The Billboard 1911-01-14: Vol 23 Iss 2 (1911-01-14)

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f MEARE F CN: 2 JANUARY 14, 1911. The Billboard Emery Stock Co., Edwin x. Emery, mgr.: San Payton Stock Co., Corse Payton, mgr.: Hobo mean that the Academy of Music will be aban| Jos, Cal., Jan, 1, indef. ken, N. J., Aug. 29, indef. doned by the Leath Company, although the buildEmpire Stock Co., Monte Thompson, mgr.: Ho| Peruchi-Gypzene Co., C. D. Peruchi, mgr.: | ing is owned by Neal and his associates. Three lyoke, Mass., indef. Tampa, Fla., indef. first-class theatres could not possibly exist here, Porbes Stock Co., Gus A. Forbes, mgr.: Stam| Plainfield Stock Co., Harry Brunell, mgr.: | the city’s population by the last U. S. cenford, Conn., Nov. 28, indef. Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 5, indef. sus, being only 127.500. The city failed to supForepaugh Stock Co., Geo. F. & L. Forepaugh | Poli Stock Co.: Scranton, Pa., Nov. 21, in-| port two theatres of the first-class when the | Fish, mgrs.: Cincinnati, O., Sept. 18, indef. def. 7 experiment was tried some years ago. | ar ~ as Stock Co.: Cincinnati, O., Oct. 2, IinPee ae Co.: Norwich, Conn., Dec. 12, inIt may be the intention of the Leath people = . , : , . | to convert the Academy of Music into a poGerman Stock Co.: Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. | Princess Stock Co.. Victor H. Schaffer, mgr.: tee " “25. indef. Davenport, Ia., indef. — peene house when a ge aggro T German Stock Co., Theo. Burgarth, mgr.: N.| Princess Stock Co.: Des Moines, Ia., Aug. | DUilt. No announcement of the future policy [SEY SUILY MStTSi ACT RL eel ie Y. C,. Sept. 24, ‘indef. 28, indef. of the company, however, is obtainable at the Perks, Productions and German Stock Co:, Max Hanisch, mgr.: Phila., | Pringle, Della, Co.. C. K. Van Auker, mgr.: | beadquarters offices of the Leath circuit here. Vaudeville Acts. Sept. 24, indef. si nt nm Everett, Wash., indef. Hofheimer’s Theatre will be completed about : ; = German Stock Co.: St. uls, Mo., Oct, 2, indef. | Pickerts, The Four, Co., Willis Pickert, mgr.: | March 1. While the name has not yet been , Girton om a Ea a a a. sindef. DeLand, Fla., 2-12. selected, it is probable that it will be known UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC Glass Stoc Ce. : ouston, Tex., Dec. 25, in Parkinson-Farr Stock Co., Robt. T. Parkinson, 9-14 as the Richmond Theatre. ef. mgr.: Charleroi, Pa., . Extraordinary business ruled at all the theaae Ven a LIGHTING ox om Center, Aasertate Stock Co.: Chicago, Ill, Dee. Sypener, Edna May, Stock Co., Mary Gibbs | tres during the holiday week. >. : 25, indef. Spooner, mgr.: Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 3, > —— i Gotham Stock Co.: Brooklyn, N. Y., indef, indef. 4 Ed. P. Lyons, manager of the Coleaial, — : S Grand Stock Co., M. Keeney,’ mgr.: Reading, | Thornton, Virginia, Stock Co.: Bellingham, | the recipient of a handsome Christmas present o ? ow Pa., Oct. 24, indef. Wash., indef. in the form of a costly amethyst pin, the gift ; ; George, Gladys, Stock Co.. Jos. H. Benner, | Trousdale Bros.’ Stock Co.: Cedar Rapids, Ia., | 0f Sidney Wilmer and Walter Vincent. of the : ” mgr.: Lafayette, Ind., 9-14; Shelbyville 16. Sept. 26, indef. firm of Wilmer and Vincent, controlling the 7 ra ° 21. Turner, Clara, Stock Co., W. F. Barry, mgr.: | Chain of theatres in which the Colonial is a big Grayce, Helen, Co., N. Appell, mgr.: Oneonta, Milwaukee, Wis., indef. profit bearing link. The token was in recogN. Y., 9-14: Middletown 16-21. Taylor, Albert, Co. E. J. Lassarre mgr.: Smith| nition of the splendid success achieved here dur| : Hall's Associate Players, Eugene J. Hall, mgr.: ville, Tex., 11-12; San Marcos 13-14; Seguin | ing the year by Mr. Lyons. | “ Key West, Fla., Oct. 22, indef. 16-17; Luling 18-19; Gonzales 20-21. ALEX. TAYLOR. : Hayward, Genes, Aenguiate Players: Oak Park, | Van Dyke & Eaton Co.. H. Walter Van Dyke, PROPRIETORS Chicago . indef. mgr.: Milwaukee, Wis., indef. 7 Hall, Don C.. Repertoire Co.: Creston, Ill, | Winston, Laura, Co.: Missoula, Mont., indef. MLE N ZELI 1393-5 Broadway, New Vork City 9-14; Sycamore 16-21. Wolfe Stock Co., J. A. Wolfe. mgr.: Wiche . Henderson, Maude, Co., Jos. Parent, mgr.:| ita, Kan., Aug. 29, indef. School of P of ssional Danci Big Timber, Mont., 9-14. | Woodward Stock Co., O. D. Woodward, mgr.: if e ng AUTOMATIC MOVING Hickman-Bessey Co., James D. Proudlove,| Omaha, Neb., Aug. 27, indef. , mgr.: Racine, Wis., 9-14; Waukegan, Ill.,| Whetten Stock Co.: Kirwin, Kan., 9-14; 22 E. 16th St., bet. 5th Ave. & B’way, N. ¥. C. 16-21. | "Downs 16-21, SHOOTING GALLERY Hillman’s Ideal Stock Co.. No. 1, Luck M. | Woods Sisters Stock Co.: Belleville, Tex., 12OTTOKAR BARTIK ° Hayes, mgr.: an, See, 9-11; Downs 12-14. y le st kc Monte Th Put a a Himmelein Stock Co., Jno. A. Himmelein, mgr.: ale Stoc 0., Monte ompson, mgr.: PutCars sp TODS ey Madison, Ind., 9-14. 7 nam, Conn., 9-11; Ware, Mass., 12-14. EUROPEAN BALLET MASTER ‘ : ae ee W. O. MeWatters, mgr.: School of Artistic y ~ me Toe Dancing . os Sahee : ty. Imperial Theatre Stock Co., Klimt & Gazzolo, OMAH NEB. i ~ By St ee a ben, a ind 0 A, Studio, 470 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Indiana Stock Co.: South Bend, Ind., Sept. 4, inde Ingersoll Stock Co.. Wm. Ingersoll, mgr.: Salt (Continued from page 15.) The Gayety enjoyed two very large weeks’ Lake City, Sept. 4, indef. business during the holidays. when it is the Jeavons, Irene, Stock Co., Thos. Jeavons, mgr.: | CUStom and according to Hoyle to starve to Canton, O.. 9-14. | death. But the Gayety shows are choice con Keene, Lorraine, Associate Players, H. L. Law | fections, and the public seems to be hungry all the James F. Flynn TENOR... rence, mgr.: Bloomington MI1l.. indef. time. Manager Johnson says pepsin is not ™ oa fxs g Kelth Stock Co.. James E. Moore, mgr.: Port aocemnany to coax the appetite of the Omahane Would like to join a partner for vaudeland, Me., April 19, indef. or buriesque. e Topsy, the taste *‘jest crew | yj King, Joseph ‘i Stock Co. Lancaster, (a., | UP.’ The Rock of Gibraltar is a putty compoville. Lady preferred. Address, 7 Plum es Sept. 4, indef. sition compared to the foundation this house | Street, Worcester, Mass. Write for price list. WM, WURFFLEIN, Mgr., Keith Stock Co. Cato S. Keith. mgr.: Logans| 248, in Omaha. 208 N. Second St., Philadelphia, Pa,, U. 8. A. port, Ind., 9-14; Frankfort 16-21. — mipeswome gavance emplozes and agents — ° Kelly Stock Co., Sherm Kelly, } Nee _ | swarm e Auditorium, and are busy making —— M 1G elly Stock an Kelly, mgr. Neenah. | big'improvements. necessary _for. the coming of | WLUSICAal Ulasses |MPROVED METAL MIRRORS Klark, Gladys, Co., J. E. Balfour, mgr.: Clin e mammoth aggregation of spectacies. Man8 . ager Gillan, of the Auditorium, reports a lively ubstantial, loud, pure in tone, easy ‘OR ton, Mass.. 9-14. sale on seats and expects the Ris heoee to be to tune and play. Photos, references, catalogue f LAUGHING GALLERIES Kemble & Sinclair’s Lyceum Comedy Co.: Cyn9-14. thiana. Ky. .. Br Pp r. King & Lynn ‘Stock Co.: Rutland. Vt.. va. Harry Long, formerly stage manager of the = 494 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. LIGHT IN WEIGHT Lawrence Players, D. 8. Lawrence, mgr.: Spo pane my ee oy gem NON BREAKABLE kane, Wash., Dec. 25, indef. reek ten Se ae » ame 8 BB ong tony Btock eS “i Oliver, megr.: former member of the Woodward company here, ELECTRIC SHOW Streator, Ill.. indef. Lyceum Stock Co., Louis Phillips, mgr.: Brook lyn, N. Y.. indef. The American, formerly the American Music | carnivals, fairs, museums, $150 buys complete FISH POND Lyric Stock Co.. L. M. Gorman, mgr.: Lincoln, Hall opened with a big blare and a fine bill | act, ready to set up and work, Lithographs for Neb., Aug. 29, indef. | of acts, headed by Madame Bedini and her Ara| the act. For particulars, address G. W. ALLEN, Lyric Stock Co.. Chas. P. Salisbury. mgr.: Minbian horses. Manager Bondy expects to ooze Mfr., 2306 7th Ave., New York City. | ; apolis, Minn., indef. ws = cena of the people in a short time. | .aPorte, Mae, Stock Co., Joe McEnroe, r.t ress Representative Grapengeiser is the right . | Anderson, Ind., 9-21. “se ag right place, and will take active part Bought, oe aan ont | Lewis Stock Co, W. H. Lewis, mgr.: Jackson, | in placing the American to the front among the HN P OVELTY LL Tenn., 9-14; Boonville, Miss., 16-21. successful theatres of the city. Mr. Grapenao MUZZIO Bags THROWNIG GAMELecken, ‘She. Ge... Meccy Gebus, mat.: Geetgeiser is a splendid newspaper man, and was 178 Park Row, New York. he land, Kan., 9-11; Norton 12-14: Oberlin 168 | the I sae anne Se Catalogue of Professional & Amateur SEND FOR CATALOGUE IS: Smith Center 19-21. man 0 xe latter's campaign for governor. plese yp HS Meneleguce Minstrel HOTEL MAYER BLDG. Majestic Theatre Stock Co., C. P. Farrington, H. J. ROOT. Jokes. Recitations Make-up Goods, J.M.NAUGHTON © PEORIA, ILL 7 mgr.: Schenectady, z. Y., Nov. 12, indef : ete.. sent FREE. DICK & FITZGERisin z ms i orey Stock Co., No. 1 (LeComte & Flesher's). ALD + Mar Lge ae we mgr.: Des Moines, Ia., indef. RICHMOND, VA. » $8 Aan Strect, How York. orris-Thurston Stock Co.. Wm. B. Morris, . e mgr.: Milwaukee, Wis... indef. 2 (Continued from page 15.) CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY of 500 Wholesalers ») ; and Manufacturers. All lines represented and Meonene, Brock Co., H. H. Billings, mgr.: Polo, The simple explanation is found in the ob| guaranteed correct. Valuable for Agents, Can~~ ; i . F : s sers, Peddlers, Mixers, Street, Privilege an Mock-Bad-All Stock Co., Jim Wallace, mgr.:| Sf Garieh pecedine “ar kin old just that sort | Show Men. Price, 10c. H. STREY, Plano, 11] Waupaca, Wis., 9-14; Beloit 16-21 "oe tie Sen ~~ hee . : ‘ Southern theatrical situation that Mr. Neal > Morey Stock Co. (LeComte & Flesher’s), F. A. | chose to play the role of Nonentity. But the THEATRE MANAGER—Ten years’ experience, | Murphy, mgr.: Kingfisher, Okla., 9-14; El] cat's out of the bag on the eve f this new has few hundred dollars and services to invest Reno 16 21. year of grace. & ’ > Abas in good, paying 10¢ Theatre. Would buy inter| ieateatans ) crqae Meeck Co, ZDoug. Morgan, mgr Even the Shuberts were ignorant of the posiest with eg H. W. SHUTT, 36 Norton ave., | Werk Only National Stock Go.: Montreal. Can., Aug. 15. | pet WW. Green ox Neel in, tie Leath Company —— indef. b = : "| when, some months ago, they were endeavorDRAMAS AND VAUDEVILLE : Nelson, Marie, Players, Rodney Ranous, mgr ing to get absolute control of the Leath chain PLAYS SKETCHES. 320 pages vaudeville DICE....0.. 2... eee eeeeeecceee eee) $5.00 xebicaso, Iil.. Sept. 5, indef. ee exclude therefrom the Syn| material, 50c; my Make-Up Book, 15¢; Hints to CARDG...... cece cece ceeeee ee 1,00 Nesbitt Players: ilkes-Barre, Pa., Dec. 26, | O*Cete : 5 BE. poy pees ame wares, Pe., Bor : It is no seeret that after Mr. Wells had led anne Bde este. Bian PMiiwaukee, Wis. “ Catalogue Free New Criterion Stock Co.. Klimt & Gazzolo, | the Leath circuit out of the Klaw and Erlan~ mene HUNT & co mgrs.: Chicago, Il., Aug. 14, Indef. ger fold, where it had been comfortably exis : WANTED : : 7 New Theatre Stock Co., Winthrop Ames, ditec-| Sethe business standing, integrity and strict |Afents. Legitimate, substitute for Slot Ma56 FIFTH AVE., or: N. ¥. C.. Nov. %, indef. > ‘ ate iy : chines; patented; sells on sight for $1. arNorth Bros. Stock Co.:. Topeka, Kan., inde, | Pe&’rd for the policy of living up to his moral fioiars "GisHAa’ CO.. Anderson, Ind. CHICAGO, ILL. Nielsen, Marie. Co.. Homer E. Gilbo, mgr.: = Sg oe ae gig ~~ 4 Austi « ¢ > Ee t . noted in the business world a . » | Actin, Tex.. 9-14; LaGrange 16-18; Flatonia ger refused to allow the Syndicate attrac| WHEN IN NEW YORE, North Bros. Stock Co.: Oklahoma City, Okla,, | tions to be withheld from the theatre with which | VISIT C, SCHULZ2’S RESTAURANT TURE IN A POS indef Neal was connected. Table de Hote Dinner 30c. YOUR PICTUR Opera House Players: Paterson, N. J., indef,| . AS the result, the Shuberts and their allies | 124 West 34th St., between 7th Ave. and B’way. i Orpheum Stock Co., Grant Laferty, mgr.: Phila., | found themselves playing in the same theatres | TAL IN ONE MINUTE sf indef. with the Syndicate shows. It was a case of | The pictures are developed ( Partello Stock Co.. W. A. Partello, mgr.: Cal-| the ‘‘open door’? for fair. The Shubert attrac‘ : gary, Alta., Can., indef. tions have been conspicious by their absence Will Drena Mack or any one ee dan ae La . Passaic Stock Co.: Passaic, N. J., indef, since the Academy of Music here and the reknowing his whereabouts please catere deseribing our _maPaycen Stock Co., E. 8S. Lawrence, mgr.: To| mainder of the Leath circuit theatres have been write A. L. MacNiven Bothell | chines sent free AMERIledo. O.. Aug. 28, Iindef. “open to all producing managers.’ ‘ e ma | CAN MINUTE PHOTO CO. Pauyton’s Lee Avenue Stock Co.. Corse Payton, Mr. Neal's announcement that Richmond will Wash, Dept. J. P 20 W mer.: Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 29, indef. have another first-class house is construed to | @ = Strect Chicago, Til. ; crammed at every performance. is his wife. Miss Hill telegraphed to friends in this eity. with full information will be sent on receipt of The Girl Who Tames Electricity. This is a novel act. Is a headliner for moving picture shows, inEXPENS Ve -oLD MILL “STREAM” [THe ov ce STREAM AUTOMATIC MOVING 8 1115 Farmers Bank Bldg., PITTSBURG, PA. Builders and operators of Roller Coasters, Scenic Railways, Merrygo-Rounds or Carousels and other Park Amusement Devices. Write us for BIG BARGAINS in Carousels used only a short time. Park Concessions Wanted.