The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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pn ey stat gih aet Laing at —— eo a ESC IT ea? ats ddan + ra. ; | Ph | +7 q . = aif +" fl 14 B) i} ; > aes a 1 Hi Ad ae es iy z | The Billboard JANUARY 14, 1911. Sackett, E. L.: Agent Jas. K. Hackett Co. Sage Percy: Agent Seven Days Sagersca, F. P.: Manager xt the Mercy of Ti berius. Salisbury, Chas.: Agent Frederic Clarke Co. a Roy: Manager Texas Ranger Co, Westrh 0. Sanders, J. A.: Manager Sheeban Opera Co. sapere, A. R.: Agent Mildred and Rouclere A. Claude: Agent Girl of My Dreams Saunders, C. E.: Manager Three Twins, Bastern Salter, Ed.: Manager Fiirting Princess. — E, genet: Agent Traveling Salesan, —. Eugene: Manager Merry Widow, Bastern Sellon, Chas. A.: Manager Cow and the Moon. Seymour, Dave: Manager Broken Idol. Shafer, Edward: Manager Merry Maidens. Shapiro, Harry: Agent Imperials. Shaw, Chas.: Manager Albert Chevalier Co. ~ Daniel: Manager Evans’ Honey Boy Minstrels. Sheffield, Chas. J.: Agent This Woman and This Man. Shelley, Howard: Agent Naughty Martetta. Sherwood, Col. Wm. H.: Agent Rose Melville Shiffman, A. L.: Manager Victor Moore Co. ~~ amen Jack: Manager Jefferson DeAngelis ‘o. Savent., H. T.: Agent The Thief, Eastern Simons, Bob: Manager Fads and Follies. Simonds, Teddy: Manager Americans. meres, Ben F.: Agent Rosalind at Red Gate, estern Co. Slevin, L. J.: Manager Beverly, Western Co. — Matt: Manager Midnight Sons, Western Smith, Howard: Manager Robert Mantell Co. Smith, Merle E.: Manager Golden Girl, Smith, Frank L.: Agent Harry Hastings’ Show. Smith, Leslie E.: Manager Phil Maher Co. Snowhill, C. G.: Agent Watson’s Burlesquers. Spangler, A. V.: Manager Joe Hortiz Co. | Sparks, W. K.: Agent Thos. E. Shea Co. Spears, Jos. W.: Manager Fortune Hunter, Eastern Co. Stacy, Geo. E.: Agent Thos. Jefferson Co. Stanton, L. A.: Manager Texas Ranger, East ern Co. Stark, Lou: Manager Brigadiers. Stair, Frank E.: Manager George Sidney Co. Steelsmith, C. M.: Manager Our Village Post master. Stephenson, Fred.: Agent Dockstader’s Minstrels. Stern, Louis: Manager Chocolate Soldier, East ern Co. Story, Alex.: _ Manager As Told in the Hills. Stout, J. M.: Manager Madame Sherry, Co. Strassman, ‘Albert: Agent The Arcadians. Strouse, Hairy M.: Manager Lady Buccaneers. Sturges, Chas, R.. Agent Evans’ Honey Boy Minstrels Sullivan, Geo, A.: Manager The Thief, Eastern Co Sullivan, Jno, F.: Manager White Squaw. Superior, Dave: Agent Raymond Hitchcock Co. Sydell, Jack: Agent Rose Sydell's London Belles. Talbot, Lewis: Manager World of Pleasure. Taylor, Chas. E.: Manager Midnight Maidens. Thall, Charles Mark: Agent Wildfire. Thompson, Franklin: Manager Old Homestead. Teaff, Chas, A.: Manager Daniel Boone on the | Trail, Central Co, Thomas, Arthur G.: Manager My Cinderella Girl, No. 1 Co. Thompson, Harry: Manager Beauty Trust. Tilton, E. B.: Manager Mary Mannering Co. Timball, Fred: Manager The City. Tierney, Edward: Agent Wm. Macauley Co. Timpoal. E. J.: Manager Le Brun Grand Op era Co. Tisdale, Wm. G.: Manager Chocolate Soldier, Chicago Co. Toohey, Jno. P.: Agent Jolly Bachelors. Towers, David: Manager Fourth Estate. Travers, Wm. M.: Manager Blanche Walsh Co. Trousdale, E. E.: Manager Man on the Box. Tuck, Sam. L.: Manager Marathon Girls. wee, Walter: Manager Walker Whiteside Turner, Smith: Agent At the Mercy of Tiberius. Van Etten, W. H.: Manager Yankee Doodle Detective. Vetter, J. K.: Manager Dan Cupid. Victor, Leon: Agent Blue Fang Vion, Jos. F.: Manager The Climax. Vogel, Jno. W.: Manager Vogel’s Minstrels. Wainstock, Morris: Manager Rector Girls. Waggoner, Rod: Agent Miss Nobody from Starand Wagner, N. C.: Agent Way Down East. Wall, Jas.: Manager Adventures of Polly. Walsh, Townsend: Agent Otis Skinner Co. Walsh, Wm. H.: Agent Old Homestead. Walters, Elmer: : Agent Wright Lorimer Co. Walters, Chas. : Manager Happy Hooligan. Walters, Geo. D: Agent —of Polly. Warner: Edwin: Manager Superb ae. Lew: Manager Washington Society ris Wee, 0. E.: Manager Girl of the Mountains. Weeden, James: Manager The Shoemaker. Weedon, Emmett: Agent Serenaders. Weinberg, Sam: Manager Wise Guy. Wertheimer: Agent Graustark, Southern Co. Wheeler, A. P.: Agent House of a Thousand Whitbeck. Prank thec ank: Agent Harry Clay Blane White, Al. W.: Agent Fiske O'Hare 4 rn White, J. Louls: Manager Ressie McCoy Co. White. veo. F.: Agent Winning Miss. White, Will L.: Manager Final Settlement. Whittendale, Jas.: Manager Polly of the Circus. Wiegand, Chas. F.: Manager Queen of Bohemia. Wiesberg, Sam B.: Agent Star & Garter Show. Wiesberg, Frank: Manager Star & Garter Show. Western Co Wickham, H. A.: Manager Merry Widow. Wige rt. Martin 3: Agent Turning Point. Wicht, Hilliard: Manager All for Her. a. Thee, 1s 3 Aare St. Elmo Co. ae ee lee oeu Pn “A -.-n Ca Wilken. Wm. L.: Ag: ut . on 3 Wii ank M. Agent i: 3 Witiiams, Arthur G.: Agent Girl of My Drenma. Williams. C. R.: Agent Soul Kiss, Eastern Co. Williams, J. R.: Manager Maude Adams Co. Williams, Frank: Manager They Loved a Lassie, a Fred C.: Manager Graustark, Southern Co. Williams, Art: Manager Panama = Cc. Manager Dockstader’s Minstrels. Williams, Chas. A.: Manager Arizona. Williamson, D. R.: Manager Tiger Lilies. Willard, L. R.: Manager Time, the Place and the Girl, Western Co. Willets, Clarence W.: Manager Seven Days. Wilson, E. G.: Manager Girl from U. 8. ’ Central Co. Wilson, Chas. D.: Manager Thos. A. Wise Co. Wilstach, Jno.: Agent Mary Mannering Co. See Letter List for your mail. | | | J | ie Frank J.: | Woolfolk, Wm. | wae, Claxton: Manager Sothern-Marlowe W.: Manager In Panama. | Worifolk, Boyle: Manager Winning Miss. | Wright, | Yager, Walter D.: Agent | | | | | | ed Bohemians, Al. Lubin, mgr.: (Folly) Chicago 914; (Avenue) Detroit 16-21. Bon Tons (Metropolis) N. Y. ©. 9-14; (Westminster) Providence 16-21. Bowery Burlesquers, E. Dick Rider mer.: (Murray Hill) N. Y¥. C., 9-14; (Metropolis ¥Y. C.. 16-21. Brigadiers, ‘Louis Stark, mgr.: ()}<onumental) Baltimore 9-14; (Lyric) Allentown 16; (Academy) Reading 17; (Majestic) Harrisburg 1s, (Mishler) Altoona 19; (Cambria) Johnstown 20. Broadway Gaiety Girls, Louis Oberworth, mgr.: | (Trocadero) Phila. 9-14; (Lyceum) Wash. D. C., 16-21. Coatury Gi ris. Jack Vanst, mer.: (Dewey) Min alts "4 ' ‘St. Pavl 16-21 | Cherry Riimiaia F. Edwards, mer. eee Buffalo. 0.14; (Star) Toronto 16 Cou lege Girls, Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Star) Brooklyn 9-14; (Waldmat Newark 16-21. Columbia Burlesquers, ‘(Frank Logan, megr.: (Waldmann’s) Newark %-14: (Empire) Hoboken 16-2 Cozy Corner Girls, Sam Robinson, mgr.: (Avenue) Detroit 9-14; (Lafayette) Buffalo 16-21. Cracker Jacks, Harry Leoni. mgr.: (Westmin ster) Providence 9-14; (Casino) Boston 16-21. Dainty Duchess (Empire) Hoboken 9-14; (Hurtig & Seamon’s) N. >, 16-21. Dreamland Burlesquers, Izzy Grodz, mgr.: (Lyceum) Wash., D. C., 9-14; (Monumental) Baltimore 16-21. Ducklings, Frank Calder. mgr.: (Sth Ave.) N. ¥. C., 9-14; (Empire) Newark 16-21. | Fads and Follies. Chas. B. Arnold, mgr.: | a peau N. Y. C., 9-14; (Casino) Phila., Follien ‘of New York and Paris, E. M. Rosen j thal, mgr.: (Gayety) Pittsburg 9-14; (Em pire) Cleveland 16-21. Follies of the Day, Barney Girard, mgr.: (Fol iy) Paterson 9-11; (Bon Ton) Jersey City 12 (Columbia) Scranton 16-18; (Luzerne) | w ilkes Barre 19-21. Ginger Girls, Lou Hurtig, mgr.: (Gayety) Phil adelphia 9-14; (Gayety) Baltimore 16-21 | Girls from Dixie, Jos. Leavitt mgr.: (Em pire) Chicago 9-14; (Star) Milwaukee 16 21 Girls from Happyland, E. W. Chipman, mer. (Standard) Cincinnati 9-14; (Gayety) Louisville 16-21 Golden Crook, Jas. Fulton, mgr.: (Empire) Albany 9-11; Schenectady 12-14; | Passing Send 6c. Magic, Dept. Fred E.: Agent Wm. Hodge Oo. Wuerz, Chas. H.: Manager Bright Eyes. Wyatt, Henry: Manager Fighting l’arsvn. Girl from Rector’s. Yaie, Chas. H.: Manager Midnight Sous, Eastern Co. Young, Henry: Manager The Climax ane. Fred Grant: Agent Adelaide Thurston Seomena, L. C.: Manager The Wolf. Chas. : Agent Schiller Am. Co.’s Pald : Agent My Cinderella Girl. Zelleno, L. C.: Manager Shadowed by Three. Zweifel, Fred R.: Manager Jas. T. Powers Co. BURLESQUE. Americans, Teddy Simonds, Brooklyn 9-14; (Empire) Beauty ‘irust, Harry W. Thompson, mgr.: (Gayety) Boston 9-14; (Empire) Albany 16-15, ((Mohawk) Schenectady 19-21 Behman Show. Jack Singer, mgr.: (Columbia) N. Y. C 9-14; (Gayety) Phila., 16-21. Big Banner Show, Frank Livingston, (Mohawk) Schenectady 9-11; (Empire) 12-14; (Gayety) Boston 16-21. Big Review, Henry P. Dixon, mgr.: (Bon Ton) Jersey City 9-11; (Folly) Paterson 12-14; (Luzerne) Wilkes-Barre 16-18; (Columbia) Scranton 19-21. mgr.: (Casino) Brooklyn 16-21 mgr.: Albany (Mohawk) 21. (Gayety) Prooklyn 16-2 Hastings’, Harry. Show (Gavety) Louisville 9%(Gayety) St. Lonis 16-21. Imperials, Sim Williams, mgr.: (People’s) Cincinnati 9-14: (Empire) Chicago 16-21. Irwin's Big Show: (Gayety) Wash... D. C., 914: (Gayety) Pittsburg 16-21. Jardin de Paris Girls, Will Roehm, mgr.: (CoInmbia) Roston 9-14: (Bon Ton) Jersey City 16-18; . (Folly) Paterson 19-21. Jersey Lilies. Jas. Cooper, mgr.: Chicago 9-14: (Gayety) Detroit 16-21. Jolly Girls, R. E. Patton. megr.: (Star) Paul 9-14: (Lyceum) St. Joseph 19-21. Kentucky Belles. Charles E. Foreman, =? Toronto 9-14; (Royal) Montreal (Alhambra) St. mer.: 16 oS Louis Robie. mgr.: (Gayety) Toronto §-14: (Garden) Buffalo 16-21. Lady Buccaneers, Harry M. Strouse, megr.: (Century) Kansas City 9-14; (Standard) St. Louis 16-21. Love Makers, Herry S. Clark, Milwaukee 9-14; (Star 16-21. Majestics, Fred Irwin, more 9-14: (Gayety) Wash., Marathon Girls Sam L. Tuck, Kansas City 9-14; (Gayety) Merry Maidens. Edwrerd Shafer, mer.: (Star) Cleveland 9-14: (Folly) Chicago 16 21. Merry Whirl, Lonis Epstein. megr.: (Columbia) Scranton 9-11; (Luzerne) Wilkes-Barre 12-14; (Trocadero) Phila. 16-21. Midnight Maidens, Chos. Tay! sino) Poston 9-14; (Columbia) megr.: & Garter) (Gayety) Chicago mer.: (Gavety) mo Go ‘ mgr.: (Gavety) Omaha 16-21. Raltl21 rr. mer.: — Be Co (Ca16 vel Jr... Wr om. ntreal 9-14; Fennessy (iow ard) mer wy als Boston 18 Ronze. Maurice -okbyn 9:14: Fr Jacobs, mer.: (Miner's Bronx) (EmBa. ee 16-21 Parisian Widows, Ss Louis 9-14: Abbott. mer.: (Garetv) (Gevety) Kansas City 16-21. I’arade, Moe Messing, mer (Tloward) Poston 9-14: (Columbia) Poston 16-21 a og Winners Robt. Mills. megr.: (Powe C., 9-14: (Follv) Paterson 16-18: ‘Jersey City 19-21. of Bohemia, Max Brooklyn 9-14; “v) iPon . on : Queen ety) 21 Splegel, (Olympic) mer.: (G u.. z, ¢. av16 Queens of the Jardin mer.: (Empire) Toledo 16-21. Rector Girls. Morris Wainstock, mer.: a. Joseph, 12-14: de Paris Cleveland Jos. 9-14; Hower, (Empire) (Lyreenm) (Century) Kansas City 16 MAGIC fse0 FREE Illus, Catalog included. 2, 270 39th St., N. Y. POCKET | Agent Wm. Faversham Reeves’, Al., Beauty Show (Garden) Buffalo 9-14: (Corinthian) Rochester 16-21 Rentz-Santiey, Burt Kendrick, mgr.: (Star & | Garter) Chicago 9-14; (Standard) Cincinnati | | 16-21. | Robinson Crusoe Girls, Ed. Davidson, | (Gayety) Minneapolis 9-14; (Gayety) Mil| waukee 16-21. | Rollickers, Alex. Gorman, megr.: (Majestic) | Harrisburg’ 11; (Mishler) Altoona 12; (Cam | bria) Johnstown 13; (Academy) Pittsburg 16 21. Runaway Girls, P. S. Clark, mgr.: Rochester 9-14; (Mohawk) Schenectady (Empire) Albany 19-21. Sam T. Jack's. Geo. T. ard) St. Louis 9-14; 16-21, Serenaders, Geo. Armstrong, mgr. Toledo 9-14; (Alhambra) Chicago 16-21. 16-18; Smith, mgr.: (Stand(Empire) Indianapolis kee 9-14; (Dewey) Minneapolis 16-21. Trocaderos, Chas. H. Waldron, mgr.: (Gayety) Detroit 9-14; (Gayety) Toronto 16-21. Vanity Fair, Jos. Pettingill, mer.: (Hurtig Se amon’s) Y. C. 9-14; (Murray Hill) . C... 16-21. Washington Society Girls, Lou Watson, mgr.: (Empire) Indianapolis 9-14; (Buckingham) Louisville 16-21. ; Watson's Burlesquers, W. B. Watson, mer.: (Academy) Pittsburg 9-14; (Star) Cle veland 16-21. White’s, Pat, Gaiety Girls, Walter Greaves, mgr.: (Buckingham) Louisville 9-14; (Peo ple’s) Cincinnati 16-21. ‘i “ Wise Guy: (Miner's Pag gn. XC. Baa (Sth Ave.) N. ¥ 16-2 World of Pleasure. Louis Talbot, mgr.: Layoff at Philadelphia 9-14; (Casino) Brooklyn 16-21. . Yankee Doodle Girls, Sol Myers, mgr _ (Em pire) Newark 9-14; (Bowery) N. Y. ¢ 16 21. _ STOCK & REPERTOIRE } | Academy of Music Stock Co., Wm. Fox, mgr.: N. Y. C., Aug 29, indef zar Stock Co Relasco & Mayer, megrs.: San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 29, indef. Arvine-Renton Players, Geo. R. Benton, megr.: Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 5, indef. Auditorium Stock Co. Geo. E. Laske, megr.: Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 6, indef. | | Avenue Stock Co.. Conness & Edwards, megrs.: I Wilmington. Del., Oct. 3, indef. ¥ Associated Players Co., Morton & Keenan, mer.: Longview, Tex., 9-14. : Baker Stock Co.. Geo. L. Baker, mgr.: Spo kane, Wesh.. Sept. 4, indef. Raker Stock Co., Geo. L. Baker, mgr.: Port | land, Ore., Oct. 17, Iindef | Baker Stock Co.. Geo. L. Baker, mgr: Seattle, Wash., Sept. 11, indef | Baldwin-Melville Stock Co., Walter 8 Ral -or ep | mgr.: Providence. R. Nov. 14, indef Belasco & Stone Stock Co.. Belasco & Stone, mgrs.: Los Angeles, Cal.. indef. | Bijou Stock Co., Klimt & Gazzolo, mgrs.: Chicago, Ill., July 3, indef. | Bijou Stock Co.: Pawtucket, R. 1., Aug. 8, inae | Bis shop's Players, W. H. Bishop, mgr.: Oakland, Cal., indef | Bittner, Bill, Stock Co.: El] Paso, Tex., Dec. 25, indef penton Players, Geo. C. Wilson, mgr.: Balti | more, Md., Nov. 21. indef. | Bunting, Emma, Associate Players, Russell & Drew, mers.: Seattle, Wash., Dec. 18, indef. Burrowes-Leslie Stock Co., Warren Burrowes, mgr.: Mobile, Ala.. Jan. 2, indef Burbank Stock Co. Oliver Morosco, mgr.: Los Angeles, Cal., indef. Burton Stock Co., Chas. Burton, mgr.: Louisville, Ky., Dec. 25. indef. Buckley, Louise Stock Co., Harry Hamilton, mer. : Del Monte, Cal., 1-14; Santa Barbara 15-28. | Burgess Stock Co., Taylor & Disney, mgrs.: Bluffs, l., 9-11; Chapin 12-14; Beardstown -21. Boyer, Nancy, Stock Co.: Williamsport, Pa., 9-14. College Stock Co., T. C. Gleason, mgr.: Chicago, Ill.. Nov.. 7, indef. | Copeland Eros.’ Stock Co.: Wichita, Kan., Oct. 17. indef. Cornell’s, Harry, Players, J. W. Gillette, mgr.: Butte. Mont., Ang. 14, indef Court Players: Brooklyn, N. Y., Dee. 5, def. Craig, John, Stock Co.: Boston, Mass., Aug. 29, indef Crescent Stock Co.. Percy Williams, megr.: Brooklyn, N. Y. Sept. 3, indef. Carrol] Comedy Co.. Ion Carroll, mgr.: Taren tum, Pa., 9-14; Canonsburg 16-21. Chauncey-Keiffer Co., Fred Chauncey, mgr.: Dunkirk, N. Y.. 9-14: Lockport 16-21. Choate Dramatic Co., Harry Choate, mgr.: Mt. Sterling, Ill., 9-14; Golden 16-21. Cooke Comedy Co.: Bradentown, Fla., 9-14; Tampa 16-21. Cutter Stock Co., Allen 0. White, mgr.: Sidney, O., 9-14. Davis Stock Co., Harry Davis, mgr.: Pittsburg, Pa.. Sept. 5, indef. Dominion Players, W. B. Lawrence, mgr.: Winnipeg, Can., Aug. 29, Indef. Dougherty Stock Co.. Jim Dongherty, mer.: towdle, S. D., 11; Selby 12; MeIntosh 13-15; Lemmon 16-21. Dudley, Frank, Co.: Duquoin, Ill., 9-14; Centralia 16-21. | DeLacy, Leigh, Co., Monte Thompson, mgr.: New London, Conn., 9-14. Dyamont Stock Co., A. M. Diamond, mgr.: Knox, Ind., 16-21. mer.: | (Corinthian) | (Empire) Star & Garter Show, Frank Wiesberg, mer.: (Gayety) Omaha 9-14; (Gayety) Minneapolis 16-21. Star Show Girls, John T. Baker, mgr.: (Lu zerne) Wilkes-Barre 9-11: (Columbia) Scranton 12-14; lay-off at Phila. 16-21. Sydell’s Rose, London Belles, W. S. Campbell, “mer.: (Casino) Phila 9-14; (Star) Brooklyn | 16-21. ’ Tiger Lilies, Wm. Drew, mgr.: (Star) Milwau | " 199-201 E, Madison Street, LOOK HERE! GORDON & MORRISON Jewelers and WOVELTIES Opticians Estab. 1892 We are exclusive Chicago, Ml. We are the low est price wholesale Jewelry and Novelty House in America. Cc CATALOGUE We have every thing of the latest and largest stock of JEWELRY Wholesale U. 8. A. Agents for the greatest 2 Makers, Hamlet Raynold Watches; also Hamilton best selling Razors. Wholesale Jewelers, Chicago, Il. x SOUVENIR Goops OVELTIES for Fairs, Premium Houses, Jobbers, Agents and Streetmes. WIRE ARTISTS SUPPLIES Send for free illustrated list of goods. T. H. MOTT CO., 415-417 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO, Hi. WANTED—Advance Man at once, for Carnlval, that knows Southern States well. State full particulars in first letter. THE DIXIE GREATER SHOWS. Gen. Del., Jacksonville, Fla, i Latest MECHANICAL SHOOTING *.. GALLERIES ALL STEEL and best attraction; 20 different _ F, MANGELS ©0., New York WwW Coney Island, “A new ad every week."’ » HYDE &BEHMAN AMUSEMENT COMPANY Temple Bar Building, Brooklyn, N. Y. Star Theatre .... Gayety Theatre . Gayety Theatre . Star and Garter Brooklya Brooklyn Pittsburg Chicago Always Open Time for Feature Acts. TRICKS FOR PROFESSIONAL USE YOST & COMPANY, 900 Filbert Street, (Established 1870), Philadelphia. talogue. &@ New, Enlarged. Illustrated Ca Original work. inestimate, enclosing stamp. | $18 N, Clinton Street, Olean, N. Y. Sketches -Monologues WRITTEN TO ORDER Reasonable rates. Write for H. P. HALBRAX, | | | Tobacco Habit Banished DR. ELDERS’ TOBACCO BOON BANISHES all forms of Tobacco Habit in 72 to 120 hours. A positive, quick and permanent relief. dose, ke, Easy to No craving for Tobacco after the first One to three boxes for all ordinary cases. We guarantee results in every case or refund money. formation. Joseph, Mo. Send for our free booklet fre to full in Elders’ Sanitarium, 9, St. PATENTS SECURED OR FRE RETUBNED. Free report as to patest ability. Illustrated Guide Book and List of In ventions VIOTOR youn sent J. EV B. ANS & ©O., Washington, D. 6. FREE—MAGIC CATALOGUE— FREE Escapes, Mind Reading, Magic, New Acts and Creations, and second-hand bargains, Address, W. ALBERT TRIPP, 5 Foster St., New Bedford, Mass. | ORANGE MFG. CO., 105 W. 39th St., NEW YORK. LARGEST THEATRICAL COSTUMERS IN AMERICA Costumers to the leading Dresses. — attention to Individual orders, any navy of the world, any period. | Military uniforms any army of the worl Send for colored Catalog No, 7. Broadway Managers. Soubrette and Ankle Dresses, Soa FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.