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MAY 7, 1910. The Billboard 53
11, Goddess of Liberty, with Sallie Fisher and} songs to good business, PEARL (M. Martin, | singing, passable; and pictures week of 25. Fair Pearsons and entire Chicago cast. : mgr.) Pictures and songs by Miss May and Gray| business. ous vaudeville, Herman Fleur, Bert Harris, and
MUNCIE.—STAR (Ray Andrews, mgr.) Week | son; good business. MAJIC (Grover Hill, mgr.) BALTIMORE.—ACADE MY OF MUSIC (M. J.| motion pictures week of 2. ISIS THEATRE of April 24, F. L. Brott and Co., comedy Pictures and songs to good business. RIVER-| Lehmayer, mgr.) Ruth Tilford, Rosita Mantil-| (L. E, Lund, mgr.) Pictures and songs. SCENIC sketch; The Four Monarchs, of Music, instru-| SIDE PARK (K. C. Beck, mgr.) Opens April|la, Hawley and Bachen, The Piottis, Boulden| THEATRE (J. E. Schmidt, mgr.) Pictures and
ATRE (W. A. Kelley, mgr.) High-class continu
sntal. musical production; The Three Dream| 30 with Holaday’s Band. eT and Quinn, week 25. FORD’S OPERA HOUSE | songs. NOVELTY THEATRE (L. E. Lund, one} The Pheil Sisters; pictures. MAJESTIC. LEAVENWORTH.—NEW ORPHEUM (M. B. (Chas. E. Ford, mgr.) The Old Homestead week | mgr.) Pictures and songs. WONDERLAND
Week of April 24, The Colonial Stock Co. and | Shanberg, mgr.) Week of April 24: Harry Rich| 25; Thurston week May 2. AUDITORIUM THE-| THEATRE (L. E. Lund, mgr.) Pictures and Roosevelt in Africa; pictures as an added atards and Co., Allan Fisher, The Four Lincolns, | ATRE (Chas. Stumm, mgr.) St. Elmo week 25; | songs. CRYSTAL THEATRE (D. J. LeBar, traction. ROYAL. Jackson and Cannon, Miss| Laura Roth, Eddie Rowley and The Three Aml-| East Lynne week May 2. BLANEY’S THE: | mgr.) Pictures and songs. MAJESTIC THEATRE M. McKinney and pictures. gos. PALM (¢ arl Mensing, mgr.) Week April| ATRE (Madison. Keller & Saphier, mers.) Prof. | (R. W. Johnson, mgr.) Pictures and songs. " NOBLESVILLE.—WILD'S GRAND OPERA 21-28: Robinson's Pickininnies, Miss Wilma| Haman, Ben W. Dawson, White and Barton.| ELITE THEATRE (A. E. Anderson, mgr.) Pic HOUSE (L. Wild, mgr.) Shadowed by Three Wood, La Call and Garrett, Waldo and De Vere, | Allen Ridgway and Allen, week of 25. MARY-| tures and songs. ROYAL THEATRE: Pictures April 21, fair business. The Norwoods May | Miss Francis Dainty, Jerome and Jerome, The) LAND THEATRE (F.C. Schanberger, mgr.) | 8nd songs. PEOPLES THEATRE: Pictures and 6 aaa week. VAUDETTE (J. Wise, mgr.) PleMusical I ikes, Clyde Elliot, Billy Oakes and| Mrs. LaSalle Corbell Pickett, Julie Ring and| Sengs. GEM FAMILY THEATRE (A. J. Kavan tures and songs to good business. ROYAL Co., Lawrence P, Wall, Holmes and Waldron, Co., La Petite Revue, Julia Frary, Herr J.| 8ugh, mgr.) Continuous vaudeville, illustrated (Partlow & Herron, mgrs.) Good business with The La Boheme Quartette, pictures and songs.) Rubens, Aubrey Pringle and George Whiting, | 80088 and pictures, week May 2. CASINO
SOLDIERS’ HOME OPERA HOUSE (Bert Mor-| U-N-0.'’ Odiva week 25. Ie HE >| ROLLER RINK ! ; cae r or ‘ 8. L . : | U-N-O, Odiva week VICTORIA THEATRE sLE NK (A. C. Kaech, mgr.) Roller = RICHMOND. GE NNETT (H. G, Sommers, | (7D, Mer. 7 Reng 4 Salesman April 18. New| (Pearce & Scheck, mgrs.) Mlle. Theo and her| Skating, Alec Gundersons Concert Orchestra,
1 mgr.) Goddess of Liberty April 25; | “'hocim snow os . ane _| Dancing Dandies, Buckley, Martin and Co., | MaSquerades, athletic carnivals. LONGFEL rae i Oe: The Richmond Stock Bo. inOPEKA.—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Roy | The Two Azards, The Yalto Duo, Frederick and | LOWS GARDENS (R. F. Jones, mgr.) Zoolog
me . > . .p | Crawford, mgr.) The Great Divide April 20; | Kavanaveh. The par ier 7 ical and Botanical Exhibits, band concerts . e. NEW MURRAY (0. G. Murray, owner . 4 4 avanaugh, The Mysterious Jaboo and Co., Wil’ c ’ poe gent Week of April 25: The Chanticleer Prob tinal yg rea Moe cose Bag ee liams and Weston, Collins and Watson week of vane animal shows, picnic grounds. . Novelty, The Lafayette Lamont Troupe, Cubanwal: 26. oo > Right e "Was tage age ry | 22, WILSON THEATRE (J. P. Dillon, mgr.) D 5 page aby 9 pl mae.) ae olo Trio, Lolo Radcliff, Lillian Le Roy and Co, | Walsh 2 A = Right of Way 28; The Merry | Ethel Van Orden and Co.. Mary Minnie Stokes, | De, Voss Stock Co. April 17-24; good company ‘ in Futurity Day, and pictures, THEATORIUM W idow 30. MAJESTIC (Direction Roy CrawW-| Keith and Demont, Lussier Sisters, Lem Rese, and business. Clorenco Players May 1-7; The bh «Ss, 8S. Cook, mgr.) Pictures and cones. PALACE od ad Png ray sy mney 7. The Barblers, Chester and Corbett, Red Nero pe oe Peay a uf Daigneau, mgr.) M. Wenzu, mgr.) Pictures and songs to| 7” . continues to good business. irs. | week of 25. MONUMENTAL THEATRE (MonSe See gee ee ee
ia Mbusiness. ARCADE. (Signor. Desmonde, | Jack week May 2. NOVELTY (Direction Roy | tague Jacobs, mgr.) Jardin de Paris Girls week | ALBERT LEA.—BROADWAY THEATRE (F
: mer.) UNDER CANVAS: John Robinson’s Cir-| Crawford; Roll S. Wells, acting mgr.) Pre-| of 25; Brigadiers week of May 2. GAYETY | Mallery, mgr.) April 21, Isle of Spice, fair eas May 12. <a ek 25 ‘ae ae fly: til — THEATRE (W. L. Ballauf, mgr.) Bon Tons (Neen Mt performance. BIJOU THEATRE ning week 25; five shows daily; ustrated | week 25; Bowe 3 squi . © | (Neste & Moe, mgrs.) The Princess Tarpia, the
IOWA. songs by Carl Fletcher. AUDITORIUM. Min-| HOLLIDAY ST Reeth ets, week May 2.
n-| HOLLIDAY STREET THEATRE , BE. Rite. Handcuff Queen, and Prof. Heistand, the faATLANTIC.—ATLANTIC THEATRE (D. 8. neapolis. Symphony Orchestra April 26-27. | mgr.) Cole and Johnson in hong AA Rd — mous American conjurer:exe ellent performance,
Eldridge, mgr.) Season closed April 11 with | ELITE and AURORT (Charles Elliott. mgr.) | of 25: Graustark week May 2. _ pleased. AUDITORIUM _ THEATRE, — cn Wm, Grew’ Players in The Strange Adventures | Moving pictures and songs drawing well. MU" and May, presenting their comedy sketch. A of Miss Brown; company cere — es de HALL (Charles Steinburg, mgr.) Roller MASSACHUSETTS. oo Dream, good; ~ Page and Mabr. pe but business was poor. INIQUE (Smith and) skating. ae aida acter singers and dancers, good; playing tu ; Fst mers.) Motion pictures and songs; busi-| WICHITA.NEW AUDITORIUM (J. A.| < FALL RIVER.—ACADEMY OF MUSIC (Geo. | good houses. .
fon S. Wiley, mgr.; Julius Cahn, lessee.; K. and E.) ") y J ness good. MAJESTIC (A. A. Pettit, mgr.) Mo-| Wolfe, mgr.) Blanche Walsh in The Test April es ica : . ST. PAUL.—METROPOLITAN (L. N. ra “picteres and illustrated songs; business | 23; well received by big house. The Merry Fritai Se ai ee, wmaeT in The Jeg mgr.) Elsie Janis in The Fair Co-Ed, week of continues good. OLYMPIC AIRDOME (F. J,| Widow 29. RAWFORD (E, L. Martling, mgt-)| Suijus Cahn, lessee; Independent B.-A.) ‘The + ae cea En Collier in A Tacky Star, May McCarthy, mgr.) Opens May 9, with 2 weeks’) Harry W. Richards and Co. in ave 8 a } ao ©. | Globe of Death, a sensational hit; Bert Howard ith aie bei the actor’s fund of America engagement of Henderson Stock Company. big hit; The Four Lincolns in Dr. Dippy’s vew and Co. in pleasing sketch, fine settings; Melwi peading acts and features from every the
BURLINGTON—GRAND OPERA HOUSE (M. | Patient, ane comical aes Eddie a -_ notte Twins and Clay Smith, clever entertainers GRAND _ nae cities, Friday afternoon 20 8. Scovill, mgr.; K. & E., booking agents) | Wooden Shoes, clever; Miss Laura Roth as the! in the talk line; Worlds Four Harmonists, ex-| Cabin. week ot the onlays. mar.) Uncle Toms 7 Wildfire April 22; a deserving company, busi-| Magnetic Girl, weak; Karl Hummel, songs; Cabin, week of the 24. The Neill Co., opening
ness good; Lid Lifters, return engagement, 23, | pictures, April 25 and week. ORPHEUM (Korn pe tear singers, went big: Mallia and Howard, oummor Stock season with the College Widow. ——fale: The sane of = —.* = and Cave, mgrs.) House dark. gee singer who took; Lyons and Cullom’ in » ont meat dl = } AR Saga Gulete — Milwaukee German veatre Co » echarieties of Vaudeville, a novelty and a hit: “4 es me Bn mpeny, muilty. Jolly vogel May 16 GARRICK (John M. Root, KENTUCKY. great bill and good houses, week oe 35 25, BIJOU Fannie Rice, in the Miniature Mimic Stage.
mgr.: W. V. M. A., booking agents) Week of HENDERSON.—PARK (J. D. Kilgon, mgr.) | (G. M. Boas, mgr.; Independent B. A.) Raleigh White and Simmons in The Band Wagon. Hal April 25, first half, Yackley and Bunnell, com-| Rentfrow Stock Co. April 18; closed season to| and Raleigh, Connors and Dingle, Shorey Cainines Dooley, i Foam Patt a 2 x. edy musical act; Sherman and Lukin, sensa-| fair business; pleased. Silver Thread April 27;| bell and Co. and J. W. Meyers in illustrated im and Standards in Ti gy Rng a Frank tional comedy acrobats: Thornton Sisters, pretty closes house for the season. PEOPLE’S (J. D.| songs, 25-27; vandeville and pictures 28-30. DeHollis aan pe en 0B stoma “4 Balls, singers; Lawrence Raiden, character comedian; | Kilgon, mgr.) Pictures and vaudeville to good) PREMIER (L. M. Boas, mgr.; Independent B.| drome. week of the 24 RT AJESTIC ‘o. Cook Luella Leicht, our pogular singer, and Garrick-| pusiness. GRAND (Mr. Drollinger, mgr.) Good! A.) Fair vaudeville and excellent pictures. STAR mer.) Claus and Redcliffe. LST: ’ Cook, scope; business good Last half, Mullan! Trio, | pusiness. NICKELODEON (Hays Bros., props.) | Vaudeville and pictures. NICKELODEON (Walpom y Fan nal Theos” — 3 singing = Lyceum Comedy Four, singing, dancing and| Opened after a thorough remodeling to good| ter Bigelow, megr.; booking direct.) Vaudeville | anq ca cca ey ME ve oe mt tm = ite yace talking turn; Rice Rros.. German comedians: | business, UNDER CANVAS: Norris and Rowe | and pictures. SCENIC (Wm. L, Stecker, mgr.) Kierman. in A Royal Cook: Scott B tt sere: and Harr Lines, comedy juggler. PALACE (L. P./| Cireus April 18; poor business, bad weather. Meeetont_pectares. sational equilibrists; Edwin Cl . od oo Blank, mgr.) Motion pictures and illustrated | = MAYFIELD.—UNIQUE (T. L. McNutt, mgr.) TER.—EXCHANGE ST. THEATRE| Verdi, in a musical burlesque; Enid James, songs. LYRIC (J. W. Ewing, mer.) Motion] St. Elmo April 26. UNDER CANVAS—Kenne| (John F. Burke, mgr.; K. & E., booking agents) 4 : esque; Enid James,
pictures and {illustrated songs. ELITE (W. H.| dy'’s X. I. T. Ranch 19-20. Ben Hur played to good business 25-27; Comvm Po ae Pg Fame mg ee ae Taylor, mgr.) Motion pictures and illustrated MAYSVILLE.—THE WASHINGTON (T. M.| mercial Travelers’ Minstrel Show 29; to exHayes, The Original ‘Wise Guy, in The Senin songs: business good at picture theatres Russell, mgr.) Illustrated songs and pictures| cellent patronage. May 2, grand opening of the UiInpre.
week an ¥ mer
DAVENPORT.—THE GRAND (D. L. Hughes, | to good business nightly. The Fighting Par-| Worcester Stock Company, FRANKLIN SQUARE | yay 1) YitnawauRinn Show Girls, week of mgr.; K. and EB. bookings) Ben Hendricks and| son May 5. THE PASTIME (T. Neal Hubbard, | THEATRE (Jos. N. Mack, res. mgr.; Stair and| ¢Q° (Under directorship of B. Sprotte) Season Lizzie Wilson in Ole Oleson May 1; William mgr.) Capacity business with pictures and songs. |} Havlin, booking agents) Montana 25 and week 24-May 18. MOZART HALL April 24. Passor Collier In A Lucky Star 10. THE NEW AMER-/| AT THE RIVER: The Cotton Blossom Theatre| to fair houses. Roosevelt _in Africa moving Brose, Volkstuck von A py Pe oad “OR Come ICAN (Chas, Berkell, mgr.; William Morris! May 4. UNDER CANVAS: The Norris and| pictures May 2 and week. NEW PARK THEA-| gia yon 0 Wied: 28 Tohannisfeuer. Schausplel Bookings) Americascope, latest motion pictures; | Rowe Circus May 7; K. G. Barkoot Carnival Co. | TRE (Jos. J. Raymond, res, mgr.; Gordon Bros.,| yon H. Suderman. GEM FAMILY Ci. Gilaweke The Godlewsky Troupe of Russian characteristic | week of April 25; fair business. booking agents) The Powers Trio, moving pic-| mgr.) Continuous motion pictures, ” illustrated dancers, singers and whirlwind dancers; Tyler tures_and illustrated songs by Roscoe Burrell | gongs, vaudeville with full orchestra. CRYSTAI and Burton, roller skaters in fancy and marvelLOUISIANA. and J. Herbert Loud 25 and week: played to| (RH. Groh, mgr.) Moving pictures and illus. ous stunts: J. W. Barr, {llustrated song; Little ALEXANDRIA.—RAPIDES THEATRE (W.| C#pacity business. POLI’S THEATRE (Jos. C.| trated songs.’ UNIQUE (J. T. Mahoney, mgr.) Christine, the child ventriloquist: John Zimmer, M. Jones, mgr.; Wm. Morris, booking agents) Criddle, res. mgr.) Vaudeville 25 and week. May Continuous moving pictures and illustrated the somewhat different juggler; Americascope.| heimaine and Hamilton in one act comedy,| *; stand opening of the Poll Stock Co., under! songs LYRIC (J. Lawrence, mgr.) Moving latest motion pictures, week of the 25. THE) poarts, played to a good house. THE ELECthe direction of Mr. Albert Lando, in The Call pictures and illustrated songs. NEW PALACE BURTIS (Chas. Kindt, mgr.) Harry Pilcer, Knox | ppa (jy. T. Benedict, mgr.) Pictures and songs of the North. BIJOU THEATRE (Dave Man-| (W. Solberman, mgr.) Continuous moving picWilson and Adele Rowland in The Flirting| +, increased attendance. THE ELITE (McMaley, res, mgr.; Wm. Morris, booking agent) Vau-| tures and illustrated songs including vaudeville Princess 23; all star cast, gorgeous costumes, | pon and Pippitt, mgrs.) Pictures, songs and atdeville, motion pictures, lectures and illustrated with full orchestra. GAYETY (0. Rath, mgr.) handsome chorus, pleased large houses. Re-| :.ngance at this house is excellent. songs 25 and week to good houses. PLEASANT yatest motion pictures and illustrated songs, turn engagement of The Lid Lifters Burlesquers| “WEW ORLEANS.—TULANE (T. C. Campbell, | ST. THEATRE (Fred P. Dean, res. mgr.) Pic-| vaudeville with full orchestra. 27; The Flower of the Ranch May 1: Henrietta! jo, ) Closed for season. CRESCENT (T. C.| tures, lectures, by Thos. Meehan, Hardy's Im-| ““griTLWATER.—AUDITORIUM (HH. C. Rob Crosman in Anti-Matrimony 19. THE STAR Campbell mer.) In the Bishop’s Carriage week perial Orchestra and illustrated songs by Mr.
re : ertson, mer.) Al. Martin’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin Se Eo, ae) Senn ee pictures: | of April 24. ORPHEUM (J. Bistes. mgr.) Cirteres, % and week to goed houes. Co. April 23. large house. The Girl That's All CESS oT a tg ; "Chamberlain Txinat cumstantial Evidence. Eugene and Willie HowMICHIGAN. the Candy 27; Maxwell-Hall Stock Co. May 2
< > » + ree | ‘4 . > la oo ° Co. Cireuit) The Princess Stock Company in ard, Five Arminis, Four Readings. E. Lavine, BENTON HARBOR.—RELL OPERA HOUSE and week. “GEM (W. Archer, mgr.) Big busi
: ; Reiff Brothers and Miss Murray, Sisters McCon| ;; s G. So ange te q| ness with pictures and songs. GRAND (War— oo oa Rey ae nel, Fred Rouen, Kinodrome, week of 25. SHU hy pore 1M diame bool _ ~ as ner & Moore, mgrs.) Doing good business with cult: 7 Micheisketter 7g fey Gontionses BERT (J. M. Dubbs. mgr.) Roosevelt in Af | lent business. Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra pictures and songs.
motion pictures THE IOWA (W. A. Blake-| Tica week of 24. CITY PARK (J. Bernard. Concert May 7: Servant in the House May 1; M
more mer.) Continuous motion pictures THE | Supt.) Vaudeville, moving pictures, music, fire| The Traveling Salesman 15: Polly of the Circus ISSiSSIPPI FAMILY (J. A. Munro, mer.: Western Vaude-| Works and other attractions week of 24. WIN-/ 16 RIJOU (Harvey Arlington, mgr.) VaudeJACKSON.—DIXIE THEATRE (Jack Hall, ville Assn. Bookings) First half of the week,| TER GARDEN (L. Rose, mgr.) Three Ross | ville and pictures, big business. mgr.) Week ending April 23. Troxell and Winof 25: The Four Musical Lubins. comedy | Sisters, Adams and Lewis, Carless Briscoe. C.| poRT HURON.—THEATRE. Gennaro’s Gon. | Chell, The Irish Millionaires; Marie Harding, singing sketch: Miss Hilda Orth, illustrated | Esnard Malle, Gardner Lowell. moving pictures. | qoljer Rand April 24; very good to small at| Soubrette and toe dancer; Ted and Kate Gibson, song; Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien. comedy singing| Week of 24. The Woman in Black, moving | tendance. ARCADE. W. H. Lang’s Big Show | comedy sketch; moving pictures; capacity house. and talking: George Clay, talks and chalks; | Pictures and others week of May 1. ATHE-|o95 and week. TEMPLE. Good business with | Week beginning April 25, Langston and Ediil Brown, parody singer and dancer: Family-| NAEUM (Y. M. H. A.. mers.) Walter Dam-| jictures. AUDITORIUM. Farewell skating | Wards, singing and talking; Burnett and Comscope, motion pictures. Last half of the week: | rosch and his New York Symphony Orchestra, party April 22. pany, comedy racing act; Miss Grace Burton. Charies Rector musical comedian: Miss Hilda | 23. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (W. T. Grover, SAGINAW.—ACADEMY (T. C. Carpenter, singing and dancing; moving pictures. Orth, illustrated song: Maud Scott and Company | ™ér.) Popular vaudeville, moving pictures, week mgr.) Creatore and His Band April 24, scored a VICKSBURG.—WALNUT ST. (H. Mayer. in the roaring comedy sketch, A Newspaper| of May 1. WHITE CITY (B. J. Megginson, big hit. April 29, The Golden Butterfly; Aprfl| Mgr.) Devoted to pictures and songs during Ad.; Flynn and McLaughlin, novelty singing | ™eT.) Boston Ideal Opera Co.. outdoor attrac| 30° The New Sunny South. AUDITORIUM (F.| Summer months. LYRIC (R. Mulligan, mgr.) and dancing: Savan and Warren, comedy acro-| tions. week of 24. WEST END (J. Bistes,| p” Walters, mgr.; E. Hartwick, agent) Crea-| Pictures and full orchestra. STAR (John Kear
bats: Familyscope, latest motion pictures. mgr.) Vandeville, moving pictures, week of | tore’s Band April 25-26. BIJOU (W. A. Rusco,| Dey, mgr.) Vaudeville and pictures. DES MOINES.— FOSTERS (Fd. Millard. mgr.)| May 1. VICTOR (J. B. Levy, mer.) Vaumgr.) Week of April 25: Oscar F. Cook Stock , Blanch Walsh in The Test April 20-30. GRAND | deville, moving pictures, week of 24. MAJES-| Co. in Sapho; business big. JEFFERS (W. A. MISSOURI.
(Ed. Millard, mgr.) Ben Hendrick in Ole Olson| TIC (L. E. Sawyers, mer.) Vaudeville, | mov| Rusco, mgr.) Week of April 24: Lottie Mayer KANSAS CITY.—SHUBERT (Earl 24-25: packed honse. PRINCESS (Albert and| ing pictures week of 24. DAUPHINE (H.| in her diving act, heads the bill, a hit; Rossow] mgr.; Shuberts, booking agents) Emma Dunn Getchell, mgrs.) Stock Company In An American | Greenwald. mer.) Closed for season. BLA| Midgets, burlesque boxers and acrobats are well|in Mother week of 24: fresh. pleasing play. Citizen 25: big business Rose of the Rancho| NEY’S LYRIC (J. V. MeStea, mgr.) Closed for | received; The Vagges, bag punchers, put up aj] Week May 9. E. H. Sothern and Julia MarMay 2 and week, ORPHEUM (HF. Sonneberg, | season. classy act; Scott and Wilson in The Rube and} lowe in Shakespearean repertoire. WILLIS ner ) Amy Butler and Rays, Butler and Bassett MAINE. = se genend an a good ne ee Georgian WOOD (Woodward & Burgess, mgrs.: K. & E., n Funny Ice Skating; Sullivan and Pasquolena, » s arvard, comedienne, very clever; business Dig. | booking agents) Opening of a limited engage comedy sketch: Saona, Swain and Ostman; Kate a ee ee ys bh DREAMLAND (P. G. Babcock, mgr.) Motion] ment of stock company. Week 24, Eva Lang Watson, Gus Cohen and Co., Allan Wrightman: ng direc ek mented Le . ontiedl pictures and travelogues. EMPIRE (A. W./| and stock company in Peter Pan: very pleasing doing big business, STAR (Dan Bergum, mer.) | £°O4 company and anes Re or. Viola Hooper, mgr.) Vandeville and motion pictures. | performance. Week May 1, stock company in Vandeville, pictures and songs to good business. in Havana 26 = rigged ET an HAT : IDEAL (W. B. Mates, mgr.) Motion pictures./ The Rose of the Rancho. GRAND OPERA LYRIC (1, Ruben, mer.) Vandeville and pictures Allen In The White Sister = } 2 18 ‘The REX (F. Durkee, mgr.) Motion pictures. HOUSE (Hudson & Judah, mers.; Stair & Hav to packed houses, COLONIAL (Colontal Amuse| (Jef Callan, mgr.; U. B. ¢ Apr dest TECUMSEH.—NEW BRADLEY (E. L. Mark,|}in, pooking agents) The Virginian week of ment Co., mgrs.) Pictures and songs, Roosevelt | Tanakas. top spinners and necromancers, clever; mgr.) Powell and Cohen’s Musical Comedy Co. | April 24, with Wm. A. Gibson: excellent scenic pletures drawing packed houses, FAMILY (J. | Kennedy and Kennedy, cong and dance. £000: | April 21-22: good, to fair business. Band coneffects and a well rendered show. Week May Milosloskey, mgr.) Vaudeville and pletures to Genie Leslie, instrumentalist. fair; Madame} cert 28: local. ROYAL (N. Westley Clark,
: ; ; l. . 1, Wildfire. ORPHEUM (Martin Lehman, res.
or amurees sr aan cane ae tn : nit, ‘bie yo mgr.) Eight Komical Kids, and pictures 21-22. ggg gg enc iigh-clens ‘taneeeiiie = WASHINGTON.—GRAHAM THEATRE (W. ocksom and Burns, laughing ; bill week 24. with variety to please. '
F. Brinton, mgr.) The Great Divide April 20; | DeSss. MINNESOTA ¥ . ik ‘ AB Spm
i's Fs s Aerial Ballet. headliner good business: excellent satisfaction, ‘Kidnap.| PORTLAND.—JEFFERSON (Julius Cahn.| MINNEAPOLIS._METROPOLITAN OPERA|!8t!'s Famous Aerial Ballet, headliner. ped for a Million April 80; The Lion and the| mgr.) Primrose Minstrels April 26: Viola Al-| HOUSE (L. N. Scott, mgr.) The Norseman with | yonuc posed by three men and one Monse May 4: High School Play May 10. len In The White Sister 29-30. KEITH'S (Jas. | Arthur Donaldson May 1-4; A Lucky Star with anette tha aet= The Code Rook military play
WATERLOO.—-SYNDICATE ‘THEATRE (A.| E. Moore. mgr.) Keith's Stock Co. In Rose| William Collier 5-7: Lyman H. Howe's Travel ink. eucaitont chavseterisation: Rawards Koue J. Busby, mgr.) St. Elmo 22: pleased a fair| dale April 25 and_ week CONGRESS (Emil) Festival. week of 8 BIJOU OPERA HOUSE try. Kids. the fourth aditen act of the bill house. Arthur Donaldson in The Norseman 23: | H. Gerstile. mgr.) Driscoll-McDearmid and Co.,| (Theo. L. Hays, mgr.) Al. W. Martins Uncle 7 _ oe me : et
good production to small house. Flirting Prin| James R. Reilly, The Ramsey Sisters, Doletta. | Toms Cabin, week of May 1; The Child of the catchy songs and clever dancing: Leona Thur
: . * ~ ber and Harry Madison In skit, On a Shopping 2 cone 27: Merry Widow May 10 THE WA-| Mathew Hanlon. pictures: Congress Ladies’ Or| Regiment, week of 7. LY RIC THEATRE (A. J. | ™ siaiek ahaa Diadial lt : egy ner Hl TERLOO THRATRE (An J. Busby, mgr.) A|chestra April 25 and week. PORTLAND (Jas. | Bainbridge, Jr.. mgr.) The Lyric Theatre Stock ake ‘Vel ome pd "Geotch. playiet: ‘Ce | Royal Slave 18. pleased good house. The Right | W. Greeley, mgr.) LeCompt, The Roldens, The | Company with Frances Neilson and Corliss Giles brey Bros., clog dancers of marked ability: The « of Way May 4: Richard and Pringle’s Min| Demacos, Horse Shoe Trio. Clethias’ Dogs and | in 45 minutes from Broadway, week of May 1. rao ce gy ea Cickustin~ ha. Wisiaiwenn strels 7 : : Cats,, Geo. Whalen and pictures week of April| MILES THEATRE (W. F. Gallagher, mgr.) The GIL LIS (—E. Ss. Sliehenn sae = tala gps KANSAS 25. | Kelleys, Australian Whip Experts; Willard and | \i lon oo. oc) Nettie. the Newexgitl weel ‘ . MARYLAND | Bond in The Battle of Bunco Hill; Helen Stew| 519, DOOKing agrs ey a owe : FORT SCOTT.._DAVIDSON (Henry C. Ern ¢
art. comedienne: Clauss and Radecliffe, travesty | 24. £007. Molly Bawn week May 1 Ich, mgr.) Gertrude Quinlan In Miss Patsy 21; ANNAPOLIS.—COLONIAL THEATRE (Fred. | artists; Leonard Louis and Gillette In a novelty | (Jos. R. Donegan, 3 pleased large audience: Tempest and Sunshine| W. Falkner, mgr.) Clandis and Scarlet, ban-| act: and the Milescope, week of May 2. GAYFashion Plates Her 23; played to good returns. The American Girl] joists, very good; Fred Barrett, comedian, | ETY THEATRE (S. R. Simon, mgr.) Follies clever entertainers two ax ’ RS 25; Pleased good business VAUDETTE (Cc. pleased; The Stocktons, singing, went well: and! of New York and Paris, week of 7: The Ginger vaudeville. THE LADY rreee \NEER i L. Henry, mer.) Frank Gates, song and dance, | pictures first half of week of April 25. Good | Girls, week of 1. ORPHEUM THEATRE (G. E.| May 1. GAY ETY (Burt Wilber. ner. Eastern very good, pictures and songs: doing good bust-| business. Smart Set 29. MAGNET (Malcolm | Raymond, mgr.) Refined vaudeville, week of 1. Wheel) The Follies of New York and Paris ness. PICTURELAND (Ernich & Jordan, mers.) | R. Hunter, mgr.) P. L. Bernard, Italian tm-| UNIQUE THEATRE (Jack Elliot, mgr.) Tim] week 24, with Chas Howard. the erown-jewel Pictures and songs to good houses. THEATER. | personator, fair; Cutting and Zuida, musical | McMahon and his Watermelon Girls; Fitzgerald comedian, one of the best shows of the season, ETTE (Harry F. Kellog. mer.) Pictures and| act, very good: LaPearl Sisters, the matinee | and Odell, comedians: Three Burns Sisters, sing-| Irwin's Majestics week 1 GLORE (G. E. songs plaving to good returns. girls, clever: The Musical Kleis, exceptionally | ing and instrumental artists: Mabel Valentine Braddock. mer.: Hal Goodwin. hooking agent) HUTCHINSON.—HOME (W. A. Lee, mer.) | good: and pictures last half of week of 25. Nice | Moore, aerialist; Harry and Kittie Bolus, sing-| Motion pictures week 24, with vaudeville as The Merry Widow April 28: Red Mill May 31, | business. LYRIC (Jacob F. Ebling, mgr.) Ruth | ing, talking and dancing: Norman Brenna and icy ELITE (Evans and Kerr, mer.) Pietures and‘ Herald, singing and monologue, fair; LaBlanche,' Kinnetescope, week of 2. SOUTHERN THE(Continued on page 56.)
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