The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

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MARCH 25, 1911. The a ee Billboard The Vaudeville Week in New Y ork ACTS NEW TO NEW YORK Reviews, Comments and Criticismjof Acts Making Their First Appearance in the Metropolis—Names of Artists and Character of Offering rib VANDERKOOKS Colonial Theatre, one, Despite the fact that they were compelled to assume the handicap of opening the show, with the late-comers trudging down the aisles, The Vanderkoors succeeded in convincing those who were seated that they bave an offering worth while, Burlesque magie forms the greater part f the act. ‘The comedian puts over bis materal in good fashion, while nothing derogatory may w sald of the “straight” man. The Vanderxoors should have little trouble getting by on most apy bill. SADIE JANSELL. atre. In one. There are many impersonators in vaudeville. this mumber there are quite a few who, while they hold up their position on the bili, no special comment In this category, Jansell must be classed. Miss Jansell sings four numbers The first is a German dialect song, with which she does well enough. The second number is called Eyes, Eyes, Eyes, and the third, Gee, But’s It’s Tough to be Poor Novelty entertainers, Open full stage, close in Impersonator, Colonial The fer last song, an Itallan character number, is the best In her repertoire, She did as well as could be expected in No, 2 position at the “olonial. HILLY GASTON AND MINERVA COVERDALE, in Nifty Nonsense, Colonial Theatre. Full stage. Nifty Nonsense aptly describes the offering ahich Gaston and Coverdale have put together. Miss Coverdale is a charming and clever woman, Gaston is unconsciously funny. The of their material is new The musical numbers are particularly The Colonial audience demanded » allotted consignment of nonsense, sore the pair did a dance along lines of acrobatic movements. “RESSY AND DAYNE, lonial Theatre. Full stage. One Night Only is a characteristic sketch. It has that Cressy humor, with the touch w~ pathos, such as appeals to vaudeville aud lences. With Cressy'’s style of putting over his material, and extracting from it all the possicilities that exist, One Night Only becomes one of the best sketches in vaudeville. At the Coionlal, Cressy and Dayne, with one or two otber in One Night Only. Co Cressy CURRENT N. Y. VAUDE. BILLS FOR WEEK OF MARCH 20. Alhambra.—Billy B, Van and the Beaumont Sisters in Props.; Amelia Stone and Armand Kalisz in Mon Amour; James Thornton in mono logue; Eva Taylor and Company in Chums; The Top f the World Dancers; Conlin, Ste ‘arr, comedy singing and dancing skit; end Willard, The Dutch in Egypt; Kaufman Troupe, cyclists; Diaz's Monkeys, and others _Bronx.—Cressy and Dayne in One Night Only; ‘us Edwards’ School Boys and Girls; Stepp. Meblinger and King; Harry Fox and Millership Sisters; Cheyenne Days, wild west act, show og lariat throwing, broncbo busting and prairie pastimes: Harry Webb, black face comedian; Six Steppers, wonderful dancers; Blanke Family of jugglers, and others. Colonial Albert Chevalier, English character artist: Hugh Herbert and Company in The Son ‘f Solomon; Howard and North in Back to Wel ‘ington; Charles and Fanny Van in A Case of Emergeney; Martinettl and Sylvester, funny ‘erobats; Paul Dickey and Company. Fifth Avenue.—Al Rayno’s Dogs; Wilbur Mack ‘nd Nella Walker in The Girl and the Pearl; Tom Edwards, the Huntsman Ventriloquist; Em ua Dunn and Company in The Baby; Nat M s. the happy tramp; Fiddler and Shelton, ‘ack-face comedians; Kitamura Japs, acrobats amt equilibrists; Four Fords, classy dancers; Marlon Murray and Company in The I’rima onna’s Honeymoon Hammerstein's Victorla.—Simon and Shields 2 High Tife in Jail: Belle Baker, singing comeen: The Man Hunters; May Yohe; McKay ‘nd Cantwell, in Relow the Deadline; Will Archie, assisted by Ella Warner and Mamie Madison: Joe, Myra and Buster Keaton: Harry ox and the Millership Sisters; John Callahan, irish tenor; Connolly and Webb in the musical sbsurdity, A Stormy Finish; Nicol Sisters, Ken Ucky Belles: Edna Luby. impersonator; Henlessey and Son. singers; Benson and Rell, novelty lancers; The Lentons, comedy acrobats American Music Hall.—Mareus Loew's ‘nucus Vaudeville FOX LEASES N. Y. THEATRE. New York, March 18 (Special to The Bill rd).-The New York Theatre Company this *k, closed a three months’ lease with Wm. *. for the New York Theatre. Mr. Fox fs we rate this house along the same lines as the Ym. Fox enterprises are operated. Mr. Fox's eney is from March 27 until July 1. TRY-OUTS AT NATIONAL. New York, March 18 (Special to The Bill rd) —The list of try-out acts at Loew's Na ) Theatre this week included: The Devi!. _ Servant and the Man, sketch; DeRosco \ els, posing: Grace Proctor, singing act; Leo ms. planologiat: Pisano and Bingham, sing ond talking: Metropolitan Quartet, singers eanx, female impersonator: Herere, acro Relfer and Stone singers and dancers, and er whee name was HOt permet acts, landed at the top of the beap in the bat tle for first honors. CHARLOTTE PARRY, in Into the Light. Protean sketch. Colonial Theatre. Special drop; close in full stage. Into the Light is a fitting successor to Miss Parry's successful vehicle of previous seasons— The Comstock Mystery. In her present vebicle (Continued on page 58.) PERTINENT PATTER Gossip of the Vaudeville Week in Gotham—Bits of Nevs and Items of Interest to Members of, the Profession Near and Far—Miscellaneous Notes Edward N. Hoyt, the Shakespearean actor, is playing in vaudeville in a comedy sketch, entitled Mephisto, Hopst. | | He is assisted by Miss Fannie | j France and Chatham Company bave a new act | called The Suffragette. The Lady Down Stairs is the title of the new | Morris are The act offering which Mr, and Mrs. Wm. presenting over the K. & P. time. is handled by Gene Hughes. MRS. CONNELLY, Appearing with her husband, Erwin C.onelly, in Sweethearts. This act came into New York unheralded, and made good. The team is now playing on Percy Williams’ Circuit. BILL AT COLONIAL. New York, March 18 (Special to The Billboard).—Cressy and Dayne ran a dead beat with the Jack Wilsen Trio for first honors on the Colonial bill this week, far behind. There are no really weak spots in the entire program, the show running smooth| ly from start to finish. The Vanderkoors, mostly of burl: sque onener, In a_ better elicited a greater display of appreciation, but despite the handicap of showing to people crowding down the aisles, they did nicely. Hampered by the disturbing late-comers, Sadie Jansell, in second position, worked valiantly. Her work is reviewed in the new acts column, Sprightiy little Vivian Kord dors some clever dancing in The Top O° Th’ World Dancers, which followed Miss Jansell. The have a number of funny bits nicely put over. Lyons and Yoseo scored a full-fledged hit. They open playing What's the Use of Crying, harp and cello, Then follows a harp solos their concluding numbers are topical songs. ror an eneore they rendered Tony, the Cowboy Wop, retiring with a burst of appreciative applause. Having discarded her Comstock Mystery in an magic, position offering provided a good they could have sketch, Charlotte Parry is doing a new protean act called Inte the Light, with which she | closed the first half of the show. The act Is | reviewed in detall under new acts, | The last half of the show was replete with | hits. KRilly Gaston and Minerva Coverdale | opened after the Intermission, with an act (Continued on page 58.) with other acts not very | | A. Gest, made up) ARBUCKLE IN NEW SKETCH. New York, March 18 (Special to The Billboard).—Macklyn Arbuckle, who is appearing in vaudeville in Rob Davis’ sketch, The Welcher. bas purchased for his own use a new political one-act play. entitled The Reformed Candidate. a title which he has had copyrighted. Edwaft of the ‘Breakfast Table’ column of the Detroit Free Press, is the playwright. Mr. Arbuckle has also received an offer of the leading role of a new play which is to be put on in Chicago this spring. BILLY SMITH DEAD. New York. March 18 (Special to The Bill | board).—William Smith, prominent in theatrical comedians | with | circles, is dead. Smith was at one time treasurer of the American Music Hall here. MRS, A. H. WOODS SAILS. New York, March 18 board).—On Thursday of the theatrical (Special to The Bill Mrs. A. H. Woods, wife magnate, sailed for Europe. | She will be abroad for an indefinite length of | on account of illness. time. ILUI-ESS CAUSES RETIREMENT. New York. March 18 (Special to The RBillboard).—-Adelaide Norwood was unable to, fill her engagement at the Fifth Avenue this week Linden Reckwith took her mace. | 20, {lon’s Ma Gosse, Sandberg and Lee have received contracts for the Sullivan & Considine time, opening April 2. James Keane and Company. in Held . for Ransom. have bookings for thirty-five weeks —_ Jos. Wood, Sheedy, and Sullivan & Considine, Rupert Huntington Coyne, the baritone, has joined Smith and Russell’s Minstrels, which are playing over the K. and P. time, resuming their tour which was interrupted by Harry Smith's illness, They opened in Paterson, N. J., Mareb Herbert Hollister, stage manager of Edne Molwhich has just closed its en Zagement on the William Morris time, is remaining in New York an extra fortnight to ae a prominent European act for vaude| ville. . Ernest Ely, the popular agent, has begun a six weeks’ tour in advance of the concert tour of Mary Garden, the grand operatic prima donna, Harry J. Buchanan, stage manager of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, now playing its successful engagement at the Republic Theatre, New York, received much commendation for the excellent manner in which he portrayed the role of Hiram during the absence of Sam Coit from the cast. Mr. Buchanan jumped in and played the part without previous rehearsal, and acquitted himself with. credit. Henry A. Guthrie, of Louisville and Chicago, well-known as an agent and thespian, is in New York, in the interest of a Florida land company of which Raymond Hitcheock is one of the promoters. He has established offices in the Fitzgerald Building. Vv. Cc. C. BALL. New York, March 18 (Special to The Billboard).—The first annual ball of the Vaude ville Comedy Club. will be given April 8, af Terrace Garden. Various committees to take charge of the affair were named at a meeting of the anes of Control of the club held this week. ALICE LLOYD TO STAR. New York, March 18 (Special to The Bill. board).—Alice Lloyd will not be seen In vaudeville next season. Last week Weber and Lunescher signed contracts with her for her appearance as a star next season under their management. The Debutante is the title of the piece in which Miss Lloyd will appear ip the legitimate houses. Imaginary bill framed up by The Billboard representative. Importance of the act is indicated by position given. ae Bobby, Equilibrists and Acroats. American Music Hall, Full Stage. B—Harry Fox and Millership Sisters. Fifth Avenue Theatre, In One. C—Charlotte Parry and Company in Protean Sketch. Into the Light. Colonial Theatre, Full Stage. D—Billie Gaston and Minerva Coverdale tn Nifty Nonsense. Colonial Theatre, In One. E—HARRISON ARMSTRONG'’S CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Fifth Avenue Theatre, Full Stage. INTERMISSION, F—Harry Williams and Jean Schwartz, Popular Song Writers, in Pianologue. Fifth Avenue Theatre, In One. G—Will Cressy and Blanche Dayne in One Night Only. Colonial Theatre, Full Stage. H—William Morrow and Company in Happy Millions. American Music Hall, In One. J—Delmore and Lee, Aerial Marvels. American Music Hall, Full Stage. | | authentic COOPER WILL NOT ACCEPT. New York. March 18 (Special to The Bill board).—William Hammerstein has made an of fer to Irving Cooper. of the famous Empire Cit) Quartette, to make a tour of New York vaude ville houses. Hiammerstein offered $1,500 Cooper refused, asking more money. MRS. ALEX. PANTAGES ILL. New York, March 18 (Special to The Bill board).—Mrs. Alex. Pantages, wife of the vau deville magnate. fs ill at her apartment in the Astor Hotel. Dr. Baer, who is the husband ©f Mabel McKinley, is attending her. COCHRANE MANUFACTURER? A persistent rumor amongst the film circles of New York City conveys the story that Bob Cochrane, recent New York manager for the Independent Moving Pictures Company of Amer lea, who ‘tendered his resignation on the first of the month. Is to join the ranks of the | pendent mavufacturers, and open & stud o which to manufacture his product. Further more, the same report claims that he has already a supply on hand with which to start his new undertaking. According to the same as yet unstory. Bob Cochrane bas money interests behind him that will be well able to take care of the venture.