The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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22 . The Billboard JANUARY 14, 1911. MURRAY HILL (Fred Waldman, mgr.) The | " beatres and Attractions. bowery urlesquets Onto. 7 | : NAZIMOVA’S 39th STREET (Ralph Long, east. —eRaep — gourd =e) ‘ ad mg ° F ' an Eltinge in ne Fascinating idow wee ; (Continued from page 19.) wer) We Can't B As Bad As All That, third | oro” KEITH'S COLUMBIA (Harry K. Shock. 4 NEW AMSTERDAY Slaw > jley, mgr.) Annette Kellermann, William A, ' | _ NEW JERSEY. mers.) Madame a: = S week. S| Brady, Al. Jolson, Bessie Wynn, Wetam, and —PRESENTING-— : " Iw Y low : ; Neuss and Eldred, Connelly and Webb, ; ATLANTIC CITY.—A!OLlO (Fred Moore, NEW YORK (Klaw & Erlanger, mgrs.) | Warner, Ne , Connells Webb, | ; mgr.) Al. H. Wilson in Metz , Ireland 2-3: Naughty Marietta, tenth week. j and pictures week of 9. LYRIC (James E. Fen| A NIGHT IN VENICE ; Thomas Dixon in The Sins of the Father 4; The | NEW THEATRE (Winthrop Ames, mgr.) The | ¢88¥. mgr.) Margaret Illington in The Encounter N ft ; Country 6-7 SAVOY (Harry Brown, mgr.) | New Theatre Stock Company. | week of 9. ORIPHEUM (Geo. H. Jordan, mgr.) IN VAUDEVILLE ' oo eee ae : J ~: MPIC . : os : William Courtleigh and Company ‘our Ama. Five Empire Girls, Olga Boehm, Hamilton Coleae MPIC (Maurice Kraus, mgr.) Fads and aetna, ie’ moet RE mong ee: — Setastin Shani 3b man and Company, Jenkins and Covert, Inza | Follies. : ‘ . : " ite ~ a : ad f and Lorella, Billy K, Wells, The Marshalls, Leon PLAZA (Ted Marks, mgr.) Vaudeville twice | Carpatii Brothers, Abbie Mitchell, Cooper and Guerney, Lew Hoffman, Jose Moreland and pic| @ day. | Brown, Roland Travers and Company, Ml. Her: tures week of 2, YOUNG'S PIER, Mile. Dazie, | PROSPECT. Moving pictures and vaudeville. | bert, Great Zellryn week of 8. OLYMPIC (Geo. q Sigvor Riccardo, St, Elia, Luciano Lucca, A. 0. | ,REPUBLIC (David Belasco, mgr.) Rebecca |F. and L. Forepaugh Fish, mgrs.) Forepaugh Duncan, Crotten Brothers, Mahoney Brothers, | Of Sunnybrook Farm, fifteenth’ week. | Stock Company in The Servant in the slouse | es és . Sterling and Woods, and pictures week of 2. SAVOY (Rosenberg Bros., mgrs.) Vaudeville | week of 8. EMPRESS (H. E. Robinson, mets 5 { BAYONNE.—BIJOU (Bert Howard, mgr.; | 4%d_ moving pictures. Gardner and Vincent Company, H. T. McConnell THE ORIGINAL “SCHOOL ACT.” { Chas. Fitzpatrick. booking agent) Week of STAR (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Moving pictures and | ®2d Company, Harry Booker and Company, Wal. ‘ Jan. 2, The Carronnes, comedy acrobats: The | Vaudeville. |} ton and Vivian, E. Callahan, Three Leightons Peeters thelr latest song successes, | ‘Come Ee a. 2, ] , en, y acrobats; TREMONT. Stock Compan week of 8 WAINUT (W. F. Jackson, mgr.) To Me =, the Land of Dreams,”’ and ‘*Chew; MeCarvers, colored singers and dancers; Clem. k Company. > FV G+ Er * . . * wee >) "Ve UNIQUE (E. L. Weil Movi ic. The Girl from Rector’s week of 8 HEUCK'S ing Gu Mons and Dean, the Fashion Plates of Vau:udeNIQUE “ “ eu, mgr.) oving pic te . —“— . TLLIVAN N ville; English and Hanrahan; Kasyr’s Myriscope; | tures and vaudeville. SNSOOrS Heuck, mat.) The Defender of ‘ amare SULLI AN-CONSIDINE CIRCUIT. Smith and Lane, patter and songs; Alfred and pCTORIA (Ww m. Hammerstein, mgr.) Vaude| ~—y S, one ae AE i Farber Sisters, classical songs and dances; | Ville twice a da > a er ae ae ‘PPS . : Cammeron and Gaylord: Jock” McKay, “Scoteh VICTORIA ROOF CARDEN (Geo. R. Kil| Week of 8 PEOPLE'S (James Fenn “SSy, mae. 3 i comedian; Bijougraph. ORPHEUM (Ed. Mason, | ™an, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. Western Wheel) Imperials week of 8. ROBINJANE ELSIE “ mgr.; Joe Woods, booking agent) Vaudevile.| WALLACK’S (Chas Burnham, mgr.) Po| SON’S (PF. V. Pilsen, mgr.) Vaudeville. AUDIMAJESTIC (Cohan & Doyle, mgrs.; Joe Leo, | mander Walk, fourth week. TORIUM (W. J. Canfield, mgr.) Vaudeville. ( oOo d Bart ll ‘ booking agent) Vaudeville. LYRIC (J. Levine. | WEBER'S (Jos. M. Weber, mgr.) Alma, | AMERICAN (Harry Hart, mar.) Vouderille. per an e mgr.; Joe Woods. booking agent) Vaudeville. Where Do You Live? sixteenth week. AKRON. COLONIAL (F. he ~~ mer.) HOBOKEN.—EMPIRE (A. M. Bruggeman,| WEST END (J. K. Cookson, mgr.) He Came | Jack Hawkins, The Five Sullys, John Rogers In their Comedy Playlet lessee and mgr.) Week of January 2, Vanity | from Milwaukee. and Markt Hart, The Famous Cadets Dvgas Fair; week of 9. The Dainty Duchess. GAIETY YORKVILLE (Marcus Loew, Inc., mgr.) Vau+ gt yt Beg Fy Fs M A L 1 N D A (Corse Payton, lessee: Isidor Cohen, mer.) | deville and moving pictures. ome, on » &N . : Week of Jan. 2, Claude Payton and Corse Pay.| COMEDY (Albert Kauffman, mgr.) Moving | Sell, Roberts, Hayes and Roberts, Mr. Harry K. and P. Time. ' ton’s Stock Co.’ in The Eternal City: week of | Pictures and vaudeville. | Jolson, Spissel, Engel and Ladell 5-7. NORKA .t 9, same compeny in Rip Van Winkle. LYRIC | FAMILY (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Moving pictures | | Secor’ + he me Tn olla om) —~ & ey uo ; i (Marcus Loew, lessee; Grant Riggs, mer.) | a vaudeville. : t : om any Jordon Broth u “4 Week of Jan. 2, Mile. Auraba. classical musical! NEMO (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Vaudeville and | 100 and Deane, June Roberts and Company, Fox, a4 f ome Richards ae ns es McKee and | moving pictures. ; Bao and Franks, Henry and Alice Taylor week oe GLADYS Co.; Robinson and LaFaver, comedy acrobats; NATIONAL (Marcus Loew, Inc., mgrs.) Vau| : . " Gardner and Keyes, singers and dancers, and | deville “ani moving pastures. | CAMBRIDGE. =) Phe Joh > Wise Musical i son Ss ers : Harry Smith, vocalist, and Lyriograph. | BROOKLYN. — MONTAUK (Edward Trail. | Comedy Company 5-7: The Gitl ae ee ; | mgr.) The Commuters week of 2; Robert Hil| ompany 5-7; The Girl in the MR ccs SINGERS AND DANCERS NEW YORK ‘liard in A Fool There Was week of 9. TEL. |, CLEVELAND.—OPERA HOUSE, Frances Starr . |LER’S BROADWAY (Leo C. Teller. mgr.) Fol. | ‘2 The Easiest Way week of 7. COLONIAL, jal scenery, elaborate wardrobe. NEW YORK CITY.—ACADEMY OF MUSIC jj. of 1910 week of 2: The Girl in the Taxi | Gertrude Elliott in The Dawn of a To-morrow playing Savoy Theatre, Honolulu. ~on (Wm. Fox, mgr.) The stock company in East | week of 9 GRAND OPERA HOUSE (VJ H bar << asp. so. ~~ ae 10 isk of 7 cont address, The Billboard. San Francisco . " ‘a ro eels elly from the Emera sle wee . 3 ALHAMBRA (Percy G. Williams, mgr.) Vau| Springer, mgr.) German Opera Company week | of'7, STAR, Girls from Dixie week of 7. EM deville twice a day. Fe “MAJESTIC “(WH a3 an PIRE, Singer’s Serenaders week of 7. HIPPO AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (Wm. Morris, Inc.. | 9°") Down East week of 9. SAM S. SHU| DROME, Jack Wilson, Courtiers and Frank mers.) Vaudeville twice a day. BERT (X. L, J. Rodriquez, mgr.) May Irwin | M4yne head bill for week of 7. ° ASTOR (J. L. Buford, mgr.) The Aviator, og a < q & . LIMA.—THE FAUROT (L. H. Cunningham, } |; week of 2; Mrs. Lesiie Carter in Two Women | > . . — : sixth week, | week of © CRESCENT (Lew Parker. mer.) | mgr.) Keith Stock Co. week of Jan. 2; Third BELASCO (David Belasco, mgr.) The Concert, | W°®S °F 9%. oh 7 & | Degree 9. THE ORPHETUM (Will G. Williams fifteenth week ey sew wwe = -— RB ay? ay Pe a | mgr.; Gus Sun Circuit) Week of Jan. 2. The BIJOU (A. C. Campbell, mgr.) Henry Miller i> Soseee a: = "Wen a ele yo “ye a +a 3 Knights, headliners; Three Grays Novelty Comedy Acrobats in The Havoc. } a cy A —_—, cay, | Singers; Ned Mac, clay modeler: Brothers De; BROADWAY (Wim. Wood, mgr.) Dustin Far— aS es See. ee. ey Se van. scromete: Ritchie Prown, monologist. and Juggiers i m4 yeek. eston a ~ G, 2ack anc , PLY, MARIETTA.—AUDITORIU) “Ss * . OUBRONK (Percy G. Williams, mgr.) Vaude| The Twelve Rolfonians, The Six Seldoms, Basque | mgr.) The Squaw-man 3: The Rea Mili se KEITH-PROCTOR ville twice a day. | Quartette, Tom Walker On Mars, Martinetti and | HARRISBURG.-—-MAJESTIC (M. H. Meirick. CASINO (W. L. Rowland, mgr.) Marriage a Sylvester, Morrissey Sisters and Brothers, Chas.| mgr.) Henrietta Crosman Jan. 2. ORPHEUM la Carte, second week. Ahearn Troupe, John B. Mymer and Company, | (Floyd Hopkins, mgr.) Horace Wrieht and Rene CIRCLE (Hollis E. Cooley, mgr.) The MidThompson, Trovato, and pictures week of 2.) Dietrich, Dennis Brothers, Jollv-Wild Company . and James H. Cullen week of Jan. 2 CITY (Samuel F. Kingston, mgr.) Vaudeville Grapewin and Anna Chance and Company, Coulin,| TOLEDO.—VALENTINE. 2 Geo. Paimer Fiorence : ? Madame Sherry 16and moving pictures. Steele and Carr, Henry Olive and Mai Sturgis | 18; The Round-Up 19-21. LYCEUM. Miss No MOORE and EI ] 1OTT +" COLONIAL sb 4 G. Williams, mgr.) VauWalker, Ellis Nowlin Troupe, Kalmar and Brown, | body from Starland week of 8 AUDITORIUM. $ deville twice a da Leon Rogee, Grey and Peters, and The Little night Sons, second and last week. | GREENPOINT (Benedict Blatt, mgr.) Chas. | Robert Mantell week of 9. AMERICAN The ‘ WILLIAM COLL TERS COMEDY (F. R. ComStranger week of 2. gg gt A. hn out I Left Behind Me week of 8 EMPIRE. Presenting a Legitimate Comedy ; : stock, mgr.) William Collier in I'll Be Hanged mgr.) The Rosary week of 2; Caught in i renaders week of & ARCADE. Vaudeville. If I Do, seventh week. Oecan week of & COURT (MM. T. Middleton, | ZANESVILLE WELLER (WS. Canvies, (1 Matrimonial Substitute” 3 : CRITERION THEATRE (Charles Frohman, mgr.) The White Captive week of 2. CASINO | mer.) Lena Rivers Jan. 1. SCHULTE OPFRA Sullivan & Considine Circuit : mgr.) William Gillette, second week at this (Charles Daniels, mer.) The Moulin Rouge Bur-| HOUSE (W. 8S. Canning, mgr.) Schultz Stock theaire. lesquers week of 2; The Americans = of he | Company. DALY’S (Robert Robertson, mgr.) Baby Mine, | EMPIRE (George McManus, mgr.) he Wise | 4 twenty-first week. | ; f 2: The Moulin Rouge Burlesquers OKLAHOMA. DEWEY (Wm. Fox Am. Co., mgrs.) Vaude| . PAYTON’S LEE AVENUE (Corse GUTHRIE.—BROOKS (Will P. Brooks, mgr.) ville and moving pictures. | Payton, mgr.) The Banker's Daughter week of | Polly of the Circus 5; Mrs. Wiggs of the CabEMPIRE (Charles Frohman, mgr.) —y ¥ 2. GAYETY (H. B. Denny, mgr.) Fads and | bage org et ea Girl 9; The Blue tymore in Trelawney of the Wells, second week. | Follies week of 2. STAR (James J. Clark, | Mouse >; Fald in . FOURTEENTH STREET (J. Wesley Rosen-| mgr.) The Columbia Burlesquers week of 2. | PENNSYLVANIA EX-JUSTICE OF THE PEACE i quest, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. ALBANY.—HARMANUS BLEECKER HALL | " S. end 6. Cieauit GAIETY (J. Fred Zimmerman, mgr.) Get| (jy Gilbert Gordon, mgr.) Sothern and Mar-| PITTSBURG.—NIXON (T. G. Kirk, mgr.) . . a Rich-Quick Wallingford, seventeenth Nee |lowe 2-3: Mother 6-7; Forbes Robertson 9-11;| The Fortune Hunter week of 2: Otis Skinner} YOHN J. QUIGLEY, Exclusive Agent, i GARRICK (Charles Frohman, mgr. nie Rlanche Ring 12-14. EMPIRE (J. H. Rhodes, | week of 9. ALVIN (Harry Davis, mgr.) The Galety Theatre Bidg.. New Y ; 4 Russell in The Impostor, fourth week. mgr.; Eastern Wheel) Queen of Bohemia 2-4; | Fourth Estate week of 2;°H. B. Warner in Alias y ticle ooh Sip. 4 GLOBE (Charles Dillingham, mgr.) Elsie | Midnight Maidens 5-7. GAIETY (Oscar Stacey, | Jimmie Valentine week of 9. GRAND (Harry Janis in The Slim Princess, second week. mer.; Western Wheel) Miner’s Americans week | Davis, mgr.) Harry Williams and Jean Schwartz ' GOTHAM (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Moving pictures | ° GOTHAM of 3 DITORIUM (John N_ /yAtbHt for week of Jan. 2° DUQUESNE (Harry ' and vaudeville. H —BURTIS AUDITORIUM ohn N, avis, Sal J » 2: > GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Jack Welch, mgr.) | ,4UBU2%. EF. | eae ee ot 2S Ross, mgr.) John W. Vogel's Minstrels 3. JEF| Bishop’s Carriage week of 9. LYCEUM (R. M. ane Days. FERSON (E. J. Lynch, mgr.) Marie Dressler | Guiick, mgr.) Hanlon’s Superba week of 2: —— peasy peas, mgr.) Moving picin Tillie’s Nightmare 4; Otis Harlan in The Chauncey Olcott week of 9 GAYETY (H. tures and vaudeville . i. " | Girl and the Drummer 5. BURTIS GRAND (T. | Kurteman, mgr.) Queens of the Jardin de Paris HACKETT (Ed. V: Gomerly, mgr.) Over|s Tynison, mgr.) Barlow and Franklin, Billy | Night, second week. . Rob 1 D Bart Family . ~ oi DEMY ‘(Harry Will 4 pom “The The Bo with the Craz e : ; F Elliott, Robertus an¢ Oz. arbeau amily, | o ACADEMY (Harry Willi A e ys y et HERALD SQUARE (flarry M. Hyams, mgr.) | Reho Singing Four, Stewart Sisters and_ Es: iiiams, mgr.) Th Merry Maidens week of 2 Lulu Glaser in The Girl and the Kaiser, eighth | corts, Lester, Laurie and Quinn, The Great JOHNSTOWN.—CAMBRIA (HH. W Sherer, IN VAUDEVILLE : eek. E 2 | Poole, Jarvis and Martynne, Taylor and Fabian, | mgr.) The Girl of the Mountains 2: Honrletta non HIPPODROME (John B. Fitzpatrick, mgr.) |The Sexton’s Dream, Carley Carlos, The Mont| Crosman 3; The Magic Story 4; The Third De‘ The International Cup with the circus acts, | sorts, and Don Court and Whelan week of 2. | gree 6: Al. G. Fields 7. — o the Ballet of Niagara and the Earthquake, | yorjON WORLD (E. M. Day, mgr.) Alton and SHAMOKIN.—G. A. R. OPERA HOUSE (Jno. ’ nineteenth week. E ,. | Arliss, Beverly and Mercer, Du Moulin, Fair-|p. Thomas, mgr.) Dark. FAMILY (W. M. quenon f -~.¥ B. Harris, mgr.) Nobody’s | child Sisters, Musical Selleys, and pictures week lars, mgr.) Vaudeville. Yidow, ninth week aetina lof 2. AMAQUA.—FAMILY (Chris Peterson, mgr. o HURTIG & SEAMON’S MUSIC HALL (Sam | gINGHAMTON.—STONE UPERA HOUSE (F.| egamar and Wynn, singing and dancing; pa ; Hurtig, mgr.) The Bowery Burlesquers week Gillen, res. mgr.) Grace Van Studdiford in The | Reece and Mitchell, comedy act: 3-6. ; ending 7. | Bridal Trip 2; Paid in Full 3; When Sweet WILLIAMSPORT.—LYCOMING 0 PERA Leading Ingenue. 5 KEENEY’S THIRD AVENUE (Edw. J. Me| Sixteen 4; Hoyt Musical Comedy Co. 5-7. AR. HOUSE (L. J. Fisk, mgr.) The White Squaw Keith & Proctor’s Tabloid Steet Co., Mahon, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. | MORY (C. Sheehan, res. mgr.) Five Musical} 3. FAMILY (Robert Ellis. mgr.) The Mac Harlem ml House KEITH & PROCTOR’S FIFTH —— (G. | Durands, Von Lear and Rome, Corcoran and| Laughlin Brothers. Rita Ashner. Carl Statzer, E. McCune, mgr.) Vaudeville twice da Dixon, Florence Bates, Cliff Bailey Trio and| Five Musical Smiths, Dan J. Harrington, The KEITH & PROCTOR 8” New York Olt KEITH & PROCTOR’S BIJOU DREAM “(28a pictures 2-4. Nine Jolly prrenees and pictures week of 3. St.) Motion pictures and vaudeville. CORTLAND.—CORTLAND (L. M. Dillon. SCRANTON.—LYCEUM , (Thomas Gibbons ‘EITH & PROCTOR’S BIJOU DREAM (58th | mgr.) The Passing of the Third Floor Back 3;| mer.) Albert Chevalier in Daddy Dufard 2: St.) Motion pictures and vaudeville. The Girl and the Drummer 6; The Final Settle| Shadows 4. POLI’S (John H. Docking. mer.) KEITH & PROCTOR’S BIJOU DREAM (Un-| ment 7 The Silver Bottle, Murray Livingston and Com oe jon Square) Moving pictures and vaudeville. KINGSTON.—KINGSTON OPERA HOUSE (C. | pany, The Great Lester, Charles F. Semon. Erna Nea & Mill KEITH & PROCTOR’S HARLEM OPERA|YV,. DuBois. mgr.) The Thief 2; Vogel’s Min| and Jenny Gasch, Rita Redfield, Samaroff and er ! HOUSE (C. J. Holmes, mgr.) Vaudeville, stock | strels 4. BIJOU (S. Warner, mgr.) Farlow and | Sonia and pictures week of 2. POLI'S NEW and pictures. Farlow, Ruby Meek 2-4; Jarvis and Martyne | ACADEMY (John H. Docking, mer.) Toll's THE DANCING KEITH & PROCTOR’S 125th STREET (C. | and E. D. Winchester 5-7. STAR (Wm. Ireland, | Stock Company in The Two Orphans werk of 2. Halstein, mgr.) Stock. vaudeville and pictures. | mgr.) Vaudeville. NEW ORPHEUM (W. Ro| COLUMBIA (Geo, Nelson, mgr.) Broadway Girls PHIENDS KNICKERBOCKER (Harry G. Sommer, mgr.) | say, mgr.) Dan Mason and Company, George C. | 2-4: The World of Pleasure 5-7; The Merry The Foolish Virgin, fourth week. sated Davis. Josh Dream and Nellie Goodwin, Krie| Wares 9-11. WORKING ALL THE TIME LIBERTY (J. W. Mayer, mgr.) Christie | ger, 2-4. . = 7 MacDonald in The Spring Maid. third week. UTICA.—MAJESTIC (J. 0. Brooks, mgr.) The Pg gy = . 4 LINCOLN SQUARE (Charles Ferguson, mgr.) | Girl and The Drummer 2; When Sweet Sixteen | yy, ‘nry Dixey 7: Sothern and Marlowe 14. NES Moving pictures and vaudeville. | 3; Ellen Terry 4; Sothern and Marlowe 5; Mar-| BRITT (D. “M. Canffman. mgr.) Nesbitt Stock LOEW’S SEVENTH AVENUE (Marcus Loew, | garet Angiin In Green Stockings 7. SHUBERT |Gompany In A Woman's Way week of 2: Same Inc., mgrs.} Moving pictures and vaudeville, | (Wm. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.) The Photo Shop, Hal | company in A Man's World week of 9. VO LYCEUM (Daniel Frohman, mgr.) Billie | Davis and Inez McCauley, Wright and Dietrich, | 11S (Gordon Wrighter, mgr.) The Torleys, ran u Burke in Suzanne third week. j Anderson and Goines, The Darrows, Vitboro and | The Peerless Macks. The Keatons, Vissonchl LYRIC (Sol. Mannheimer, mgr.) The Deep | Georgetta week of 2. ORPHEUM (Ford 8. An | Rrothers, Karl and His Pets, Fiddler and Sh-l Rube-Comedy Trick Violin and Purple opened 9. | derson, mgr.) The Balloon Girl, Mand Scott and j fon, week of 2. Samaroff and Sonia, Browning J 1 MAJESTIC (Wilbur Shubert Co., mgrs.) The Company, Mark Wooley 2-4; Joe Deming and|and Smith. Murray Livingston and Co.. Wil uggler Blue Bird, tenth week. Company, Misses Farlow and Fowler, A. J. Far| lett Whittaker. Gus Edwards’ School Royse and MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE (Wm. Ham-|rell, Prof. Weimer, and pictures 5-7. HIPPO| Girls. Mack Walker, The Three Rennona week of IN VAUDEVILLE merstein, mgr.) Vaudeville twice a day. | DROME (P. F. Clancey, mgr.) Mile. Rosita |9 The Milton De Long Sisters, The Rounding MANHATTAN (Wm. Gane, mgr.) Vaudeville | Dunn Warren, and Mack 2-4; James Wardlaw | Gordons, Kristoffy Trio. J. Warren Keene week and moving pictures. jand Company, Winifred and Wiemer, Ashland | of 16. LUZERNE (Leon Ferindini. mer.) World MAXINE ELLIOTT’S (Ralph Long, mgr.) | Bernhardt and Walten, and pictures 5-9. jof Pleasure 2-4: Broadway Galety Girls 5-7: ' The Gamblers, eleventh week. | Star Show Giris 9-12: The Merry Whirl 12-14: ks ae TROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE. Grand NORTH CAROLINA. 'The Big Review 16-18: eens of the Day 19', : ope ~ 2 yg eg ay HOUSE (Hi.! H. | 21; Jardin de Pari« 22-25 | METROPOLIS (Leo Berg, mgr.) e on ate, mer.) The Firing Line 5. BIJOU (Slater k ' Tons. ) T™ ow AL. Wheeler, ae Macky, Hanan and | sini ee ISLAND. ? ; MINER'S ROWERY (E. D. Miner, mgr. e ein heeler, and Jack and Kitty Martin | CE. PROVIDENCE OPERA M4 Pennant Winners. week of 1 | HOUSE (F. R. Wendelschafer, mer.) Douglas SINGING COMEDIENNE MINER'S EIGHTH AVENUE (E. D. Miner, | , MILMINGTON. yoy e myer (8. | Fairbanks in The Cub 2-4: Forbes Robertson tn is mer.) The Ducklings. chioze, lessee) erry ow Jan. 7. CRYS he Passing of the Third Pleor Rack 5-7 Menry i MINER'S BRONX (E. I. Miner, mgr.) The | TAL PALACE (Frank W. Pfeifer, lessee) The | W. Savage Grand Opera Company 9-11, KEITH'S Sullivan-Considine Ciroult : Wise Guy. Shorts. The Three Sisters week of 2. (Chas. Lovenberg, mgr.) Vaudeville, EMPIRE ’ P In answering ads, mention THE BILLBOARD.