The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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Se, JULY 10, 1909. The Bi llboard 49 T. M.A. News | ALICE LLOYD ELECTED HONORARY MEMBER; OTTAWA NOTES. At a meeting of Ottawa Ldge, No. 49, Theat rical Mechanical Association, held Sunday after noou, June 20, in Harmony Hall, Miss Alice Lioyd, the dainty English comedienne, was made an honorary member of the lodge, and a telegram to this effect was forwarded to her. Mr. Chas. Altkens will be the delegate from Ottawa lodge to the annual convention of the grand lodge of the Aesociation to be held at Minneapolis July 12 to 17. Mr. Aitkens was also the delegate from Ottawa lodge at the last ithering. ° hat Ottawa lodge is growing rapidly is evt dent from the number of applications for mem bership that come in regularly. Three more up‘ yiicants were received and initiated into the — at this meeting. At the last meeting the drawing for a gold ‘ h offered by the T. M. A. took place at moving picture theatre on Albert street, ugh the kindness of Manager Findley. The ning number, drawn by a boy from the audience, proved to be ‘Series 118— ticket No. 39."" T holder of this lucky ticket may secure the watch by presenting it at Aitkens’ Bros., 162% Sparks St A big moonlight, under the auspices of the T a A., is belng arranged for the last w: in July CINCINNATI LODGE, NO. 33. The last regular meeting of Cincinnati Lodge ‘o 33, T. M. A., was held at T. M. A. Hall, July 2, and arrangements were then concluded for the lodge delegate’s trip to the Grand Lodge convention in Minneapolis, Bro. Harry Richardson, advertising agent of the Walnut Street Theatre, and vice-president of Cincinnati! Lodge, No. 33, will accompany elegate Chas. W. Schweitzer on his trip to veapolis and act as his menager in bis yaign for first grand vice-president. Frank McCormick, a member of Cincinnati No. 33, who for the past few seasons has been with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Show, was taken suddenly ill, June 11, in Cheyenne. Wy and conveyed to St. John’s Hospital, in that city, suffering with mercury poisoning. Death came June 28 Officers of Cincinnati Lodge immediately got into communication with the undertaker at Cheyenne, and arranged for the funeral to take place in that city. ‘he officers and members of No. 33 desire to extend their thanks to Grand Secretary-Treasurer R. C. Newman for his remembrance. NEWARK LODGE, NO. 83. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cranston are spending the summer in Evansville, Ind. Bro. Geo. Hamilton is again visiting in Wasbington, D. C. Bros James Hullinger and Kershal Jennings, f Kokomo Lodge No. 102, were visitors last week. Newark Lodge, No. 83, Is holding but one pooeting during the months of July, August and ae | tember Bro. Earl C. Flood, a member of New Cc. , ‘ ‘ } ark Lovige No. 83, will transfer to his home town East Liverpool ‘ Bro Chas. Smith, late of 101 Ranch Wild West Show, arrived home last week. He will be conbected with Idlewild Park, Newark, during the remainder of the summer. T. M. A. NOTES, At the present time Lodge No. 80 New Bedford, Mass., T. M. A., is very quiet as meary all the members are on the road, but in the winter things are hustled along pretty live ly. Since organizing the lodge bus had but one member on the sick list. So far, it has cost the lodge quite a bit of money, but it is now started and is on a fair way to success. Among the recent initiations of Cumberland Lodge, No. 96, were Edgar Wrenn, Ww. A. Lister, George M. Allman, Herbert Sartella and Mrs. Nellie Conser, who was made an bouorary member. No. 96 now bas a membership of sixty. Secretary Joe W. Hixon, of Piqua, 0., Lodge No. 61, T. . A., states that their lodge is in a flourishing condition, new members being added with regularity. CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. (Continued from page 9) Mr. Joseph Ferrante, the Italian band leader, is still in Chicago, but hopes to have his tour arranged so as to take it up at once, outside the city. ? * Devida Marchi, who claims to be the y lady teacher of a man’s band, is at pres ent in Chicago, pending the completion of her plans for the season + Frank Morrell, who will soon be at t Majestic, will use Shapiro's big song hit, panion to I Wish I Had a Girl, Say, Boys, I've Found a Girl, Marius Libby recently opened at F rest Park, St. Louis, with the band, sing— Attuck’s Red, Red Rose and BKeee 0 ou. + Little Tom Murphy went to Denver Saturday with the VanDoren Band, and its turing Remick'’s hits, Tommy will be at Lekeside Park. Ben At .vell, of Forest Park, has un‘Tr Way, plans, which, If successful, will put ! The American Singing Four wil! soon | feature Harry Newman's We'll Go Back to! Frin Some Day, Mavourneen, and Cannibal Isle. + Marry --uracher, who is connected | with the Thompson Music Co., next week will | Join the ranks of those who have gone on vaca tion, + Miss Ina Clave Wrights, at Electric Park, Kansas City, reports to Jerome H. Remick that she is making a big hit with Pony soy. .* Save All of Your Kisses for Me, one of the latest offerings from the Shapiro shop, Is being used by many of the headliners. + Carson & Willard are scoring great success with Gotham Atturck’s You're in the Right Church, but in the Wrong Pew. + Last week Geo. Fairman and Eddie Garrity, entertainers at the Congress, featured eight of Harry Newman's songs. + P.. U-nwa,’s Pand is making a big hit at Riverview Exposition, where, last week, Weber's Prize Band was playing. + The Whitewash Man, one of the big hits of the Candy Shop, at the Studebaker, is a publication of Shapiro’s. * Love Me All The Time, from Chas. K. —~ ag selling as big as the rest of Howard’s its. MUSIC NOTES. “You can’t make eyes at other guys and still make eyes at me’’ is the latest song success by two Louisville composers, Max Farband and Jacob J. Schilling. It will go to press next week and all who have heard it claim that it will be the hit of the season. The words are by Mr. Farb and the music by Mr. Schilling. PENNANTS | and CANES We beg to inform you that we are the originators and only makers of Embossed Pennants with gold or silver leaf, the best selling souvenirs on the market to-day. We also make Pennants for any occasion. Printed Pennants made to order for any celebration desired, in any style. Send for our illustrated catalogue and we will mail you one free of charge. NOVELTY MANUFACTURING CO., 37 Great Jones Street, New York City, N. Y. FOR SALE—Fine Tent Outfit—Tent, 52x85 ft., 12 oz. duck; side walls, 10 ft., 8 oz. duck; used two months; fine scenery, portable stage, maskings, dressing rooms, gas footlights, 125 seats, S lengths blues, new Marquee, ticket office, poles, stakes and ropes; all complete, ready to set up; stage has 16-ft. opening, 12 ft. high: outfit all complete and almost new; cost $1,200, sell for $700; private car that holds outfit, with room for 18 people. partitioned, for lease. Write quick. HAJ.FORD BROS., Chapin, Lil. FOR SALE—Several Machines, 100 reels Film, Pathe H. C. Passion Play; will buy machines, film, Model B gas machine—.NY OLD THING. Can fit you up in the Picture Show business. Film service at lowest prices; Good Goods. Write for what you need, send list of what you want to sell DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE, Owensboro, Ky. FILM FOR SALE—Six full reels of film; four reels brand new, only used with my personal road show for thirty shows, other two reels slightly used; also Duplex Cable, No. 10, one hundred feet long; screen, 24 feet square; one Taylor bill trunk, Machine with top and bottom magazines, with Taylor compartment § trunk, alk new. FRANK B. GRIFFIN, Oshkosh, Wis. AFTER HARVEST JUBILEE 4—Big Days—4. Wilshire, Ohio, Aug. 3-4-5-6. WANTED—Clean, moral shows of all kinds: to hear from Merry-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel and 6 Free Acts; legitimate concessions for sale or per cent; the biggest little town in the state. For further information, address J. L. CROWE. FOR SALE—Gondola Carousel or Ocean Wave, steam driven, 100 passenger capacity; large organ; going every day in Riverview Park, Louisville, Ky.; also one Ferris Wheel, a bargain, or will exchange for M. G. R., give or take difference; don't waste stamps, come and see. J. L. IRVIN, Riverview Park, Louisville, Ky. HOW to get on the stage—You need no experience; my book gives advice, addresses of booking agents and how to interview them. Price, We. T. R. COLON, 2311 S. State St., | Chicago, Ill. ‘is name in a prominent spot on the local | iusic map + Otto rey, the organist with Ballans Rand, at the Bismarck Garden, Is being vorably noticed by several of the local man rors, + Miss Eleanor Sherman, Charles K. | WANTED—Lady Trap rein’ ) her new song, I'll Get You Yet, Little j | PICTURE AGENTS—Pillow tops, 35c; bromides, 25¢; albumens, 30c; crayons, 40c; Pastels, 60c; genuine oil paintings, $1.50; new “‘pillow top” wall hangers; new, small sized portraits and frames; new sheet pictures. Berlin Art Association, Dept. 16, Chicago, Tl. WANTED—Good Man Singer for M. P. Show; prefer one who has set of traps and can play them; short hours, easy work; state lowest. Cc. E. Whitney, Crystal Theatre, Vincennes, Ind. Drummer and Slide Popular pianist, ts working very hard | Trombone Player; good engagement: big pay. Address BOX 675, Enid, Okla., for particulars." RELEASED JULY 5. A Great Wrong Righted A fisherman’s daughter has run away with a city chap, who leaves her to marry an heiress. He is refused, however, hen the true facts are known. He now follows the road to ruin and is saved by his own little girl, who brings him back to his erstwhile love. LENGTH, 810 FEET. RELEASED JULY 8. ‘The Side-Beard Folding Bed Equipped with Improved Fire MagaThe sideboard is the tramp’s undozines, Automatic Fire Shutter and | ing, and in the folding-bed he is Automatic Fire Shield (Lubin’s Patent), | caught after many lively chases. Asbestos-covered Wire Connections, LENGTH, 505 FEET. New improved Lamp-House, New Style Fireproof Rheostat, Improved Electric Lamp. Complete with everywe _— “e es = phen he always ready to play tricks on one shed carrying case for mechanism, | ve 6 together with Adjustable Bicycle. ee Pig ng vagy — Steel Legs, to extend over 5 ft. high. $150.00 LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 926-928 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa. Room Mates Ted and Fred are room-mates, and by the other one. LENGTH, 335 FEET. The Reason Why Our FILM SERVICE Cannot be compared with others is, that, we purchase from one to three copies of every subject manufactured by the Licensed Manufacturers, and you can get what you want when you want it. WRITE TO-DAY FOR OUR Special Service Proposition 0. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co. (Licensees of Motion Picture Patents Co.) 1401-5 Locust Street, . St. Louis, Mo. 421 Fourth Avenue, -_ Louisville, Ky. 314 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La. anager At Liberty I am open to a proposition as Manager, Press Agent or any executive position. A Few of the Big Ones I Have Managed Successfully. Mr. Wright Lorimer in ‘THE SHEPHERD KING.” Knickerbocker Theatre, New York Engagement. Effie Elisler in “WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER.” Frank L. Perley’s ‘‘THE CHAPERONES,” “ROBIN HOOD,” “THE FORTUNE TELLER.” Eldredge & Meakin Opera Company in “THE HIGHWAYMAN ” Lewis Morrison’s “FAUST.” MR. ARCHIE BOYD, and dozens of big stars, and attractions besides. ———-Address for Summer FRANK M. ELDREDGE, No. 206 McCormick Block, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. LADIES WANTED—Quick, for Long Season—One for Poses Plastique, must be 5 feet 6 inches tall, weigh about 145 pounds; one for Serpentine or Fire Dance, prefer size as above; must be attractive in appearance and lady like in actions. Refined show of rears of best reputation for lady audiences. Salary must be reasonable, as it is sure each week; join at once, in Central Ohio; week stands; management furnishes wardrobe and transportation. NO APPLICATIONS ANSWERED unless salary expected, late photo, wardrobe measurements and description of self accompanies first letter; no time for correspondence. Can place steady man_ selling tickets and to assist in handling paraphernalia. Address MANAGER H. B. ATTRACTION, care The Billboard Pub. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. ai i eae tS SEY — i