The Billboard 1909-07-10: Vol 21 Iss 28 (1909-07-10)

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tn AP tm ep ancy a ee ad 7 a Tt i a osKe S <o es € ee te > « eae © et f ws 50 The Billboard JULY 10, 1909. DIRECTORY Of Agents, Hotels, s, Music Publishers and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus and Park Supplies, Alphabetically Arranged. Advertisements exceeding one line in length will be published, properly classified, in this directory at the rate of $10 for one year (62 issues), provided they are of an acceptable nature Price includes one year’s subscription to The Billboard. Eac . additional line or additional classification without subscmption, $7.50 per annum. One line will be allowed to advertisers free of charge during time of contract, for each $50.00 worth of space contracted for, provided all conditions of the contract are complied with. his directory is revised and corrected weekly, changes in firm names and addresses being recorded as soon as they are received. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. N. Shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, II. ADVERTISING STICKERS. St. Louis Sticker Co., 105 Pine, St. Louis, AERIAL ADVERTISERS. Mo. Silas J. Conyne, 401 McLean ave., Chicago, I. AERONAUTS. Belmont Sisters Balloon Cvo., Reed City, Mich. Prof. Chas. Swartz. Humboldt, Tenn. Miss Dorothy De Vonda, Box 796, Otsego, Mich. AMERICAN TAILORS. Niepage Bros., 166 Bay st., Toronto, Canada. | AMUSEMENT CONSTRUCTORS. Runey-Zarro Co., Highland and Dorchester aves., Cincinnati, O. AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Chicago House Wreck. Co., 35th & Iron sts., Chicago, Il U. S. Music Co., 1030 N. Western ave., Chicago. ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Levi Co., 64 E. 14th st.. New York, N. Y. ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartels, 160 Greenwich st., N. Y. City. | Carl Hagenbeck. Stellingen-Hamburg, Germany. | Linwood H. Flint, North Horne’s Zoological Arena. W. Odell Learn, Iouls Ruhe. Wenz & Waterford, Me. Denver, Colo. San Antonio, Tex. 248 °Grand st., New York City. alackensen, Yardley, Pa. ARCHITECTS. For Summer Amusement Parks and Theatres. John H. Stemm, 818 Singer Bldg., New York City. ARC LIGHTS. Flaming Are Light Co., 30 Greenwich ave., York Cicy. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich ave., N. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. L. Baumann & Co., 118 F. Chicago ave., Chicago, Ill. Botanical Decorating Co.. Decorative Plant Co.. 832 New ¥. C. 310 Fifth av. Rowery, N. ASBESTOS bata onarie. AND PIC-. RE BOO C. W. Traner, 89 Pearl st., Boston, Mass. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ECONOMIZER J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich ave., N. Y. C. INSTRU AUTOMATIC MUSICAL MENTS. Lyon & Healy, 205 Wabash ave., Niagara Musical Inst. Co.. N. _ Wurlitzer Co. U. S. Music Co., Chicago, Ill. Tonawanda. N. Y. Cincinnati and Chicago. 1030 N. West ern ave., Chicago. BALLOONS. Nassala Bros., 223 Commercial, Boston, Mass. N. W. Balloon Co.. 880 Clyborn st., Chicago. Geo. A. Paturel, 41 Warren st., N. Y. City. Rubber Balloon Mfg. Co., Akron, 0. BAND INSTRUMENTS. Frank Holton & Co.. 169 Gladys ave., Lyon & Healy. 205 Wabash ave., Chicago. Il. Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Cincinnat! and Chicago. BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. Chicago. Rastian Bros. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleveland, O BANNERS. U. S. Tent & Awn. Co., Chicago, Tl BILLPOSTERS’ SUPPLIES. Chas. Bernard. 999 Rector Bldg.. Chicago, III. BOOKING AGENTS. Atlas Book. Circuit, 1402 Broadway. W. S. Cleveland, 535 Bldg., New York City. Natl. Park Mers.’ Assn.. Park Rook. Cirenit, 1402 Ted Sparks Vande. Circuit, sas City. Mo Gus Sun, Orpheum Theatre Western Cansda Pooking Calgary, Alta Can BURNT CORK. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 1392 R’way. N. Y. C. BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS. 47-53 S. catieiling: a3. Knickerbocker Theatre 1402 B’way, N. ps c. B’way. N. Y. Century Bldg., hoa Ridg.. Surean, Drawer 1690, E. M. Eisfelder, 583 McAllister. San Francisco. CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-Hydrogen Gas Manufacturers. American Calcium Light Works, 56 Sth ave., Chicage. ti Calcium Light Co., 108 4th, Cincin’t! Pros 604 Olive st., St. Louis. Mo Indianapolis Calcinm Light Co., 116 So. Capitol ave Indianapolis, Ind Chicago | y. ¢. Snringfield. 0. | Goldsmith Toy & Importing Co., 122 E. 4th st., | Cincinnati, . Nassala Bros, 223 Commercial, Newman Mfg. Co., land, O. S. Schoen & Son, 50 Ann st., N. Y. City. N. Shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, Ill. Sbryock-Todd Co., 82 N. Sth st., St. Louis, Mo. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. U. S. Flag Co.. 331 Lock st., Cincinnati, O. Western Bargain House, 272 Madison, CARBONS. Edw. E. Cary Co., 59 Park Place, N. Y. City. CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich ave., N. Y. C. CAROUSELS. G. A. Dentzel, 3641 Germantown ate., CARS (R. R.) Circus and Theatrical. Arms Palace Horse Car Co., Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Ilicks Jecomotive & Car Works, 277 st., Chicago, Ill. Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co., Mt. Vernon, Ill. The Venice Trans. Co., 3d Natl. Bank Bldg., St. Louis. Boston, Mass. 641 Woodland ave., Cleve Phila. Dearborn CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS. Helmet Co., Inc., 25 W. 6th, Cincinnati, O. Toledo Chewing Gum Co., 404 Jackson st., Toledo, O. U. S. Chicle Co., 6th & Brighton, Newport, Ky: CHUTE BUILDERS. Amusement Co., Ludlow, Ky. CIGARS. L. Denebein & Son, 127 E: 4th, Kansas City, Mo. CIRCUS SEATS. New and Second-Hand. Pr. A. McHugh, 1355 Euclid ave., Cleveland, O. U. S. Tent & Awn. Co., 47-53 S. Desplaines, Chicago. Ill. CIRCUS WAGONS. Cages, Dens and Band Chariots. Beggs Wagon Co., Kansas City, Mo. Sullivan & Eagle, 15 Canal st., Peru, Ind. CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. | A. T. Dietz. 127 Michigan st., Toledo, 0. F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 246 Kinzie, Chicago. Jap. Novelty Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Lanier & Driesbach. 315 John st., Cincinnati, O. | W. Z. Long, 172 High st., Springfield, Standard Mfg. & Supply Co., Drawer 0O., nongahela, Pa. American Mo CONFETTI. | A. Engle Mfg. Co., Onawa, Iowa. Rudolph Bros., 520 So. 5th st., Phila., Pa. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve land, O. Wm. R. Johnson, 111 Seneca st., Seattle, Wash. Cincinnati, 0. U. S. Flag Co., 331 Lock st., Western Bargain Tlouse, 272" Madison, Chicago. COSTUMERS & THEATRICAL ACCESSORIES. Chicago Costume and Cotillion Works, 69 Dearborn st., Chicago, > | CLOWN WHITE. | M. Stein Cosmetic Co., | COLD CREAM. | M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’dway, N. Y. C. | COMPENSARC. . | Actograph Co., Chicago. | Eureka Film Exch., FESTOONING. National Tissue Mfg. Co., 53 Rockwell Brooklyn, N. Y U. 8S. Flag Co., 331 Lock at., FILMS. Manufacturers, Dealers in and Rental Bureaus. Acme Film Exch., 605 Smithfield, Pittsburg, Pa. 50 Union oe, B. ¥. G.s Toe. Alamo Film Ex., 405 San Antonio, Tex. American Film Serv., Security Bidg., American Film Exch., Wabash Bidg., American Film Exch., 630 Halsey st., Brooklyn. American Film Serv., 158 N. Main, Memphis. Am, Vitagraph Co., 116 Nassau st., N. Y. City. Anti-Trust Film Co., 77 S. Clark st., Chicago. Chicago Film Exch., 120 E. Randolph, Chicago; Omaha; Denver; Washington, D. C.; Salt Lake City; Louisville, Nashville Cincinnati Film Exch., 214 W. Sth st. Cin’tl. Crawford, VU. T., Film Exch., 1401-5 Locust st., St. Louis, Mo.; Louisville, Ky.; New Orleans, Place, Cincinnati, O. Main st., Dallas, Tex.; Chicago. l’ittsburg. La. Ii. Davis, Watertown, Dixie Film Exchange, Owensboro, Ky. Eastern Film Exchange, Wabash Bidg., Pittsburg, Pa. Edison Mfz. Co., 10 Sth ave., and Orange, N. J. Eldred Filin Service, Wis. Terminal New York City, 79 Dearborn, st., 317 Everett Bidg., Akron, O. 347 Gth ave., littsburg, Pa Restoring Co., 601 Reibold Bidg., Chicago Frank's Film House, French Film Dayton, O. Globe Film Service, Great North 79 Dearborn st., Chicago. Film Co., 7 E. ¥. C. 14th st. N. Cc. J. Hite & Co., 360 Monadnock Bik., Chicago. Cc. L. Hull & Co., 209 E. Sith st., Chicago. Kalem Co., 131 W. 24th st., N. Y. C. Laemmle Film Service, 196 Lake, Chicago; Evansville, Ind.; Memphis, Tenn.; Omaha, Neb.; Salt Lake City; Minneapolis, Minn. ; Portland, Ore.; Montreal, Que., Can.; Winalpeg, Man., Can. Lake Shore Film and Supply Co., 314 Superior st., Cleveland. O. The H. Lieber Co., 24 W. Washington st., In| dianapolis. Ind. S. Lubin, 926 Market st., Philadelphia, Pa.; Cincinnati, O. Monarch Film Exchange, 201 Thompson Blig., Oklahema City, Okla. |c. J. Murphy, Meadville, Pa. CONFECTIONS. Rueckheim Bros. & Eckstein, Harrison & Peo-| ria sts, Chicago, 4 Nat. Film Co., 100 Griswold, Detroit, Mich. Nat. Film Renting Co., 62 N. Clark, Chicago. New York Film Exch., 7 E. 14th st., N. Y. Nov. Mov. Pict. Co., 418 Turk, San Francisco. Obio Film Ex., 20 E. Broad st.. Columbus, 0. l’acific Coast Film Exch., 547 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. Cal. athe Cinematograph Co., 41 W. 25th st., N. Y. Pittsburg Cut-Rate Film Exchange, 300 Lewis Block, Pittsburg, Ta. Pittsburg Cal. Light & Film Co., Pine. Pa.; | Des Moines, Ia.; Rochester, N.Y. Lincoln, Neb.; Cincinnat!, O.; Omaha, Neb.; WilkesBarre, Pa. | 1392 B’dway, N. Y. C. | | Wash. Film Exch., Cc. Selig Polyscope Co., South. Film Exch., South. Film Exch., 45 E. Randolph, Chicago. 146 W. Fifth, Cincinnati. 245 Main, Norfolk, Va. Standard Film Exch., 79 Dearborn st., Chicago. | Spoor, Geo. K., 62 N° Clark st., Chicago. Turner & Dahnken, 136 Eddy st., San Francisco. U. S. Film Exch., 132 Lake st., Chicago. 506 Westory Bidg., Washington, D. | Western Film Exch., 841 Century Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. | World Film Co., 117 University Place, New Orleans. La. FIREWORKS. | Charles Crowell, 19 Park Place, N. Y. C | Consolidated Fireworks Co., Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, Ind. | | CONES. | A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, O. | Lanter & Driesbach, 315 John st., Cincinnati, O. F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 246 Kinzie, Chicago. CONE OVENS. A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., Toledo, 0. | Lanier & Driesbach, 315 John st., Cincinnati. 0 Stender? Mfe & Supply Co., Drawer O., Mo nongahela, F. L. Yarvell Mfg. Co., 246 Kinzie, Chicago. 7 CORN POPPERS. A. T. Dietz, 127 Michigan st., | W. Z. Long, 172 High st., CUTS. Half-Tones, Engravings, Etc. Queen City Engr. Co., 416 Elm st., Cincinnati. DECORATIONS. | And Dealers in Flags, Bunting, Festooning, Etc. | U. S. Flag Co., 331 Lock st., Cincinnati, O. DECORATORS. Buildings, Fairs, Booths. The Wm. Beck & Sons Co., 10 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, O. U. S. Flag Co., 331 Lock st., Cincinnatl, O. DIAMONDS AND WATCHES ON CREDIT Toledo, O. Springfield, O. Loftis Bros., 92 State st., Chicago, Th. DUSTLESS ANTI-SLIP. For Roller Rinks. =. Ryan Co., 504 Hodges Bldg., Detroit, Mic ELECTRIC FANS. | J. H. Hallberg, 30 sjreenwich ave., N. Y. C. ELECTRIC ee INSOLES AND INHALERS. Electrical Appliance Co., Burlington, Kan. ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. Universal Etec. Stage Lighting Co., 1393 Broad way, N. Y¥. C. EXTRACT. For Making Pineapple Cider. Columbia Mfg. Co., 1159 Harrison st., Chicago. Reading, O. Gregory Fireworks Co., 115 Dearborn, Chicago; State Fair Grounds, St. Paul, Minn A. R. Marryatt, 65 W. Broadway, N. Y. C. Natl. Fireworks Mfg. Co., 64 Sudbury st., Boston Pain Pyro. Co., 1220 Wabash ave., Chicago; N. Y. City. FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS. | Sam’l Windecker, 185 Wabash ave., Chicago. FLAGS. Annin & Co., 99 Fulton st., New York City. | Bartell | A. T. Dietz, 127 BS Ae * | American Rug Co., 310 E Rudolph RBros., 520 S. 5th st., U. S. Flag Co., 331 Lock st.. 8S. Tent & Awn. Co., Chicago, I1l. FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. M. L. Schlueter, 38 S. Canal st., Chicago, Il. FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. Floss#Machine Co., 31 Frankfort st., New York City. Phila., Pa. Cincinnati, O. 47-53 S. Desplaines, Michigan st., Toledo, O. FORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. 8S. Bower, 117 Harman st., Brooklyn, N. Y. GAMING DEVICES. Spindles, Club House +e x: Etc. Charlos & Co., 877 7th ave., N. Y. H. C. Evans & Co., 125 Clark .. } Ih. GARMENT CLEANERS. Becker & Wade Co,, Chicago, Hl. GASOLINE BURNERS. Long, 172 High st., Springfield, O. GRASS MATS. 96th st.. N. Y¥. C. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Make-up Boxes, Celd Cream, Ete. Chicago Costume and Cotillion Works, 69 Dear born st., Chicago, I B'way, N.-¥. C. 2501 Cottage Grove ave., M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. Oaks Novelty Co., Oshkosh, Wis. HARNESS. | Plumes and Trappings—For Circus and Advertising use. | Schaembs Plume Co., 612 Metropolitan ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pittsburg Cal. Light & Film Co.. Pittsburg, Pa.: | EYE BROW PENCILS. _ Moines. Ia.; Rochester. N. Y.; Lincoln, | M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’dway, N. Y. C. eb Cincinnati, O.; Omah: ve lke — a nna 0.; Omaha, Neb.; WilkesFACE POWDER. CALLIOPES. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’dway, N. Y. C. | Geo. Kratz, Evansville. Ind FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWitt. Sisters, 227 W. 46th st., Chicago, Ml. CAMERASCOPES. T. O. Mott, 415 Dearborn st., Chicago, Il. W. S. Monntford, 100 Maiden Lane. New York. CANES AND WHIPS. Cleveland Cane Co.. I. Eisenstein, 44 Cleveland, 0. Ann st., New York City. FELT PENNANTS. on ye Novelty Mfg. Co., 37 Great Jones st, 'D. &. Fiag Co., 321 Lock st., Cincinnati, O. | 'W. A. Mentzer, 92 Lake st., Ww. iH. ICE CREAM CONE MACHINES. Duplex Ice Cream Cone Mach 116 EB. Pearl st., Cincinnati, O INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. Barton, Gordon, Neb ILLUSIONS. Curiosities and Side Show Goods (Manufacturers and Dealers In.) G. W. Allen, 265 Bowery, New York City. JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Chicago, Il. Co., JEWELRY. For Stage Use. R. E. Dodge & Co., Masonic Temple, Chicago. W. H. Hollister, Masonic Temple, Chicago, N. Shure Co., 220 Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Sth st.. St Singer Bros., S2 Bowery, New York City Western Bargain House, 272 FE. Madison, JUGGLERS’ GOODS. VanWyck, Madison st., Edw. 665 Pullan ave KNIVES. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, O » Cincinnati, 0, Goldberg Jewelry Co., 111 W. 6th st., Kansas City, Mo Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve land, O Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City Harry L. Welsbaum, 242 E. Madison, Chicago. N. Shure Co., 220 Madison st., Chicago, Ii Shryock-Todd Co., S24 N. Sth st., St. Louis, Mo. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. J. M. Naughton Co., Hotel Mayer Bldg., Pe oria, Il. LECTURER. W. S. Bush, 155 N. Conestoga st., Phila., Pa, LIGHTS. Beacons, Torches for Circus and Tent Shows. Bolte & Weyer, 223-225 Michigan st., Chicago, U. S. Tent & Awn,. Co., 47-53 8. Desplaines, Chicago, Ill. Windhorst & Co., 104 N. 12th st., St. Louis. MAGIC LANTERNS. Stereopticons, Etc. Amer. Vitagraph Co., 116 Nassau st., N. Y. C. Chicago Stereopticon Co., 56 Sth ave., Chicago. Globe Film Service, 79 Dearborn st., Chicago. C. M. Stebbins, 1028 Main st., Kansas City, Mo. MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICES. American Amusement Co., American Box Ball Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Armitage & Guinn, Springville, N. Y. Cagney Locomo. Wks., 72 Broadway, N. Y. C., Cincinnati Nov. Co., 206 W. 15th, Cincinnati. Chubbuck Wheel Swing Co., P. O. Box 1241, Hornell, N. Y. J. G. Conderman, Eli Bridge Co., Ludlow, Ky. 1260 Van Buren st., 1448 Belmont ave., Chicago. Roodhouse, Ill. Herschell-Spillman Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y, W. F. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. Y A. J. Smith, 1500 W. Van Buren st., Chicago. Stock Novelty Co., 12th and Race, L. A. Thompson Scenic way, New York City World’s Greatest Novelty Co., Bldg., Chicago, Ili. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS AND ORCHESTRIONS. Lyon & Healy, 205 Wabash Niagara Musical Inst. Oe... N. Tonawanda, N. Y Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.,Cincinnati and Chicago. eaenaes * Goops FROM GOVERNENT AUCTION. francis I. 501 Broadway, N. Y. C. /MOVING PICTURE CURTAIN MFRS. | Curtainyline Curtain Co., 402 Ashland Block, Chicago, Il. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. a Co., 50 Union Sq., N. ¥. C.; Troy, 116 Nassau st., N. Y. C. American F'lm Serv., Security Bldg., Chicago. | American Film Serv., 158 N. Main, Memphis. Anti-Trust Film Co., 77 S. Clark st., Chicago. Chicago Film Exch,, 120 E. Randolph, Chicago; Cincinnati. Railway Co., 329 Broad 10 Temple Court ave., Chicago, Il. Am. Vitagraph Co., Omaha; Denver; Washington, D. C.; Salt Lake City: Louisville, Nashville. Cincinnati Film Exch., 214 W. 5th st., Cin’tl. Crawford, O. T., St. Louis, Mo.; Louisville, La. Chas. E. Dressler, 145 E. Edison Mfg. Co., 10 Sth ave., and a N. Globe Film Service, Harbach & Co., L. Hetz, 302 E *. J. Hite & Co., Film Exch., 1401-5 Locust st., Ky.; New Orleans, 234 st., MN. ¥. C. New York City, ‘79 Dearborn st., Chicago. 809 Filbert st., Philadelphia. 23d st., New York City 360 Monadnock Blk., Chicago. Cc. P. Kleine, 662 6th ave., New York City. Laemmle Film Service, 196 Lake, Chicago; Evansville, Ind.; Memphis, Tenn.; Omaha, Neb.; Salt Lake City: Minneapolis, Minn.; Portland, Ore.; Montreal, Que., Can.; Winnlpeg, Man., Can. Lake Shore Film and Supply Co., st., Cleveland, 0. S. Lubin, 926 Market st., Cincinnati, 314 Superior Philadelphia, Pa.; Nicholas Power Co., 115 Nassau st., N. Y. C. Pathe Cinematograph Co., 41 W. 25th st., N. Y¥. Pittsburg Cal. Light & Film Co., Pittsburg, Pa Des Moines, Ia.; Rochester, N. Y.; Lincoln, Neb.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha, Neb.; Wilkes tarre, Pa. Pittsburg Cut-Rate Film Exchange, 30 Lewis tlock, Pittsburg, Pa Eberhard Schneider, 100 EF. 12th st.. N. ¥. C Selig Polyscope Co., 45 FE. Randolph, Chicago. South. Film Exch., 245 Main, Norfolk, Va. Spoor, Geo, K., 62 N. Clark st.. Chicago Stebbins, Chas. N.. 1028 Main, Kansas City, Mo Standard Flim Exch., 79 Dearborn st., Chicago South. Film Exch., 146 W. Sth, Cincinnati, O . & Film Exch., 182 Lake st., Chicago Viascope Mfg Co., 112 EB Randolph st., Chicago’ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Lyon & Healy, 205 Wabash ave., Chicago, Il Niagara Musical Inst. Co., N. Tonawanda, N. Y North Tonawanda Musica! Instrument Works North Tonawands, N. Y Rudolph Wurlitser Co., Cineinnat! and Chicago MUSIC PUBLISHERS. The following firms will be glad to send copies of new songs to recognized members of the profession. Jos. W. Stern & Co., 102 38th st., N. ¥. C MUSICAL GLASSES. L. Braunelss, 484 Flatbush, Brooklyn, N. Y NOVELTIES. & Co., 905 Laicas ave., St. Louis 729 South st., Philadelphia, Pa Coe, Yonge 'M. Gerber, Goldsmith Toy Impt. Co., 122 E. 4th, Cinein't Gordon & Morrison, 199-201 BE. Madison, Chicage Goldberg Jewelry Co., 111 W. 6th st., Kansas City, Mo Geo. A. Keach, 109 Friendship, Providence, R. | r. O, Mott, 415 Dearborn st., Chicago, Il L. Rosin & Son, 4 KE. Pearl st., Cincinnatl, © | Rudolph Bros, 520 8. Sth st., Philadelphia, I's 'N. Shure Co,, 220 Madison st., Chicago, Hl