The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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ce ltl tte .'s é Midas. — aoe name emma es SEM gem rt : nena te The Billboard JANUARY 14, 1911, SALES CO. IMP. (Carl Laemmle.) MELODY (drama; Telease Jan. 16; lengih 995 feet).—Old Dan Burns, a poor but clever violinist, is compelled to pawn his violin to obtain money for fuod. By a stroke of good fortune, he obtalus some money. He goes to the pawnshop to reclaim his violin, but finds he has not enough money. He begs permission to play upon bis violin one last time before he loses it forever. The pawnbroker consents. As the strains of music float out upon passersby on the street stop and listen to them. One of the most interested is Robert Hart, who stands outside of the pawnshop enchanted by the melody. The influence of the music even steals over the pawnbroker, who permits old Dan to keep the violin, even refusing to accept the money. Outside he is met by Hart, who engages him as teacher for bis daughter. HIS FIRST PATIENT (drama; release Jan. 19; length 50 feet).—Young Dr. Dick Ainsworth a tleugling from a medical school, has just been made a member of a hospital staff. At the hospital be meets and falls In love with Fannie Jones, one of the nurses. Dick proposes to ber, is accepted, and decides to marry her at once. Dick goes to his father for the paternal blessing. but that gentleman puts his foot down good and hard on his son's marriage. The unhappy young coupe return to the hospital. Mr. Ainsworth finally decides to carry the war into the enemy's country, and starts for the hospital at high speed. At the hospital entrance, be slips, falla, and breaks a leg. He is carried Into the bospital unconscious from palin, and ls duly operated upon by bis son, assisted by Miss Jones and other attendants. The operation over, the son receives the commendation of the other physicians. The father aske to see the surgeon who performed the operation, and when his son appears, the oki man’s beart is filled with thanksgiving. Dick seizes this auspicious moment to again introduce his fiancee, and the subject of his approaching nuptials, and ie rewarded by receiving the long eought paternal blessing. THE REV. GOODLEIGH’S COURTSHIP (comedy; release Jan. 19; length 500 feet). ~Artbur Ames and Cora Rogers are sweethearts, bui her famiiy will not allow any of ber young men friends to enter their bouse. Then arrives a terrible day for the sweethearts, when Cora is told that she ia expected to marry the son of old friends of her parents, the Rev. Harold Goodleigh. Harold arrives at the Rogers’ home. Realizing that his clothes need pressing, he sends the man out with them. arraying himself in a bdlanket taken from the bed. The butler, passing the disconsolate young couple on bis way to the street, Arthur spies the clothes, and Is se br a sudden idea, which he hastens to explain to the butler, accompanying the explanation by a liberal tip. Impersonating the minister, he is introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Of course, Jater it is discovered that he is a bogus minister, but by that time he bas made such headway in his courtship that he is accepted as the son-inlaw-to-be. THANHOUSER. EVERYBODY SAVES FATHER (Comedy; released Jan. 10; length, — feet).—Jennie Gear has an oversupply of sweethearts. Her father believes that it is too early for her to wed end orders the suitors away. One of the suitors. Jobn, is seized with a bright idea. He decides to pose as a hero and save old Gear's life. Se he hires a tramp to push the old man overboard, John. who is a daring swimmer, planning to rescne him. Unfortunately for John ~ the deal is beard by George, who decides to hire a rowboat, upset John, and save the old man him eelt Henry. {no turn, spies on George, and hires a launch. The palm of victory seems to rest with Henry, the man with the launch and Gear is willing that he should marry his daughter. Put Jennie spoils everything by an nouneing that while her father was busy hav ing his life saved she had improved the time by getting married to Rill, the only man who did not lose time trying to put up a job on the old man. THE ONLY GIRL IN CAMP (Comedy; re leased Jan 10: length, — _ feet).—The Girl daughter of Trapper Gates, is the only woman in a mining camp. Three ruffians decide to rob them by strategy. Py a ruse he lures all the miners into the Town Hall. and, alded by his two pals easily holds them up and ‘trim: them."" The Girl’s father and sweetheart al tend the lectnre, bnt the Girl is worried. It strikes ber that there is something wrong abon the entire affair. She goes to Investigate, and fn’s thet the miners are helpless and being “cleaned out.’* There are no men in the camp to notify, as ther are all at the Town Hall. The Girl also realizes that, alone, she is unable to cope with three armed men. Suddenly she thinks of her father’s bear traps. She hasten» home, gets them. and spreads them ont on the steps of the Town Hall. The robbers back out covering the crowd as she expected. They step in » boom trens amd are easily captured. THE VOTE TITAT COUNTED (Drame: re leased Jan Ut: length, — ft.)—State Senator BETTER LIGHT IN MOVING PICTURE THEATRES. With the passing of the picture theatres, and the erection of more ex pensive and complete theatre buildings. has come the demand on all sides for better lichte’ screens, In the early dars of the business honees operating on alternating current used rhenstats, choke colle, or cheap current saving devices—anrthing so they got a pictvre, Now & ‘ com litions and eompetition have forced exhibitors to use nothing but the hes’ Ges tes the surest proof of this fs In the constant and increased demand for the Hall berg Economizers. Mr. J. H. Haltherg, Th “Feonomizer Mon.’’ reports that he Is every day replacing inferior makes with his Sten’ard Economizer for alternating enrrent cireni‘s He is the pioneer in the business and the onir mannfeetnrer of a successful direct current econom “store’’ moving Jack Dare starts for the state capital to attend an important session of the Legislature. In the morning his berth In the sleeper ic empty, althengh some of his garments are found The case puzzles the railroad officials and the police, and Violet Gray is given a chance to distinguish herself. She learns that Dare is a hearty supnorter of a bill that a powerful lobby is trying to defeat. The fight Is so close that bis is the deciding vote. Dare can not be bribed, so his opponents spirit him away in a novel fashion. Rut the girl finds where he Is hidden and brings him back, althongh he is much Injured. He reaches hix seat In time to cast the needed vote, and astound and defeat the lobby. NESTOR. THEIR NEW MINISTER (Comedy; release Jan. 18: length, — feet).—Like Peter Ilan, Jack absolutely refused to grow up. His six feet and five and twenty years made not the slightest difference. In spirit he remained the same mischievous boy as of yore. Small wonder then that when he arrived at Uncle Jim's whom be had not seen for ten years, and was mistaken for their minister, that he should Instantly decide to have a little fun with the dignified church committee who met bim at the station. His escapades are many, one of them being the performunce of a mock marriage ceremony. He ta finally confronted by the real minister and an indignant church committee. Jack’s knowledge of the little gathering, however, beld the men’s tempers in check. x. THE REPORTER'S ROMANCE (Drama; SOLA release Jan. 20; \\ X ge writer. is commissioned to write a story depicting life in Rs underworld. She de A ai] termines to get the J * necessary data for the a story by disguising herself as a woman of the lower class, and ningling with the people whose lives her fa‘le pen will portray. She is looked upon with uspicion and put to test by being compelled *» commit a robbery. She Is about to rifle the safe when she is interrupted by the owner, Rert “ing, who telephones for the police. While vaiting for the police to arrive, Rert makes a arefnl serntiny of his prisoner and finds the ‘etter from the magazine editor which discloses o him Editha’s Identity. He sidetracks the poice upon thelr arrival and permits Editha, vhose youthfnl beauty has made a deen imress'on upon him, to depart in peace. The in‘vitable follows: Pert subsequently marries “ditha and the burglars are captured. POWERS. THE PINKERTON MAN (Drama; released Jan. 3; length, — ft.) —John Royce, a Pinkerton man, is sent West to capture a bank burglar named Rogers Rogers. who is a consumptive, recognizes the detective in the woods and sends a note to his wife, telling her that ve is about to commit suicide. The detective, ccompanied by the distracted wife, finds Rog‘Ts’ coat and hat on the bank of a river, and ccepts it as evidence of his death. The Pink‘rton man, who has fallen in love with the vife, leaves for the East. Mr. Rogers reurns to his home. Six months later the deective goes West to ask Mrs. Rogers to become his wife. Hidden under the table in the com, Rogers is about to sheot down the deective. but death stays bis hand, and the Pink‘rton man, leaving the widow with her dead, roes back East. .BEAUX NOT WANTED (farce-comedy: reteased Jan. 3; length ——).—Dr. Groncher, a lentist, has a beautiful danghter, Mabel. whore vean, Dick, Is ordered out of the house by papa. Yick gets his friend Arthur to arrange clandes ‘ine meetings with Mabei. Arthur falls in love vith Mabel. The rivals have a quarrel. Dick inches Arthur on the jaw, and he retaliates by sissing and bugging Mabel. The dentixt dia ‘overs him in the act, and Arthur pretends to iave a toothache to explain his presence in the rouse, Groucher gets Arthur under the in ‘nence of laughing gas, and extracts all of his front teeth. Imagine what happens when Mabel sees ber toothless admirer. In a funny scene, Mick wins out, A WOMAN WITHOUT A HEART (drama; released Jan. 7; length ——).—Nell Farron is a ancing girl in a Colorado dance hall. She eart-essiy throws over two lovers, one of vhom commits suicide, and then she marries the third. Tiring of married life, she goes back to *he dance hall, meets a rich sport, and runs ‘way with him. She drifts into New York, where «he meets one of her old dance hall chums Lily, vho iIntrodnces her to an artist, Howard Manley Manley engages Nell to pose for him. and he falls n love with her. For the firat time in her life love is awakened in Nell’s heart for the young irtist. Lily, who loves Manley, finds him de elaring love to Nell, and for revenge she writes t letter to Nell's bneband, telling him of hix wife's whereabouts, The artist has just asked ‘is beautiful model to become hie wife. The girl ts truly happy, when her hoshand enters, ind tella the artist of the fearful past of the woman, who is his wife. The girl admits the ‘ruth, and pleads with Maniley to let her remain with him, Her punishment comes when the only man she really loved caats ber off. and ase she goes out with her hnxband. the artist de, stroys the portrait he has painted of her. LX. HOW THEY TRICKED FATHER (Comedy: relevsed Jan. 6: length, 307 feet) —Jim is mach In love with an old actor’s danghter, and thongh the yonng lady is agreeable, the father {a not, and telle Jim frankly that he t« not nearly class enongh to hecome his son-In-law. The young people hit upon a scheme to con vince the old man that Jim is really a clever “Rex” Learn to say it. there. | i NESTOR FILMS YOUR UNFLAGGI “SLEEPY HOLLOW” Released WEONESOAY vanuary 11, 1911 A Fascinating Dream-Picture. For Bulletins, write to ‘NESTORLIST 2008,’ 147 Fourth Ave., New York. NESTOR FILMS WILL BRING YOU THIS PAIR OF BEAUTIES. Read Synopses on this Page AND GET the Pictures. GET ITI—ONE NESTOR A WEEK-—GET ITI Handled by All Leading Exonanges and Sold Only by NG DEMAND FOR “THEIR NEW MINISTER” Release WEONFSDAY January 18, 1911. The Biggest Scream To Date. | DAVIO HORSLEY, 147 Fourth Ave.. New York City. DISTRIBUTED througn The Sales Company AND GOOD RELEASE OF TUESDAY, JAN. 17. THE DOINGS OF A DELUDED DUDE! Bertie’s Brainstorm was funny to see and you'll roar when it reaches your screen. Bertie was a foolish young fop (but then all fops are fools) and the things he did to prove himself a wise man are just too ludicrous for anything. NO. 177. CODE WORD, STORM. the THANHOUSE AND GOOD ley CARBONS BiO, 6x5-8, per 100. . ... ARCO, 6x5-8,per100 ..... 1.90 ELECTRA, 6x5-8, per 100 . . . 2.05 Sanitary Perfumed Disinfectant for Theatres, 2-4-U THE THANHOUSER 2-A-WEEK THE THANHOUSER PHOTOFRAME, consisting of portraits of the famous Thanhouser “Stock” framed in solid oak, mission finished, complete with glass and easel. (6 feet high.) GOES TO YOU FOR $3.50 with order. rize outfit that tickled-to-death exhibitors the count THE GREATEST LOBBY DISPLAY BARGAIN EVE system's sake address SHIPPING DEPT., Rieti «Bol 5 SUPPLIES AT HALF-PRICE | + $2.10 Machine, $2.50 per dozen 4-pint cans. Supplies for SEEMAN SUPPLY CO.,392 Manhattan Ave., New York city heeeedeeeletteelleteaeteleteeleleletebeledett titi is ONES, TOO! j RELEASE OF FRIDAY, JAN. 20. | THANHOUSER HAD TO “CLASSIC” IT! The Old Curiosity Shop CHARLES DICKENS | The announcing of this for release will | come as good pews to every exhibitor who correctly estimates the popularity of Dickens’ works. The Thanhouser producers have long had designs on the tale and just the other day, when conditions were best, they made it into a film that will be appreciated by every lover of Dickens, every true admirer who wants the true Dickens Spirit in play and picture as well as story. NO. 178. CODE WORD, SHOP. 33 inches in width and 43 in depth, Thisis over are calling KNOWN. For R CO., New Rochelle, WN. Y. ONES, TOO! SPECIAL LAMPS for POWER MACHINES, $4 25 NOISELESS REWINDER. complete, 3.25 CONDENSERS, IMPORTED. -76 STOCK TICKETS, Rotiof2.000, .16 $2.00 per gallon, with spray. Oil for M. P” i P. Machines at lowest pela. SIX REELS OF FILM, one shipment, with Signs and Slides, TWELVE REELS, two shipments, with Signs end Slides, YOU PAY EXPRESSAGE BOTH WAYS WARNING—You can’t get gold dollars for 300, and you can't get good films for less money. SILVER SAVER WILL SAVE YOU SILVER 22 siternating current ana ty tend LIBERTY FILM RENTING Cco.."’ Fourth Ave., $12.00 $18.00 brighter light. Price is 66. Pittsburg. Pa. JANUARY FILM BARGAINS Send for our lisec of used moving plcture machines and films. All films are in good running condition at moderate prices, REPRODUCTION JOHNSON-JEFFRIES FIGHT, Complete, $126.00 ORIGINAL WOLGAST NELSON FIGHT, Complete, $360,00 ORIGINAL NELSON GANS FIGHT, Complete, $360.00 CHICAGO FILM EXCHANGE Chicago Omaha, Denver, Salt Lake City MOVING PICTURE MACHINES STERFOPTICONS, SLIDES. ACCESSORIES = Chas. M. Stebbins, ) 1028 Main Street KANSAS CITY “er Large Line of Fdleon Goods Eetabiiehed 1899 | COMPENSARC That's the device that saves Moving Picture men two-thirds on their electric light bills, and yet gives better light. Did you see our ad last week? Well don't look it up—just write for our Booklet 15018 FORT WAYNE ELECTRIC WORKS partment 0, FORT WAYNE, INDIANA, 733 WE BUY! WE SELL! WE EXCHANGE! Save money by doing business with us. Let us know your wants. J.M. ENSOR & CO. 1106 Ashiand Bik., Chicago, III. —*