The Billboard 1910-01-15: Vol 22 Iss 3 (1910-01-15)

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JANUARY 15, 1910. The Billboard 13 U R | B Here tl 1¢ «6story | the payme wy of gr: : L E S O U E H an ae mt = , ee a ae as BE this offici: woking received 1 his official by A CHE j | time bought Reba an agent. San ese a when ERFUL GIVER. I ¥ ne for the th and the marae waar Editor 11 Hotebki Col ‘ he ac for the time be it waived | Editor The ss, Col., Dec. : ncidents of the Openin . RF. t te pas it as npn oe promise 1 was . oe Cincinnati, 0 21, 1909. ° Oo o. 4 idepe . . yesible : : e 3 u Satin wae soany H g 0 the Columb — rganized and « ependent Booking Ag b e. Sub = newspaper of Ch , publis her of The Prof * ome O Burlesque i N Y a eatre the B d the act was , ommnenees playing Fg ncy was aniee Show ee Burr Robbin ° of tie Pad in (New ¢ ’ roadw edness in Ww yaying off its co g the act and | ° im Wintert it was my t s, of the / ork a av | in weekly payme commission indebt| 04 Cinel rburn of th> ‘my printer. wi garding the Producers Pp Notes of General Intere t R . } oad — from yee _ O'Brien. — oe Seeeeeee tae cael s ~ | d furthe recounting ~— » Al. Thayer : ry iste | ’ rodu en Ss e€| bad been ¢ ier stating ths iting the | Bessey, anc yer, Sam Be r, Mique and In pensiv F = clions and Principals f h aad been sates for, rae fan Rr commission Theatre aor Mr. Baker. PE er Jim Fen2 e Form of [Theatrical E s of the Lighter }} or’ rivet at foe any of tho time ing ,pald the | Frelene Og yy alg eaemg ° : of The Billboar ‘ec, Was show! pived from selene Mora. in Was. busine ast time I ntertainment. crea gmt 1 a representative Hyde ait bees the service of tee oem for | the wit! ° as strong] P FE aie oe DImMAan. he rm NEW YORK BUR i, withérawing cireuit y intenaind that it was oe. me aan nine years, with ” | K BURLESQUE. | Wiest Loa note otilaly wae accused of “elect | 1, the aver been "foreed 40 live in Colorada eee — Micstr Four, Walter when the I — of the Pe oc Oe electing | 10 these veer a severe attack of 1 Colorado, ‘Jun. 10-15 © local playhouse ay Ponies, 5 Jobnson and | nating ses . A. Was organiz ration meeting | POTe rily years, when my he consumption. } ie: @ 5) ure relay do uses this week Ware san . and numerous ehe bis Broad| eral 1g himself as secret ganized and of nomi dut ily permit me to “ 1ealth would tem Sigh th anemia Theatre, ene Star Show | “ther me * 3 a! danced Brn LE yaar Miss pin Bag to which po gy gm and pono enectel I kept the wolf Pa in professional ighth Avenue, Cosy ¢ : 8 Majestic et nbers of Mortimer nily, and the | nat he also wat ces he was “8 al newspape ‘om the doo Fi Seamon's " ’ wner Girls ics; ‘Pauy aequi imer M. Theise’ the | + so wante as elected | halls aper work r by dot tee = ate and Follies Bao ~ Hurt ge and | Style. FB rage themselves —". present Sf —, appointed —— = a. ” ane ~ theatres of the pod iv playing the 4 ers: Murray Hill.’ Cr opolis, Bowe tween ! vy, Noon and Niel rst-class | . vl office , ‘lerks, bookke ree was a fami any towns Nympic, Gloger G : ill, Crack ery n DSurlesque d Night i as | purchase manager of t eeper, | Cousisting 7 amily af of this ~ oger Girls er Jacks, ¢ jue and musical ¢ 8 @ cross be| rchased the office fur of the circuit, and sting of my wife, ani the pre ‘ = Ww week's shows will | ay oo a aero ad FD, ot gee he Bh agaon — me wy singer, : doo "hit 1 ersee pualete’ ae ~ J ggg Society "G p. wery The In conjunction with i a _ commissions, on granted one— for their age — = rather re. lig Suow; Tp iTis olumb ws ‘ille . ion with the } | e bruges mah hy gas salary, f t : e put up Pate Mae nyself. jurtig and ° w; Eighth Avem umbla, Ir ville perfurma 1e burlesque The , ywuses or booking | ing I up a hard figt z and Seamon’s vw, Jolly G | omps mance given t yue and vaud xese things -t E am sick. dow ght. but at th Vanit : Lid Lifter jirts; | JoMpany, eg 1 by The Gol jude | there bei nappenec le ’ tow . down ; is write F r + ene ay Hill . + Metropolis Netcbell aght | Gayety, the a oon'e “rook | Direct ~ ing three m a A of .~y owing to wir Pmt om oo Cate ee ee small Ollies of New Yor » Bon Tonos, and UO opeuls 4 jetures W yina onnson' ors, of which s of the Board i ou please P ork and Paris ‘ym Bil 1g burlesque 1 Ss Were presented Son| minority ich M. R. Sheedy rd of | issue of The il paragraph ; tilly Ariis vas The Tt ea, Tue | cial Sheedy was . 1e Billboa ; n the comt ee nzton as tree ( : This s s the | #nd believe rd the . ming +8 iiful waste of gem rixpi, a nee ag : the chief -A, — = | ietadatee roe fren is further accused a Bears pte — more pe I thought, of me stories told ,sonuine Cas euuty and tale in burlesque . da} with the yutside booking office sed of or| paper b Poebidnaer n the the Re quarter of am Caiembin Doan 1 Op formance. ‘lent, was promsines e€, possessing pac alae 1. B. A. otfice sellin _to do business nent ——— that somew — and newsNew York and Pp uw . Pi It at in the per from the — extra five per = ge acts and | poe wa Be. my old profession Yt oa ounet rouse, 18 a music : lhe show th ——————— | allege cts. This outside “nt. commissi me a le ‘Ss would res oa 7 riends an ro assist in ie . ! umber, Mun CHICAGO B | ged. received ine peg Brgy co. Pesce it _ really letter of cheer poe — lines, and = iis say te nln nm itis ae thle we URLESQUE PO nd circuit with instru we epening pigs gg sympathy in my dis ouse te 0 as t 1 SR dew. . . r speci ed ructions i. oF — h ouse, & pr ile mening of the ne _The Merry Widow ; a euhens a c mtracts, nahh gear A * get them | even. The 1: iIterature would be : rs contrib ha w | Garter Theatre idow Whirl, at t 7 hooking < on ntly offering ehen i s said, it | Was the m: ast professional work appreciated As many b ir cases of fr i rt| and pretty ch. this week, Bradt opome iid When a » at increased price 1 to the same | ture psy ages of The oe by me n th oe selon se . iter, comedians. chorus, with a vivacious | ¢ acts were offered to — it contri ’ lis town re x moving pl : ama be ry were us ans. made ith a coterie cious | on the Boar ed to the other i contributed s« ‘n. Preearious : ple in seqne rincipals and chor 4 ibundance a “ more « here . _ of clever | than ng 1 of Directors, ae Me ae interests Pan weve a something toward “ as it was, > pumbe mor eee te ia, Of ent rta toe — chy mus A a tLe by t' control of iad paid the same Bar salaries | denied for a The enjoyment of tt 1e «spirit of ; : wey eve Pesci ones James C. M . in the burlesque gn cast | this Se Boere of ieedion cp bet re. the | of the eel on closed Tadedinitels was even » ¢ w mes f wings l Ww wy Daron on, She ee eld inecinde | Were esggyer le s sale 7 tors was los 0 |o0 a witless ane Pacsee se ely 9. ng yy er but w me wh aa a nna Jemen Der Wade, Phil White vere the curtailit by / a, ae subsequent re Pn eeipl arlet fever hae ene on Bre r, is t t . r ark “ s oyle, All > e, g P Su he powers « s 3 | *Ipless ~onditi ‘ 1¢ own. as » hrist« ema zs b l . the Binkow Mari Overman 4 — Re id, Leon : ed hy this offi| and armen ygg ~unable to le As the = . dren > . Marie , . eze Oo > | > al save > the . ” ae Vinastee Peessler the rot office} With the w hing provide for fonatty aan : ng the christeni: : ster, Anna Hé¢ “we I ee) eee | and The Billboard. : eumaaal samen ae tee eaking of a bot w of the t dt Dainty Ry. ngs and the F for acts pls — : that was brotherly oe ‘ and holiday a cess to you box office ~ ‘ : Primroses aa ; com? el with ft am ous This a “ the iweyeman " commission ro to The sillboard. pe of " * ¢| chorus. Ne be . re Six E n tl . eged, the 5 1OUuses Praternally and si 5 staff, I am é s. Novel he I ay tes 1¢ remaining inter , sincerely yours —— od ind ddzzling c¢ terests are wit al reason that ¢ terests | Hotchkiss, De . James Phela Ss, Tyant s ack ostumes ‘ ; ithdrawing fr that certs ; : elta ¢ . : 1elan C Hurtig a Be im : Mt ' I background. for this to 3 hdraw rt a ft from or rathe 7 ounty, Colorado. uddy. aa exrentionslt s Music ] : at a6 ua Without farteitta impossible for tt od : ay m onal H " pars ‘ | deposited i hou forfeiting their ~ a them | paitor 1 Sevenee®. . ks a our new , the organizatic signing of the agree yond, | Editor The Billbo: annah, Ga.. Dec, 2 wit .. s 1 houses will —— in the Chieag Whill a aoe of the ye es agreement and -.... the A ese Ss incinnati, O 29, 1909 ‘ week whi ‘p the Wind ieage buriesque | 08 Wedne statement given by | erty of writing i the profession The art aes while the Rose Hill. oy Lively ye | withdr oo sday, stated P ing Ay H. Feiber, | [ish Mine Pr nignigge Bioy hopes that take this : é iny will stay over ll English Folly aw as would also— sijou Circuit would | Stricke ug that will reach ¢ y pu > I tractive Cor er in Chicas: a. ¥ Com | and Keeney, F also Bruggem: uld en man’s frien ach the eye BO ey . l is. Louls J. Ruson’ mpany, playing ap with their at| boar eae Frank Keeney a ge Madison | 22¢e may be J nds, and in that oye = ® provided by Veola y u's Theatr ying the ever ne t d representativ tated to — it > given whe ror way, assist tat ’ J aM a. As > the Big Revi tre The Folly T popular Sid not decided itative on Saturd a Hill| Mr. Geo. Hennesse re it is deserved sy's How Pats Burk W Henry ? eview, under ly Theatre houses | 18 ope led to withdrs Ts that he had | Gpener, for y wesey, lecturer, a7 nara Veols ow Patsy We Wa Mile M.!Jsrdin de Dixon and the the management “ot dh me ay Ke James Madison, v. bo | Dreamland PP tomy with such’ pete and Chanteuse Fr ‘ g . ‘ I Mla n de Paris Girls 1 Empire Theatre y "es 5 not be theatre in wkivn Paris HW “dl oney Island, as Elli: ‘tractions at seph i Wil Ss } Paris 4 arence Burdick irls. who are managed the Brt ocated, wild ¥ mee | of AB sage the Jiu Jitsu is's Sewers of and ¢ ! e ape Jo managed Sy nggeman Ww =e eral = at ial at ir’s Pharaoh's ry. expert, In ¢ j aes s and S a $a dancers The G oo tent on he want with “% — M. eved | mangas oe be Gate ns Daughter oud ) cane Rattle of Too meies tt _ Masqueraders bring to t I. R. A. wen ceenateed. them befo mes | of enaee ——Rejah in 9 yp Bro iis week, one to the J . 1e seceding vem " ! e, alifornis "et , the origina " Anoth + — h along with the . the high me Sane semnatadue .wower nterests, it alleged. 1 _— others, — cal ph iener s Wild elt geen . vhead ro surlesque add t n he fun and f 488 SDows, | a new i ers in the Il. B » cia ww othe | 82 is lingering een stricken with . : mn pat H ‘ drans . he flavor rolic of the booking office in “ are eity Pe i ng between li pneumonia by t ’ ss for |} a. Al r € of the | atre Buildi fice in tl ity withor ee fe and dea po nF ay nt Me . sak Geateiaied | Ey a led attraction the | jeitima‘e — building. which woul . ‘ | any who sede ey or friends. oo: vn this ft que W f “Th to sta . o offers , is theatre . and cause t ‘ ma er him and wish ere are princina , Is } iy in the ri a prize to r > q the we in a good tr 1d wish to de x lar ‘ sw , large ring and w any one able 1 They n to turn, they es » a fellowf le , saarry 5S 4 cc purse to tl ‘Testle with hi abl hey ar ” | the address |} y can do so t ‘ , ’ fe per : o take em; ace ase s low, 8 . »y sendin Dunlap . 1 the s \ e person able to th m, and a A decid » take employees f um | ascertain hi ve ~ and car z , & agers A ceciae = ¢ om 1e ofd 5 s conditio ss t at a the new t : set his uew A row him. and the — contrast to the cee ee ee ae son, physician ondition by writing to De time ~ = r . hee LMA BURMAN DIE pon Shy pong of other Se aa in this «Mice Hoping this nn. r. John le s. Cha y ee Ss ted in tne growth of t 1 cirenits is pre=" receive your leaving the hat low x Mik sastinaanentn . euit. as the Vs . he Williar “? roe your attention, I met ’ e us : s ie af | Si e J. , ' Comp “s audeville a am Gane P° : ta where | an grab it s in this scene off ‘ Frolicso Kelly, principal co % a merry Americ le and Moving Pictm Very respe 4 Pm ab hen he Is r we of stage the $ me Lambs Bur! , median with t w Liherty Th — is popularly knowr wi he > spectfully, Ain ry short, vady. To cu paar AB ‘Theatre, ieee le playing he opened this tat AB al AR aig Vork will | enteaeeaeee George Henn i. C. Mellon. * wear me Hots the of his wife, Abe Friday = gee week, rejoe ee at the Cast! by bills eqnal to the sie | itarlum, Savannah. Ga essey, Park View > ikniim . tanmale cap he per ce . Alma Burman. | of the de ouse will be oy le Theatre here hose o Sense one “" Ny left at once Burman, in Chicago = street and Eri pened in Ph ladetpt re. Another + after, @ totes aan ef Gewene Site tn srectny | peo irie avenue, with a se on oe oa Louisville, K ‘ wes / oe ON Oy Re le ar ay: a ae trectly my atean February 1 : iting capacity ee The Billboard, Cine! Ky.. Dec, 29, 1908 , r ‘ ire comp . , to he + scent ¢ 3 : nae . j i ; » n os Amus a, Eastern Wheel, or | a was, up ro r, followed him 8) a will Fm con hag neement that A. H. W vill hg tomy at the Sesaaee i A prope many The Gi. e nber with b . Gath co ment “S| lar vandevill 7 a policy of soe ood ae Ww a broken art e Hotel in Louls ‘ was semte ‘. ! sque Pr ba ed = his absence Mr <cocme Lambs —tres, Breoklyn oe his At aphion com C and poy n — on and sorely yea am in a very bad rformapers at J st week for nego y Frank Chick ¥ lly’s place is bein mpany. | to the Gane he 1 as rant ourt Thea-| ¢ cond yon very much d of help. I would the bex oft Jobnstow r its ini. : ng taken 4 zane Cirenit : af eatetiton (sec ds in the pre if you woul ne of t oun ae ¢ N. ¥ break booking Wood's new n view of the fae ns | throng! profession know of uld let my r tio bige ind mest use It ts BELFRAGE William Ga s new Liberty. act it Is] kn a amy eolnmns of Old Bill my condition Wrotl . lke seas , ‘ bur san ELECTED AN realize his an to be on the 1ant te will help me. ily Boy, for 1 pelt ”, forn Wate s Ed pes ia iad 7 ELK. highest class having all to anking you in arnvanee, I r ‘ a so George Stone 80 Bicke 1 Wrot 2} (ee ree F. Belfrage country, for in argest ond | Yours res . remain ae Ulymy I t atured I } rothe. Re Rar iy Burlesqu rs owner of the 1 ew = gio in the | Ent a ay r> here ¢ s show is . P.O. E egy ‘apd $ was ir . aeeehnn ones houses c Interprise Hote i r = rm be s wees ; bash, Ind., at ¢ beveyvale ona ' quests from iz. he is se “2 . ne Hotel, Louisville, Ky a. Murphy pahe Five Brown Brot! with a be Lodge No. 471. He” the Wee | cal. ae lation. Gat by others an | sleal act . t te fn couatt@ul aanint ‘ e Wi ; Va| cn Jane surprise rs ral " musical act wi “boa fe have cuniionner aa dan emblem of the yf presented re > the success “ prised the theatrtROLAND REED’S SISTERS roadway ( best feat iy, ay aftee the tuitiation, ” The at a banc by the | in mam Theatre and he | made of the ola| Unable t STERS DESTITUTE Figt . tv Girlie : ‘ was made . lation. The ne anguet held e% gs has beer imi S | ane ' J o pay the “ . + ' le t tat nd Ff rent ghth Aven ee ust wee e by the toastr presentution s Au ? itated ‘lorence Ree it, the Misse oo An e Theatre on manager of th astmaster. J. Tt speech ast ¢ wring feat | Reed. ; s teed, sisters of sses Laura oe may F ivn, Harry At hers th niin he company. . J. Theo. Murphy, | night Ww eek when Gat & eatures was recorded | peat a for whom a “7 = = late Roland a iritor oT » and Yet > —_—— ---; vights on Thured ane commenced 3 eq | given at the Chestr ~aeg was rece AS A oeeK Terre tta Pet an Square day. This w amateur | delpl it St. Opers cently Seonhabie »! company at 4 = 3 ames H. Curtio BURLESQUE FOR juare Theatre, on the el ag thn —potet pl ee. wa » evicted esti 2 ee Phila g a meritorious pet os vrw T ai ees TROY. announces Siecmay audeville Com| from this sisters realized cone home. It ~" * mance he Mortimer Snow Stoec} e ts has a speci amateur nichts. | ¢Xhausted <, sina a this amount — = ! Selection of Fr . season at the _atadlagg yp Compan } athletie 7 mday, amaten r f ex.| diate aid ¢t Oe Rey neighbors g ad been ning rt Mack as — Waldmann to st , Tanuary S 7 on um Theatr Tp “a i its | w 1 a night, when w Seatitiens uesday, | DEO iain “ ae Oe, a "t pave Se urge of ¢) 101 \ huss 1! ne a it 1! nat i vand t widing cont = ay. a ple e : eferred te . eeks ago eo me +o { ¢ The Folli t . le| lp g contest: TI eating at sister to the cire go, The w Columbia Theat * taken lies of the D Pee SX Rem beand Friday, surprise nif vursday. amateur n and | This circumstances of the PHILADELP re RTS Western Wh el). ue, announce 4: — night. Joe Hamr ~f. g “a oan 1 A very worthy , a . t wes W + fda these special ae eye Ww ill appeal to al charity a = HIA BURLESQUE BURLETTAS ton S82, by am Gane wh¢ eer) Feeney — the lobe Par os ieee Ip Ang _ While there — ‘ , > —_—-— ‘ Manhatt week to appear at ames J. Morer of the ee teed. Shon! a, OF Solomon the is not aegreat deal P ae Wotetsky has } Gane: Theatres He has ~ his Cirele and toward the theatrical fraternity pee : co" diene the lending oldter, and The Tr : f plet tn the Gay Morning an en engaged as treasurer others i. Maud Odell. a 3 aved Grace | 80 by_send heii tees of the d Aboigy to donate Charles sp Pet a in the peaneat ng Shon echt ie ws es Company Ife | trodnet — acts of this kind feAuliffe and such donati wel donations to The sd can do there was no ons Crusoe Girls am of the TH E PeEERS , he moving pi Fond ‘ir first insisters and will be turned over sr pard. All dance, plet are alee call for ii at C Casino SMALL-TIME HOU ieture and popular the week's fa egy made of each the Reed eant ou On eae chorus and it un. mustie sal SES lecovered @ dition following donation in 4 e 1 ger r —_— ad Rhe : ‘ novel that lite doup the requ general merrl Independ P eading act ! and sens en e ue quirement ' ent Book 1 In the Al > a — @hole e room was left t of the ense ing A cords at ~~ ae Raja Pros ARTHUR T ntertal ; for mu a shy S : genc 1 ; at Lubin A aap R TAPPEN : pr vaurley Ne oauehe Was wr 1 —~ i a The eparating—Charges of Gr ta eh he rm tained — Phila Arthur Tappen. , em ne Oveblo Int tion of the bi! elved, and nied—W ° ra e1 w signed fl . a second | four vears ane it old-time perf predic tn ite way as the ObIN being as er illiam G . : a ‘ oat. = Shannen meee for an indefi. | hope — ars of age is very ii ormer, sixty SN mena among the ca eoxtravagange sas CG : ane's Circuit cireult nts them and | mtract for as a | all f ~s recovery. at the on with yt mueh Shanna , lave Conroy. \ ukers were Charles | rowing. chew . coming to New ¥ 1 play them over } I | to ; ‘knevville. I ! ry Conaty Poor is ond DeVine and C inv Ward. Reile W a Adde es nt wy will plar the Ms york January 17 aa a ae or om Colorad aa Ie would be pleased nd Cushing \'» ee 4 Ieterest in the fei ; This a te eae A anhattan Theatre 7. whet a Ahl. Billy Link. + irant, George Seukine he % [t~ ing offices in New Y & it of the small-time — reeding or Bg the most remarkabic | = . hur Tanpen mae et all friends. Address ' the Rifeu. the KE i= week by a state wh rk City was provi offered, one of the brv it transferrence ac kable | Mexvill nN ; ©. Poor Farm. Pinel successful as ¢ w Kmpire Show papers by H. H. F ement given to provided | tents of the the brothers deseribi act ever | nek a anil as an entertainer proved highly | '! which he s Feiber. of the Bi the news-| telling then pockets of peonl eribing the con| A twe Moment from the be _ there was not | A. M Bru stated the Bijou Cir Bijou Cireuit. | oth oe m their names tat in the andience. | RINARD BROS. 1.0 -enat ‘ginning . ‘ gems Bonen reult, s = er personal fj wes, date , eace , a S. LOSE BY FIRE (a the ae a ah eames wees we the ent. | Madison, che Yer A aaa Weeney Ng 1 as nal information es of births and | me... Rinard Bros Be ” BY FIRE some sraninels oo In tt Tom Mor L. thers eae Agency toes me heey the belasodiant be 2 ec gy business for a eae heen fa the unable «« iv work ne (ines mart and Qui ] ing that office —_ —— ' : during the a en years, and w Tames tistance by T and be is give rhe vigley ce to Sheedy AS ound and ferri summer with : , ho O'Nen) om Nolan. Ca given he reason given ; SKED by erris wheel, s with a tmerry-go ond Pe thay TR are O'Neal =. Cove waite concerpiag that aon the “rumors and repor FOR INJUNCTION ty tee to their etl age a terrible mol ute A dere . ‘lls omnle wee being oking office,’’ ae oports —_-—. ; hristms ig rink at Saxto 4 to the vandeviile.. ezen performers contrib. | bY Mr , ol ~y charges Py ja ipal among PY nang wee ached? loss at a They aaies ae an | These ch er against an offici ing preferred Ne ading Company. ed by the Film I Insurance. The ri , covered with very weep Telde 7 Ip arges, it is st cial of the off ew York Mott pany this week t¢ mport | ego. ; : re rink was buil th very little . turns | presente stated by \ 4 office aii otion Picture C to sto go. and only las muilt abor a a Gites Tek, Lek: Wr_prweeel ¢ ae SS eee Bg pee Rg Sime sak tie Gee. eer ee p the | provements an Iast fall an additic oS there wh oor and Night ns “th comefiion te At th not acted upon e Board of Direc te tion was denied —_ The motion a _ to the buil Meteor iy to over Tr ‘' ind im 6 eontributer ” ne Troende a t e office | pleee eg A: and the ar ie or tn b t ing and it : 100) were made atdience tee ta the ader, | A of the early ne e argume 2 usiness its equipment. T nade © were. Virg'n! we amreement cf gency, a feeling Independe Rott next week, ent will take Was counted pment. The hol arn) Be wt of the = ng ag ent Rook _ » the . ake | hel ian ited npor wliday Wor S oniaee. wf “ | peves equal in Lo Felber was aes Keneaws paige mae any ant tn eet a i... m out of oe, th brothers to | other Interests tn It y to that he holds op | aang ane Na to ousnnahie inten Picture | Bros are " ee ons blow te rg ; Th and the | ‘ Im are now ! » ontont. Twe s to the | time sorely in need of — e Rin are ne : ons : ar of help at ard Motion P oly. w York and are aoe of | clined —~ all amusement sl, at the present ‘ old be the | be apt ba contribate their Me — feel so in 1 ‘lated ir share ; mont. Hotel, Sax Address Boar on will rxten. I’ 1 Bros Alta