The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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at The Billboard JANUARY 14, 1911. Fowler, Kate (Princess) Hot Springs, Ark.;| Hyde & Talbot: Torrin : i 5 3 gton, Conn. Kramers, The: Analomink, Pa ' (Princess) Fort Worth, Tex., 16-21. Hamilton, Harry: 681 3d ave., Detroit. Kramer-Bruno Trio: care Tausig, 104 E. 14th Wanted--Dramatic Companies Aha —. Bg on Seattle; (0 Haynes. gl Weatherford, Tex. a, MH. ¥. C. Also vaudeville acts aaving _ peneeataes. &. B. 4 ‘orce ams rpheum) attle; ressie: 2804 Manitou ave., Los Angeles. Kramo N 4 °9 Thea Hh — Pe Ore., 16-21 Hirschhorns, The: 2505 8. 8th st., “Omaa. Ind. jinn tre, > senate, 4; Tguson ac (Majestic) Columbus, Ga. Holmen Bros.: 614 Lake st., Cadillac, Mich. | Kronco-Mansfield Trio: New Milford, Conn. 1 Freeman, Maurice (Orpheum) Sioux City, Ia. | Hulbert & DeLong (Comet) Creston, la., 12-14; | Karland, Prof.: 500 Reeves ave., Norfolk, Va. VAU DEVILLE SKETCHES i Sie) Frevoli (Majestic) Jacksonville, Fla.; (Jeff(Vaudette) Boone 16-18; Ft. Dodge 19-21. | Killion & Moore: White Rats, N. Y. C. Large catalog free. Address A. E. REIM, Pub.. , eae) sare’ — Se oh nal’ Onn Ss — & Ponies (Memorial Hall) Dayton, 2 Thomas: 1121 Esmond st., Morgan403 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. : ; 8, Harry. Schoo 8s (Crysta cago; ark, Ill. ; ii, (Archer) Chicago, 16-21. Hayon, , & Hayon (Kedzie) Chicago; | Klein & Clifton: 507 W. 12th st.. N. Y. ©. Expert Piesing— ia Wwente’ “gous, School Boys and Girls (Poli’s) a itapemic) Chicago, 16-21 — Ott & Nicholson: 253 W. 34th st., N.Y. ORGANS Repairing. av es-Barre, Pa. ill & Whitaker RKeith's), “Cleveland 16-21. Ad qe Fagan, Noodles (Hathaway's) N Bedford ‘key oll? : Klindt B Majestic) Dal T L. D it : y’s) New ‘ord, | Hickey Bros. (Poli’s) Worcester, Mass.; | Klin ros. (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. . DATHAN & SON, Cincinnati, Obie. +f Mass.; (Colonial) Lawrence, 16-21. (Chase's) Wash., D. C., 16-21. Kolb & Miller: Dayton, Ky. 1} Felix & Caire (Orpheum) Cinciuuati. Haines & Vidocq (Poli’s) New .; | Kentucky Rosebuds (O. H.) Ilion, N.Y. CLANS | Offer mundreas OF Ph) Foe esas" “Batata, oa. | MABTat NanedtSjoay, Se Maven: Comes) Renny Shag elie Gultnia) st touts | pA MACH SS ow He nney’s, The (Unique) nueapolis. Hodge, Robert Hen T stic waukee P| *) eater “ns & LaAdelia pexapeatio) ong? nl. ids, Mich. en ee ep ~~ _ (Proctor’s) Newark, N. J.; ler & Shelton (Poli’s) Scranton, l’a. Hennings, John & Winnie (Foll Oxl (Poli's) New Haven, Conn., 16-21 = Te Fos te W Gabbeits, “Two: While = on, la. city, ¢ Okla.; (Princess) wiesin. Ss ey eres er 4 ialiapepeties (New : medina. a) hi . N. 1. chmon 21 Sere. Juggling: ay ~¥ Spriugiteld, aes Hoey & Mozar (Majestic) Columbus, Ga.; ~. Joe (Wigwam) Reno, Neb. WANTED—Medicine Shows, Bit away, W. P.: Yentral ave., aota, Ga (Grand) K ill ‘ ¢ . eigley, Great (Marlow) Jackson, Tenn.; (ColLect oct tha Gardiners, Tiree: 8 1 Mbetrolt. —_ Hart & Woodley *wamilly) ll la.; cane Booneville, Miss., 16-21. : We have the nyt ory _— +4 Unitee or, as.: st., > . ane . dg “d c y > : a es in Un q Gaylor & Graff: 16 Ablngses Sq., N. x. ¢ rated Albia” 16-18; (Comet) Creston 19NY = 2 Seale Fale; Gh Ave.) — = = ay —~ ries. Write at once for George & Gott: 214 Lee ave., Sapulpa, a. t — and prices xpress prepaid on samee Bert: Palace Hotel, Chicago,” Haney & Bon (Park) Phila.; (Family) Wil— Te, eee) Omaha, Neb.; (Orpice. HOT SPRINGS RED CROSS REMEDY ak ia. Ss Wie abe” 8 ——~ ot Pisderic, a Co. (Poli’s) Hartcient. fierten B., & Co. (Orpheum) Les Ap a hk, sate: 906 Gat . Brooklyn. onn.; oli’s orcester, Mass., 16° Siece T8& ya a “htcaige ly nek pee ae White (Orpheum) Denver. WANTED ALWAYS— 6000 VAUDEVILLE SHOWS HP} Sinan, Little Lew: (White Rate, N.Y. C. | Hittig a Randall (castagy Cleapee (Orpheum) Cincolny ‘Seb., 1631, .""* + a,ceme toons, up-to-date, opera Rouse, om com ; : olden u : or ass.” cago » 2 -21. mission zales, A. wMenaseh) Lawton, Okla. Herbert, the Frogmau (Majestic) Birmingham, me. © Wentworth (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, | venient railroad w-rolng town of 2,500. be jhue' & Burgess: White Rats, N. Y. C. ae) (Majestic) Columbus, Ga., 16-21. a.; (Garrick) Ottumwa 16-21. tween Atlanta, Savannah, Augusta and Macon. a Don & Mae: 715 N. 17th st., Omaha, a — ey autages’) Seattle; (PanSpee Sais Dogs (Music Hall) New Oreg SW AINSBORO OPERA HOUSE, Swaine : . ro seorgla ; i Gordan, Paul L.: 314 W. 59th Place, Los Anaemeen & ldaye (Shea’s) Buffalo; (Shea's) “ae May (Sun) Portsmouth, 0., 12-14; (Hip= Bhi geles. : oronto rome) Charleston, W. Va., 16-21. LOOK! SINGERS!! LOOK!!!—if you are interiil Gorman & Bell: 136 4th ave., N. ¥. C. uf —_ Life in Jail, W. H. Mack, mgr. (Or-| Kellermann, Annette (Columbia) Cincinnati. ested in getting new material, %ion't fail to | Gorman & West: 1855 Lexington ave., N. 1. mae Abert Gees) atten a, __. & Co. (Keith’s) Phila. ~—— for a copy of ‘Rosalind, Sweet a. ” ia : : > re ea's uffalo; (Shea's) To ennedy Rooney (Unique) Mi lis, atest popular ballad, just published. A it) Gorton, Ed. & Lizale: 14 ploesine®, nn neat. ronto 16-21, Crandaii: 402 Moulton 1% low alleen. Ind. feuntensl copy will be sent to “alugers’™ yop ; Goss, Eddie: ta oe a ao 5 Holmes & Riley (Majestic) Butte, Mont. LaBelle, Harry: White Rats, Chicago. request, Address 0. NITA BUXTON, iba Graham & Randall worl ot.. Besekige y Herman, Lew (Victoria) Wheeling, W. Va. Lahl, Cecil & Avery: 1017 Laguna st., San Fran| bard Ave., Detroit, Mich. UY yy eg OP Havelocks, The eo Gate ee; Bee (Pola & La Rue: 2461 24 s. y. c. |GRAND THEATRE FOR RENT—Only vaud 1 1 y. a a Rue: 2d ave. —Only vaudei &] iaapese Theo.: St. Charles, Mo. Hanlon Bros. (Orpheum) San Francisco 9-21. sabes & Lorain: Palace Hotel, Chicago. ville theatre in city of 12,000. Best location ey o v Euid: 26° W. 125th st., N. ¥. C. oward Bros., Flying Banjos (Hathaway's) Lad es, Four: Decatur, Ind. in town, Great opportunity. Rent reasonable. : ray, a 1923 Bird “4 /S lin, Mo. Lowell, Mass.; (5th Ave.) N. Y¥. C., 16-21. Mar, Miss Wayne: 1700 Frintz st., Cincin| For full particulars, address LON D. HANES, H Gray & Gray: A922 ird s oplin, Hart’s, Joseph, Bathing Girls Co. (0 nati. | 931 State St., Bowling Green, Ky. a Grdina & Co.: 6104 St. Clair ave., N. E., San F “4 ‘ (Orpheum) LaMarche, Frankie: 462 W. 25t -_ Cleveland. LaG 21. Francisco; (Orpheum) Los Angeles 16La Marr, Frank: Gen. Del., a Bienes. | } 7 . i P op D: e, , . . Geegtees, Helene: 408 So. 7th ave rang Hart's, Joseph, Little Stranger Co. (G reenpoint, oe a a WANTED, SHOWS for hEW HOUSE Greene & Parker: National Hotel, Chicago. pees (Keith’s) Providence, R. 1., 16-| LaMara. Paul: °T Mot m, VY. i c. Greenwood, Bessie: 636 N. Siate st., Chicago a ance a one < wm Y. with 750; ~~ to aw from 8,000. Mana ry word, Be e: N. st. . arte a ;¢ road st la. open time write at once to ALLE 4 Groom Sisters: 503 N. Hermitage ave., Trenton, a ie ee * Christmas Co. (Or| LaMont’s Cockatoos: 1533 Brondway, N.Y. C. | AMUSEMENT CO., Allegan, Mich. on Gruet: White Rats Y. ¢c. ' 16-21. (Orpheum) St. Paul LaMoure Bros.: 64 Cedar Lake ave., Minneapi ise Joh nie: New ek ae Harrison-West Trio (Lyric) Mattoo : onl :N . j j " a & Georgie: 1046 N. Franklin st., Chia Muncie. Ind. 16-21. =, HL; (Star) panctster, Mg. & Mr Tom: New Caste, Int Concession People, Attention: cago. ywar lay ward epee Ft. ' ° -_ = “+ | t . Goodman, Joe: 1408 N. Renéeiph, ot., Phila. » na eeheetie) Dallas 16 ) Worth, Oo ll The: 210 N. Broadway, Baltimore. | eee fe seen eomtet Do gp ay et ag — 4 Y.. We 21. : > ansville, _ 1621 ann (New aperedienst eneias —— 128 4th ave., West, Cedar | Write E. E. PIERSON, Secy., Bloomington, Il. f ». . 21 rie a. f Gilden Sisters, Three (Hippodrome) Charleston, | Haynes, Chas. F. (Lyric) Joplin, Mo LaRocca, Roxy P.: 2 WAN — . ‘ | ¢ ‘ y Box 62, Wosthers, 1m. TED—Man with picture machine and filme W. Va.: (Orpheum) Lanesville, 0., 16-21. Heintz, Jack: 2104 Portland ave. Minneapolis. LaRose Bros.: 107 E. 31st st., N. Y. | tor road. Mnst have A-1 stuff. Salary low. M 1214. Hardeen (antag 7 ; George & Gott (Family) Billings, ont., Harvey ‘ —— St. Joseph, "Mo. LaRue & Holmes: 21 Lillie st., Newark. N. J, | It's sure. Tickets if we know you, Answer, Te a are mamencre re | a oreatl tpetmeenttn toa ne) Chlonem: | Tatas & Lint: 186 Pests cw. Temetown, [sie FS ROL, tas B&Bs arson, arion she sb ° . N . 5 Gray. Harry P. (breansiand) Waterloo, Ia. = & Co. (Orpheum) Franklin, Pa.; (FamUs Tecka Lillian: 909 Ursuline st., New Or— ; e5 Gruber’s, Capt. Max, & Mlle. Adelina’s, AniHullinger, Dilton rte 16— | leans. , —— E i 5 mals (Greenpoint) Brooklyn. 14. , 0 rystal) Nelsonville, 0., 12| La Toska, Phil: 135 W. 22nd st., Los Angeles, SC SN] RY pe Gardner, Eddie (Gayety) Indianapolis; (Cry| Hall Bro: geles, E : i i. nek SOL. coche A amd Chicago; (Empress) Mil| Eaveon, a wd & On: 2 Sea t.. <_o— Me. | ELECTRICAL EFFECTS, PROPS, EVERY, Grazers, The (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Herbert, Mons. (Orpheum) Cincinnati. 1 llas, e: Gran acific otel, Chicago. THING FOR YOUR ACT. b. ; m. 4 Vine & Inman: White Rats, N. Y. C. a —eDetroit; (Temple) Grand entice ee en S) Wilkes. Barre, Pa. | Lawrence & Wright: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. VAUDEVILLE EQUIPMENT CO. w Gordon & Marx grate Springfield, Mass.; | Howard & Howard Fm al ne j--4 oe ree Rd ee. 1402 Broadway, Room 511, New York. : (Bronx) N. Y. C., 16-21. Hearn, Lew (Orpheum) San F . te ge S ‘ Garnsey, Ray (Orpheum) Ogden, U., 16-21. Hickman Bros. & 7 oto eae a es | Legrange & Gordon: 2823 Washington ave., St. Grover, ‘Mildred, & Dick Richards (Orpheum) | | Ia. st |Lenerts, Two: 6636 Union ave., Chica Des Moines, Ia.; (Orpheum) Minneapolis, | Hibbert & Warren (Orpheum) Oakland, C / Minn., 16-21. Huntings, Four (Orpheum) d al. | Lennon, Bert: 559 W. Washington ~ catcage. pp ty a ee lustrumenital Trio: Rector’ Tanesia, Bet Cur| Lelioy & Diamond: White Rata, N.Y. C For Acrobatic or Equilibrium Act , Empress) nnipeg, Man., Can., is sts., Denver. : 36 . t.. Boston. T } ‘ Granville & Rogers (New Grand) Evansville, pam. Two: 3684 E. Tist st., Cleveland. | este a nneas: a6 meet aoe A LIBERTY = Ind.; (Orpheum) Memphis, Tenn., 16-21. i oo awa Jap Troupe: 7,300 Sangamon st., Chi| LeVerne & Johnson: 4802 N. Seeley ave., Chiiy Goodrode, Great (Empire) Cobalt, Ont., Can.; £0. Add H ; / (Plaza) Halleybury, 16-21. Italia, Miss (Unique) a og i ° Prospect s, ARRY HOYER, 1423 | 4 Goseans, Bobby (0. H.) Towanda, Pa. Jackson, J. B.: Nashville, N. ~~ —_ > te © ee Wabash Ave., Chi ; Gardner & Vincent (Empress) Cincinnati. a Clements: 516 Ave. C., San Antonio, —— a o 59 b bd cago. Soave & Geresee’ (iajeatic) Ootar' I Jarvis & H poy 7 v Ces » Girls trom Melody ‘Lane (bijou) Battle ‘Creek, | » Cou s,& Harrison: 26 McKinley st., Hartford, | [ines itary: 420 01h st south, Minneapolis: | AT LIBERTY—MAN AND WIFE ‘| . 8 & Lucy: 705 N. Sth st., Phil Jennings & Renfrew: 714 Broadway, Everett, Liogd & Falls: 388 Lyell ave., Gates, Rochester, COMEDY MUSICAL ACT % A P Lockwoods, Musical: 133 Cannon st., Pough-|4LL AROUND SKETCH TEAM. Change for Mich. Haley & Haley: 1127 Pierce Bldg., St. Louls. Hall & Briscoe: 56 Orchard st., Norwich, Conn. | Jerome & LeRoy: 814 Mary st., St. Joseph, Mo. Gall, E. Clayton-Esther Collier Co.: Elmhurst, | Jeunets, The: 948 N Western’ ave., 7 ~ Johnson Bros. & Joh — keepsie, N. Y. week. Doubles and singles. Both up in acte. a. ohn Hallinan & Murphy: 913 McKean st., Phila, Phila. son: 6245" Callowhill at. Lolsset, Katie: 104 EB. 14th st., N.Y. Producers. | Good wardrobe. Clever trained Dog. Ralsun Boys: 21 98th st., N. Y. Cc. Johnston, Musical: 388 Eighth ave.. N. Y. C Lombards, The: care Paul Tausig, 104 S. 14th om Y -% » Sober nn reliable. 6 reels good Halstead, Frank: Baie Oak Farm, Landisburg, | J°nes, Roy C.: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. CC “a he oe naar a RVERE O dawet. son at Pa. Jones & Whitehead: 47 W. 28th st., N. Y. c, | Lonnborg, Lon: lock City Hotel, Swormville, Hotel, Fp —_ REVERE & REVERE, Meyer's ; Halsted, Willard: 113% Jochiam st., Mobile, | Jordan, Earl: 209 E. 6th st., Lexington, Ky. |_ NYotel, Harrison & State Sts., Chicago, Ill. ¢ Ala. Jordans, Three Juggling: 5330 Justine st., Chi| Loomis, Clara: 6349 Evans ave., Chicago. . cot ag anna py W. Erie st.. Chicago. fe a at me Lowe, F. J.: 2720 18th ave., South, MinneapAT amlin, arry: Northwestern Bldg., Minckson song x) St. Pau! inn., . olis. TY neapolis. P Jansen, Herr, Co. (Majestic) Te my wie Lubins, Four Dancing: 1728 N. 21st st., Phila. LIBER JAN. 21 e Hammon & Lytell: 484 Cottage st., Rochester, (Majestic) Kalamazoo, Mich., 16-21. Lucas, Hazel Heston (Majestic) St. Paul. ' _! A Jewell’s Manikins (Orpheum) Sal Luce & Luce: 926 N. Broad st., Phila. A-1 : t Lake City; f : Hamnton & Bassett: 4866 Winthrop ave., Chi(Orpheum) Denver, Col., 16-2 "| LaMaze, Rennett & LaMaze: 2598 Pitkin ave., cago. Jeter & Rogers (Colonial) N . Haney & Long: 117 State st., N. Vernon, Ind land) Baltimore, Md, orto, Va.; (Mary ve. * es : : ‘ 16-21. LaShe: 1611 Kater st., Phila. » Hanley & Jarvis: 230 Hoboken st., Rutherford, | Jolly. Wild & Co (Orpheum) Ottawa, Can.;| Lucier Fred & Bess: Onset Bay, Mass. Operator and Electrician m_N. J. (Orpheum) Montreal 16-21, . hy " : Lueders & Dell: 28 E. Robinson st., N. 8., —~ & Soley: 410 Barstow st., Eau Claire, | Jones @ Atherton (Wilson Ave.) Chicago Pittsburg, Pa. Hardy. Helene: Piqua, 0. Jolson, Al. (Columbia) Cincinnatl. . Lewis, Bert Sopkenm) Sevens Ga.; (Jef| All kinds of experience. Any machine. Alse Hardy, Jas. E.: 48 Fuller st., Toronto. Jackson, Ollie (Wigwam) Reno, Neb, a ei Det inion) Winnipeg, Can.; lady pianist; pictures and vaudeville, Want to Harnish, Mamie: 76 Park st., Braintree, Mass. Jackson, Joe (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal, London ——— i. oe 16 ph us. ‘* | locate for winter, We can deliver the goods Harper & Jameson: Box 1145, Muskogee. Okla. | Jennings & Renfrew (Auditorium) Lynn, Mass. en) See ) Knoxville, T First fi : ; ~ : Harris & Robinson: 152 Lake st., Chicago. Kaichi Trio: 1227 E. Tist st. . Chicago. Laughing Horse, The (Grand noxville, Tenn., rst come, first served. Address V. E. F., 829 Harris, Fred: 851 E. 40th st., Chicago. Kartello Bros.: Paterson, N. J. 16-21. . », | Se. Ist St., Monmouth, Il, Harrison, Leon F.: Ann Arbor, Mich. Kaufmanns, The: 240 E. 35th st., Chicago. Larrivee & Lee (Princess) Youngstown, ©., 12: | Haskell, Loney: 47 Lexington ave., N. Y. C. Keating & Murray: Wildwood, 14 Hateh, E. Warren: 74 Sydney st., Boston Keeley & Parks: care Mrs. , 2. : s 3 "3 5 LaTell Rros. (Howard) Boston; (Grand) RutHatches The: 47 E. 133d st., N. Y. C. 150th st., N. ¥. C. Davidson, 281 w. | Med Ve 1621. Hawes Sisters: 3952 Belmont ave., Chicago. Keene, Mattie: Hotel Gerard, N. Y. C. Livingstons, Three (Alhambra) N. Y¥. C. Hawkins, Homer: 229 Royd st., Grafton, W. Va. —— Doris & Keene: 90 Pennington st., Put(Keith's) Providence, R. I.. 16-21. Bewley. Geo.: 208 Monroe ave., Memphis, Tenn, . N. J. dons, The (Majestic) Rock Island, TIL; & Bachen: 1347 N. 1ith st., Phila. Kelcey, ‘Sisters, Three: 4832 Christiana ave., Chilateamt ? pe, Ia 21. ; And EMPLOVEES of THEATRES (Family) Muscatine, In., 6 r, Josie: 2123 84th st., Bensonhurst, N. cago. in & &. tube Chitou) Deteth, Mien. — ARE Kelly & Henry: 2738 Frankford ave., Phila. (Bijou) Winnineg Can., 16-21 ELI IB MB HI Relate, Jack: 2104 Portland ave., Minneapolis. | Keltners, The: 133 Colonial Pla Dal ve ‘he nt , ‘ to ME ERS P eee, LaBelle: 63 W. 7th st., Mt. Vernon, | Kenny & Hollis: 64 Harvard okie Mase, hhh tic) Jacksonville. Fla., 16-21. IN THE N. 4 Kent & Wilson: 6030 Monroe ave., Chi = ‘.. © 6 Wenderece & Sheldon: 164 E. Randolph st., King iy A. 4th ave., Se henectady, Ny. oo — cexiceraytiengpanctenns: cago. ng alley: 206 W. 49th Sinn ee G. . g's, y : ; 5 E . | Kings! Lovenberg’s, (Chas... College Life (Sompie) Saison THe Monn ta See) a crane, om Malte Bude ou | cater SY, aren, ree enry & Livel: 104 W. 40th st., N. Y. C. lein & Erlanger: 1587 E 424 st., ©) 7 ee gy “Way endo aad >, Herrmann, Adelaide: Gilsey House, N. ¥. C. Klein Trio: 4759 Oldenberg ave., St. = Lengwerthe. The (Temple) Ft. Wayne, iné.: | urely a Be 1 Mechaniot > ton) Hewlettes, The: 1200 20th st.. Denver. Klinefelters, The: Box 462, Hawarden Ia (Circle) Chicago. HH., 16-21. ald the sick and dist ee a ones: Ren: 828 Sawmill ave., Allegheny, Pa. a Sisters, Three: care Paul Tausig ‘104 EF eee. Nat, & Co. (Princess) Kansas City, | dead Lodges in 110 elties tn United Stance — : ; iiontans, The: 2531 Chatham st., Cincinnatt. 4th st., N. Y¥. C. é . a | Cana , : Hines & Fenton: 143 W. 63d st.. N. Y. C. Knisely & Reardon (Princess) Columbus. O Tavails, The (Piton) Columbus, Ga. nae we ge = = ite ra to the theatrical world. eee Hinton, Leslie & Lettie: 207% E. Overland st.,| Knight Bros, & Sawtelle: 4450 Sheridan Road, | Lane & O'Donnell (Orphenm) Duluth. Minn.: | Small ducm, Talk to the emphices it geen: 7 yp ang Chicago, *| “(Orphenm) Minneapolis 16-21, bop 24, a SA t is ores. ry pees Park, N. J. an geo ey & May: 240 S. Chestnut st., Maay, Will (Princess) Hot Springs, Ark., 16 lor the sontensian — F iiemation antomains : ig owa oyd: 5551 Etzel ave., St. Lonis. rysvitie } . } Howze Sisters: 436 6th st., Jacksonville, Fla. | Kohl, Gus & Marion: 911 Fourth st., Milwaukee | LaNole, Fd. & Helen (Lyric) Terre Hante. Ind.; ete ee FAY A RY Huntings. Four: Fair Haven, N. J. Kollins, Stuart, and His Banjo Girls: 1553 (Colonial) Indienapolie 16-21, 4 R. C. NEWMAN, Grand Huxtables| The: 18 Oliver st., Salem, Mase. Rroadway, N. Y. C. . | Teighs, The (Mite) Jackson, Miss. Sheo'e Thestre, Toronto, enede. Hyatt & LeNore: 1612 W. Lanvale st., Balti-| Koppes, The: 117 W. 234 st.. N. Y. ©, LaBlanche, Lillian (Vaudeville) Houma. La.: WM. T. BUTLER, G.P’ more. Kotaro, Frank: 90% Race st., Phila. (0. H.) Tuscaloosa, Ala. 16-21, In answering ads, mention THE RILLBOARD.