The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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rad cn leech il ea es a A NTN FN EE SO 20 a ~ 2 The Billboard == SaNUARY 1471911. Lockwood Sisters: Star Show Girls. Lorraine, Rita, & Cv.: Tiger Lilies. Lore & Puyue: Che Blossoms. MacNallys Four imperials. Broadway Galety Girls. Mardo & Hunter: Cosy Corner Girls. Marion, Dave: Dreamland Burlesquers. Marion & Thompson: Girls from Dixie. Marion & Lililan: Century Girls. Mario, Louise, Red Raven Cadets; Vanity Fair. Marr & Evans: Irwin's Big Show. Marsbail & King: Gwiden Crook. Martell Family: Kentucky Belles. Martin & Wure: Lady Buccaneers. Martin & Damsel: Ducklingy McDonald & Price: Ducklings. Mcintyre & Acker: Follies of the Day. McGarry and McGarry: Pennant Winners. McGregor, Sandy: Brigadiers. Melrose Comedy Four: Lady Buccaneers. Mikot & Kramsa: Queens of the Jardin de Paris, Millar Musical Four: _ Lilies. Rose Sydell’s Lon Millard Bros., Bill & Bob.: don Belles. Mitchells, ge Miss New York, Jr. Monarch Four: Iden Crook. Moore, Helen Jessie, & Co.: Columbia Burlesquers. Morin, Sisters: Bowery Burlesquers. Morton, Ed.: Marathon Girls. Mullen & Coogan: Serenaders. Murphy, Frank, & Co.: Star Show Girls. Nadell & Bell: Rollickers. Niblo & Spencer: Parisian Widows, O’Brien, Frank: Columbia Burlesquers. Orpheus Comedy Four: Queens the Jardin de Paris. Opp, Joe: Kentucky Belles. Palmer, Lew: Robinson Crusoe Girls. Patridge, Mildred: Kentucky Belles, Pealeon. Golile & Hill: Ginger Girls. Meehan: Sem T. Jack’s Buri Goldie & Wil: Ginger Girls. Jardin de Paris Girls. Pealson, Phelps. Augusta: Picaro Troupe: Parisian Widows. Piroscoffis Family, Five: Cracker Jacks. Potter-liartwell Trio: Big Banner Show Powder & Chapman: Follies of New York and Paris. Prevost & Brown: Moulin Rouge. Reded & Hadley: Star Show Girls. Redding, Francesca & Co.: Harry Hastings’ Reid, Wakefield & Jackson: Runaway Girls. Relyea, Chas. E.: Kentucky Belles. Revere & Yuir: Pennant Winners Roatina, Adelina: Queens of the Jardin de Crusoe Girls. Paris. Robinson, Chas.: Robinson Romas, Six es solrmin's s Big Show. Ross, Katherine: n Rosser « Georgette: Pat White’s Gaiety Girls. Gears, Gladys: Midnight Maidens. J felbini & — — Society Girls. jemon Puo: nger ris. eyons, The: Yankee Doodle Girls. Bennett & Gordon: Dreamland Bur gertiae “Bileen: Behman Show. Snyder & Buckley: Fads and Follies. Bociety Trio: Che Rlossoms. St. Clair, Fannie: Tons. Stewarts, Musical: Sam T. Jack’s Burlesquers. Btrousse, Jack: Golden Crook. Thornton, Geo.: Bowery Burlesquers. Tombes, Andrew: Outage — Tuxedo Four: auty Trus Valveno & Lamore: Yankee Doodle Girls. Valmore, Lulu & Mildred: Bohemians. Van Buren, Helen: ‘ef Buccaneers. Vedder, Fannie: Bon Tons Vincent, Florence: Follies ‘of the Day. Vivian, Anna: Cozy Corner Girls. Yon Serly Sisters: Marathon Girls. Vyner, Idylia: Al. Reeves’ Beanty Show. Ward, Will J.: Follies of the Day. Wateon Sisters:. Dainty Duchess. Welch & Maitiand: Vanity Fair. Weston & Waldron: Star Show Girls. White, Boneta, Balloon Girl: Brigadiers. Williams, Mollie, & Co.: Cracker Jacks. Williams & Brooks: Cracker Jacks. Wood Bros.: Vanity Fair. Worth & Wolfe: Merry Maidens. Yale & Orloff: Cozy Girls. Yankee Poodle Quartette: Rose Sydell’s Lon. don Belles. Young Rros.: Ducklings. } among Mile.: Girls from Dixte. ——o MANAGERS AND AGENTS (Contributions of information for this department will be appreciated.) Abbett, Harry: Agent Ginger Girls. Abbott, Frank: Manager Parisian Widows. Abrams, Jack: Agent Polly of the Circus. Sevmen, Cc. F.: Manager Martin’s U. T aomime Hi. M.: Agent Stubborn Cinderella. Aineworth. G. R.: : Agent Flaming Arrow. Aiston. Arthur C.: Manager At the Old Cross ® Roads. y Alien, Harry: Manager Third Degree, Co. B. Allen, Sim: Manager House of a Jasosand Candles. Allen, C. G.: Agent Polly of the Circus. Alger. Ollie: Manager Rose Stahl Co. Altman, Dave: Saprere, Fred G.: Pe E. C.: os “meme Emil: Manager Minister's Sweetheart. Manager Graustark, Eastern Manager Paid tn Full. Manager Bailey & Austin me. a Geo. J.: Manager Maxine Elliott Co. Archer, L. D.: Agent Sylvia Summers Co. Armitage. H.: Manager Parsing of the Third Floor Rack. Aton, Lindsay: Agent Millionatre Kid. Auskings, Clarence: Agent Miller Bros.’ Sweetest Girl in Dixte Co. Manager Virginia Aylesworth. Arthur J.: Harned o. Bachelder. E. A.: Agent Chocolate Soldier. Bachelder. A. W.: Agent Rlanche Walsh Co. Bacon, C. R.: Agent Chenncey Olcott Co. Ratley, Farry A.: Manager The Thief. Baker, Jno. T. Manager Star Show Girls. Rall. H. W.: Agent Rarney Gilmore Co Bannister, Harry C.: Manager The Cow Puncher. Barry. Frank: Agent The Thief. Rarnett, 1. B.: Agent Rilly the Kid. Barney. Arthur L.: Manager Fortune Hunter, Western Co. Bates. Geo. M.: Agent Defender of Cameron Dam. =. Jno.: Agent Stair & Havlin’s Wolf Bechtol, F. O0.: Agent Daniel Boone on the Trall, Western Co. Bedwards, W. H.: Agent Field’s Minstrels. Belmont, Stiney: Agent Man on the Box. Bennett, Arthur: Agent Servant in the House. Benjamin, Pani: Agent Maxine Elliott Co. Bernstein, Rube: Agent Pat White's Gaiety Girls. Bigelow, Joe: Agent Ward and Vokes Oo. Rixby. Frank L.: Agent Father and the Boys. Blair, Sam: Manager Ollie Mack Co. Biumenthal, Geo.: Manager Naughty Marietta. Agent Heart of Rockies. Bolan, Ken: Agent Midnight Maidens. Bond, Rollin: Agent Lottery Man. —_ Cc. H.: Manager Madame X, Western m2 Walter “" a: Henry Woodruff Co. < “a Chas. E.: Manager Grace Cameron Boyer, W. T.: Manager Ninety and Nine. Kradbory. Rarry: Agent Port of Missing Men. Rraden, Edw. A.: Manager Elsie Janis Co. Rradfield, A. Mayo: Manager Bachelor's Honeymoon, Central Co. — Walton: Manager Gertrude Elliott 0, Bradford, Chas.: Agent Up and Down Broad . S. E.: Agent Squaw Man, Western Co. Brady, 8S. W.: Agent hool Days. . Thos.: Agent Century Girls. Bragg. Chas.: Agent Knickerbockers. Brandon, Chas.: Agent Cow und the Moon. Brehany, Jack: Agent Wagenhal & Kem . Paid in Full Co. -” Brill, W. H.: Agent Bright Eyes. Brooke. Chas. H.: Manager ll Sheriff. Brockenshire, W. F.: Manager Stewart's Myr Wife's Family Co. ° ae. Chas, F.: Manager Raymond Hitch coc 'e Rrown C. H.: Agent The City. Brown, F. K.: Agent Madame X. Western Co. Brown. C. Warde: Manager Gaskell & McVit ty’s Manager Stetson’s U. T. C. “wes 7. W.: Bruner, Frank V Agent Robert Edeson Co. Bryan, err I: * jot Flirting Princess, Bryant. H Manager Girl In the Taxi. Ruchbinder, Julius: Agent Girls from Happy land. Buell. F. T.: Agent Madame X, Eastern Co. Manager Thompson's Polly Bulkley, Chas. T.: of the Circus Co. Agent Fortune Hunter. Agent Human Hearts, Southern Rullen, Wm.: anager Forbes-Robertron Co. Burner, Chas.: Co. Burton, Percy: Agent County Sheriff. M Bussing, Harry B.: — Wm. C.: Manager Just Out of ColCagstnghom. Samnel: Manager Schiller Am. Co.'s Paid to Full. Curran, Jno.: Agent in the Bishop's Carriage. Curry, D. C.: Manager Viola Allen Co. Oueeee, Wallace R.: Manager My Wife's Fam cutie. Fred 8.: Manager Silver Threads. Davidson, Harry: 7 Walker Whiteside Co. Davidson Fred Agent Chinatown Trunk Mystery. Davidson, Ed.: Manager Robinson Crusoe Girls. 7. E. G.: Manager My Cinderella Girl, a 3 Davis, Harry: Agent Virginia Harned Co. Davis, Lester A.: Agent Paid in Foll. Dawson, Stanley F.: Agent Checkers. — Brightly: Agent Gentleman from Mis jesippt. nt John Mason Oo. D'Arcy. H. A: Dean, Tunls F.: Manager Frances Starr Co. Decker, W.: Agent Broken Idol. Decker Ed. Agent As the Sun Went Down. DeCoursey, Edwin: Manager Chinatown Trunk Mystery. Delaney, Eddie: Manager Sis Perkins. Delmore, Len: Manager Human Hearts, South ern Co. DeMiit, Jos.: Manager Checkers. Demperey. C. F.: Agent Girl of the Mountains. DeMuth, H. C.: Manager Three Twins, West ern Co. Dennis, Harry C.: Agent Girl and the Ra r. Dessauer, a? Agent World of Pleasure. Manager Going Some. Agent Shadowed by Three. Manager White Captive. Ditmas, H. C.: Manager Smart Set. Dixon, Henry Manager Big Review. Doherty, Cameron W.: Agent Prince of His \ Agent The Rosary, Southern Co. . Alfred 1..: Agent Rose Stab! Co. Donaghey, Frederick: Manager Deep Purple. Donasetta, Lewis o3 Manager Girl From Rector's. Donnelly, Jno. J.: Manager Marie Cahill Co. Donoghue, Chas. F.: Manager Miss Nobody from Starland. Derney, Jon.: Agent Star Show Girls. pew a Richard: Manager Lillian Russell Co. Dorthick, Wallace: Agent The >: ee Drew, Will N.: Manager Tiger Lilies. Drum, J. C.: Agent Victor Moore Co. DeCoin, Frank: Agent Three Weeks. Mean, Tiffany: Agent Trocaderoa, + Tmggean, Walter 8.: Agent The Eastman, Adolph: Agent The City. Eherie. Robt. M.: Manager Wm. Gillette Co. Dillon, J. J.: Edmonston, Jos.: Agent The Thief No. 1. MANAGERS AND AGENTS For representation in this list, fill out blank. ND os entutuniemniodints sjitehanniiidienantihaenatheah ainwineteintaansn cides ip bau inbien aout nsients iadilbon Manager of -_-..._.Sea oP sdeueasssewsscesrenens Agent of ....-. wowns a Butler, Ormond H.: Manager Grace Van Stud diford Co. Cable Geo. F.: Agent The Squaw Man, Southern Co. Cain, Maurice: Agent In Panama. Calder, Frank: Manager Ducklings. Caliwell, A. E.: Manager Call of the Wild. Caldwell, Jas.: Agent Peck's Bad Boy. Callahan, Chas. 8.: Agent a Campbell, Wm. S.: Manager Sydell’s London Relles, Campbell, Jno.: Agent Just Ont of Col " Canby, A. H.: Manager Mme. Nazimova Canby. C. S.: Agent Sis Perkins. Casa. Campbell B.: Agent Dollar Princess. Special Co. Cass. I. F.: Manager Lottery Man. Cavan, Col. J. E.: Manager Syuaw Man, West ern Co. Cavanaugh, F. P.: Agent Little Damozel. Chapman, Richard: Manager Rosalind at Red Gate Eastern. a Frank, Manager Henry B. Warner Chenet, Geo, A.: Manager Grace George Co. Chipman, E. W.: Manager Girls from Happyan Chota, Geo.: Agent The Squaw Man, Southern eT Frank J.: ett Ca. Clark. Sam.: Manager Jas. K. Hack Agent Big Banner Show. Clifford, J. E.: Manager Queen of the Outlaw’s Camp. Cohn, Edwin J.: Manager The Round-Up. I.: Agent Hans Hanson. Robt. J.: Manager Soul Kiss, Eastern Colller, Walter: Manager Wm. Collier Co. Collina, Ulric B.: Manager The Nigger, No. 2 Co. Colline, H. D.: atreia, Comba, S. W.: Consadine, TD. A.: Conway, Geo.: Cooley, P. M.: Raby. Manager Down in Dixie Min Manager Circus _? Manager In ola entucky. Agent Ole Olson. Manager Newlyweds and Their Western Co, Cook. TD. H.: Manager Clifton Mallory Co. = Chas. Emerson: Agent Gertrude Elliott mn, Cooper. Jas. E.: Manager Jersey Lilies. Cory. y* R.: Manager United Play Co.'s Ciimax Co. Manager Frederie Clarke’ Co. Agent Superba. Court, Ormsby A.: Agent Marte Cahill Co. Contts, Ino. E.: Agent Newlyweds and Their Baby, Western Co, Cogan, M. C.: Agent The Spendthrifts, Western ”. * ~-y Chas. L.: Manager Throngh Death Val ey fransten W.: Manager Wade's Time, the Place and the Gin Co. a Forest E.: Manager As the Sun Went Prey shank, Frank C.: Agent Three Twins. Eastern Co. Eckhardt, ‘C. W.: Agent Cat and the FidEdwards, Chas, F.: Manager © Blossoms. Eisfelt, Kort: Manager May Irwin Co. Elmer, Harry: Manager The Nigger Elmore, Geo.: Manager House of a Thousand Candies, Co. A. Elroy, Edwin: Agent Glaser’s St. Elmo Co. : Manager Margaret Illing — ,, Swans elaton. wi A.: Agent Mack’s Hypnotic Comedy aly, oe Manager He Fell in Love With Tite Wife. Emery, 1. B Manager Red Mill. Emery. Roy C Agent Rosalind at Red Gate, Fastern Co. Entwistle, Harold: Agent Passing of the Third Floor Rack. Epstein, I-mia: Manager Merry Whirl. Evans, Manrice J.: Manager The City. Evans, Robt. M.: Manager The Spendthrift. Eastern Co. Everett, Edward: Agent Al. H. Wilson Co. Farnham, Harry: Manager Millionaire Kid. Faust, Jack: Manager Century Girla. Fedria, Jno. M.: Manager Chauncey Olcott Co. Feltz, Jas. A.: Manager Wm. Macauler Co. Fennessy, Wm.: Manager Mise New York, Jr. Feticks, Jno.: Agent Man of the Hour, Eastern Co. Finherg, Abe: Agent Americans. Finley, W. A.: Agent East Lynne. Finney. C W.: Agent White Sqnaw. Fixher, Richard R.: Agent Vanghan Glaser Co. Fixher, Sam: Agent Happy Hooligan. Fitchett, Ren T.: Agent Pennant Winners. Fitzgerald. Waerry: Agent Firing Line. Fitzgerald, Gerald: Agent Honeymoon Trail. Fleck, Fred F.: Manager Girl from Rector’s. sor agg Geo.: Manager Girl and the Stampede, Florida, Gen. A.: Flord, Walter: Ford. BR. &.: Ford, Geo. D.: Foreman, J. W.: Foreman, Chas. E.: Agent Girl from Rector's. Agent Crril Seott Co. Manager Sanford Detge Co. Agent Jefferson DeAngelia Co. Agent Kentucky Relies, Manager Kentucky Belles. Foleom, Arthur: Agent The Shoemaker. Forse, Lonia J.: Agent Cecll Spooner Co. ee. Robt.: Manager Ell and Jane, Southern . Fox, LC Agent Goddess of Liberty. Frank, Wm.: Manager Ethel Rarrrmore Co, Frankel, Jos. W.: Agent Louis Mann Co. Frankland, Geo. W.: Manager St. Kimo Co. Franklin. Chae.: Agent Rector Girls, Fredericks, W. R.: Manager Rine Monee. Freefield, S C.: Manager Rohert Edeson Co. Freeman, Frank E.: Agent Queen of Rohemia. Friedman, teen: Agent Follies of 1910, Frieiman. Philip: Manager The Climax. Froet, Shad: Agent Forhes.Rohertenn Co, Manager Golden Crook. Agent Montgomery & Stone Agent Seven Darya. Agent Vogel's Minetrels, Agent Girl In the Kimono. Fulton, James: Fniton, Harry 8.: Ca, Full wood, Wm.: Galbraith, Ted B.: Gardner, Doc: Gale, Howard: Agent Three Twins. Western Garfield, B. M.: Manager Candy Girl. Garyn, W. B.: Mana Veughen Glaser Co. Gerson, Sam: Agent Frits! Scheff Co, Gibbon, J. Frank: Agent The odes Giffen, R. L.: Agent Mra, Fiske Co. Gilman, Wm.: Manager The Squaw Man, South ero Co. Gilmore, Jno.: Agent Gaskell & McVitty’s Ro sary Co, Glennon, Jno. L.: Agent Girl in the Taxi. Glickauff, Chas.: Manager Rosalind at Red Gate, Western Co. Goett, Geo.: Mana Newlyw Their Raby, Eastern ~ yee ens ome, Alphonse: Manager Stubborn Cinder Goldaine, M. 8.: Manager The Rosary. Gollen, Nat: Agent Dreamland Burlesquers. Goolhue, Willis Maxwell: Agent Lottery Man. Gordon, Max: A t Passing Parade. Goring, Jno. P. avager Firing Line. Gorman, Wm. E.: Agent Fourth Estate. Gorman, Alex D. Manager Rollickers. Grady, H A Manager Julian Eltt = alter: Manager Pat White’ 4 > 4 ris. Greene, Arthur A.: Agent Robert Mantell Co. Greenway, Harry: Agent Kissing Girl. Greet, Maurice: Manager Robert Hilliard Co. om, Jno.: Agent Human Hearts, Northern Grota, Manager Dreamland Burlesquers. am. 5 Henrl: Agent Prince of Plisen. ruber, J.: Manager Wid *e Guns, mY tT: ge ow Perkins. Manager Q'Neill’s Paid in Full 3 Agent Love Makers. Gugg oheim, Daniel: Manager Watson's Burleaquers. Hale, Geo. M.: Agent Bohemians. Hale, Joo. S.: Manager Florence Roberts Co. Hale, W. M.: Manager L.jon and the Mouse. Hammett, Melville: Manager The Lil Hamberg, Alfred P.: Manag r Louis Mann Co. Hamburger, Al.: Manager Mother. Bomitea, H. L.: Agent Polack’s Winter Cir Bommend, Ben: Agent Dreamland Burlesquers. Hanley, Jos.: Manager East Lynne. 7 Hardy, Mariborongh: Harris, Arthur: m..Y Dave: Manager Ruster Brown. Agent Girls from Dixie. Herris, Wm., Jr.: Manager Robert Edeson Co. Harris, Jack: Agent Golden Girl. -—<or H.: Manager Gentleman from Misesiasipp' Harrison, < Manager Adeline Genee Co. Harley, Burt: Agent ny | and Nine. Harmon, Victor: Manager Up and Down Broad way. Harmon, W. F.: Manager My Cinderella Girl. Hassan, Edward I: Agent My Cinderella Girl. Heskell, Gilman: Manager Do’ Princess, SpeHse 4 oy. lh 2 = awks ells: A t Gert i ao gen ertrude Elliott Co. Agent The Arcadians. a Harry E.: Manager Quincy Adams Saw le Ay Viola Allen Co. ys 3 anager Blue Mouse, West Agent Kentucky Belles, ad aay Damogel. of t ! Hefferlin. Chas. A: Menager Thee Woke. Heilman, Dave: Agent Mae LaPorte Stock Co. Herman, A. W.: Manager School , —— Herndon, Richard: Manager Girl of My Dreams. Herteman. Chas. L.: Agent Madame Sherry, Hewitt, J. H.: Manager Ole Ol Hewitt, Wm. Judkine: Agent G Gre: Rexter, Wm.: reat Powers Co. Agent Call of the Wild. Hitten, . A Agent qn mane. *% 4 : ann nm oo ger ° Rurgomaster. Manager Arthur Donaldson mieten. Geo. Frederick: Manager Richard Serie Foattey, Fred R.: Manager Rilly, the Ki Hogarty, Jno.: Manager Lillian Ronen x Hodgeman., Thos. : Manager l'rince of Pilsen. + een | oe _~louis Mann Co. ogan, Jno ana w emper's a mt Full Co. naatates Agent Ridney Drew Halland. Frank: Manage Al. i. Wilson Co. Nelingowerth, Frank: Agent As the Sun Went Holly. Chas. M.: Manager Man of the Hour, Fastern Co. Tielmes, Ned: Agent Grace Van Stnddiford Co. Tlope, lL W.: Agent Merry Widow, Eastern Co. Tlepe, Jno. V.: Manager Girl in the Taxi. — Francis. X.: Manager Adelaide Thurston Hopkins, Frank: _ Manager Richard Carle Co. Tlopper, Geo. : Manager Ward & Vokes Co. Tiowkin, W. FL: “Ag nt Final Settlement. ee ga red: som, An Aristocratic Tramp. onghton ur J.: gom: ay anager Mont ery & pnomae. Cc. L.: Agent Chase-Lister Co., Northmoweré, Jos. M.: Manager Queens of the Jardin de Varia. Howard, Wm. H.: Agent Ell & Jane, Southern Co. . H.: Manager Daniel Boone on the Trail, Eastern Co. Huffman, Erwin: Agent House of a Thousand Candles Cn A ot.“ T. E.: Agent The Squaw Man, Central am. Jas. Henry: Manager Powers’ Comedy “—* Ges. B.: Agent He Fell In Love With His Hurtig: Lou: Manager Ginger Giria. Hutton, J. &.: Agent Viola Allen Co. Hiyde. J. Clarence: Agent Frances Starr Co. Ixaac, Phil B.: Manager College Girlie, come. EB. B.: Manager The Spendthrift, Western ma. Billy: Agent Barnum-Raffela Sensations, Jackson, Willis F.: Manager Rosalind at Red Gate, Eastern Co, Sachem, Harry J.: Manager Beulah Poynter Jacobs, Fred: Agent Broadway Galety Girls. Jacoba, Maurice: Manager Moulin Ronge. Jacoheon, Clarence: Manager Country Roy, Co. B. Jennings, Wm. V.: Agent Jersey Lilies. Johneon, R. A.: Agent Sanford Dodge Co. Johnson. J. Burt: Manager Diamond King. Jobnetone. G. D.: Agent George Bidney Co, Jones, Jack: Agent Our New Minlater, Jones, A, Emerson: Manager Goddess of Liberty. Jordan, Fred W.: Agent Grace George Co. doyee, M. J: Agent Smart Ret. Junker, W. A.: Agent Time, the Place and the . Weatern ——— Johanie: Agent Morey Stock Co., West Kane. Robt, H.: Manager Manhattan vase Oo. Kane, Thos,: Agent The Nigger. No, 2 Co. Katz, Lonte: Agent Robert Hilliard Oo.