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; : : Ae = ete Vex “ OCTOBER 2, 1909. he Billboard 15 a | WHAT THINK YOU OF THIS? | chines in the different theatres throughout es | g | | city so far this season. | Miss Minnie St. Clair, Philadelphia's fore most Ad = Charles Frohman Wants Actors but | character comedienne, bas just finished a suc eCW l ms evilewe Can’t Find Them. | cessful engagement at Atlantic City, and will eae | be seen the coming season over United time, ’Mr. At the top of his voice Charles Frohman an} Pat Ci asey, the well-known booking agent of nounces that be wants good actors, and wants | New York City, having taken her under‘ his them badly. For the first time in his career | direction, ae , ; us a manager Mr. Frohman finds himself blocked Walter : ralg, te Eat of The Flying Craigs, nike : nen . . > : eS in his activity as a producer by an unprecedent| WS @ caller at the Billboard office this week, Startling Scenes are Depicted in the Latest Motion Pictures which |“ scarcity of actors. With a limited time ia | aud said that the act is laying of for’ two ‘ " : 7 7 which to complete the production and cast for | Weeks for a much needed rest. They expect to Show a Steady Advance in Mechanical Construction—Tragedy ] tie Cuicazo company’ in ‘The Dollar Princess, | ee Se eee ee : aaa Mr. Frohman has so far been able to secure | Weeks.
; — , , only a fraction of the necessarily large east. | Wm. Allen, formerly manager, and present and Comedy Inspire ‘Tears and Laughter—Manufacturers are Never before, within his memory. of the | oWNer of the Empire Theatre, ‘at Frankford . . ; E | . . : American stage, Mr. Frohman declares, has | (Philadelphia), showed the correspondent plans Sending Out Many New Views that are Elaborate In Construction, there been a time when so many actors have | ®Md specifications for the rebuilding and epbeen under contract so early in the season as | larging of that house at the close of the preseut at present. Never has it been easier than now | S@ascn. If the plans are carried out, Frankford
for real players to secure real work, all of | Will have a most pretentions playhouse, and /
VITAGRAPH The old craving returns Paul drinks and is which is very fine for the actors, bat corres| one that section of Philadelpha can point to :
» ante . = lent; Hours afterward. the Dorcis 1 “7 the Pondingly embarrassing for the manager with | — pride.
THE QCALES OF JUSTICE,—in the public intoxleated man nto. the ace of his ‘ite many enterprises. | G. Loe ney manager of the Grand Opera mr aoe rag pom deg y mag oe and ch | and laugh with’ ontiemea oro Rt On November 15, Mr. Frohman is under con| meses, eading, came to the office to tell us
‘ ates 7 tract to furnish Powers’ Theatre, Chicago, with | that he ‘had made some improvements in his folded and the balances in ber upraised hand. poor Marie's horror. Days of
, -omplete ¢ one i There is | house, ane — now he was playing four, with , t r ef ‘ row follow; the ‘comes another re a complete cast in Arsene Lupin. There is . : Years age criminals explated thelr crimes at} pon i. — "aod pm yes reformati "no diffienlty about the production, but after a pictures, every , Show. ; the feet of the statue, for here the headsman’s mies wnbatis bor Pliage ao soit al id hone three weeks’ search the cast is still wanting. | The Sones Van Studdiford Company, which ee SS ttet r omy , th. blo ror This does not, however. suit the Dorels. Thos | Repeated announcements of the intended Chi| Was to open the Forrest Theatre, Monday, Sept. the square were Often stained with nul oO " . 3 ‘ orels I
, y “aso eomnany have . ays, at| 29, has postponed the opening until Sept. 25, is at work on a new building | ©28° Company have not, as in former days, at postp I if
in those days even trivial thefts were punish| learn that P
. “ Work % | tracted a long line of applicants to the Frohman | owing to tl rout trouble Miss Van Studdiford i able by decapitation near their home. They visit the scene. He is | offices. _ of | contracted while playing Rochester last week. In those bloody times the statue was the fa| 02. & scaffold, — in the air. They stand just Ww K. SPARKS.
vorite resort of little Heinrich, whose feeble watching It is the noon hour
mind comprehended only the most elemental
Paul's dinner. He descends and things of life. With an almost, superstitious | fects he pa a crafty brain hax decided PHILADELPHIA, PA. _ MARCO VESSELLA IN CHICAGO. we of the idlotle, the vil agers bore with the) “Pen @ pian. “Climb tha adder, take this saw, ’ anti Ta re a half witted child, though now and then his| Weaken the staging, and perhaps a few months FR yy ener SS vitiedsietin Gas week Marco Vessella may well be proud for with pranks grew almost unbearable. As the scene oP Moe pital will change our friend’s good | o14 from the class and calibre of the differ. | the closing i Sans Souci Park he received an ‘ opens, the child annoys the Burg nas oF who The clan sebeea ante lilt ond _| ent attractions, Philadelphians are very fortunovation rarely seen. When the concert Was over orders bim to be thrown into jail, but Gretchen, | 7, 7° Pn ee ra onl 00 wel and poor | ste. The weather, which has been very warm — by oe score crowded around Signor the little servant in his household, pleads for canoe = a fe ne om hee ane eee for the past two weeks has had a very depress— la and h S petite wife, wishing to know ‘ the lad and t good priest adds bis solicitaand deatl ge tle J aven ty peween Hie | ing effect on all kinds of business other than ~e rg agg omgge back next seasca. Vessel ’ tion. The Burgomaster gives in to pubile opin | oo. ‘the heads of herself ann os keep 8 joa: | theatrical. ‘The Climax is the only play that a many Warm friesds among Chicago fon and departs » good humor the inj gene gy : ee gt has remained, and judging from its present hiebes overs, his programs hive been of the ‘ Heinrich follows Gretchen to the Burgomas| 1 oo ted 11. ie ieee eee ity and the business it is doing, it will | bishest standard ard compare well with those of ter’s house, but he is soon ordered fre the Raion gis Ghaaieania bors bor pat his snatruct! ms: . seme time. our great orchestras. His musicians are among \ kitchen by the Burgomester’s wife, who has iNemar eg ad ig ies — wage a a the sight of The Garrick was opened on September 20 with the finest Italian artists in this country and company. The visitor greatly sdmires the othThe Ble co Sess an waite : ae Frederic Thompson's production of A Fool There ste seldom sees so many real artists under one \ er’s handsome rings, particularily a valuable paca ae he balluc nati oo oy dria was, with Mr. Robert Hilliard as the star. a : ney ee te ( signet. The visit is are he Thewaae oo ss It is a play, passionate and full of pathos, yet | __ "CSsen® Bas now omy been sn_artistic sucved while the hons to make we rels have kept informed of how thiugs ; es cess, but socially as well. Mrs. Vessella (Sigconte pectry. Beth che and Grete cpg to make Were going with the Duponts. They make a aoitions poner i but one of power that | jora as she is called by all the musicians who rH fr m the kitchen, and Heinrich. who bas been pon nll L ete Lanse iy — Soni the Geatet s The Ringmaster, fresh from the Maxine EI| 2Te Rent e~ Meh is of Rng or regan igh the window anions in and) or). I ¢ mind Immediately forms | iiott Theatre, New York, opened a two weeks’ | Mother being a famous southern beauty, which
‘Tr plan. She goes to a wineshop, secures
ttle of wine and giv orel i strue| « tions He mean wee ‘it x~ "bis siete 20. The very strong company is headed by ; Se ‘| A. H. Venhiren, and contains some noted peo
s the showlest of the rings—the sig
om : ace ‘ acti -ss and wit of Mrs aeaeement = aIphi satre Sente sp | Accounts for the attractiveness ar t Mrs, engageme! at the Adelp Theatre September Vandin. Gilde. ati Wesiin's. ahusiem atte of music, have won them many fricnds. Some i great writer has said: ‘‘Married minds bring '
Gretchen is taxed with the theft. and in spite — Hare Boe ing li ‘ of her protestations of innocence |s thrown into DP, SRS WE waes malice places it tempt
. le » scenic envi r 3 ve ” ; , rises ‘eo mned to death.The good priest | '28l¥ before the unc nscious man. Paul awakple, and the scenic environment is very beauti| creat results. If the devotion of these voung i P » and « mine leath good pries oun, Gham tee. russia a ful, especially the yacht scene in the second ees ages sf bi at coat visits ber to hear her last confession and urges anien. take a ruggies to resist the/ 4. people counts for anything we may expect some craving mu iis
et i r me s cal ‘ ‘ mind yields and a ~—— _ of the greatest music in history to come from her to admit her crime she takes a most! s-unkard’s fate overt kes him His, termenters The Florist Shop opened a two weeks’ enthis rh tng artist who seems to live for oie | solemn vow that she is innocent, and the priest climb the rickety stairs outside his garret| £28°ment at the Chestnut Street Opera Honse. two thines—his wife and hia eae i to cons need of her truthfulness ~|% indow and. stant vesting cea, (ues irk, | rue farce. which is a most amusing absurdity, . en = ‘ { ‘he jailer comes to lead her forth to death, a presen repay: Res *Seseagh oe ton, | is very bright and interesting. The cast is very 5 ani ota: anien a eurs Aze eight 3 3 an sting. § 3 ’ and pale and trembling. but sustained by ber gccurs. | Lizette in the height | 903" "and the scenic effects are very elabor.| MRS. YEAMAN’S ENTERTAINED. faith, she slowly walks neross the square te h she hed leaned was Figen ate. All in all, The Florist Shop is a winner kneel at the feet f ‘ t iad leane as oO ‘
fall with her weight. “Vengeance and should have a long and prosperous career. | The oldest and one of the best loved actresses ' A hus alle upon the : : one .
: ax the priest is mine, saith the Lord. I rill The Walnut had for its third week The Man | on the American stage was toasted and feted » raises his hand toward heaven and prays that) oo ona at re J... re i A} of the Hour, which is the beginning of the | to her heart’s content, when Mrs. Annie Yeaa miracle may be shown to pre tect tg poco = Sane os " rance story that) fourth season of that wonderful play. The| mans was made the guest of honor at the ; cence There is a crash & great temperance lesson. niece, which has been reviewed time and again, | first Inncheon of the Professional Women’s ‘ ctowd. They start back is still the same strong character study of un| Club held at the Westminster in Boston. last i é ward The les hav EDISON usual merit. To Philadelphians at the present | week. ’ of Justice and with them gnet hie —" he EI ; time The Man of the Hour appeals very strong“Times are different now from what they H been hidden in one of the scales by the agile THE W ALLACE JEWELS.—In this picture) jy. The relation in which this play stands to/ used to be,” said the little lady reminiscently. ' Helnrich — Carolyn W oy has eatributed — that the actual revolution of this city’s political bis-| “Nowadays an actress has to have influence uo i "tte nable to comprebend t seriousne contains not only good light comedy, but also tory a few years ago, is of course a far from | matter how clever she is. And nowadays act“au oe * of min enn J od * pom me one oc Swe bits of Mpeg dramatic action, | faithful one. and the author has idealized act| resses have more time for social life. Why, my the toy, and the last doubt is swept sway. The t e sto y lending itself well to the must charm-| ya] prototypes. In the cast are a vumber whe | dese I never went to a late supper in my Burgomaster bows low before the girl and the; "&“cenic environment. e te ‘ have been associated with this play since fts| life. Wiliy? Well, we worked too hard in those wife embraces her, while the p< e loudly ac= — A. rene naturalist sta-t| first performance. days. We were tbo tired for things like that.’ claim their joy over the miracle of the Scales, °” “ee hee ralng xploration, accompanied by At the Chestnut Street Theatre The Orpheum When the usual question—if she was going s of Justice : his daughter, Bs . ho, we fear, is not so enthusias| Players scored another dramatic succes in Hen | to retire and live on her leurels, came up, Mrs. 2 Sterling acting, splendid scenery and excep-| ‘! we ie Bogen in the search of -are plants. | ry Arthur Jones’ great play, Mrs. Dane's De-| Yeamans lifted her head. ; 3 tlonally good photographic work unite in giv-| (terre a7 Shecimens of rock. The professor | fence. The piece, which is exceptionally strong. | ‘‘Retire, my dear?’ she said. “Never. I ing to this film a pictorial and narrative value starts to cilmb 8 precipitous: cliff in quest of called forth the full strencth of the company, | hope. I want to die in the harness, just like golden ottained a particularly desirable specimen, leaving his | ond tested their ability to its full measure. Miss | Mrs. Gilbert, and not live to be a care to daughter seated on the mountain side to await | Marion Barney. who interpreted the role of | anyone.” aan a, .* “ ; + ation Mrs. Dane, gave a thoroughly artistic interpre F ALEM atber tired from the exertion of climbing, tation. and her ease and grace of manner and t THE MYSTERY OF THE SLERPER TRUNK, she listlessly picks up her field glass and with | effective work was felt by all her auditors. | THE en oFFices siieaaiaie —This is the story of at smuggling, t bay se the surrounding country, her g2ze Helen Reimer is an old favorite with the Or e and shows the dramatic ales wement of the plan. Gnally becoming riveted upon a rough looking | pheum Company. and received a demonstration comin Scene 1—The Millinery Smugglers and man is engaged in burying a box in a se| on her first appearance. The rest of the cast, The W. M. Pollard Booking O‘fices, with genthe Apprentice, Maric Scene 2—Inspeet| Cluded spot on a neighboring mountain. It im-| including Wm. Ingersoll and Leah Winslow, | eral headquarters in Cincinnati, O., have recentors Dare Defends Marie Scene 3—Tae | et" her at the time as a etrange and mysproved their ability to handle their difficult | ly opened offices in Chicago. at 928 Republic Sleeper Trunk Notice The Loafer Plans teri us occurrence, especially so as the man’s | roles. : Bnilding. Mr. Coney Holines has been appointRevenge with a Decoy Trunk Remne. duit actions ind cate an evident desire to escape George Beban made his first appearance as ed as general manager, and will handle the ChtDecoy Trunk Scene 5—Marie Sent with the | servation. a vaudeville star as a headliner at Keith's | cago end of the Pollard offices. For the present Decoy Trunk Scene 6—The Loafer puts Dare Reaching home with her father she is handed | Theatre this week, in his new character study. | the Chieago offices will be devoted exelusively
on a False Scent. Scene 7—Dare Following the | & Rewspaper just received by mail, and reads | The Sign of the Rose. It is an interesting play| to the @ramatie line, and all artists registering Decoy Trunk. Scene S—Other Inspectors Capin staring headlines that the celebrated Wal| let. and gives the artist a fine opportunity to in the Chieago office will be reported in the Cin
ture the real Sleener Trunk Scene 9—The lace jewels have been stolen, that the robber show his characteristic versatility. The piece | cinnati offices the dav following. thns giving Decoy Trunk Seized—The Explosion. Scene 10— | is supposed to be hiding in the very mo ul gives Mr. Beban unlimited scope to his talents a double opportunity of being placed. The grad Dare Loses the Reward, but Wins a Bride. which she and her father have been explorin and Is very g od throughout. Others on the | nal growth of the W. M. Pollard Booking ffices ‘ and that as reward of $5,000 will be paid for the bill are Fred Lindsey, the whip expert; Lula has been sustained by reputable dealings. and = recovery of the gems feeson Trio in A Night in El Paso: Frank Fo it is to day recognized by managers and artists
SELIG Instantly it flashes through her mind that the garty, in a monologue; Byron and Langdon. in throughout the United States.
THE DRUNK ARDY’ S FATE Panl Dupont and robber is the whor the | The Dud e Detective: Witt’s Girls from Melody : i I . ;
ite " “ on the m e and Redford and Winchester,
eine ae Goatees git thet uke in it 4 ~IN SHAKESPEAREAN ROLES. our opening «cene Paul <ho , nr ren or time to start ont or in Opera Honse, Stair and Hav| ——
Merie, and Lizette quest of the buried treasure is holding the boards, and Miss Mary Mannering has declared her in Int the arms of the Her search for the box, her success in finding audiences daily, especially the tention “ me _ ey peter this Vinevard wre ’ { be disc its rem yy the man t season. n October she w ye seen in a new charms. Then -s = 7 ~ a at nite y of ite rew wel. pp hype Rae Climax still holds interest at the Broad | drama, which. if it proves satisfactory. wilt gives to his employes the girl down th Pheatre, and this simple, amusing story he the means of bringing Miss Mannering back
In the wine Dorel pr , Words hetween thesr in her ea R which Dorel is roughly whom her ng sereams have bronght to man Dorel te violent te ered and the en her aid, and finally the discovery that the box
making its way into the hearts to Rroadway after a long absence for a woman same as it has with New of her talents and ponnlarity. Miss Mannering has acquainted the Shuberts with her desire Avenue Theatre one of Al. to play Shakespeare and while her managers
and the
Mmity born of this quarrel is destined to darken) eorptains the remains of a pet dog—all combine is holding the boards, The ( on| have not vet given their consent, ¢ ke the lives of both Marie ond her futvure husband to make a picture of unusual dramatic interest amd judging from the busiIv that the latter part of this season will bh We next « Mar ' and comedy value y appreciated by the Girard § gevoted to a revival of As You Like It. witl over Panl's miacondue The climax 20 dif-| Patrons , Miss Mannering as Rosalind. mi forg!veness Maris sane 4 ; wl 1, Rarney Gilmore is appearing Site Ges pledge " t ' — on — is led | in Dan, the Irish Detective. The action ce on n+ Peds Sages r aa to — et, that the — ‘ mm vert be has to do with the Secret Service of this coun MARRIED ON T THE STAGE. ‘ , bled villagers Paul swears > of te remeat of ex-| {7¥-_ and dur its progress furnishes comedy, ; qnor Mart eide tin oa t t i . s, each in turn. ' Retween thetr acts at adie Roval Theatr Ft ’ wedding, “For. faths . : + of Patches is appearing at | Worth, Tex., Will Beam., monolozist, and Mixs ah 4 we will be the happ ton Theatre this week. Mertie Hale of the Wale Sisters, were mor ey Livette hears the WO OF A KIND.—‘'Did 1 attend a dance nation of burlesque 1 vande| ried. a the following note to **So at a lunatic asylum the other ev ng? We ell ry Maidens, at the Bijou, prove The wedding ceremony was performed on the 4 Ty the petite Mort Well. I shan't go bee I should «ay I did, and had a rather ex led a place in the front rank. | stice and a few minntes later Ream came ont ¥ ging. I am to marry the rich Mons, Dorel, He time of it, too You see, my friend at is fresh and well put for his act. which he attempted to do wh . the i baten you as I hate her, and we shall tri who is the superintendent of the Allen y way. : toulevard and At Coney | cther members of the bill threw rice and ol! hh umph over you both.’’ P invited me to attend a dance given by Island are the musical and come edy mediums | shoes at him. 4 Eight vears Iater—We get a glimpse of mates, which IT accepted for the display of the organization's talent and Roth bride and bridegroom live in K mnsas Paul's home in Part« He ie now sober and ly, in order to have a beauty. ‘ : City, and both are welj Known in vaudevi!! : Industrious Hie, Marie and thelr pretty daugh fortunately he was called A a aning on a limited scale was introduced —-—-— ter, Nanette ere very, verw happy as he was telling me to humor any of t n Show at the Gaiety. An air WANTED AT ONCE. : Temptation—Ligette and ber elderly hushand | tlents I might meet I had been up rather late r : 4 the auditorium ilhave come to reside *arle She «till nurses) every nicht for the week previous, and the chair : interestingly Low ‘Tr aviators . ' ime « . ’ hatred for the fom — her -wetunitw for n which | was setting before the fireplace being ir work, : comedietta, Palm nH To . a from — Ct saa — , ! Yengeance presents iteelf The pair are seated very comfortable, I went to sleep, only to be Reach, furnished occasi for a number of other Santis * amg wate @ = € to Ch Inhs ! Z at a wine table, outelde a houlevard cafe. Paul awakened and find myself confronted by aj pleasing features, ng the funmaking of | '@8¥ille, Ind.. ite Cx 7 passes, Dorel recognizes him, felens friendship | Young woman, whom I thought to be one of | the comedians and a pretty display by the large Se my and desires to renew old relations, “Come, man, the inmates, I fmmediately started to humor | chorus : : Lucile Tilton, phenomen: ul girl barit join us We will drink to our village dave her, and was having a rather exciting time of _ Joseph Macguire. who its representing the tone and comedienne, catled on the St My wife and I are «trangers In a strange efty it when Rogers and his wife came in New York coin operating machine in this city, | Pant, from Englend. Eng.. last roa 9 You shall show us this Paris of yours. We have Was a Billboard | ealler last week. and says! evecessful tonr of over a vear Sh — plenty of money You shall help us epend tt.” (Continued en page 42.) that he has installed nearly a thousand new ma| wi]) play return dates in 1910 j f