The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

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Tore ay The Billboard MARCH 25, 1911. Tig 3 t Se a i RS ie Al dh tee eae ROLLER SKATING NEWS John McDonald, Now in Professional Ranks, Wins Race at Chicago Rink—Tyrrell Makes Wonderful Showing at Madison Gardens A NEW WINNER AT RIVERVIEW. | Chicago, Ill., March 16 (Special to The Bill pvard).—John McDonald, until a few weeks ago Riverview’s crack amateur skater, made the roller fans sit up and take notice when he won the final one mile scratch race at the amusement | park rink in the fast time of 2:40, from Edward Schwartz and Frank Hennessy, who finished «a few inches apart. McDonald turned professional, and in his first race against the experi-— enced boys, finished second, but made such a good showing that Manager Harmon predicted that he would capture a race in a short time, and surprise the old-timers which he did in his last attempt. The large field of skaters makes it necessary to run the races in two heats and a final, the first being won by Frank Hennessy and the second by Henry Becker. The Class B races are attracting the attention ‘f the racing fans on account of the many entries, especially Eddie Meinke, who took up the speed game in the last two months to get his | wind in condition for the baseball season, when ne holds down third base for the Logan Square | Club. Meinke, in his first few races, made a gvod showing, but after several workouts, was able to sprint, and with the result that he has won the last three races, and now leads for the silver cup offered for the racer acquiring the highest number of points in ten races. His only competitor is John Brill, who has been able to finish second in all the events. St. Patrick's eve and night furnished a whole lot of fun for the Riverview Rink patrons, who witnessed a night in Germany, with the mans coming out victorious, as expected. As an added attraction, the well known amateur fancy ekating champions, Styrmoe and Hayes, gave a fine exhibition of fancy skating, with three new stunts on the little wheels that brought applause from all parts of the crowded rink. Miss Hayes, who is making her debut this season among the local rinks, is looked upon as the vest amateur performer in this part of the ountry, and will in time hold her own with any of the best professionals now playing the vaudeville circuit. William Styrmoe, head of the skating pair, needs no introduction to the followers of the skating game, as he has been prominent in the last three years in instructing wt promoting fancy skating. TYRRELL WINNER AT MADISON GARDENS. Chicago, March 16 (Special to The Billboard). —Fred Tyrrell, present Illinois State Champion, and former Amateur Champion of America, has, in the last two months, won all of the races held at Madison Gardens. Tyrrell retired from the racing game for six months until the management of the Gardens rink started to cater to the racers. He got back into form by working out several times a week and when the races started he demonstrated that he is without doubt the peer of them all by his clean-cut victories (n the one, two, three and four mile races which were held every week. Tyrrell’s only contender was Harry Palmer, who seemed sure to win the one mile event, but in passing him, Tyrrell accidentally pushed him at one of the corners and the judges decided that he did not win the race fairly and gave the event to Palmer over the protests of Tyrrell, who claimed that it was an accident while trying to pass the leader. In the other three races there was nothing to it but Tyrrell all the way, Best Music in the World for Skating Rinks Write for Catalogues and Prices. Worth Tonav anda Musical Instrument Works, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. as he had every contest won soon after it started, from such cracks as Harry Mikkelson, Frank Hennessy, John Lowry, Joe Behan, Bert Duffy and Butch Williams, Arrangements are being made to have Tyrrell skate Henry Becker, present star at Riverview Rink, but the managers of the skaters can not come to an agreement. CAREY MAKES HIT IN PARIS. The performance of the American roller skater, Jesse Carey, of Wyoming, Pa., who recently covered 28 kilometres, 275 metres in an hour, beating all the world’s distance records, was looked upon as a great feat by the Frenchmen. Carey did the ten kilometres in 20 min. 55 2-5 sec. The 20 kilometres in 42 min, 24 sec., and covered 14 kilometres, 170 metres in the half hour, thus beating the records of the English amateur, C. J. Wilson, who on the 10th of Janu ary, 1903, covered 26 kilometres, 009 metres in the hour, while the professional, Hal Berts, covered 26 kilometres, 430 metres on March 1, 1902, The six miles (9 kilometres, 655 metres), had been skated by the amateur, P. Miller, in 22 min. 15 1-5 sec., and the professional, Hal Berte in 21 min. and 45 sec., and for 345 metres further, Carey only took 20 min, 55 3-5 sec. The 12 miles, 19 kilometres, 311 metres, was made by the amateur, C, J. Wilson, in 44 min. 39 3-5 sec., and the professional, Hal Berte, 43 min. and 24 sec, The corresponding records on ice are ax follows: 10 kilometres by the amateur, Peter Pestlund, at Davos, Switzerland, in 1900, in 17 min. and 50% sec., and the professional, Jaap Eden, February 23, 1895, in 18 min. and 57 1-5 sec., and the record for one hour fs held by the Established 1856. WuRLUIZER rrr TTL pane eet ut ont 9 ost ' pas 2te aaa aus eT Automatic Musical Instruments for every purpose The world’s largest and only complete line. 50 different styles, including , * PianOrchestra, Pianino, Flute Piano, (Automatic Orchestra) 65-note Player Piano Mandolin Quartet Skating Rink Bands, 88-note Player Piano Mandolia Sextet AutomaticMilitary Bands, Violin Piano, Automatic Harp, Etc. Wurlitzer was the pioneer in the electric musical instrument field and is today the world’s largest manufacturer. Branches in most large cities. Write for big 84-page catalog, picturing the entire Wurlitzer line. &” We supply the U. S. Government with Musical Instruments. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. Dutchman, De Kooning, who, on the 26th of January, 1906, covered 32 kilometres, 370 metres at Davos. Thus Carey was beaten by the ice record, but beat the French record on ice by Sabouret, who covered 27 kilometres, 701 metres, Carey writes that he is doing well and before he returns: to this country will have all the long distance records. Jesse is being cared for by Jack Hanlon, who acts as his manager. MR. ENGLISH ON ROLLER SKAT H. W. English, of Buffalo, N. Y., mianager of the Carnival Court Casino, and who controls the following circuit of roller rinks: Buffalo, N. Y., Bay View Beach, N. Y., Dunkirk, N. Y., | Erie, Pa., Oil City, Pa., Titusville, Pa., New Castle, Pa., writes that all of the rinks under his management are paying dividends. He expects to add two more rinks to the circuit. He says: “I must say that I have been somewhat surprised and more than pleased by the manner in which the roller skating loving public of Buffalo and vicinity have received the proposition we offer at the Casino. We were led to believe after we had signed a lease on the property, that we bad a white elephant on our hands; but some way I had a great deal of faith in Buffalo. That my belief was worthy of consideration is borne out by the fact that we are rattracting larger crowds than were ever known to patronize a rink in Buffalo.”’ Mr. English deserves much credit for his efforts to establish in Buffalo an amusement place which has become so popular, Over 1,500 people have skated in the Casino in one day. Mr. English says the roller game is not dead by any means; just killed in places by the managers. It needs a rest. Incompetent help, and know-it-all managers are the chief reasons for the failures of a majority of the roller rink« in the East, he claims. LAMY TAKES UP BASEBALL. Edmund Lamy, on March 8, withdrew from the ranks of amateur sport to take up professional athletics. Lamy signed a contract to play with the Mansfield, 0., baseball team of the Ohio State League. Lamy states his change Was not caused by his suspension by the In ternational Skating Union officials. He says be had contemplated becoming a professional skater next season and that he would have not want suspension. to leave the amateur ranks under amateur in full standing, but this has been de nied him. Lamy will make good as a ball player as he has had lots of experience an will come out next season In the professional skating ranks. in store for him. TO BUILD COSTLY RINK. Annabelle, W. Va.. March 17.—Four States Coal and Coke Company will build a skating rink to cost $60.000. General offices of the men who will Frick Building, Pittsburg, Pa. OPEN-AIR RINK AT PORTSMOUTH Portsmouth, 0., Mech. 18 (Special to The Bill board).—Promotion of an open-air rink is to be The Best Rink Skate We believe it. Thousands of others know it. Order a sample pair and be eenvinced. Write for free catalogue. We carry a complete line of rink supplies. We supply parts for other makes of skates. CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE COMPANY, 1123 Washington Bivd., CHICAGO, ILL turned early in February except that he did | He has made continuous efforts | during the past month to be reinstated as an | Many good match races are | promote this rink are in the financed by Si Straus of Portsmouth, and Emi! | CINCINNATI (117 to 121 E. 4th); NEW YORK (25 & 27 W. 82d, bet. B’way. & baa Ave.); CHICAGO (266 & 268 Wa ); PHILAD HIA {ieee Chestnut); ST. LOUIS 919 Pine); (206 Prospect Ave, 8. E.); COLUMBUS, 0. (57 KE. Maia): NDON, ENGLAND (New Polyphone Supply Co., Agents, 2 Newman S&t., Oxford St. Latest Model, Ball-Beart Rink Skates. Used in ty of all Nickel-plated Steel, Ball b Skates, with , Bteel ring Clu tation Aluminum or Boxwood Rol' Henley Racing Skates Osed and endorsed by speed skaters everywhere, and are also desirabie . for individual use, where the finest amd most complete skate in the market is desired. POLO GOODS and OUTFITS Send for Skate Catalogue, FREB. Official Polo Guide .......... 108. M. C. HENLEY, “ica 9 Indiane. Made to Surface Rink and Dance Fleors Over 1,000 in use. Made in three sizes. For Roller Rinks, Amusement Companies, Dance Halls, Contractors and Builders everywhere. Machine easily rented to Contractors and Bulld ers at a Bet profit of not less than $10 to $25 a day. It is very easily operated as when the handie is raised it is inclined to move forward of its own accord. Built on the only correct principle. Guaranteed to be the BEST machine with which to produce an even, smooth surface on any kind of wood floor, old or new, hard or soft, Will surface from 5,000 to 7,000 sq. ft., once over in 8 hours, a Ph | oy yo will make it smooth and level. Send FREE TRIAL PROPOSITION. M. L, SCHLUE TER, 103-105 N. Canal Street, Chicago, Ill. New York Office, 1001 Flat Iron Building. Professional Roller Skaters’ Ass'n. Organized to give greater prominence to bona-fide Professional Skaters—those whe have a finished act to offer Managers seeking Exhibition Skaters—and to promote roller skating in general. All the Stars of the Skating World ARE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANIZATION. JACK FOTCH THE HARRAHS Presenting their latest success German Comedian, Fancy and Speed ex pert roller skater, Presenting the most RINKLAND entertaining novelty comedy act before the With Special Scenery, ON THE Ww. Vv. A. TIME. public, Address Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. DARE DEVIL FRANK | MI$$ ADELAIDE E. D’VORAK THE GIRL WONDER, features The Dip of Death, Fire Tunnel, } Sea Saw, 27-in. Cycles, High and Broad Jump'ng, Fancy, Trick and Dancing on the in ber marvelous Fancy and Trick Skat rollers 25 minutes of thrilling feats. ing Exhibition, concluding each night with a race against any man in the Rink, Ad dress 3347 E. 65th Street, Cleveland, 0. Foot-plate sprin Playing ripk and vaudeville. Address, Brookville, Indiana. ; H. A. SIMMONS) Address, 73 Broad Street, N. Y. dity. FOR SALE—1,000 Union Hardware and 500 PROFESSIONAL CARDS 40c per 100, postpaid. Winslow Fibres, Guaranteed in rfect condi De Stationery and engraving very reasonable. signs submitted. HURD, of Sharpsburg, '0 lowa, Vrinter of Classy Show Work. pe tlon. Cheap. METROPOLITAN RINK, 1684 Broadway, New York City.