The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

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The Billboard MARCH 25, 1911. PARK NOTES. (Continued from page 21.) unkempt, intoxicated, profane and rowdyish. Gundreds of letters were received from public and private individuals, encouraging the continuance of this action. The management of the Brighton Beach Park, Coney Island, N. Y., will continue its policy of adding to their many high-grade attractions. In addition to bathing pavilion built last year, there will be an annex covering the swimming pool this year. A Wild West show and hippodrome combination is to occupy the immense arena. A new ride called the Frolic is being Installed near the giant safety coaster, Thompson's Scenic Railway, running through Mt. McKinley, is to be thoroughly renovated, and the Hummer will have a new front. The carousal will have a full program of new music for its German organ. The Ocean View Inn also le to be enlarged and redecorated. With numerous new features upon the Pike and the miletong board walk on the ocean front, Brighton —y L.. be as heretofore one of the most attractive seaside resorts within of Greater New York. oo The Greater Hollywood Park, Baltimore ie located close te the town and can be ee by the street cars. It is beautifully situated, overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. e management is making extensive improvements, amo them being a new Ben Hur race track, whic will give the visitors over a mile and a half of racing over sensational dips in ithe famous racing coasters. Also a galloping horse, a carousal, a eanal of Venice, a human roulette wheel, a ecenic ride touring the Alps, and one of the largest dancing pavilions in the South. The new Casino will seat more than five thousand people and will play some of the most famous bands besides staging musical and spectacular produce. ~ Ty Johnson will book the Casino at Picturesque Cliffside Park will nm earl -~ goat ans midway beteeen ‘Ashland etsburg, y. The by the leading business gt Toy men of Ashland, . ly: .G. M. Wilde, president: L. E. Smith, vice-president: J. . Mays, secretary; E. J Canterfach treasurer, and D. W. Norton, asGetane, cocustery hw treasurer; H. L. Ham " successful manager. h -ena ae i T as been re-en ¥ booking concessions, and free attractions for the coming co gg — is equipped with a $20,000 Ingersoll Roller eter, a big theatre, seating 1,200 people: Japanese ice cream garden fine restaurant, and & bomber of other concessions. It also has a = fine ball ground, 800 feet long by 400 feet The season at Paxtan Pa., will open May 27. The park 1 aeeeure 27. The park ts thorough overhauling, and all wn Ay ing repainted, a new theatre is being erected and will be completed on or about May 9, In time for the convention of the Brotherhood of Reilroad Trainmen, which will be held tn that ye y Me to May 27, inclusive. The shone of the new fae theatre will be 82 by people. The stage will be 68 feet wide feet deep and 55 feet high to the — Ty ; oroscenium opening will be 35 by 45 feet. The stage will have all modern equipment. The Ggure eight and the zoo will also be improved. Rocky Point Park, near Providence. R I eituated on Narragansett Bay and is well ‘supplied with transportation facilities. This park has been under the management of R. A. Har tington, who is pr ietor three years. He. oprietor, for the last twenty is going to Inetal amusements for the coming canta. fame § = being L. A. Thompson's $59,000 scenic railway the waterless wave, Ferris wheel, old mill, circle — Te ae round and other attrac“ dining hali and 4 i ae ke ate ancing pavilion will Hanian’s Point, Toronto, © : = Un ronto, Canada. 32 The known as the of Canada, will open for the season ae Sey 15. Lawrence Solman is aaaing a sumber of new amusement devices to those already installed and has hook ed some bi amusements for the coming epesees teen ar the most famous bands will again be heard at ~~ =i —— park ~ well situated to handle owds, as they bave a fleet of 4 GA ctealilive calitue st xan island all to On M 15 the city of Ft. Scott, Kan., w: declare @ holiday, so that the whole city attend thé formal opening of the new Municipal Park, donated to the city by W. C. Gunn. One tundred and sixty acres have been added to this beautiful park by the city, and it is considered now, one of the prettiest parks in Kansas. The Mayor and city officials, with W. ©. Gunn will take part in ¢ _ DP n the opening cere The Coney Island Co. has contract Mammoth roller coaster and Denutifel” A A go-round to replace the old ones. The coaster will be three thousand feet long. sixty feet bigh, first drop forty-two feet and the total cost of construction will be $25,000. while the merry round will be the best made and will cost 10,000. There will be many new and up-todate amusements on the grounds this year. Creacent Park, situated four and one-half miles from Providence, R. I., on the Narragansett Bay, will open the season with many new amusements. This park is famous for its band concerts and dining hall, where shore dinners are served. The bathing beach, picnic grove, free fireworks and outdoor acts also appeal to the general public. luis park is under the management of R. A. Aarrinzton. ” 4 Pinehurst Park at Worcester, Mass., will open May 30, under the management of John J. Quigley. of Boston, Mass. The roller skating rink, scenic railway and open-air theatre are the principal attractions and will be run by the management. It is reported that Luna Park, Chicago, wil! be run. this season, as a free attraction park Large improvements were made during the year and already some leading artists have been booked. The management look for a banner year. Lincoln Park, Worcester, Massx.. will open May 30. The roller rink, dance hall, bowling alley and pavilion will be operated by Messrs. Coburn and Irwin. Plans have not been completed as to the kind of attractions to be held im the ampbitheatre. E. 8. Baker has resigned as manager of Dreamland Park, Decatur, Ill., after successful ly looking after the business for four years end practically putting the park on a paying heals TOLEDO, O. (Continued from page 19) Werd comes from Canton 0O., that Sydney Wire is handling the publicity for the food shows that are being held in that city. Sid. is some printer’s ink man and can not get away from it. Among the lost ones that are asked to report and not cause us to worry is Bill Bush, George Armstrong, Bob Cox and Jimmy Con nors. The last one had shipped some beautiful photos. Trust that he did not send them to Toledo, Spain. To take care of the crowds the Arcade management has secured one of the stores in the front of the theatre, for an entrance, that is just the thing to help out those that had to stay in the streets for the second shows. After the first of the coming month the Val and has a seating capacity of 1,200 | entine Theatre will cancel all their attractions and will turn the house into vaudeville ani pictures for the summer. George Ketchum wil! pose in the lobby and about the doors as man Rehearsals have already started on the new stock company that will open their season at the Auditorium Theatre, on March 26 for the coming spring and summer season. Bill Sunday’s advance men are in the city and pitching tents in the old ball park. Wonder if Bill will sell concert tickets here. Watch The Billboard soon for a large group of circus people that have made Toledo their winter-quarters and many that have been in the city during the past week. Last week a i was taken to appear soon. The Oyster ay had the street tied up for a short time with many people, who did not know what the trouble was. The Phillips Kid, who has much to do with the newsy events in the city of Detroit. Mich.. for a vaudeville paper, was in the city and made me a call. He is some newspaper man and always has something that you would like to hear. He is a great mixer and bound to get all the news in sight. More changes at the American Theatre. Paycen Players are to have a new leading man, coming from the coast. The place is doing good and the Paycen has had many profitable weeks. Poor Harry Clark, with his stake, has left for Geneva, 0., for the Cole & Rice Shows. The launch will have to wear crape. Sam Brady, at one time owner and manager of the Lyceum Theatre in the days it was called People’s, is in the city in the advance of School Days. It does Sam good to see all the old-timers and many chats will be heard during his stay in the city. Art Jarvis, engaged as clown for the Barnum & Bailey Shows, left with his mule, pig and dog. for New York. Rehearsals are to start at the Garden this week. Arthur Rigby, an old-timer in the minstre! world, was among the headliners at the Arcade the past week. Art is well-known In this city Walter Moore, the manager of the Lyceum. had a very attractive parade the past week | with a trio of show girls of The Golden Girl. that was playing his house. They wore Harem skirts. With the aid of several policemen an: secret service men there was no chance for the “Johnnies.”” We await the next move of the press agent. The Great American Florence troupe, en route to New York to join the Barnum. & Bail>y Shows. broke their jump and played the Arcade a week. It was one of the biggest drawing cards that the Arcade has had and 8S. R. 0. bonses prevailed. JACK TIERNEY The annual fair of the Ozankee County Agricultural Society wil) be beld Sept. 21, 22, .at Cedarburg, W The Big Eli Wheel FOR 1911 is the boiled down essence of mechani eal skill combined with years of experience on the road and in the shop, to build the best amusement wheel ever put , AND WE DO. e have happily combined the beauty of the wheel with the reliability of construction, which pleases the eye and also satisfies the sense of absolute safety. A pleasure to own and operate one of these money-getters, which are in use from Canada to South Africa. Write for new price list and advance information for 1911. BRIDGE COMPANY, Box 143-B, Roodhouse, Ml., U. 8. A. WANT TO BUY A GOOD CAROUSEL ORGAN First-Class Shape size and French referred. 549 Hanover St., _ ” Milwaukee, Wis, TO LEASE—Glenwood Electric Park, adjacent to the city ef Amarillo, Texas. 25 acres under fence; water, trees, electric power plant on the grounds. Best park opera house in the State, equipped with lights, scenery, commodious stage and 1,100 seating capacity. Athletic park, separate enclosure within the grounds, with grand stand and bleachers. Large dancing pavilion and Address refreshment booths, carousel, swings, etc. Amarillo Street Railway runs to park entrance. Will make very attractive tion to the right party. H. A. NOBLES, st., Amarillo Street Railway Co., Amarillo, Texas. Concessions To Let, Season 1911, Trimper’s New Windsor Resort: Shooting gallery, Jap ball, nov elties, photo, hoop-la, dart gallery, or any smal! games; also pavilion, 50-ft. Stands are built. D. TRIMPER, Ocean City, Md WANTED TO BUY—Circling Wave and High Striker and any other good games or shows for ark. Address 0. L. SMITH, 38 Elizabeth 5St., tica, N. Y. LATEST IMPROVED AFRICAN DIPS, paraffin water-proof tank, front netting, carrying trunk, ropes, balls, complete outfit, ready to set up, $35, MEXICAN ARMADILLO CURIO ©0., 5 Sth Avenue, Chicago. MR. CONCESSIONER--READ THIS GOLDEN PROPOSITION NOTHING LIKE IT THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. We have at Clason’s Point, New York City, the only Aviation and Athletic Field in Greater New York, comprising thirty-five acres, facing on the Sound in the centre of all the pleasure resorts which represent an outlay of One Million Dollars—only 15 minutes ride from the Heart of the City on a 5-ct. fare. Season’s attendance, one million and a half. fae Aviation and Athletic events of all kinds and descriptions will be carried on during entire season and many other attractions booked. Builders, manufacturers and producers of Aeroplanes and the schooling of aviators. SPECIAL FLIGHTS THROUGHOUT ENTIRE SEASON PRIZES OFFERED. We have to offer:—space for all manner of concessions— pertaining to Aviation and Athletics. Wanted —all kinds of amusement devices, side shows, etc. Every line of attractions wanted at once. Write us stating nature of your show or concession. COFFEY & DAILEY, Managers, Aviation Field, Clason’s Point, New York City. Amusement Parks and Concessions, Take Notice! “ODD PINS” Absolutely the newest and latest A most scientific, refined and fascinating amusement. Big hit for amusement parks, clubs, family hotels and private homes. Better still, start an “QDD PIN” parlor in your home town. Each alley will produce $15 to $20 per day; you get the agency for your county. We will tell you how. Each alley complete with outfit, rules, score cards, etc., packed for shipping, $85.00, F. 0. B. Pittsburg, Pa. Agents, act quick before your county is gone. A magnificent opportunity for live wires. BILLIARD BOWLING ALLEY CO. 937 Oliver Building, Pittsburg, Pe. A FOR RENT OR LEASE Beautiful Elmhurst Park with buildings, lake, light! car service. No Mineral Wells, Texas. Maple Beach Park Sth Year! On the Hudson River between Sth Year! City-ALBANY AND TROY --City minutes by boat or trolley. Best park in the State, outside Greater New York. 1911, to pt. 4, 1911, Address P. 0. BOX 156, ALBANY, N. Y. ‘an make room for live concessionaires. ABC. 5” teren Codes { westenn UNION . casino, etc., in summer resort entertain! 100,000 visitors annual) ‘our-flushers need write. Address MINERAL W LLS ELBCTRIC 8 Twen May here, Oper All big plenice come Cable Address “MAGICITY™ PARIS Ths JOHN GLVIN BROWN ENTERPRIZES EARLS COURT ; WHITE CITY MAGIC CITY LONDON «= MANCHESTER PARIS man Oemce — 66 Rue oc UUniversiveR — os Coasters — Scenic Railways — Park Attractions ——DESIGNED AND BUILT BY— PAUL D. HOWSE, 167 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. Western address, Frazer's Pier, Ocean Park, Cal. 1 make a specialty of rebuilding and modern izing antiquated rides and parks. AIRSHIP COMET Sth SEASON. NOW BOOKING FOR THE SEASON. HAS ALWAYS MADE GOOD. GEO. E. YAGER, 119 N. 15th Street, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ORGANS for MERRY-GO-ROUNDS, Skating Rinks, Shows etc. A few rebuilt FRATI ORGANS with NEW MUSIC of your own selec tion (guaranteed in condition as new) at a SPECIAL LOW PRICE. We manufactore, repalr and put New Music on a!) kinds of Organs. To avold unnecessary rreapengeace atate your waste fully. JO 8. @ DT 60., 3084 M. Lawrence Bt., Philadelphia, Penna. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.