The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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PEE EE IME JANUARY 14, 1911. The Bi llboard 31 Carlton Sisters: 463 W. 28th st., N. Me C. ‘aro] Sisters: 104 W. 16th st., N. care ve, The: 213 BE. 14th st., N. ¥. %, Carr il, Nettle, Trio: 1426 Holmes ave., Springones Van: 5428 Monte Vista st., Los Cc ee & Murphy: Melba Hotel, Ft. North, Tex. Casads, Three: Darlington, Wis. Case, Charley: Lockport, a. he Case, Paul: 81 So. Clark st., Chicago. Cavanaugh & Lancaster: 700 A Indiana ave., Kansas City, Mo. nelo, Aerial: 2042 Grand ave., Mo. Chantrell & Sebuyler: Cha Kansas City, 219 Prospect ave., Brook 1629 Milburn et. 2516 So. Halsted st., 1704 Brownlee st., Indianapolis. Chicago. Marion, Chapman Sisters: Chase & Carma: Clawson, Roscoe: Ind Clayton, Bessie 1-March 31. (Apollo) Vienna, Austria, Jan. 629 First st., keoten™ >. Clermont, : 104 E, 14th et., N. Y. C) Nipper Ci omedy Four: 537 W. 156th ee : vy. 6 Clito & Sylvester: 224 N. 10th st., Phila. Clotilde & Montrose: 323 W. 38th st., N. Y. Coattas, Three Musicat; 144 W. Seneca st., wego, N. ¥ Coles, Three Miss. Columbia Musical Y. G. Columbians, Conkey, Clever: Cook & Hellman: o— Six: OsBiloxi, N. “Musical: 149 Seals ave., Four: 212 W. 42nd st., Five, Inc.: Findlay, 0. Wausau, Wis. 13% Spring st., Sl Fisk ave, Maspeth, 239 S. Exchange st., St. Paul. care Norman Jefferies, 0th & Chi Newark, N. J. = Cortese, Three: Cotter & Boulden: Arch sts., Phila. Courtney & Jeanette: 1519 W. 14th Place, 233 N. Sherman st., Bay ty, Mick. Crawf wd, Glen 8.: Crawford & Delancey: fontaine, O. % Crolius, Dick: Vaudeville Comedy Club, 224 W. 46th st., N. ¥. C. Crooks, Chas. M.: Muskegon, Mich. Cullen Bros.: 2016 Ellsworth st., Phila. Caesar, Frantz: 512 E. 42d st., Chicago. Calvert, Great: 164 Averill ave., Rochester, Amsterdam ave., N. Y. , ampbell, Al.: 967 — Bros.: 623 SS8th st., Brooklyn. Cleveland, Claude & Marion. 507 9th ave., toria, L. ee : Cooke, Conn Copel and «& ¢. Toledo, Belle 1439 Baxter st., 110 Ludiow st., N. As Ansonia, x. ¥. 11 Nichols st., 40th Raymond H.: Phillips: 216 W. st., Wis. Altoona, Tausig, 104 FE. 14th care P. Cowles Family — «& ro : aun ‘The: Webster City, Ia. a -< Curtis, Sam J.: 763 Jennings st., N. Y 4 Carson Bros (Mary Anderson) Louisville; (New Grand) Evansvilie, Ind., 16-21. Cross & Josephine (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal (Orpheam) Los Angeles 16-21. Clure, Raymond (Orpheum) Denver. Cardownle, Sisters (Bijou) Quincy, Ml. 3 Close Bros. (Majestic) Camden, N. J., 12-14. Crafeaux, The (Hippodrome) Charleston, W. Va.; (Orpheum) Portsmouth, 0., 16-21. Colemans Two (World in Motion) Coatesville, , SD ‘ Clifford & Burke (Orpheum) Caste, Neb.; (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo., 1 Chassino (Manhattan O. H.) N ¥. Cc. Carle & Linn (Lyric) Ft. Scott, Kan Clark, H. H. (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Orpheum) Denver, Col., 16-21. Cromwells, The (Pantages’) Calgary. Alta, Can. Carbrey Bros. (Hathaway's) Lowell, Mass. Cogswells, Three Cycling (Grand-Family) Fargo, N. D.; (Crystal) Waterloo, Ia.. 16-21. Cullen, Jas. H. (Keith's) Columbus, 0.; (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga., 16-21. Carr, Ernest, & Co. (Poli’s) Springfield, Mass. Carroll-Gillette Troupe (Ashland) Chicago; (Majestic) Madison, Wis., 16-21. Cuttys, Musical (Orpheum) Salt Lake City; (Orpheum) Denver, Col., 16-21. Cressy & Dayne (Orpheum) Minneapolis 9-21. Clifford. Mile., & Co. (Family) Pittsburg, Pa. Caine & Odom (Washington) Spokane; (Majestie) Seattle 16-21. Clipper Quartette (Majestic) Jacksonville, Fla.; (Jefferson) St. Augustine 16-21. Caron & Farnom (Grand! Tacoma, Wash.; (Grand) Portland, Ore., 16-21. Cunningham & Marion A -ty aie) N. ¥. CG; (5th Ave.) N. Y¥. C., Crawford & DeLancey (Orphe um) Hot Springs, Ark.; (Gem) Arkansas City, Kan., 1 21. Cotton, Lolo (Poli’s) Worcester, Mass Courtleigh, Wm., & Co. (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Carpatil Bros. (Orpheum) Cincinnati. Cooper & Brown (Orpheum) Cincinnat!. Callahan, E. (Empress) Cinc innati Connely & Webb (Columbia) Cincinnati. Cline, Maggie (Keith's) Phila Cadeaux, Great (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Carter, Taylor & Co. (Miles) Minneapolis. Carmen, Belle (Nixon) Phila Clivette (Miles) Minneapolis. Clark Sisters & Billy Farnon (Orpheum) Salt lake, U. Dailey & Well: 753 So. Western ave., Chicago. Dale, Dainty Dottie: 252 W. 36th st.. N. Y. C. Daly & O'’Rrien (National) Sydney, Australia, indef. Davenport, Pearle RB. (Carlton) Du Bols, Pa. Day, Carita: 586 Tth ave., N. Y. C. DeArmo, Billy: 508 N. Clark at. , Chicago. DeCampe, Guy: DeEspa Family: Tenn DeFaye. | Henderson, N. 820 Sixth ave., North, Nashville, 47 OW. N. 98th st., E., Buffalo. Liana & Evelyn: 28th st., 217 FE. 1515 Oth ave. nN. ¥..¢. Oakland, DeLamare, Julius J.: Delmore & Darrell Cal. DeLoris, 218 Swan et., DeMar, Edward: 97 W. Thornton st., DeMar Bros.: Cadillac, Mich. DeMarlo (Ronacher's) Vienna, Austria, Jan, 1-31; (Orpheum) Graz, Austria, Feb, 1-27. DeMora & Graceta: Findlay, 0. Dempsey, Albert & Jack E.: Marion, Ind. Denickes, Musical: 619 Ist at., Macon, Ga. DeVoe & Mack: Mansfield, 0. Dick, Ray: 522 Ohio ave., Kokomo, Ind. Dickens & Floyd: 343 Rhode Island st., Dickinson, Richard: Melrose, Maas. Dion, Jack: Crescent City, 1. Diston, Madeline: O84 Longwood ave., Divolas, The: 142 EB. Sth st., Mansfield, Dolan & Lenharr: 2460 7th ave., N. Y. Donita: Clarendon Hotel, Chicago. Donner, Doris: 848 Lincoln at., Johnstown, Pa. Dick Akron, 0. Buffalo. 5 | | Downard & Downard: | Dunbar & Fisher: | Dallnven & Whitney: | Davis Bros., Three (Iris) Phila.; (Bijou) Phila. 16-21 C. | 0. | Cc. | | Edwards, | DuRoss & Galvin: | Felix, N. Donovan & Mackin: 1130 Taylor st., Ft. Wayne, Ind. | Dorie Trio: 937 N. Dorsch & Russell: State st., Chicago. 604 S. Belmont ave., Newark, | N. J. Doss, Billy: 102 So. High st., Columbia, Tenn Cyclone, Ind. 41 Linwood ave., Detroit. Troupe: Reading, Pa. White Rats, N. Y. C. Union Hotel, Chicago. 1637 Waverley ave., Downey & Willard: Duffin-Redeay Dunlay & Merrill: | Cincin| nati. Davis, Carolyn: 833 Broadway, Indianapolis. Davis, Morgan: llth & Douglas sts., DesMoines, | 1420 N. 10 N. Webb st., 22d st., Phila. Oklahoma City, 0. Deloys, Three: | Okla. DeMonde & Dinsmore: Densmore, Beth: Ontario Hotel, Chicago. DePhil Bros.: 443 17th st.. Brooklyn. Douglas & Douglas: White Rats, Chicago. Dwyer, Lottie, Trio: 130 Scott st., WilkesBarre, Pa. Zanesville, Dare Bros. (Pantages’) Pueblo, tages’) St. Joseph, Mo., 16-21. Daly’s Country Choir (Wigwam) San Francisco; 4Grand) Sacramento 16-21. Col.; (Pan Doyle & Fields (Bijou) Superior, Wis.; (MajJestic) Sioux Falls, 8S. D., -21. Darmody (Colonial) Rutland, Vt.; (Park) Man| chester, N. H., 16-21. Dutton, Chas. W. (Grand) Massillon, O. Duprez, Fred (Majestic) Milwaukee. DeHollis & Valora (Majestic) Jacksonville, Fla.; (Orpheum) Savannah, Ga., 16-21. DeVelde & Zelda (Dominion) Ottawa, Can. DeRenzo & La Due (Shea*s) Buffalo; (Shea's) Toronto 16-21. Deckero, Tossing (Masonic) Ironton, O. Drew & Newton (Winter-Garden) New Orleans. Downs, T. Nelson (Majestic) Denver; (Empress) Kansas City, Mo., 16-21. Davis & Moran (Crystal) Chicago 16-21. Dinkelspiel’s Christmas, old (Orpheum) St. Chicago; (Archer) with Bernard A. ReinPaul; Dark Knights, Ten (New Sun) Springfield, 0.; (Arcade) Toledo, 16-21. Dalton, Thos. H. (Varieties) Terre Haute, Ind.; (Circle) Chicago, Ill., 16-18. Dallas, Beulah (Majestic) Birmingham, Ala.; (Majestic) Little Rock, Ark., 16-21. DeFrankie (Majestic) St. Paul; (Empire) Cal ary, Alta., Can., 16-21. DeVilbis, Great (Grand) New Castle, Ind.; (0. H.) Bedford, 16-21. DeArmo & DeArmo (Electrie) (Majestic) Rushville, 16-21. Drane, W. Indiana Vaud. Terre Haute, Ind. Dale, Dorothy (Majestic) Milwaukee; bia) St. Louis, 16-21. DeHaven Sextette (Keith's) Phila. Diaz’s, Anita, Monkeys (Keith's) Phila. Edman & Gaylor: Box 39, Richmond, Ind. Edythe, Corinne: 225 So. Robey st., Chicago. El Barto: 2531 N. Hollingwood st., Phila. Emmerson & Wright: 2811 N. May st., Kansas City, Kan. Emmett & Lower: English, Rosebuds: Beach, N. Y. Eoff & Reinisch: 814 High st., Ernests, Three (Empire) 14-Jan. 15. Esher & Welsh: 1831 Ranstead st., Espe Trio: 1711 Wells st., Chicago. Ethardo, Naomi: Fair Haven, N .J. Evans, Bessie: 3703 Cottage Grove ave., Chicago. Evelyn Sisters: 252 Greene ave., Brooklyn. Elliott & West: 2934 Ellsworth st., Phila. Esmond, Flora & Baby DuBois, Pa.; Castle, 16-21. Geo. Lewiston, IIl.; Mgrs. Assn., (Colum 419 Pine st., 2841 W. Darby, Pa. Ist st., Brighton Des Moines, London, Eng., Phila. Nov. New (Keith's) Phila.; (Keith's) Bos (Orpheum) Duluth | 16-21. } ta. j ton, 16-21. Edenberg, Charlie (Majestic) Dallas, 16-21. Ethardo, Naomi (Chutes) Emmett, Gracie (New Murray) English, Jack (Majestic) jestic) Houston, ° Elane, Mabel (Hippodrome) Everett Co.: Springfield, ©. Fairchild Sisters: 41 Admiral st., Conn. Fantas, Two: 8 Union Square, Faust, Grace: 1018 N. State st., Fern & Mack: 840 So. Sth st., Fernandez-May Duo: 207 E. S7th st., N. Y. C. Ferry, J. Banks: Buffalo, Okla. Fields) Will H. & LaAdelia: W. Raven wood Park ave., Chicago. Phila. Little Rock, Ark. (Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex.; Francisco. Richmond, Ind. Dallas, Tex.; ( Ma| 16-21 } Lexington, Ky. San New Haven, ie oe Chicago. St. Louis. 3041 Fineberg, Nannie: 1149 So. 16th st., Finn & Wilsen: 1008 Izard st., Fitzgerald, Troy: 208 W. Green st., High Point, N. C, Fitzgerald, Chas.: 2410 N. Grand ave.. St. Louis. Floydelis, The: 3132 H st., San Diego, Cal. Foner, Art: 264 Watkins st., Brooklyn. Forbes & Bowman: 201 W. 112th st., N. Y. C. Ford & Louise: 128 So. Broad st., Mankato, Minn. Fosto: White Rats, N. Y. C. Fox, Frank: Revere House, Chicago. Fox & Summers: 517 N. 10th st., Saginaw, Mich. Franklin, Gheer & Co.: 612 N. Dearborn ave., Chicago. Franz, Sig & Edsthe: hamton, N. Y. 12 Hotchkiss et., Bing Fraser, Marvelous: Highland Park, Quincey, Il. Fraser Trio: 16 Inman ave.,.Rahway, N. J. Freeman, H. S.: 9 Catalpa Rd., Providence, | R. I r m;: Ze N. Frey, Henry: 1697 Madison ave., Cc. | Fritehie & Adams: White Rats, ay & j Frobel & Ruge: 314 W. 234 st., N. Y. Cc. | Frozo Trio: 3705 29th ave., South, Minneapolis. | Fulton. Chas. M.: 3528 Indiana ave., Chi| ago. Fisher, Mr Perkins: 194 Church Newton, Fivnn, Frank a = & Mrs. Mass. D.: st., | | } 21 Willow Place, Yonkers, | Phila. 1616 Walnut st., Grand) Wash., Wolf st.. Thornton: Fox & Ward: 1117 Friel, Mr. & Mrs. Anderson, Ind Fanton's, Joe, bp. ¢. Ferris Rros.: Fiechtl’s, Otto, Ore. ‘Athletes (Ave. Atlanta, Ga. Tyroleans (Pantages’) Portland, Geo Brooklyn; (Sth ave.) z. Ferry, Wm. Frey Twins There may be mail in our Letter (Greenpoint) 16-21 (Orpheum) Memphis, Co. (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ta. ‘Location and lease all right. Box for you. TWO BIG SENSATIONAL ACTS THE WHITTAKERS The World’s Famous Bicycle High Divers BOOKING!SEASON 1911 after finishing a successful season of 1910, with their two thrilling and ‘death-defying acts, and both of them have been endorsed by the Public and Press, as having two of the most daring and thrilling acts that are today before the public. We were engaged and filled a four-weeks’ contract at the Appalachian Exposition, 1910, Knoxville, Tennessee, and our reference is: W. J. Oliver, President; Sanford H. Cohen, Assist. to President; C. F. Spence, VicePres. Amusement Committee. And if you are in the field for two of the best separate and distinct sensational attractions, for terms and open time address SAM WHITTAKER, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. BIC ACTS. AERIAL ACROBATIC ANIMA CALL OR WRITE NT FD’ Frank Melville, Gen'l Manager I) | t K 251 W. 42ST., N.Y. DING DEVICE CO. 256-257 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Scenic Railways, Toboggans, etc., ete. Also superintend the erection or build complete for operation---fifteen years’ experience. Owners of the Old Mill and other Patents. A money-maker; not a dead one. Investigation solicited. Twenty-five Thousand Dollars required. Address, WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF TOYS AND AMERICAN VAUDEVILLE CIRGUIT i_m @Y © Up 6 OFA EO, YA FF Furnish Plans, Machinery, etc., for Old Mills, Canals of Venice, Chutes, Twentieth Century’s Latest Amusement Devices of all descriptions A First-Class AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE at CONEY ISLAND _A-B-C, care of ‘‘The Billboard,” New York City. NOVELTIES FOR HOLIDAY SELLING. New Self-Filling Fountain Pen, per gross, $15.00. Complete line of notions, canes, knives, flash goods, jewelry, premiums, specialties, souvenirs, etc., at lowest prices. Write for our large catalogue. Maliied free on application. LEVIN BROS., Terre Haute, Ind. Entirely New WATERBURY FOUNTAIN PEN Brighter, better finiy than any other Dozen, $ 1.40 Gross Sampie, 20c. each Self-Filler Fountain Pens, a Gross. WH ITESON Co., sTrnenriane EN’S J Pm vs 240 Madison | St. Chicago, iil. BIG MONEY inour. SOAP ror ACCENTS Get our prices on soap and toilet articles, They will interest you. Our advertising assorted packages with valuable premiums have the flash and value that get the mo A Everybedy uses them. MAKE GREAT SOUVENIRS FOR SHOWS, CARNIVALS, Money getters for canvassers and fakers, One young man cleared $1, 008.53 in 6 months straight on a house to house canvass. Are you doing as well? If not, send postal today. We will teach you how. . M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 308 Union Park Court, Chicago. SHOWMEN, INVENTORS, MUSICIANS HAVE YOU ANY ARTICLE YOU WANT MADE TO ORDER OR MANUFACTURED? If so, send us description or arawing to estimate from. W. made the CINCINNATI RAILWAY MINIATURE, 238 miles, 34 feet long. Miniatures get big money, excite interest, when made as we make them. We make a ICE, tions for patents, copyrights, ete. SCHULTZ PATENT 0 ALNUT CINCINNATI, OHIO. 511 W FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.