The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

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The Bi llboard MARCH 25, 1911. ACTS NEW TO NEW YORK. (Continued from page 11.) there ts a Similarity in plot to the story employed in her recent offering Miss Parry por trays the characters of ay aged man, a colored servant, an Italian, an Irish girl and an Italian woman ty some ingenious electrical effects the entire offering is given «a weird atmosphere. When the curtain rises the entire stage is in darkness A voice is heard calling a witness to the stand (the spectator is called upon to bring up before him the picture of a court room.) In the ceuter of the special drop which Miss Parry earries is an oval opening with a darkened back xround, Beyond this opening stands Miss Parry appearing in her various characters, with a cerise colored light thrown upon ber features. Miss Parry does not make her changes with the rapidity displayed in The Comstock Mystery. The wy, Which tells the proceedings of a mur der trial and the final conviction of the accused, is graphically told The surprise comes at the tinish when the woman, who went through all the harrowing experiences depicted. awakens to find ing it all that Miss in a dream, is sustaining has an offer from start to larry nterest BILL AT THE COLONIAL. (Continued from page 11.) termed, Nifty Nonsens« ap to, but withal it ing number. For their appearance here, selected One Night Only, a sketch replete the characteristic Cressy humor. Under acts, the offering ix reviewed in detail Jack Wilson and his two partners, landed home a winner Insistent demands caused the trio to remain on the stage the length of time they did. Wilson has some capital stuff which he handles in fine style. The Ellis-Nowlin Troupe do some difficult feats iu ground tumbling The comedy is extracted from a circus tournament which is shown at the opening of the act, and from the work of a member of the troupe as an inebriate and a burlesque bareback rider. The breezy billing lived and entertain is is a Cressy and Dayne with new CHAMPION. THE BACHELOR'S OLD MAID (Comedy: released March 20: length ane feet).Mary's Unele Peter ob jects to her meeting John, a dashing young cowboy on the sly. and warts him never to show bimself at the house under pain of be Sing shot. One day on coming home unexpecthe surprises the couple and or John out of the Mary in her anger he is a bachelor and a ders Upon his return huuse. taunts her uncle because he fells her if she ever catches him in love be will never raise a single objection to her marrylug John. The two young people then sehem to have a maiden aunt of John's meet Uncle Peter and make love to him; they enlist ber aid after much persuasion and lay their plans. The Aunt writes a love note to old Peter, asking him to meet her at a certain hotel, to which John is to take her. Peter re celves the note and dressed in his best, hastens off to meet her. Soon after his arrival, Peter falls’ in love with John’s aunt and the climax is reached when she gets a ring which he is wearing away from him. After a lapse of a few days John escorts his aunt to Peter's -hous« and poor Peter is in a dreadful state of min: when he sees whe bas-amade him~a ealt. ant Bardycrabh “Doe-Nut” Machine PRICE, $265.00 THE GREAT CANDY MACHINE. GANDYCRABB GO., 'nc., Battle Creek, Mich. AT LIBERTY STRONG MAN and SOUBRETTE Man and wife. Singles only. Sober and reliable. Address P. O. Box 198, North Attleboro, Mass. WANTED—FOR CHAMBERLIN’S SHOWS Cooch Dancer and Snake Girl. State all in first. F. W.CHAMBERLIN, Box 295. Birmingham, Ala. —-WAN T— SLIDE TROMBONE, MALE PIANIST AND BARITONE & O. or stage: also Versatile cians, Actors and Specialty People all Three-day stand; two-car tent show. people address BILLY BENNETT'S Itasea, Texas. to double B Musi kinds. Ri liable BIG SHOW, ToExhibitorand Exchange! Dear S—Don't let it surprise you to learn that I have completed plans that will make mone, for BOTH OF US. You notice that I say ‘‘BOTH OF US.’’ 1 am not trying to disguise the fa: that 1 mean business when I write to you, but I know that you won't help me unless I can he); you. We agree on that, don't we? I love my business, and I love my independence, 1 think that all of us are destined to enjoy greater prosperity than ever before, but we know that it’s up to the fountain heads, the filn makers, to assure it by good work. Now, as a judge of the market, you know the films mos: demanded, yet most scarce, are historical military pictures. Why scarce? Because they cost more money to stage. Therefore, don’t you think that any manufacturer who has the nerve to put one out every week, a good one, deserves your support? He does—you can’t get away from it. Well, Sir, Champion is going to do it. Beginning April 17th, Monday, we're going to release TWO reels a week, One every Monday, and the other as heretofore, Wednesday, The Wednesday reel will continue to portray life and adventure in the West, but the Monday reel will always tel) a story taken from some great episode in American history; a great battle, an incident from the life of a great hero or statesman, or anyone of a thousand interesting and educational inspirations which you know our history affords. ONE EVERY WEEK. You see, ‘“‘THE OLD MAN AND JIM,” our great Civil War military picture, a raft of congratulations and requests for more, that we feel we are answer to a just demand. All exhibitors want good pictures. You do, too. Then every Monday from April 17th, on, ought to interest you highly” For one thing, it will please you, that is. if money, study and labor will go for good films. Yours truly, THE CHAMPION FILM CO., By Mark M. Dintenfass, 12 E. 15th St., New York City. UV. S.—If you are skeptical as to the value of historival films, of the school in your locality—then write us, and beginning Monday, our second historical feature release entitled, “‘With Stonewall Jackson’s last stand at Winchester. Don’t fail to see it. brought us such increasing our output tp ask the principal or teachers April 17th, we-are releasing Jackson,"’ depicting Stonewel! —WANTED— MEDICINE PEOPLE, VERSATILE PER FORMERS, (All Kin Alsou M. D).. registered in Ohio. State full particulars. Will buy travelogue = slides. Chas. Gilett, wire. Now working. COL. H, C. POLL WORTH, Gen. Del., Toledo, Ohio. WANTED FOR WM. L. Clark & Sons Shows A good General Agent, one with wagon show experience; also a few more Billposters; must join at once. No time to lose. State all in first letter. Winfield, La., March 23; Dodson, 24; Jonesboro, 25; Quitman, 27, All address M. L, CLARK & SONS. —FOR SALE— High-School, Beautifully Spotted Horse Combination good night and pick-out and talking horse; also pony and dog; now performing at Princess Theatre. Add. EDUCATED HORSE, Princess Theatre, Hot Springs, Ark.; permanent address, $49 Whittington Ave., Hot Springs, Ark tries to make everyone. beliewe that -he. mever laid eyes on her before, but when he is con fronted with his ring which the aunt wears, has wo other alternative but te give in. The young peonle then remind him of his agreement and bh: gives his consent and ther decide on a double wedding. WANTED AT ONCE Piayer and Singer for theatre: Small town. No matinees: work: no vaudeville Steady position to any one who can make good If you don’t do beth, don’t write. No attention paid to letters where salary is not mentioned. THE ELECTRIC THEATRE, Franklin, Ohio. WANTED--AN A NO. | VOCALIST Apply THE BIJOU, 30 E. 5th St., Cincinnati, 0. WANTED--AN A No. 1 PIANIST to play to moving pictures. Apply THE BIJOU, 30 EB. Fifth St:, Cincinnati, 0 Viane or geut lady no Sunday FOR SALE—20 Passion Play Life of Christ Slides, World Slides. War Song 30 the Also Elyria, O. Slides, colored; colored: SO Round All slides perfect condition. Slides. C. J. MURPHY, FOR SALE—African Dip, complete, used one week. Will sell cheap as I have other business. Address A. A. CANDY ©O., 1065 Central Ave., Cincinnati, O. Phone W. 2654 Y. Slot Machines ety on 4 me's HANGED and REPAIRED & CO., Pittsburg, Pa. “WANTED—SKETCH TEAM that can change for week; Novelty Man that has three or more turns; also good Boss Canvasman; must be able to join at once. No drinking tol erated. Long engagement. State everything. A = EDWARDS & BLACK, Jacksonville, $35 Has Been Made in 6 Hours Operating THE CIRCLING WAVE. An This machine investment of $1,400. is a sure vals, fairs, old home operated by 3 ho p. is furnished by either Write money-getter at carniweeks and resorts. It ‘is gasdline motor, and music for circular and prices. ARMITAGE & GUINN, 201 Mill St., Springville, Erie Co., New York. PARK Your PHOTOS reproduced. Any size. BLOCK TYPE, ZINC, COPPER. RUNEY SHOW PRINT, Cincinnati, 0. Can you beat it? | an organ or cylinder piano, | PRINTING SAMPLES READY. [NESTOR FILMS| WANTED ! :: 3: EXHIBITORS EVERYWHERE ! TO JOIN OUR MAILING LIST! WRITE NOW! IF IT’S A NESTOR, !tT’S GOOD! Reieas> of Wednesday, Release of Wodnceday. arch 22, 1911 Maroh 29, 1911 “GCouldYouBlameHim?”’| “The Truth” A Classy Foto-Comedy, radiating sun-| A Choice Foto-Drama of exceptional shine and mirth. strength and beauty. If he’s a leading exchangeman he'll give you ——~-——-ONE NESTOR A WEE KI——— Sota Onty By DAVID HORSLEY, 147 Fourth Ave.. New York Gity. ‘DISTRIBUTED THROUGH THE SALES COMPANY. ToT iitttiiiiiiiiiiiiiii L GENRE MOTION SLIDES | See the description in the ‘‘Technical World” and ‘Popular Mechanies”’ for April GENRE TRANSPARENCY CO, 507 North Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. ANTI-TRUST FILM COMPANY | BEST FILM SERVICE IN THE WORLD 79 S. Clark St., CHICAGO. STOP IT! Stop the Rain, do away with scratches or dirt. the opportunity of our 24-HOUR SERVICE and let us clean your films for $1.25 per reel. NEW YORK FILM RENOVATING CO. 12 Union Square, East, New York City PUGUEUUUREEUUODEROREEDEREREOEEEDE ER DEEAERERUEE ROGER A ROODU ED ERCUR ORE ROO EERE RUDE EEEETE Ee & Take advantage of FTE a oo a GOOD COMEDY ---EVERY ... WEDNESDAY GET OUR LO Solawx BIG FEATURES --E VERY... FRIDAY BBY DISPLAYS