The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

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wre | is en gt The Billboard MARCH 25, 1911. THEATRES AND ATTRACTIONS |: The Bookings of Theatres in Towns and Cities Everywhere ALABAMA. BIRMINGHAM.—MAJESTIC Louis Stone, | Nicholas and Croix, Clipper Quartette, and | 1 and Adeline week of 13. GADSDEN.—GADSDEN (Chas. F. Meeks, mgr.) Buster Brown 18. AMUSE-U (Levy. mgr.) Vaudeville. ARIZONA. TUCSON.—TUCSON OPERA HOUSE (E. Drachman, mgr.) Raymond Teal Musical Comedy Company 9-15; The Girl from Rector’s 16; The Climax 17; Dockstader’s Minstrels 21. PEO. PLE’S (M. R. Smith, mgr.) Vaudeville, ARKANSAS. LITTLE ROCK.—MAJESTIC THEATRE. Week March 13. LeRoy and Clayton, Goff Phil. lips, Parsons Holliday and Co., The Haverlocks, Charley Williams, Nettie Fields, Theissen’s Pets. CAPITOL THEATRE (F. 8. _ Pennell, mgr.) March 20, Seven Days. KEMPNER THEATRE (A. M. Ybanez, mgr.) March 13-14: May Irwin, Getting a Polish; March 15-16, Howe's Pictures, PINE BLUFF.—ELKS’ (C. E. Philpot, mgr.) Buster Brown 10. ORPHEO (Eilhoch Company, mers.) Vaudeville. CALIFORNIA. SAN CISCO —SAVOY (Fred Busey, mgr.) Merry Widow week 12. COLUMBIA (Gotilob, Marx Co., mgrs.) Third week of Madame Sherry week 13. ALCAZAR (G. H. Davis, mgr.) Max Figman and Stock Co. in The Substitute 13. ORPHEUM (John Morrisey, mgr.) The Rolfonians, Merrill and Otto, Six Flying Banvards, Four Huntings, Bernard and Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Barry, The Fire Commissioner, moving pictures week 12. EMPRESS (Sid. Grauman, mgr.) Robert Roland. Edith Montrose, Number 44, Dunlap and Virden, Jas. J. Morton, Prosit Trio and moving pictures week 12. CHUTES (Ed. Levy, mgr.) Ricci’s Saxophone | engage Hap Handy and Co., Anderson and vans, Aletheia and Alexo and Broadway Musical week 12. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mer.) The Cromwells, Six International Dancers, Ray Samuels, Geo. F. Smedley and Jas, Post Co. week 12. AMERICAN (Ed, Homan, mgr.) Armstrong Musical Comedy Co., Rouble Sims, Rawls end Von Kaufman and moving pictures week 12. PORTOLA (Alburn & Leahy, mers.) Vaudeville and moving pictures. PORTOLA CAFE (Anderson, McNeil and Sausedo, Elsa Ward, Al bert Green, Aurora Arriasa week 12. GRAND (Alburn & Leahy, mgrs.) Vaudeville and moving pictures week 12. NATIONAL (Fest & Smith, mgrs.) Vandeville and moving pictures week 12. VICTORIA (J. Piguet, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures week 12. LIBERTY (F. Brown, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures week 12. ODEON CAFE. Varden. Perry end Wilbur and others week 12. BISMARCK CAFE (Vaudeville week 12. COLORADO. DENVER.—TABOR GRAND (Peter McCourt, mgr.) The Gentleman from Mississippi week of 26. BROADWAY (Peter McCourt, mgr.) The Girl in the Factory week of 26. MAJESTIC (J. Rush Bronson, mgr.) Three Roehrs, Emily Dodd and Company. Hammond and Forrester. Marguerite Fry, Hart and Barrick, Merritt and Love, Les Ploetz, Lorella Sisters week of 18. PANTAGES (W. A. Weston. mgr.) Tiebor’s Performing Sea Lions, Bottomly Troupe, Swedish Ladies Trio, Emil Hock and Company, Carry and Riley, Arthur Farrilly week of 18. OR PHEUM (A. D. Carson, mgr.) Chip and Mar ble, Julius Tannen, Hugh Lloyd, Victoria Four. Rorani and Nevaro, De Milt and Kennedy, and Frank Rogers week of 20. TRINIDAD.—WEST’S (Earl Cooley. mgr.) The Barrier 22. CRYSTAL (W. R. Orendorf. mgr.) Earle’s Singing Comedians, week of 10: Rickard and Dewinters, Robinson and Warren, and pictures week of 17. CONNECTICUT. BRIDGEPORT.—PARK (James R. Sheehan, mgr.) Frances Starr 13: Otis Skinner 14: The Girl from Paris 16-18. POLI’S (Louis Garvey, mgr.) McIntyre and Heath, Jack and Violet Kelly, Sayfo and Benjamine, Standish Sisters. Ward and Cullen Venetian Four. Hoyt Lessig and Company. and pictures week of 13. NEY’S EMPIRE (lL. W. & . O'Reilly, Hellman week of 13. HARTFORD.—PARSONS (H. Parsons, mer.) Robert Mantell 13-14: Wavy Down East 15-16: Otis Skinner 17-18. POLI’S (H. C. Poli, mgr.) Vandeville. HARTFORD (S. Z. Poli, mgr.) Vaudeville. DELAWARE. WILMINGTON.—AVENUE (Conness & Edwards, mgrs.) Avenue Stock Company in The House Next Door week of 13; Charley’s Aunt week of 19 GARRICK (W. L. Dockstader, mer.) Valerie Bergere and Company, Grace Hyde, Lawrence Johnson, Ruby Ravmond an! Company, The Frothers Demies, Gruett and Grnett, The De Haven Sextette and pictures week of 13. LYRIC (Wm. H. Renner mgr.) West and West. Johnson, Belmont Duo, Williams and pictures week of 13. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WASHINGTON.—COLUMBIA (Fred G. Berger, mgr.) Adelaide Thurston in Miss Ananias week of March 20. RELASCO (L. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.) Tetrazzini, under direction of Tivoli Opera Company, March 20: Mabel [ite in A Certain Party March 21 and balance of week. Week of April 3. Mr. Mantel! in reper toire. NATIONAL (W. H. Rapley, mgr.) The Dollar Princess, with Donald Brian week of March 20; Miss Fillie Burke In Suzanne week of March 27. CHASE’S (H. Winifred DeW'trtt, mgr.) Andrew Mack week of March 20. GAIETY (George Peck, mgr.) Vanity Fair week of Moreh 20. LYCEUM (Eugene Kernan, mgr.) World of Pleasure week of March 20. ARCADE (Frank L. Averill, mgr.) General Amusements. MAJPSTIC (F. B. Weston, mgr.) Vandeville and moving pictures. ACADEMY (J. Lyons, wer.) Bunco in Arizona week of March 20. CA SINO (A. C. Mayer, mgr.) Lambert Bros.; Albi| ni. Van Dyke, Cora Hall, George Baron week of March 13. HOWARD (Howard Theatre Stock week of March 13. GEORGIA. AUGUSTA.—GRAND (Richard Tant, mgr.) DeWolf Hopper in A Matinee Idol 18. BIJOU (J. V. McStea, mgr.) De Lux, Doherty's Trained Poodles, Three O'Conner Sisters, Billy Fogerty and pictures week of 12. SUPERBA (N. Darveneux, mgr.) Vaudeville and pictures. AMERICUS.—GLORIS OPERA HOUSE (W. L Morgan, mgr.) English Grand Opera Company 23. DUDLEY’'S (W. H. C. Dudley, mgr.) Vaudeville and pictures, *—RAWLINS (A. V. Gortatowsky, mgr.) Virginia Harned in The Woman He Mar led 26. r > DECATUR—POWER'’S (Thos, P, Ronan, mer.) The Virginian 24; The Sweetest Girl in Paris 25. ROYAL (G. H. Miller, mgr.) Dewey and and pictures week of 13. NEW BIJOU (‘A Sigfried, mgr.) The Vampire’s Fool, John and Mae Burke, Gilday and Fox, Heidelburg Four, Gillette and Bingo, Ray and Rogers and pictures week of 13, MACON.—GRAND (D. G. Phillips, Grace Van Studdiford in The Paradise of Ma homet 10. PASTIME. Vandeville. —ROME OPERA HOUSE (Jos. Spegielber, mgr.) The Firing Line 13: Grace Van Stud ville. SAVANNAH.—NEW SAVANNAH (William RB. Idol 14; Miss Ruth Grey and Company 20: Mme. Sarah Bernhardt in Jeanse d’Arc 21: James K. Hackett in The King’s Game April %: Louis Mann in The Cheater 20; The Three Twins 21: The Chocolate Soldier 29. LIBERTY (Frank and Hubert Bandy, mgrs.) The Starkey Players in Mrs, Temple’s Telegram week of 13. (Charles Rex, mgr.) Anna B. Palmer, Charles Arthur, Gilmour and Latour, Sidney and Worthy, Connors and Fox, The Great Sontag, C. Stanley Hall, Corbett and Forresters and pic tures week of 13. PEKIN (Josephine Stiles, mgr.) Pekin Stock Company. ILLINOIS. CHICAGO.—BLACKSTONE (Augustus Pitou. Jr.. mgr.) The Return of Peter Grimm, seventh week. COLONIAL (Jas. J. Braily, mgr.) The Fascin ating Widow, third week. CORT (U. J. Hermann, Name, twelfth week. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE (Geo. Kingsbury, mgr.) When Sweet Sixteen, sixth week. mgr.) The Great BIJOU | Company, mgrs.) Black Patti in Trip to Africa | Forgot, second week Marley; Alice May Webster, Kurts and Marvi:. | mer.) | diford 16. ELITE (R. F. Jones, mgr.) Vaude| ILLINOIS (Will J, Davis, mgr.) Maggie @ep per, third week. mgr.) Judy GARRIOK (W. W. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Harry Askin, mgr.) Disraeli, sixth week, LYRIC (L. J. Anhalt, mgr.) Sothern and Marlowe in repertoire, second week. LaSALLE OPERA HOUSE (0. L. Henkle, mgr.) The Girl I Love, seventh week. McVICKER'S (Geo, C, Warren, mgr.) The Merry Widow, second week. OLYMPIC (Sam Lederer, mgr.) Get-RichQuick Wallingford, seventeenth week. POWERS (Harry J. Powers , mgr.) The Stranger, first week. PRINCESS (Mort H, Singer, mgr.) The Kreutzer Sonata, second week, STUDEBAKER (Ed. Sullivan, mgr.) WHITNEY OPERA HOUSE (Frank 0. Peers, mgr.) Don’t Lie to Your Wife, sixth week. AMERICAN MUSIC HALL (J, L. Lait, mgr.) Vaudeville, ACADEMY (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Vaudeville. BUSH TEMPLE (W. P. Shaver, mgr.) Vaudeville. EMPRESS (L. I, Montague, mgr.) Vaudeville. Freeman, MAJESTIC (Lyman B. Glover, mgr.) Vaudeville. WEBER'S (Weber Bros., mgrs.) Vaudeville. COLLEGE (T. C, CRITERION (J. Sheriff. Gleason, mgr.) Wildfire. Pilgrim, mgr.) The County Rickson, Ward and GLOBE (J. &. Brown, mgr.) David Kessler in (Paul mngr.) | The Wedding Day Seeskind, mgr.) DeWolf Hopper in The Matinee | \ HAYMARKET (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Thurston, the Magician. LeGRAND (H. C. Langraf, mgr.) Yon Yonson. IMPERIAL (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) Little Johnny ones. MARLOWE (Chas. B. Marvin, mgr.) Arina. NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mgr.) Polly of the Circus. ALHAMBRA (Weber Bros., mgrs.) The Golden rook. COLUMBIA (A. Woods. mgr.) The Queen of the Jardin de Paris Herk, EMPIRE (‘H. J. The Yankee Doodle Girls FOLLY (J. J. Fennessy, mer.) Burlesque. mgr.) STAR AND GARTER (Wm. Beebe, mer.) Beauty Trust. ALTON.—TEMPLE (Wm. Sauvage, mgr.) Peck’s Bad Boy 11; Montana 12; Nancy 19. BIOGRAPH (W. T. Sampson, mgr.) Stevens and Boden head bill for week of 153. BARRISON (A. A. Frudenfeld, mgr.) Billy K. Wells. The Michelangelos, Dayton and Edwards. George Daum 13-16. SHERIDAN (A. ya a7, ® E.).HAYDEN, in the United States. of art. States. The other was that of the SQUARE, Yonkers, New York. It measured 70 the effect of a massive piece of granite work. Among other massive and effective JOHN ROBINSON and many others. The members of the above firm are: BE. J years have been spent with the above firm: EB. J for the last five years. Union, Brooklyn Art School, and at leading high school« of Brooklyn. —_—— CHAS. WOLF, VICE PRES, In fact, a SIDE SHOW FRONT, painted by this firm, by the patrons of the circus and fair ground and is as big The use of their work not only evinces the good taste and sound sense of the show manager, but is also a sign of opulence and prosperity of the show. Some of their banner work was the building of the COOK a massive piece, of a nice effect, that was mentioned in every daily paper throughout the United HUDSON-FULTON ARCH, that was MEMBERS OF THE FIRM OF E. J. HAYDEN & CO. —— LO LE OR E.J.HAY.DEN JR. SECT. & TREAS. This firm has been established since 1894, and their plant has been continually enlarged and improved so that today they have the best equipped and largest SIDE SHOW PAINTING STUDIO They have also made improvements in the work—from the old-fashioned yellow streak and big splashes of red (that have been ridiculed by the press, and that have been the of comic artists for years) ,to their high-class work of today, stock subject that compares favorably with works is considered a traveling art gallery a feature as the rest of the show. ARCH in Brooklyn, which was placed across GETTYS feet in length and 40 feet in helkht, and gave work that can be seen moving from town to town and city to city is the RINGLING BROTHERS, BUFFALO BILL,AND PAWNEE BILL, BARNUM & BAILEY, FOREPAUGHSELLS, SUN BROTHERS, NORRIS & ROWE, FRANK A ROBBINS, These have been painted and designed by this firm within the past five years. Hayden, president and general manager, under whose keen supervision the firm has advanced year after year; Charles Wolfe, vice-president, who has been identified with SIDE SHOW PAINTING for the past twenty-five years, five of these Hayden, jr., secretary and treasurer, i« the only apprentice In the SIDE SHOW line in twenty-five years, being an understudy of Charles Wolfe He is a graduate of the New York Trade School, a student of Cooper the present time a member in tne art class of one of the ES MAVBELLE BILLY ROTHER AND KELGARD ——In Their—— PIANOLOGUE AND SINGING ACT CHAS. E. WILSHIN, Exotusive Agent FRANCESCO CREATORE AND HIS BANDA VERDI Presenting the Piotureeque Review “A Night In Naples" Now in Vaudeville. RALPH W. ALICE DE HAVEN ane WHITNEY Presenting Their Comedy Piayiet LAST ROOM, THIRD FLOOR EDITH--HARCKE-HENRI OPERATIC SINGING ACT United Time ALETHEIA & ALEKO Exponents of Telepathy and Prophetic Vision SPEAKING SEVEN LANGUAGES UNITED TIME H. A. DAVIS & CO. —— Presenting—— “HIS LAST BET” S.ECIAL SCENERY —— Cast includes —— 3. A. Davis, aArthurM.Perry, Fred Yunker Neary & Miller THE DANCING PHIENDS WORKING ALL THE TIME Frank Burt Rube-Comedy Trick Violin and Juggler IN VAUDEVILLE ZIP Freakvom. Now playimg the longest, most pl t and profitable winter's engagement of our show experience. CAPT. O. K. WHITE, care Clark & Snow's Museum, South Main Street, Los Angeles, Cal. The Two Bees THAT COMEDY TEAM Doing Time For the W. V. M.A. LOUISE SOON! HARRY L BRUNELLE AND FRASER IN A NEW ACT —_BY— HAVEZ & DONNELLY. JOHNNIE VIOLET REILLY & BRYAN En Route Benner & Outter's “Peck’s Bad Boy” In answering ads, mention THE BILLBOAR!