The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

Record Details:

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The Billboard MARCH 25, 1911. ™~ Bunchu & Alger: 2319 W. Main st., Louisville Chamberlain, Jos, F.: 828 Kiernan ave., Spok ane, AY. Wash, Runth & Rudd: 910 Belden ave., Chicago. Chanelo, Aerial, 20.Grand ave., Kansas City, . Burbank & Danforth: Berlin, N. H ° MO, Burch, Billy & Virginia: 918 W. Market st., Chantrell & Schuyler: 219 Prospect ave., Brook . i Louisville, Ky, lyn, | RO UT E S AH E AD Decne, ee kat. od Trenton ave., (Wil Coigeee Sisters: 1620 Milburn st., Indianapap: insburg) Pittsburg, Pa, olis. 4 Rurkhart & Berry: 155 Eugenie st., Chicago, Chase & Carma: 2516 8S. Halstead st., Chi4 Purnell, Lillian: 2050 North ave., Chicago. | cago. / Burnham, Dick: Rome, N. Y, Chevriel. Emile: Gloucester, Mass, } ‘ Turns, May & Lily: 116 W. 39th st.. N. Y¥. C. | Claiborne, Kay C.: 224 Security Bldg... Los Burr & Burr: 2706 Holly est., Kansas City, Mo, Angeles, \ ert, Glenn: T14 W, 9th st., Cincinnat!, Clark Bros: 2215 So. 34 st., St. Louls. JA burt Wayne W.: 226 N, 18th st., Birming-| Clawson, Roscoe: 1704 Brownlee et., Marion, 1, Ala. Ind Managers and performers are respectfully requested to contribute their dates for this departy & Williams: 561 W. 144th st., N. ¥. C. | Clayton, Bessie (Apollo) Vienna, Austria, Jan. ment. Routes must reach The Billboard not later than Friday of each week to insure publication. tuskirk, Musical: 6S Barrow st.. N. Y. C. | 1-March 31, § The Billboard forwards all mall for professionals free of charge. Members of the profession are | Uutier, Rov I 73 +E. Fair st Atlanta, Ga. Clements & Lee: 620 virst st., Louisville, invited, while on the road, to have their mail addressed in care of The Billboard, and it wil) | Butler, Tom: 264 W. 38th st. N.Y. ©, Cleveland, Claude & Marion: 597 Oth ave., Astobe forwarded promptly. R = Byers & Hermann: 3649 Paxton Road, Cinein| Tia, L. 1, N.Y. y eck, Norman: 487 Grosvenor ave., Montreal. nati. Cliftons, Four: 104 E, 14th st., N. ¥. C. 7 Telegrams inquiring for routes not | lick & Evans: 14 N. 9th st., Phila. Benton & McGowan (Rarrison) Waukegan, mi. | “pper Comedy Four: 537 W. 156th st., N. ¥. i in th | ill be i d. | Rees, Two: 502 Bryant ave., Chicago. Parker, Ethel May (Pantages') Denver. C. given in these columns wi ignored. | fell, Bert: Oklahoma City, Okla. Bercl Wm., Menetekel (American) ‘Chicace Clito & Sylvester: 224 N 10th st. Phila. ; : unless answers are prepaid. Bells, Four Dancing: Van Buren Hotel, Chi| Plondell, Mable (Majestic) Detroit: (Majestic) | Clotilde & Montrose: 323 W. 38th st., N. Y. C. ae cago. Grand Rapids, 27-April 1. Coattas, Three Musical: 144 W. Seneca st., Os i ’ Bell Boy Trio: 2296 7th ave., N. Y. C. ‘lamphin & He ‘asino) Montre wego, N. ¥. 4 PERFORMERS’ DATES. 03 oe ae. & 2 © ed ce Coleman. Al.: 57 111th at.. N.Y. C. | Bennett Bros.: 258 W. 65th st.. N. ¥. C. Sestrette Trio ((Matestic) Miln = ; Coles, Three Musical: 149 Seals ave., Biloxi, : aia . : a" estyette rio ajestic) Milwaukee. "i = . = #2 ** (An additional list of Performers’ | eet Sisters: 1308 Forest ave., Kansas City, Barnes, T. Roy & Bessie Crawford (Maryland) i Musical Four: 212 W. 424 st.. N. ¥ Dates, as well as a list of additional | nennett & Marcello: 206 W. 67th st.. N.Y. C. ‘eppommnses Dramashed tsar lba ase) (2 TA Graig routes, received too late for classifica| Henwas. Harpy: White Rats. N.Y O. Bliss & Ross (White-Palace) Chicag: ee ae ee Pee 8 . . _& : e billboard, 1icago. omodore, Gre : BOO AX, R > . Spri . ; tion, may be found in another column.) poiry « Rerry: Great Valley. N.Y. Barron. Billy (Empress) San Francisco, 20-|~gelg. Mo. » Spring i Bert & Williams: 65 Fowler st., Atlanta, Ga. : April Ls . atest! 2 Conkey, Clever: Wauseau, Wis, . . Rigelows, The: 2662 Monroe st., Chicago ti City Quartette (Majestic) irmingham, | Cook & Hellman: 13% Soring st. Newark, N. When no date is given the week of Biggs, James W.: 819 Wy 34 st., Charlotte, N. : J. March 20-25 is to be supplied. c, Berg Valerie, Players (Poli's) Bridgeport. | Cooper, Fitch B.: Elwood, Ind. ; Bilyck’s, Capt., Sea Lions: care Das Programme, Conn, Cooper & Robinson: 123 Pleasant st., Boston. ” Abbott, Sam & Fay: Box 105, Ola, Ark. Berlin, Ger. ae r Powers, Walttrs & Crocker (Orpheum) Mi.neCortese, Three: 239 Ss. Exchange st.. St. Paul | Abdallahs, Six: 42 Johnson st., Brooklyn. Bimbos, The: 694 Pacific st.. Appleton, Wis. apolis. | Costello & LaCroix: 313 Ewing st., Kansas City, 4 Adelman, Jos., Family: Nuremburg, Germany, Mo. ed ; Adgie & Her Lions: 210 E, 47th st., N. Y. C. a we gy ge Norman Jefferies, 9th Ahern, Danny: 1322 So. E st., Tacoma, Wash. : : . $ Arch sts., Phila ; 4 Aherns, The: » Colorado ave., Chicago, This blank 1s available tor route data in case you have Cottrell & Hamilton: Palace Hotel, Chicago. 7 Aitken Bros.: 234 Bedford st., Fall River, Mass. Coventry, Chas. & Rosle: care P. Tausig, 104 | Altkens, Two Great: 2219 Gravier st., New Orno route cards. Cards will be mailed upon application. FE. 14th st., N | Courtney, Daniel: 340 Newton ave. N. Minne : Albani: 1695 Broadway, N. Y. C. _ apolis. s , 4 Albrazar & Baby Athlone: 812 Tuscaloosa ave., Courtney & Jeanette: 1519 W. 14th Place, Chi7 | Birmingham, Ala. cago. | Alderfer, Chas.: Denver, Ind. Name ‘ Cow les, Wm. 2003 4th ave.. S.. Minneapolis, i Aldrach, Blanche: Athens, Ga. , Cowles Family: Altoona, Wis. has H Aldridge, Chas. H.: 20 E. Berkley st., UnionCrane, Mrs. Gardner: 190 W. 47th st., N. Y¥. C. ‘ 3 town, Pa. Crawford, Glen S.: 1439 Baxter st., Toledo, 0, am Jno, 1. ‘. my 0 st., a oe | Saeee & Delancey: 110 Ludlow st, BellefonAllen, Eva.: $2 Willet st., yany,” N. " | » V. Allen, Frederick: 8729 20th ave., Bensonhurst, $ Cretos, The: Webster City, Ia. L. 1, N¥. ; Beers ee Week Theatre City State | Crooks, Chas, M.: Muskegon, Mich. $ Allen & Kenna: Box 596, Anniston, Ala, . | Cullen Bros. : 2916 Ellsworth st.. Phila. 1 Allinei’s, Jos., Peter the Great: 422 Bloomfield | Currie & Earle: 537 S. State st., Springfleld, st., Hoboken, N. J Il Alsace & Lorraine: 91 E, Duval st., Phila. Curtis, Sam J.: 763 Jennings st., N. Y. Alton, Ethel: 213 E. 6th st., Des Moines, Ia. Cc. Cuttys, Musical: 5054 E. Baltimore st.. Baltl } , | 7) Sioa, pontame: w. 7 ys — | es Chas., Cireus (American) E. Liverpool, 4 Alvarado’s, S., Goats: 1235 N. ain st., Deca| » | ca, al. a er — Coen. Six pet) ee Wash.; | American Comedy Four: 779 ave., N. ¥. C. (Pantages') wtiand, Ore., 27-April 1. { American Dancers, Six: 10 Plain st., Providence, Carr, Ernest, & Co. (Park) Erie, Pa.; (Keith's) Cleveland, 0., 27-April 1. Crgee, pate, Troupe (Madison Sq. Garden) B. I. American Singing Four: 410 E. 168th st., Bronx, N, ¥ 23-April 22 Amiotts, Three: Fitchburg. Mass. Clermonte & Miner (Casino) Montreal; (OlymAmsterdam Quartette: 131 W, 41st st., N. Y. pia) Quebec, 27-April 1. Cc. Cooke, Rothert & Co. (Wintergarten) Berlin, Anderson & Ellison: 3603 Locust st., Phila. Ger., 1-31. Anderson & Evans: 865 A Gates ave., Brooklyn. Cox's, Prof. Wm. Ollie, Trained Animals (BiAndersons, Australian Twin: care Paul Tausig, ite, ° 104 E. 14th gt., N. Y. C jou) Mesquite, Tex . t Ni Nice, Fr . April 1Ansel & Dorian: 1557 E. 32d st., Cleveland. PERMANENT ADDRESSES cups » ee oe = ~— ’ Apollo Quartette: 539 N. State st., Chicago. Coughlin, John X. (Sun) Springfield, O. Archer, Lou: 953 Greenwood Terrace, Chicago. Cullen, Jas. H. (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo.; Archer & Carr: Greenwich, N. Y (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ia., 27-April 1. genenenn, Soc TS M, Kedsie ave. Chicago. If you are unable to give route, and desire to have your per|) cross '& Josephine (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ta.: old & Rickey: Owego, N.Y. manent address listed, kindly provide the necessary intonation, (Crptvem) Omaha. Ned, St-Agetl 1. ly ge BS Carle, A. (Lyric) Danville. I. Sstang, fi care Paul Tausig, 104 E. 14th st., using this blank Cressy, Will, & Blanche Dayne (Bronx) N.Y. 2 .: (Greenpoint) Brooklyn, 27-Apri . Clipper Quartette (Grand) Knoxville, Tenn.; N. Ashner Sisters: 12 S. Newstead ave., St. Louis. Atlantis & Fisk: 2511 First ave., South, Bil lings, Mont. (Airdome) Chattanooga, 27-April —— an. ba & G.: 410 South 4th ave., Mt. Vernon, Chases & Church (Century) Mishawaka, * Austin & Klumker: 3110 E st.. Phita. Name 3 \diertbeedecghierertee ee zuma Family: 1227 E. Tist st.. Chicago. I : 7. 3 a 2 e Arnolda, Chas. (Union) New Philadelphia, 0. Dale Dainty Dottie: 252 W. 36th « Arnold, Jack (Park) Erie Pa.: (Keith’s) Cleveland O., 27-April 1. Austin & Smith (Colonial) Atchison, Kan.; (Cameraphone) Omaha Neb 27-April 1 Alvin Bros. (Yonge St.) Toronto. Adler, Jeannette (Majestic) Mobile, Ala. Antrim, Harry (Empress) E. St. Louis, I1.; (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. 27-April 1. Adams, Billy (Liberty) Pittsburg, Pa.; (Col onial) Wilkinsburg, 27-April 1. Adonis (Orpheum) Des Moines, Ia.; (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb., 27-April 1. Alpha Troupe (Orheum) New Orleans. Ardell Bros. (Majestic) Hovston. Tex. Alvino & Rialto (American) Cincinnati: (Majestic) Montgomery, Ala., 27-April 1. Alpine Troune, Five (Shea’s) Buffalo; (Shea's) Toronto, 27-April 1 Permanent Address Bingham, Russell: 1633 N. 20th st., Phila. Bisbee & Connelly: Black & McCune: 19 Neponset ave., Boston, 1159 Octavia st., Blessing, Mr. & Mrs.: Hunt’s Hotel, Chicago. Bush & Peyser (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia.; ‘Lyda) Culeago, Ill, 27-April 1. Black Bros, (Orpheum) Ogden, U., 27-April 1. 2 mse Bros. (Orpheum) Los Angeles, 20-April Barto & Clark (Unique) Minneapolis; (Em| press) Duluth, 27-Aprfi D’Arville, Jeanette, 2028 N. Clark st,, Chicago. Davenport, Pearle B. (Carlton) DuBois, Pa. Davis, Carolyn: 833 Broadway, Indianapolis. | Davis & Moran: 827 E. Walker st., Des Moines, Ta. | DeArmo, Billy: 503 N. Clark st., Chicago, | DeCampe. Guy: Henderson, N. C DeCleo, Harry: 418 Collings ave., Marysville, 0. DeFaye, Liana & Evelyn: 47 W. 28th at., N. ¥. DeHaven & Whitney: 1420 N. 22d at., Phila. ORaamee, Julius J.: 217 EB. 98th st., N. ¥. Delmore & Lee: 1553 Broadway, N. Y. C. Deloys, Three: 10 N. Webb st., Oklahoma City, Okla, DeMar. Edward: 97 W. Thornton st. Akron, 0. . . DeMar Bros.: Cadillac, Mich. : Oe ae Boes & Boes: 2318 W. Jefferson st., Louisville, Breton, Downing & Co. (Orpheum) Duluth. | DbeMarlo (Lefbig’s) Breslau, Ger., March 1-31; . Adams, Ed. B. (Poli’s) New Haven, Conn. 0 Ky. Minn.; (Orpheum) St. Paul, 27-April 1. (Crystal Palast) Leipzig, April 1-30, Armanis, Five (Orpheum) —, Minn.; (OF-| Roises, Sensational: 100 W. 143d st.. N. ¥. C. Barrows-Lancaster Co. (Empress) Duluth, | MeMonde & Dinsmore: Zanesville, O. phenm) Winnipeg. Can, 27 April J lamazoo, | Boston City Quartette: 470 Warren st., Brook-| Minn.; (Bijou) Winnipeg, Can., 27-April 1. | DeMont, Robert, Trio: 1616 W, 14th Place, Apdale’s Zoo Circus (Majestic ala » yn, Caesar, Frantz: 512 E. 42d st., Chicago, Chicago Mich.; (Bijou) Battle Creek. ip ye ) | Bottomley Troupe: 14 Magill st., Waterbury, | Caine & Odom: 72 Wilson st., Newark, O. DeMora & Greceta: Findlay, 0. |; Adair, Art (Grand) Knoxville. Tenn.; (Airdome Conn, Calhoun, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.: 132 E. 17th st., N. | Denickes, Musical: 619 Firat st., Macon, Ga. Chattanooga, 27-April 1. mr Boyd, Eddie: 929 8S. Main st., Los Angeles. yy. c, Densmore Reth: Ontario Hotel, Chicago. . American Gypsy Girls: Oklahoma City, Okla.; Royd. Mazie (0. H.) Ballinger, Tex, Callas, Joe.: 1842 Indiana ave., Chicago, Dent, Raleigh: 115 4th ave., S. E., Aberdeen, Z Wichita, Kan., 27-April 1. Bradfords, The: 461 FE. Morrison st., Portland, Calvert, Great: 164 Averill ave., Rochester, N.| §. 'D 4 Alber’s Polar Bears (Empress) Duluth, Minn.; Ore. 4 Deodato: 189 Grand at., N. ¥. C. é (Bijou) Winnipeg, Can., 27-April 1. Braham’s Phantographs: Revere House, Chicago. Cameron, Ella: 381 Broad st., New London. | DePhil Bros.: 443 17th at., Brooklyn. ; Bailies, Four: 26% W. Church st.. Newark, 0. | Brahm'’s Ladies Quartette: 1129 S. Hill st., Los Conn, Derbys, Aerial: 607 Central ave., Connersville, . Baird, Blanche: 12 W. 69th st., N. Y. C. Angeles. Campbell, Al.: 2731 Broadway. N. Y. C. nd, Baker & Cornelia: 613 E. 45th st., Chicago. Brand, Laura Martiere: 527 Main st., Buffalo, Carl & Rheil: 406 W. 18th st., Kansas City, Mo. | DeVere, Robbie: 510 N. Liberty st., Indianapolis. cz Baker, Sid: 1606 Race st., Cincinnatl. N. Y. Carle, Irving: 4203 N. 41st st.. Chicago, DeVelde, Ermond J.: 40 Broadway, Norwich, i Rall & Marshall: White Rats, N. Y. C. Brangan & Saville: 883 Walnut st., Cincinnati. | Carlin & Clark: 913 Prospect ave., Buffalo, Conn. : Ranks, Charley: 317 Park ave., Baltimore. Branham, Chas. M.: Sturgeon, Mo. Carol Sisters: 104 W. 16th st., N. Y¥. C. DeVoes, Marvelous: 2901 LePage st.. New OrBanyan, Alfred: 122 Smith st.. Winnipeg, Can. | Braun Sisters: Richardson Park, Dela. Carral, Helene: 1745 Warren ave., Chicago. leans. Barber & Palmer (Lynch’s) Woonsocket, R. I. | Bretonne, May: Actor's Society: 145 W. 45th Carroll, Nettie, Troupe: 1426 Holmes ave., | DeWolfes. Four: 1712 Third ave., N. Y. C. Rarcklay, Gertrude: 442 N. Clark st., Chicago. «, x. £. 6 | Springfield. M1. Diamond Four: 152 W. Chestnut at., Chicago. R Barclay. Don: 607 North Western Bldg., Minne| Brinklevs. The: 424 W. 39th st.. N. Y. C. | Carrolton & Van: 5428 Monte Vista st., Los An| Dick. Ray: 522 Ohlo ave., Kokomo, Ind. } apolis. Brittons, Three Musical: 729 Liberty ave., geles, Cal, Dickens & Floyd: 343 Rhode Island st., Buffalo. * Rarlows, Breakaway: White Rats, N. Y. C. Brooklyn. | Carson Bros.: 1058 56th st., Brooklyn Dickinson, Richard: Melrose, Mass, "i Barrett, Frank: 240 5th ave.. N. Y. C, Broadway Comedy Quartette: 20 Williams ave., | Carson & Willard: 2538 W. Cumberland st., | Dickinson, Rube: 2910 Vine st., Lincoln, Neb. 4 Rarretts, Juggling: 100 E. 12th st.. N. Y. C. Brooklyn, a, Diston, Madeline: 924 Longwood ave., N. ¥. © ; Barron, Geo.: 2002 Fifth ave.. N. Y. C. Brooks & Kingman: 234 W. 39th st., N. Y. C. Cashurn & Murphy: Melba Hotel, Ft. Worth, | Divolas The: 142 B. Sth at., Mansfield, 0. 4 Rarry & Hack: 5°89 Roger st, Milwaukee. Brown & Davis: 24 Forry ave., Newark 0. Tex. Dolan & Lenharr: 2400 Tth ave., N. Y. C. . Rartell & Garfield: 2699 F. 534 st.. Cleveland. | Rrown & Cooper: 2016 Walnut st., Chicago, Casads, Three: Darlington, Wis, Donner, Doris: 243 Lincoln st., Johnstown, Pa. Ratto & McCune: 819 N. 24 st.. Reading, Pa. Browning, Arthur: 932 Court et., Cincinnati. Case, Charley, Lockport, N. ‘ Donovan & Mackin: 1120 Taylor et., Ft. Wayne. Raum, Will: 97 Wolcott «t.. New Haven, Conn, | Rrowning, Bessie: 340 EF. 56th at., N. Y. C. Case, Paul: 81 So. Clark ast., Chicago. Ind. Raxter, Sidney: 1722 48th ave.. Melrose, Cal. | Brunettes, Cycling: 231 Cross st.. Lowell, Mass. | Cavanangh & Tancaster: 700 A Indiana ave.,| Doria Opera Trio: care Wm. Morris, Inc., 147 Beard, Rilly: 1491 Drarton «t.. Savannah, Ga. Ruch Bros.: Edison st.. Ridgefield Park, N. J. Kansas City, Mo. Dearborn st., Chicago. Beban, Geo.: 107 W. 45th st., N. Y. C. Budds, Aerial: 26 N. Union st., Aurora, Ill. Cavana: Commercial Hotel, Chicago. Dorle Trio: O87 N. State at., Chicago. | Agents E EIN'S UP j gents Everywhere ° > ; € ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED.