBRASKA Lexington—Fair and Jubilee. Sept. 14-17. Niles E. Olsen, secy. NEW YORK Liberty—-Street Fair and Carnival. Aug. 23-30. |. R. W. Sears, secy. OHIO Coldwater—Big Labor Day Cele *bration and Fall Festival. Sept. 6-8 Wagner, secy. PENNSYLVANIA Claric on—Nolan Park Carnival. Aug. 18-21. Nolan Park Assn., Clarion, 0O. TEXAS Adrian—Old Settlers’ Reunion. July 9-10. Adrian Reunion Co., Amarillo, Tex Galveston—Cotton Carnival July 30Aug. 10. A. P. Rutherford, Surf Park, Galveston, Tex. Tyler—Home Coming Week. July 5-10. Corrections and Changes IOWA Clerksville—Anaual Fiesta. Sept. 16-17. Guy A. Neal, Clarksville, Ia. NEW YORE Brooklyn—Ridgewood Celebration. July 26-31. Address Director General, 1481 Myrtle ave., Brookivn, N. Y. Novelties, Fancy Goods And Jewelry for Moving Picture Shows. Send us your name and permanent address and we will gladly mail you this (Valuable) book, as it will soon be off the press. It will be larger than ever, and contains more valuable information to Premium Houses, Novelty Dealers, Streetmen, Knife Board Men, Yankee Notion Workers, Mail Order Men, Jewelers, etc., than any other catalogue issued. Everything new in real Novelties, Carnival Goods, Jewelry, Watches, Silverware, Cutlery, Optical Goods, ete. By satisfying us that you are a legitimate dealer, as we want to keep this book out of the consumer’s hands, and sending in your permanent address, we will be pleased to send you this book free. Send for it today. You cannot afford to be without it. SINGER BROS... 82 Bowery, NEW YORK. Powers No. 5 Cameragraph, $125. Am. Cinematograph, Elec., $60; fine P. P., 2,500 ft.. $105; reels of Film, $8; Optigraph No. 3, $10; Around the World Slides, new, 80, $12; Allen's Adjustable M. P. Lens, new, $15; Cremation Box, $5.00. Lists, stamp. FRED L. SMITH, Amsterdam, N, Y. ——: WANTED : Side Show Attractions Population, For town of Ingersoll, Canada. 6.000 Aug. 15, 16, and 17. Licenses free. Address F, J. FISHER. Chairman Attraction Committee, Ingersoll, Ont. OSTERS FOR AUTOMOBILE RACE Sizes, one, three and twelve sheets. These. Posters are rich in color and show up-to-date cars. Samples and prices sent on request. THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. NEWPORT, KENTUCKY Something Newfor Vaudeville —_—_ Artists, Circuses, Minstrel &~ ¢ ~ Shows, Jugglers, Etc. a These articles must be seen to be apMK C preciated. Nice OLE Embroidered Chairsand Pu NCH Table Covers, Embroid7,"2.> ered Banners and Cos tumes. Place your ei now. . Write for catalogue. GEO. LAUTERER, 164 E. Madison St., CHICAGO. anted--One Platform Show SNAKE OR GOOD FREAK Also the following concessions exclusive: Knife Rack, Palmistry, Ice Cream Cones, Lunch Stand, Confetti, High Striker. McAdoo, Pa., June 28 to July 3; Shenandoah, Pa., July 5 to 10; Mahanoy City, July 12 to 17. JAS. RUTHEFFER. PENN AMUSEMENT CO. J. H. LARE. BALLAST POINT The finest Resort and Park in the South. Owae‘1 by the Tampa Electric Co. Population of 50,000 to draw from. Ww ANTS Concessions of all kinds for long season, A-1 Balloonist, Merry-go-Round Shoot the Chutes, and others on percentage. NOTE—Would be glad to hear from Scenic Railway firm wanting a location on percentage for years. Glad to hear from Stock people. — —_—— ADDRESS— —— — W. H. STARKEY, Manager, Ballast Point, Tampa, Florida. WANTED AT ONCE 2. Strait Ferris Wheel. Also some nice, clean concessions, including Knife Rack, Cane Rack, or anything that will get the money. No Gambling. Quick Photography. PALMETTO BEACH AMUSEMENT CO, Pensacola, Florida. AIRSHIP COMET Third Season. Write for terms. Nothing less than 3 days. GEO. YAGER, Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANO 65.note Ringhampton at $1, 200; Key Board at $275: Electric Banjo at oi 5: also Celebrated Atherton Whisky for sale cheap: different ages. J, A, WHEATLEY, Keokuk, Iowa. : WANTED : MUSICAI, COMEDIAN WHO TALKS _ AND SINGS. SALARY SURE BONHEUR BROS. HOWS, Binff City, Kansas. SOLD THREE HUNDRED AND TEN twentyfive cent boxes one afternoon at County Fair. Sells itself, Costs seven dollars per gross. I ean only work Pennsylvania Will send name of goods end address of manufacturer for sil |ver quarter, J, F. YARNALL, Altoona, Penn. L | FOR SALE—Model B Gas Outfit, Enterprise Steno. Lamp, 2 Song sets, 1 reel Film, Edison j machine & .Lamphouse Electric Fans, 10 Sew ting machines, dirt cheap. ED. T. JENISON, | Brenham, Tex. AUTOMATIC BUTTON CAMERAS (FLOSS CANDY MACHINES =; Sleeve Cameras from $15 up. Buttons for all makes |’ iy of cameras. Plates and supplies. Write to-day. GLOBE ELECTRIC & MFG. CO. | Dept. B,. 352 Pearl St.. New York, U.S.A. 50 Ann St., New FOR SALE—For cash. Nearly new Steam Ss. SCHOEN, York. Parker Merry-go-rounl, located in oneal Manufacturers of Canes, Whips and Pennants pk. With or withont concession. , for cane racks and peddlers. nd for our new St. Joseph, Mich. Care Miller’s Beach. wubprice entaleges. Sunt om. FOR SALE—Doll Rack and Tent, complete, $15, quick. W. O'DONNELL, 1228 S. Main Street, Rockford, Tl. FOR SALE—Billposting. Plant.. Ohio city of 20,000. Reason for selling, change of climate. Address M. J. T., this office. rm 4 i , iy: ie ; why