The Billboard 1911-03-11: Vol 23 Iss 10 (1911-03-11)

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MARCH 11, 1911. The Billboard Springtield—Illinols Biilposters’ Association, May 16. Jos, Lemming, 909 Rector Bldg., Chicago, Ill, Springfield—Western Drawing and Manual Tratn ing Association. May —, 1911. Miss Lillian Custesan, president, care University of Chica Chicago, Ill. Springfield —Illinois State Eclectic Medical 8oclety. May 17-19. W. E. Kinnett, M. D., 403 Masonic Temple, Peoria, Ill. Springtield—lIllinols State Association of Letter Carriers, May 30. T. Finnan, Bloomington, Lil. IgDIANA Evaneville—Indiana Retail Jewelers’ Association. May 2-5. A. Oswald, Crawfordsville, Ind. Fort Wayne—Indiana State Reunion Associa tion B. P. Elks. May 24-26. Fr. G Hedian, secy., Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis—Brotherhood of Interurban Trainmen. May 9 F. N. Gear, 613 Cuyahoga Bidg., Cleveland, O. Indianapolis—Indiana State Dental Association. May 16-18. Dr. Otto N. King, Huntington, Ind. Indianapolis—Indiana Funeral ciation. May 16-18. Ivory C. Tolle, Lebanon, ind tadianapolis— Rebekah Assembly. May 15-16. Ida S. VanDorin, 2154 Broadway. Indianapolis—Women's Union Label June 15-18, Mrs. Anna B. Field, Blk., Elwood, Ind. Indianapolis —American Chemical Society. 1911 Chas. L. Parsons, Durham, 4jrand Lodge I, 0. O. F. League Harting June N. H. Indi anapolis of Is diana. May 17-18 W. H. Leedy, Odd Fel lows’ Bldg. Logansport—Fraternal Order of Eagles. June 6-7. Chas. A. Rigdon, Warsaw, Ind. Logansport—Laundry Owners’ Association. Apri) 17-18. Geo. W. Pein, 608 E. Ohio st., Indian — apolis, Ind. Richmond—G. A. R. May 16-19. | Shelbyville—Indiana Music Teachers’ Associa-— tion. June 27-30. James Bergen, 615 S. 10th st., Lafayette, Ind. South Bend—Indiana Association Master Bakers. April 18-19. Richard Voigt, Terre Haute, Ind. West Raden—Indiana Association Presidential Postmasters. Probably in June, 1911. John E Shideler, P. O. Box 5, Indianapolis, Ind. IOWA as Rapids—Iowa Sunday-school Association. 6-8. Frank F. Fitch, 604 Obs. Bidg., Moines, Ia. Cedar Rapids—Grand Lodge Iowa’ A. F. & A. M., June, 10-15. Newton R. Parvin, Secy. Cedar Rapids—Iowa State Retail Merchants’ As sociation. May 23-24. Ira B. Thomas, Des Motnes, Ia. Clinton—Dubuque Archdiocesan T. A. Union, about June 1. C. L. Anderson 109 Curtis st., Dubuque, Ia. Clinton—Grand Council R. A. of Iowa. Aprf! 11-12. H. A. Snyder, Gr. secy., Waterloo, In Davenport—Iowa Pharmaceutical Association June 6-8. J. M. Lindly. Winfield. Ia. March Des Molnes—Des Moines Thresher Club. 14-16. W. L. Trueblood, Runely Bldg. Des Moines—Des Moines Automobile Dealers’ Association. March 6-11. Duduque—Woodmes of the World. March 1516. A. A. Clark, clerk, 526 E. Walnut st., Des Moines, Ia. Dubuque—National Association of Letter Carriers. May —, 11. Ft. Dodge—lowa, Ind. Telephone Association. March 14-17. W. J. Thill, 300-310 Des Moines Ufe Bidg.. Des Moines, Ta. yr ee of Iowa G. A. R., probably June 68. Geo. A. Newman, State House, Des Moines, Ia. Ottumwa—lIowa State Association N. A. S. E., May —, 1911. Jas. A. Coulson, 1015 Riverside ave., Sioux City, Ia. Sioux City—lowa Photographers’ Association, May 24. F. A. Free, Davenport. Ia Waterloo—Ancient Order United Workmen May 9. C. T. London, secy. KANSAS Beloit—Protestant oe Church. C. of Selina. May —, 1911 Rev. L. R. Benson, Elisworth, Kan. Emporia—Grand Commandery Kaoights Templars of Kansas, May Aen Thos. J. And Grand Reeorder, Topeka, Kans. Horton—Knights of Giasahen, ier 11. BD SZ Sweeney, Lawrence, Kans. Independence—Kansas State Federation of We | men’s Clubs. April —, 1911. Mrs. Geo. W. Kendrick, cor. secy., 502 Fifth ave.. Leavenworth, Kan. lola —Sunflower Grand Lodge Knights of Py. thias, July 25-27. H. I. Monroe, 1156 Clay st., Topeka, Kans. Kansas City—Kansas Bankers’ Association. pmety May 24-25. W. W. Bowman, Topeka, ans Kansas City—Kansas Christian Endeavor Union. June 20-22. Clara L. Converse, Ottawa, Kan. Leavenworth—-Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias. May 16. N. L. Hollowell, Kansas City, Kans Parsons—Grand Lodge Degree of Honor A. 0. . W. May —, 1911. Mrs. Georgia Notestine, Hiawatha, Kan, neca—Federation of Catholic Socteties of Kan a May —, 1911. Anthony Kubn, Hays. an Topeka—Kansas Funeral Directors’ Association tune —, 1911. L. M. Penwell, secy. Topeka—K ansas Pharmaceutical Association, May 23-25. Robert Lowman, Pittsburg, Kans. Wichita—Grand Chapter Order Eastern Star. — 9-11. Mrs. Della Bennett, Hutchinson, an. Wichita—Kansas Master Plumbers’ Association. March 13-14. EB. D. Draper, 644 State ave., Kansas City, Mo. WichitaMarch 14-17. Chas. Wood Fassett, Place, St. Joseph, Mo, KENTUCKY Krug Park Henderson Columbus, May 9. Geo. B. Burkley, 305-306 Columbia Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Lexington—Grand Council of Ky. Royal Arcanum, April 18. Alex M, Woodruff, 106 8. Sth st.. Louisville, Ky. Lexington—Grand Commandery Knights Templars, May 17-18. A. H. Bryant, 61 Pike st., Covington, K Loulsville ~Dictiones tion, June 20. Wm. P. E. 10th st., Indianapolis, Loulsville—Preabyterian in the U. &. (Southern). May 18, Thos H. Law, D. D., Spartanburg, §&. Cc. Loulsville—Louisville Automobile Dealers’ Asso Eclectic Medical Rest, Ind. Church 1911. AssoctaM. D., elation «March 15-18. Owensboro—irent Counell of Kentucky Tmproveé Oo Ro M. May 910.) Frank TI. Smith, Leys ington, Ky Directors’ Asso| -Medical Society of the Missour! Valley. | : | Roston—Order Kentucky State Conncil Knights of | 2218 Owensboro—Kentucky Educational June 27-29, T. ‘ —, Paducah—Ohio River Il. O. May 18. Alex. Venters, nea. LOUISIANA Alexandria—Grand Ledge, Kaights of Pythias Of Louisiana, Jurisdiction of N. & 8. E., A. & A. April 17-19. Jehn D. Brown. 16, Gray, a Baton Rouge—Annual State Meeting of the K of P. May 15. L. J. Ricaud, secy. Baton Rouge—Annual State Meeting of the T. P. A. During first week in May, 1911. H. E. Dunning, secy. Crowley—Grand 14. M. M. leans, La, Lake Charles—W. 0. Hi. Beardsley. clerk, Lake Charles—Louisiana ciation. April —, 1911. Nicholas Bauer, 3425 Canal st., New Orleans, La. Lake Charles—Louisiana Press Association. Apr. Box Asseciation Frankfort, Ky F. Association. Lodge La. I. 0. O. F. Dickinson, 532 Camp et., W. March —, Pujo st. March New Or 1911. F State Teachers’ Asso or May, 1911. L. E. Bentley, P. O. 152, New Orleans, La. Monroe—Loulsiana Sunday-School Association. March 15-17. Thos. V. Ellizey, 916 Maisor Blanche Bldg., New Orleans, La. Morgan City—Louisiana State Council, C. K. of e. May 16. Thomas A. Badeaux, Thibodaux a. New Orleans—United Commercial Travelers of La. and Miss, May —, 1911. E. F. Leckert. secy. New Orleans—U. A. O. of D., June 6. Henry Keith, 400 Canal. New vrieans—Louisiana State Pharmaceutical Associacion. May Geo. McDuff, 2050 Magazine st. New Orleans—American Association of Railway Accounting Officers. April 26, 1911. Cc. @ Phillips, 143 Dearborn st., Chicage. MAINE Augusta—Maine Medical Association. June 2829. W. Bean Moulton, M. D., 622 Congress st., Portland, me. Augusta—Maine Weekly Newspaper Publishers Association. April 15. L. O. Haskell, 17 Park st., Pittsfield, Me. Chisholm—Maine State Court C. 0. F. June 8-9, Perre P. Thibank, 123 Fifth, Auburn, Me. Houlton—State Camp M. W. of May 3 Bridgeton, Me. Frank A. Webb, Kineo—Maine Pharmaceutical Association. June 28-30. M. L. Portes, Danforth, Me. Lewiston—l. O. G. T. Grand Lodge of Me. April] 12. O. 8S. Harton, Wilmot st., Port land. Me. Pertiand—Pythian Sisters. May 17. Nellie C. Tupper, Boothbay Harbor, Me. Portland—Degree of Honor, A. 0. U. W. May 24. Mrs. Carrie I. New Haven, Conn, Portland—Degree of Pocahontas Great Counell of Maine. April 19. Cora N. Plaisted, 1) Charles et Portland—Young l’eople’s Christian Union of the Universalist Church. July 12-19. Roger F. Etz, 359 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Rockland—Maine State Epworth League. Jume —, 1911. Annie Mae Frost, care Box 413, Pittsfield, Me. Mann, 168 Exchange st., MARYLAND Baltimore—Daughters of the Revolution, May —, 1911. Mrs. Herbert B. Henry, 1383 t.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Baltimore—Train Dispatchers’ America. June 20. J. F. Mackie, 7042 Stew art ave., Chicago, Ill. Baltimore—Order of United American Association of Mechan ics. June 13. Chas. H. Stein, 917 W. Franklin st. Baltimore—I. 0. O. F. Grand Ledge. April 17-19. Wm. A. Jones. 1. 0. O. F. Temple. Raltimore—Grand Council Royal Arcannom. Apr. —.1911. Wilbur F. Smith. 18 W. Saratoga st Baltimore—Grand Lodge Shield of Honor, Maryland & District of Columbia. April 20-21. Wm. J. Cunningham, N. W. Cor. Cathedral & Mulberry sts. Blue Mountain—Maryland Pharmaceutical Association. June 27-30. E. F. Kelly, 308 W. Pratt, Baltimore, Md. Braddock Heights—Maryland Teachers’ Association. June 27-30. Hugh W. Caldwell, Chesapeake City, Md. Cumberland—Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias. April 11. Edwin T. Daneker, Pythian Castle, Cary & Lexington sts.. Baltimore, Md. Deer Park—Maryland Bankers’ Association. June 20-22. Chas. Haun, National Mechanics Bank, Raltimore, Md. Frederick—State Council of Maryland, Jr. 0. U. | A. M. April 18-19. Chas. S. Davis, 100 N. Paca st.. Baltimore, Md. Lonaconing—Maryland State Firemen’s Assoelation. June 7-9. Joseph E. Hollar, Sparrows Point, Md. MASSACHUSETTS Attleboro—A. & 1. O. Knights of Malta of Mass., June 13. Frederic H. Wilson, 915 Colonial Rldg., Boston, Mass. Boston—National Confectionery Salesmen’s Association. July 11-13. Wm. R. Moffatt, 1287 Erie ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston—Rebekah Assembly of Mass. May 3. Sarah A. Barry, 47 Monument Sq., Charles town, Mass. Boston—American rators. June 5, Association of Museam CuPaul M. Rea. Charleston, 8. Boston—Nurses Associated Alumnae of the U. S., May —, 1911. Agnes G. Deans, City Tuberculosis Hospital, Detroit, Mich. Roston—Knights and Ladies of Honor. May 10. Sam Hathaway, secy. Boston—National Conference of Charities and Corrections. June 7-14. Alexander Johnson, _ Ft. Wayne, Ind. Boston—Daughters of Liberty. May 10. Emily A. Davis, No. 1 Davis st., Marlboro, Mass. of the Eastern Star. May 11. Mrs. Carrie A, Cushing, Somerville, Mass. Boston—American Theropeutic Society. May 1213. N. P. Rarnes. Washington, D. C. Boston—American Carnation Society. ast week in March. A. F. J. Baur. Indianapolis, Ind. Boston—American Hotelmen's Protective Assoelation. June 1911. J. K. Blatchford, Auditorium Tower, Chicago, Il. Roston—American Dermatological Assoctation. June —, 1911. J. M. Winfield, 47 Halsey st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Roston—Association of Ry. June 19-23. P. cago, Tl. Telegraph Supts. W. Drew, 135 Adame st., Chi Roston—Roston Auto Show. March 4-11. Chester I. Campbell, 5 Park Square, Boston, Maas. Roaton—National Flower Show. March 1. 1911. Chester I, Campbell, 5 Park Square. Rosten, Mass. | Bay Pacific | Detroit—Grand Lodge, 27-Aprtl Boston—Royal Arcanum Grand Council of Massa ehusetts. April 27-28. Wm. L. Kelb, 10) Tremont st. Boston—New England Hardware Association March —, 1911. Chas. L. Underhill, Somer ville. Mase. Boston—Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W. of Massachusetts. April 25-26. Chas. C. Fearing, 12 Walnut st. Roston—United Order of Pilgrim Fathers. Apr. . Nathan Crary, 292 Essex st., Lawrence, ass. Boston—American Unitarian Association. May 23-24. Rev. Lewis G. Wilson, 25 Beacon st. Boston—International Steel & Copper Plate Printers’ Union. July 17. Boston—National Women’s Trade Union League of Am. June 14, Miss S. M. Franklin, Room 503, 275 LaSalle st., Chicago, Ill. Boston—Massachusetts Division Sons of Veter ans. April 5-6. Henry F. Weiler, Room 38 15 Beacon st. Brookline—Federated Boys’ Clubs. June 5-6. Arthur B. Leach, Executive Secretary, Room 308, 35 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Greenfield—Western Massachusetts Assn. ex Prisoners of War. April 19. 1911. C. H Heald, 24 Summer st., North Hampton, Mass Holyoke—Foresters of America. May 16-18. W. H. Stafford, Room 19, Pollard Blk., Lowell, Mass. Lynn—Massachusetts State Convention of Uni versalists. May —, 1911. Northtield—Northfield Conferences & Summer Schools. June 10 to about Sept. 15. A. G. Moody, East Northfield, Mass. Quincy—Order Sons of St. John W. C. Sargent, F. D. No. 1. Springfield—Annual George. July 25-26. Westminster, Mass., R Cony. Diocese Western Mass. (Episcopal). May 10-11. Rev. Marshall E. Mott, North Adams, Mass. Soa —Geemen Saiate Alliance. May —, Springfield—Annual Conference Bureau of So celal Research of R. I. May —, 1911. Prof. Carl Aronovici, chairman, Brown University, Providence, R. Springfield—American Wire Weavers’ Protective | Association. July 15. Taunton—Seventh Mass. Vet. Vol. Association. June 15. Wm. H. Wade, 1654 N. Main st., Fall River, Mass. Worcester — Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters. May 24. Danifel H. Maguire, 17 Worcester st.. Boston, Mass. MICHIGAN | ann Arbor—Phi Mu Alpha Fraternity. 15. Harold 8S. Williams, City—Michigan Retail Association. March 7-9. Bay City—Michigan Rural Letter Carriers’s Association. July 25-26. H. E. Crum, Hillsdale, Mich. Detroit—F. 0. M. A. Convention, June 5-10. 0. M. Friend, Pres. Detroit—National Gas & [ne Trades May Kansas City, Mo. Hardware Dealers’ Association, June —, Stritmatter, 224 E. 7th st., Cincinnati, 0. Detroit—Michigan Christian Endeavor Union. June 22-25. Harold D. Spicer, Paw Paw, Mich. | Deteelt—Americen Surgical Trade Association. June 5-10. I. N. Hettinger, care Hettinger Bros.’ Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mo. troit — Fraternity of Operative Millers of America. June 5-10. Jos. F. Mueller, R. 96, ..... LaSalle st., Chicago, Il. og ys of the Star of Bethlehem. June Thos. J. Crowe, secy. Detolt—-Westera Golf Association. July 25Chas. B. Willard, South Shore, Chicago, Detroit—Michigan Sons of St. George. July 20. S§tephen Terrill, Ishpeming. Mich. | Detroit—Michigan Retail Jewelers’ Association. July 18-21. J. Davenport, Battle Creek, Mich. Detroit—Michigan Funeral Directors’ Associa tion. July 18-19. J. B. McInnes, Grand Rapids, Mich. Detroit—Michigan State Bowling Congress. April —, 1911. C. Symons, secy. | Detroit—Society of Colonial Wars. May —, | 1911. EB. W. Pendleton, secy. | Detroit—Michigan Diocese of the E iscopal urch. May —. 1911. Rev. S. W. isbie, secy. Detroit—American Railway Industrial Agents’ ation. May —, 1911. t. Louis, Mo. Detroit—Michigan Wholesale Grocers’ Association. May —, 1911. H. V. Taylor, pres. Degree of Honor. Guy L. Stewart, May —, 1911. Mary M. Baxter, Grand Chief. oe ay Homeopathic Society. May —, 1911. Dr. F. E. Thompson, secy. Detroit—American Iron, Steel and Heavy Pam 1 ware Association. May —, 1911. y. Plumb, New York, N. Y. . Detroit—Naval and Military Order of SpanishAmerican War Veterans. May —, 1911. Mich igan Commandery. Detroit—Internationa!l Stereotypers & Electrotypers’ Union. June 12-18. Geo. Williams, Boston, Mass. Detroit—Am. Ry. Industrial Association. May 9 Guy L. Stewart, 1328 Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. t Detroit—Royal Neighbors of America. March —, 1911. rais, Mich. Detroit—Affiliation Advertising Association. June Mrs. Sophie E. Wood, Grand Ma Detroit—Michigan Bankers’ Association. June —, 1911. Hal H. Smith, secy. Detroit—Patternmakers’ International Union. June, 1911. James Wilson, Pres., Cinciunati, 0. Detroit—Allegemeiner Arbeiter Bund. June —, 1911. W. J. Gentsch, secy. Detroit—Fraternity of Operative Millers. 5-8. J. F. Mueller, Chicago, Ill. more—I. O. 0. F. Anniversary Celebration. April 26. Albert Jennings. president. Grand Rapids—Associated Ad Clubs (Central Division). June —, 1911. A.'M. Candee, Milwaukee, Wis. Grand Rapids—Garment Mfrs.’ Association, May 16-17. W. E. Caldwell, Hillsboro, 0. Grand Rapids—New Era Association, sune 6. E. G. Georbart, 29 Fountain st. Kalamazoo—Michigan State Association of Bulld June ers. March 14. Kalamazoo—Lincoln Voters’ League. May 1617. J. R. McCall. pres... 70 E. Axtell st. Lansing—State Eclectic Medical & Surgical Society of Michigan. June 7-8. Jos. E. G. Waddington, M. D., L. L. D., 1080 W. Warrep ave., Detroit, Mich. Port Huron—Foresters of America. A Tl. Saunders, Mich, June 6-8. 994 Vermont ave., Detroit, { : S| ; ; i ' CAROUSELS Riding Galleries, Merry-Go-Rounds, Other Money-Earning Devices AMUSEMENT OUTFITTERS HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO. Sweeney Street. No. Tonawanda, W.Y., U. $. A. CAN HIRE THESE Automatio Basebali Co., 46 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. Send for Circular. New portable, patented game attraction. earner outdoors for park, fair, traveling sho’ indoor accessory to business gallery, rink; also adapted for advertising. ing a spring inside each clothed life-like ball player, which weighs 150 Ibs., up and down an hour. Set up anywhere. ; We a day for year; lessee to give guaranty, endorsed by two persons, to return figures. “THE CIRCLING WAVE" “AMUSEMENT” riding device in use. Quickly set up and taken down. ate and to transport from place to place. Just the thing for carnival and show companies. a tip-top money-maker for For price and descriptive folder, ARMITAGE & GUINN, Springville, Erie Co., W. Y., U.S. a The Big Eli Whee! FOR 1911 is the bolled down essence of mechan) Inexpensive to oper parks and resorts. build the best amusement whee! bined the beauty of the wheel with the reliability of construction, of absolute safety. and operate one of these money-getters, are in use from Canada to South Africa. Write rice Hist and advance information for Roodhouse, Ill., U. S. CAROUSELS Elaborate Park Carousels, also Portable Galloping Horse Carousels. A pleasure to own Correct design, best W. F. MANGELS CO., new ad every week.”’ « answering ads, wention THE BILLBOARD.