The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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JANUARY 14, 1911. The Billboard 27 who her goes little employer's inner office, The little girl, becomes the “link that held,’ seeing father’s suffering without unde ratanding it, into the inner office to summon the mother. The entrance of the ebild In the midst of their flirtation suddenly brings sanity to the two people. When the husthand returns to his home, he finds his little wife carrying out new resolutions and quite willing to be held by the “little link’’ and by her love for her hus band. BIOGRAPH. THE ITALIAN’ BARBER (comedy ; released Jan 1) length 09093 feet).—Tony, the barber is engaged to Alice, | the newesgirl. However, louds gather when Alice's sister Florence, Who is a vaudeville artist, returns from her road tour with her sketch partner, Bobby Mack, from the moment Tony sees Florence he transfers his affections to her Alice attempts to end her life, but the bullet she intended for her own love-lorn head passes through Mack's bat, scaring him stiff. Recovering himself, he learns the cause of ber action. He realizes that Florence is not worth worrying over as far as he is concerned, and convinces Alice the same of Tony, so then and there a new vaudeville team is formed, with prospects of something even more serious. Mack invites Alice to go to a ball, which invi tution she most willingly accepts. At the ball the two couples meet and for a moment it looks as if there ie going to be something doing. However, the ruffled condition of the situation is smoothed out and each swain Is satisfied. THE NIGHT MARAUDER (comedy; released Jan. 12; length 392 feet).—Mr. Bilowbard is forever throwing bouquets at himself as to his bravery. One night be is given a chance to A burglar calls on an expedi tion of plifering. He is a bungling fellow and overturns some articles of furniture at every step. The noise arouses the Blowhbards. Blowbard is sent to capture the burglar, but Instead makes it a case of one trying to get away from the otber, the window with Blowhard uppermost, thereby saving him bodily injury. The burglar is taken into the custody of the policeman on the beat. At first glance at the morning paper you would assume Blowhard a bero, but that ‘“‘but’’ is the second line of the heading which gives the credit where it is due. HELP WANTED (comedy; released Jan. length 605 feet).—Jack was in dire when he made a desperate appeal to his for money. On account of his reckless bis allowance from bis uncle is cut off. pleas for restitution have been received with a deaf ear by uncle, so he resorts to extreme measures, writing the following letter: ‘‘Since you have cut off my allowance I face starvation Unless we can make peace before eight o'clock I shall commit suicide and the family prove bis metal. 12; uncle will be dixgraced.”” The ancle forgets all about the letter until 8:30, and after reading the contents, makes a mad dash for his nephew's rooms, only to discover, with the aid of the doctor, the hoax Jack has perpetrated. So instead of giving him financial help, he bands him the “Help Wanted" page of the morning paper. A broad hint to look for work. VITAGRAPH. DOCTOR CUPID (com edy; released Dec. 10; length O87 feet).-—Alice Linton falls in love with Percy Primrose, a young poet. Papa Lin fier in the family. Alice falls into a decline ton says he will not bave a sentimental versi and looks very ill. Her father hastens to see the family physician. Percy consults the doctor In advance of the father, however, and tells him all about Alice's trouble. The doctor arranges to help them. When the father calls, the doctor felgns sickness and sends Percy, disgaa as Doctor Cupid, to attend the young ady’s case. Dr. Cupid comes to see Alice and after making himself known she immediately begins to improve. ‘“*‘Marvelous,"’ cries her father. Dr. Cupid calls the next day and Mr. Linton notices the doctor and bis daughter are very fond of each other. The climax comes when Dr. Cupid asks Mr. Linton for his daughter and gains his consent to their marriage, self—Percy Primrose. WATER-LILIES (drama; released Jan. length 991 feet).—Abertina, a celebrated dancer, Is resting at her Aunt’s country home. Next door to ber Aunt lives a very handsome fellow who has often admired Abertina, and to tell the truth she admires him. Fate has decreed that Maurice suffers billndness from a lightning stroke. Albertina bears of his affiction and declares her undying love for him. But he will not have her engage herself to him. blind and helpless, so he sacrifices his happiness by declaring that he does not love ber. Brokenhearted she returns to the city and again takes up her public career as a dancer. After one of ber exhibitions she receives from bim a present of a bunch of her favorite flowers; ber heart leaps within ber and she resolves to return to her blind lover, She goes back to ber Aunt, meets Maurice, and the lovers are united. | his rival the and in the mix-up they fall out of | | while distress | then removes his wig and reveals him| 13; COWARD OR HERO (drama; 14; length 975 feet).—Just a Ned is a delicate, timid child, boys regard him as a coward, staunch champion and comrade in his sturdy little friend, Jack, who always stands up for | him and beats the other chaps off whenever they release Jan. couple of kids; the rest of the but he has a try to bully Ned. Ned and Jack grow up together and while Ned grows to be a husky young fellow he has not lost that shrinking dis position he evinced when a boy. The result is that Jack always wins out wherever aggressiveness is needed: even at love, Jack is the victor In the conqnest for Mary’s heart. Jack is given employment in a coal mine. An explosion oceurs and Jack is hemmed in the tunnel. Ned proves himself a hero by rescuing his friend at the cost of his own life. SELIG. THE RIVAL DRAMATISTS (comedy; released Jan. 12; length 1,000 feet).— Chevalier de Rostrando, 4a middle-aged French gentleman, enters his well-kept barnyard with its sleek groomed cows and horses, brilliantly plumed birds and rolling fat swine who pay tribute to his entre. In the meantime the opposition camp moves into live with the Se the Grosse leading the entourage. His rendezvous is in direct contrast with his rival for dramatic honors. American farm pictures grace his wall. and the old welcome din ner bill is made of corn. The pig. goose, turkey and donkey are bewalling the absence of food and Grosse’s head aches from the night before. He is in little frame of mind to further his prospects of out-generaling his rival. When the manuscript of his crowning effort was returned ‘‘with thanks’’ he is desperate, and to add to his agitated feelings he finds an announcement in the morning paper. proclaiming hero of the hour. His rage knows bo bounds and in his fury he demands red ink —red as bloowl—to convey a telegram of death. The challenge given is accepted and the French and American roosters settle the difficulty a la barnyard style. BUDDY (drama; release Jan. 16: length 1,000 feet).—Buddy’s father and mother have separated because the wife can no longer bear with the husband's actions. She becomes a nurse. The father realizes at last the responsibility of caring for the bey and decides to begin life anew. Buddy anxions to help daddy, secures a position as messenger boy. One day performing his duties he is run down by an automobile and injured. He is taken to the hospital. The office manager at once leaves to visit the boy—upon his arrival to his surprise he recognizes the voice of the nurse, who proves to be none other than his former sweetheart in yeara gone by. and the mother of the patient. The father being prevailed upon to enjoy a social glass with some friends, finds the old love for liquor has returned and in his stupor falls and injures himself. An ambulance conveys him to the hospital in a critical condition —before realizing that both wife and child were in the same room, he expires. URBAN-ECLIPSE. (George Kleine.) WASHED ASHORE (drama; ao released Jan. 11; length 670 feet). —This picture shows the selfish i \ ness of one brother towards an\ other, in the division of the con tents of a treasure box they find washed ashore. After the division, which is made with a greedy passion, the elder brother falls asleep and dreams that be murders the other. Waking, he finds his brother, who also has a guilty conscience, and both go to a notary state the treasure the sea has given up. WOOD CARVING AT BRIENZ (industrial; released Jan. 11; length 320 feet).—An industrial subject, showing Tyrolean peasants engaged in wood carving; an o¢cupation in which they display great skill, especially in securing delicate shading effects by means of fire. GAUMONT. (George Kleine.) j A SIMPLE RUSTIC TALE) (drama; released Jan. 14; length 958 feet).—The families of two rural neighbors furnish the material for this drama, the high spots of which are: a game of ecards, a quarrel, parental objections to the wedding of the son of the other neighber, clan destine pre of the lovers, a mother’s strategy. and a appy reunion of all. THE SEAL ED LETTER (drama; release Jan. 17: length S37 feet).—A beautiful and coquet tish maiden, in spite of her regard for a young sailor, accepts the love of a rich man in order to ald ber old father. On the following morning she makes her way to heart with whom she leaves a letter, daughter by the = interfere with her self-sacrificing plan. A WATER CONTEST (descriptive; Jan. 17; length 168 feet).—In this film are given glimpses of French rural life, introducing a most exciting tournament, in which boatsmen punt one another into the water by padded spears. and deliver over to the her former sweet| which he | ie forced to keep unread until it is too late to} release | means of Brush Electric Lighting Set Save the difference between 3 cents a K. W.—what it costs with a Brush Outfit— and the 8 to 15 cents which you are now paying the Electric Light Company. Also save one-half of the lamp current by using 60 volt instead of 120. Use Direct Current, which For Gas, Gasoline or Kerosene: 10 H. P.: weight is far superior to Alternating 1,350 Ibe. List $800, subject to discount. WRITE TO-DAY FOR CATALOGUE. Current. THE CHAS. A. STRELINGER CoO., Box B-3. DETROIT, MICH., U.S.A. Swanson-Crawford Film Co, | FILM RENTERS | 723-734 Century Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. LARGEST FILM EXCHANGE UNITED STATES. IN THE WE BUY THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE INDEPENDENT MANUFACTURERS A FULL AND COMPLETE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT OPERATED IN CONNECTION WITH OUR FILM BUSINESS. [FILMS FOR RENT FILMS FOR RENT 1,000 Reels—No Rain. Every Subject Complete. 12 Reels per Week, $12.00 E. M. P. FILM SERVICE, Rooms 523-4-5-6, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago XN j | REEL TICKET FILMS FOR SALE New big list of over 300,000 feet just out, from $5.00 to $12.00 per reel. SEND FOR LIST QUICK. Song Sets, $1.00 each, with copy of music. Will send subject to examination. HATCH SUPPLY COMPANY, Fourth Ave., near Ferry St., Pittsburg, Pa. -—— TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST.. BOSTON, MASs. Send fer Sampies and Prices 315 W. 4th Street, THE CINCINNATI BUCKEYE FILM CO. $100,000.00 INCORPORATION !—-— OPERATING THE———" CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE CINCINNATI, OHIO. AND THE BUCKEYE FILM & PROJECTING CO. 309 Arcade Building, DAYTON, OHIO 1 Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent Output. Reference :—SALES CO., 111 E. 14th St., New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop usa line