The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

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ae ae MARCH 25, 1911. The Billboard 3 CAILLE’S LIBERTY BELL GUM VENDER PAYS FIVE CENT PACKAGE FRUIT GUM FOR EVERY NICKEL Legitimate Vending and Trade Machine in One. Only Counter Style Machine of This Type Manufactured. GETS THE MONEY EASILY AND QUICKLY AND NO LABOR This wonderful combination machine is allowed everywhere and anywhere. Built for the purpose of introducing this famous FRUIT GUM and increasing the sale of merchandise. Just the machine for Drug Stores, Cigar Shops, News Stands, Groceries, Restaurants, Cafes, Club Rooms and Bars. 200 PER CENT. and over on YOUR MONEY and we give EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY. Write quickly for agency and territory and special prices. ADDRESS _Caille’s Easy Way, Detroit, Mich. WANTED _ WANTED FOR SIDE SHOW om YOUNG BUFFALO WILD WEST Freaks and Novelty Acts of all kinds; can use good Snake Woman with outfit; Sister ‘Team, Single b | 0 i RA N( Hi W il D WES I Woman, Musical Act, some big Novelty to“feature, SIDE SHOW PEOPLE LOOK! You don’t have ‘ ’ 2 ewe Oe to cut your photo money, keep all. Address SALVAIL; 108 E. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. Good Pastry Cook for Privilege Car; also an A-1 Harness Maker. Apply at once. CALL! ELECTRICIA opens season of 1911 at Paterson, N. J., Friday, April 14. Exhibition grounds located at oiifton Race Track. All people engaged for this show kindly govern themselves accordingly. Greatest Electrical Novelty Act of this Century ts » GEO. ARLINGTON, General Manager, 1432 Broadwey, New York Sensational, exciting, mystifying, feature attraction for any show. Invite offers from agen carnival companies, parks, ete. Write at once, explaining your offer fully. Open for immediate = proposition. Address BERNARD J. NANKEVILLE, Mgr., 511 St. Ann St., New Orleans, La. STREETMEN! seer Busy! A LIVE WIRE! ‘| :Gas Lighters Are selling fast; our prices are low. Sample, L5e. ake a tip from eur” SOAP > AGENTS Get our prices on soap and toilet articles. They will interest you. Our advertising assurted packages with valuable premiums have the flash and value that get the money. verybody uses them. MAKE GREAT SOUVENIRS FOR SHOWS, CARNIVALS, ETC. Money-getters _ Astello. for canvassers and fakers. Oue young man cleared $1,008.53 in 6 months straight Dp a ie house to house canvass, Are you doting as well? If not, send postal toda We will teach S.B. SPECIALTY MFG. CO. se you how. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 408 Davis Bldg., 1483 Carroll Ave., Chicago. 'S. Clinton St., Chicago, Ill. “, KALAMAZOO AEROPLANE COMPANY High-Speed Machines BOTH BIPLANES AND MONOPLANES — We offer to Race Associations, Fair Associations, Circuses, Amusement Parks and others interested, Exhibition Flights over Grounds, over City, or Cross-Country; Exhibition Races between two or more Aeroplanes, or between Aeroplanes and Automobiles. Terms reasonable. Flights guaranteed. Address : : KALAMAZOO AEROPLANE ss meunaiece: 3 Kalamazoo, . ey dee a ee EL Michigan i) |