The Billboard 1911-03-25: Vol 23 Iss 12 (1911-03-25)

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MARCH 25, 1911. ay XR Lake Park; Jacob Mills, prop. mgr.; (2, 3). Indianapolis—Riverside Bathing Beach; Pe. side Bathing Beach Co., prop.; Edw. ‘ ley, mgr. & mgr. attr.; Edw. E. Daly a vaudeville attr.; (1, 3). Kokomo—Athletic; K. M. & W. R. R.. props T. C. McReynolds, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; a mage The Billboard La re Park; Chris. Noll, mgr. & PARK LIST | Complete Compendium of Information Regarding Summer Ewe ay | coo . Amusement Parks, Gardens and Theatres, With BiSccre ja the Class of Attractions Booked mer 2 en geet ) Michigan City—Washington Park; South Shore Amusement Co., prop.; Frank Boekling, mgr. & mgr. attr.; (x, 1, 4). Montpelier—Montpelier Pair & Driving Assn.; x) No Circuit. Co., prop..—Tuilleries Park; J. G. Kilpatrick, | Belleville—Priester’s Park; Star B Co., R. J. Sidey, pres.; C. L. Smith, secy.; 1) Park A. lays Vaudeville. | mgr.—Elitch Gardens; Mary Elitch Long, prop. | prop.; J. B. Ho@maa, mer: . a7 oman. en, treas.; (i, 3, x); C. L. Smith books devi | & mgr. attr.; also 8 vaudeville; , 3).— ad H bak plays Ba , Tg 7 | Englewood—Tullerles Park; Tuileries AmuseWinkleman’s Park and Fair Grounds; William ee ie ee: PH Gar. La 3 Park does not play Bands. eaten —_ Co., prop.; W. RB. Gilpatrick, mgr.; > racemes prop; Fritz Tellman, mgr.; (2, Farrell, mgr. 3). ° (ss) Pak = "Steck. oaigouaed Post’ Coilins—Lindenmeler's Lake Park; Linden | Bloomington—Lake lark: Fred Wolkau, Jr., | New Albany—Glenwood Park. Louisville and meler & Son, props.; W. Lindenmeler, Jr.,| prop.; A. W. Moore, mgr.; (2, 3). Southern Indiana Traction Co.. props. ; 4 ALABAMA mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (2, 3, Canton—Van Winkle Park; J. Bennett & Sons,| R. W. Waite, mgr.; also mer. attr: (2. 8), Anniston—Oxford Lake Park; Anniston Electric | Pueblo—Minnequa Park; Glass y 3 McQuillan, | ae L. B. Woodruff, mgr.; (2, x); plays | New Castle—Blue Valley Park: ioneee. Bros., * Gas Co., prop.; R. L. Rand, mgr.; (xx, pro 3). ocal bands only ps; (xx, prop.; W. D. Harvey, mgr.; ak , 8). Trintdad—Central Park; Steve Patrick, mgr.; | Caemeeign—West’ End Park; Ilinols Traction mgr. attr.; (2, 3). —Idlewlid zt 3 Birmingham—Eest Lake Park; R. D. Burnet Steve Patrick, mgr. attr.; (xx, 3); Sullivan. , Prop; Matt Kusell, mgr.; also mgr. Jennings, prop. —Interurban Park; T. H. I. p.; E. W. Goss books ‘ enaenie ater; & Considine Circuit. | ettr.; (1, 3); Kusell's Warm Weather Cir: | E. Electric R. R. Co., prop.; John 0. noite = oe | at: Matt Kusell books vandeville atte. eS = mgt.—Shiveley’s Park; W. A. Shiveley, Gadsden—Elliott a ohpeme City, ae f CONNECTICUT arleston—Riverview lark; Earle E. relkeld, .. , —Spring Brook; J. Clifford, & Attalla Ry., c, Zell, & Bridgeport—Steeplechase Park; Geo. C. Tilyou, , Prop. & megr.; (2, 3). en pr ) a 4 4 hit ty; ite City Construction & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; eat Vauaeni spend “dali ooks reudevine atte: | "Deep! Capt: Paul Boyton, mers & mgt. att | “oe aes) pi Morris: Britela. "mgr. &| Cireult: (1, 3).—Chaln Lake Park; P. J. Clit. Mobile—Dixie (colored): R. M. Sheridan, mgr.; Bristol—Lake Compounce Park: Pierce & Nor ™gtattr.; Aaron J. Jones books vaudeville | pa Leh & mer “3 oe mgr, attr.; Wooten (1, 3, x); Sheridan books vaudeville attr.— ton, mgrs.; National Park Managers’ Assn.,| . ®ttr.; Doyle Circuit; (1, 3). ¥ aude S reu u 4 be ie Ts me & 1, «~~ Co., prop. New York City; John Jackel, booking agent; | a ae ee ge a. eee x my ety i] Drop. mgr.; (1, 3); M. L. & ©. books Yau-| (1) plays local bands only. . ; 3 ; ; Gow | (x, 2, 3).—Faries Park; Robert Faries, prop. | _ nell ks vaudeville attr. womtgomers Picket Springs, Montgomery Traca ET KO ae The Connecticut Oe. | Mixon—Rock River Assembly; Rock River A» Wares Be a; Ft. Wages & Webesh Valley Co., W. J. Ginnavin, mgr.; (2, Crystal Lake—Crystal Lake Park; Wm. Bowler, | sembly Assp.; N. H. Long. seey.; A. A. raction Co oe Small, mgr.; also x= a (colored); Montgomery -. Prop.; | Krape, program magr.: (2. x, 3).—Gedney'’« mgr. attr.; (1, x. 3); Jas. Irvin “pooks vaudeTraction Co. prop. & mer. inc th Om fork, De i. W, taphom oor “Gna. aretre Iowa New Decatur—Oakland; North Alabama Traczs *ark; Dr tephens, mgr.; (x, 2. 4) tion Co. Prop. W. A. Bibb, mgr.; also mgr. uk Park; Jas H. Clarken, mer. | Gast St. Louis—Lansdowne Park; H Mor Burlington—Coliseum Park; Chas. H. Walsh, pee : Manchester—Laurel Park. m : (2, selma “zine; Setma St as). & Sep. Ry. Oo.; Meriden—Hanover lark; Connecticut R. R. Co., | "Gignicea” 3 G. ¢ a Ry. and Sheffield—Tri-Cities, =k SheMelad & tT —_ ty x —_ anet.; G. 2: a Light © Co., prop.; E. A. Woods, mgr. an “Tighe —Rarstie Park; J. C. Younglove, cumbia Ry. Co.; Harry B. Elmore, mgr.; a ~ “. Eg FR. BA Wiel Garrisber —White City; Harrisburg Fair Asm.,| | Drop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (x, 5). mgr. attr.; (1), complete company only; x, Haven, Conn., books vaudeville attr. Bros., mgrs.; 0. L. ‘Susnes, Council Blufls—Lake rama pay 3); Harry B. Elmore books all attr. Middlebury—Lake Oussapaug Park. oe. ‘attr.; (1, 3). magr.; (x, ARIZONA a, See = ee > a Toopeston—MePerrin's Park: City of Hoopeston, Davenport™Schoeisen: Al. Berg, prop. & mgr.; ; en, be —L : : Douglas—Douglas Park, Douglas St. By, Co. , prop. & mgr.: : East Shore Am, Co., prop. & mgr.; (x, 2, 3) igcktouville*Nichoig ‘Park; City of Jackson| Des Moines—Ingersoll: prop.; Richard G. Arthur, megr.; Richard G. | Orange-—-Suburban Park; T. G rison, mgr. —~<eatral Park qu Hall: iam prop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (x. i, 3).. a, os kee—Chantauqua Park; Prof. Mans, mgr.; ° Des Moines City Ry. Co., Arthur, mgr. attr.; (x, 5). mgr _ | sellete-Deltwcod Park; Deliwood Park Co., prone, ; Woot Deckanen, mes.; sine ther. atte. i . . ; . 35 4 et— w ar! ¥ ar +3 1, 3).— te City; lowa St e ee Phoenix--East Lake Park; Phoenix Ry. Co., | Killingly—Wildwood Park. A. W. Jordan, supt.; (1, x); local bands on “MeLew, o ite Sm Rockville—Crystal Lake Grove; Wm. Bowler, P Cc. P. McLaugblin, mgr.; also megr.. A. W. Jordan books vandeville. aie (1, 3). ga . prop. & mgr.: (3).—Piney Ridge: Mr. Newton, prop. Tucson—Elysian Grove: E. Drachman & N. <ankakee—Kankakee Park Amuse. Co.; Geo, Hawke, props.; E. Drachman, > ’ Jnion Park; Union Electric Co. & mgr.| mgr., care Hartford & Springfield Ry. Co.; ese, mar. Dubaque—Un , : attr; E. Drachman books vaudeville attr; A. (3, | Comanse Ww inément Park: G. & K. Electric aS: LD. Mathes, mar.i slo Jane’ attr. ; Levy Cireult; (1, 3). South Norwalk—Roton Point Park. | R. R., prop.; R. H. Haywood, mgr. thal books vaudeville attr. e ARKANSAS Southington—Compounce Park; Pierce & Nor| Marion—Lake Latus Park. Newton—Oak Park . McColiom, prop. & mgr en—Newton’s Amusement Park; J. B, &| {2m Prop. & mer.; (1, 3); Piimmer Booking | yattoon—Urban Park: Mattoon City Ry. Co.,| also mgr. attr: (1. 3); “W. MeColiom books B. D. Newton. & mgrs.; (1, 'x). 7 Warehouse Point—Piney Ridge Park; Springfield oy Roe cee 2 ooh mgt are ee PO nt» Park: Chas. Hoyt, prop — mate, Mag Fosse, eae. (x. ‘se rg a” vlna meth citar immed Mtawa—Majestic Park; Chicago, Ottawa & Pe-| mgr. & mar. attr; (3). : : Eldorado—Dreamland Airdome; R. B. Garrison, ’ a—Gavin Park. seme Se. SS., Oeepae By ae | Sioux Sir coegat Lake spark: $ cc Lf rop.; H. G. Croft. mgr. & mgr. attr.; H. G. Winsted Highland. need — Connecticut Co., pale mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 8); book | “py Co.; Jos. A. Foye, | mgr.; also roft books vaudeville attr.; (x, 1, 4). prop.; Wm. Harris, mgr.; N. R. Rood, Burr| yjney—Myatt’s Park; J. F. Hyatt, Ernst mer sete: —Riverside; 8. yeti Co, = 8 te nag rg Ot og bm amy ville, Conn., mgr.; (1,3). ; 2 ny oat th. ya prop.; &rn : arco; & ~ Sus mor. i alee mer. =: fi n ectric Co., tron, ‘ ays nds only.—Woodlawn; Inter-Sta eer.2 alse mer, stir: tie 8, x); Adolph M. DELAWARE 2ana—Kitchell Park: City of Pana, prope. ; oy in Stock anf Aue. prepe.3 Joe Morton, Barren books vaudeville attr. Brandywine Springs—Brandy wine Springs Park; Sry Board, mgr.; also mgr. attractions; (2, mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (1, 3): Joe Mortos Fort Smith—Electric Park; Fort Smith Light & People’s Ry. Co.. prop.: hw k, mgr. Chautauqua week only. | books vandevil “ Traction Co.. prop.; R. J. Mack, mgr. attr.; Rehoboth Beach—Horn's Pier pL} Foentree Chas. cane iene Park; Reservoir Park Fishing | Villisca—Tyler’s Park: F. P. Tyler, prop.; Tyler (x, 1, 3); RB. J. Mack books vaudeville, S. Horn, prop. & mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (3). and Boating Club, prop.; C. P. Hitch, mgr.; Bros., mgrs.; F, P. Tyler, mgr. attr.; (1, Bot 'Springs—Whittingten Park; Hot Springs Wilmington-—Stellpot P Park: Henry & Young Am, (3); plays local bands; books attr. x). Park Co., prop.; George (Doc) Owens, mgr.; mer.; Peorla—Pfeifer’s Palm Garden, Mrs. R. Pfeifer Waterloo—Electric : Ceda: also mgr. attr.; (1, 3. xx): book direct.—Air Co., prop.; Jas. E. Henry, +6: Sp ane. & Son, props.; Chas C. Pfeifer, mgr.; also Falls & North pe vg ® & H. 4 dome, J. Frank Head, prop. & megr.; ‘a, 4. otte.5 (t, 5, 5). FLORIDA mgr. attr.: (1. 3): C. G. Pfeifer books attr. oe . ys hire “wietera Vande. ’ xx): J. F. Head books attr. —Virginia Beach, Frank A. Heincke, prop. ville Ctrenit; 1, 3). Little’ Rock—Forest Park; L. R. Ry. & — Jacksonville—Dixieland; W. H. Harris, prop.; & mgr.; Chas. H. Doutrick Circuit; also book -» Prop.; . Smith, mgr.; also Paul C. Blum, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (1, ti 3, vaudeville attr.: (1, 3).—Al Fresco Park: Al KANSAS. i attr.; (1, 3, x); book direct. —Atrdome. moth x); W. H. Harris books attr.—Phoent!x Park; Fresco Amuse Co., prop.; Vernon C. Seaver, Atehi ci & Main sts.: J. Frank Head, m Jacksonville Elec. Co., Prop. & megr.; (1, 3,| gen. mer. c eT tn ps Park; Forest Park Am. &Lonoke—Magnet Theatre: D. ~~ ” Hutchinson, x); Jacksonville Elec. Co. books attr.—Florten--iiaewePark; Star Union Brewing Co., 8 ie Baird, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; prop. & mgr.; (1, x, 4). ida Ostrich Farm & Zoo: Chas. D. Fraser, prop. ; Ry B. Wagner, mgr.; also mer. ( x i L. ee books attr. Sm! Pine Bluff—Forest Park; Park Amusement Co., Penal mgr: a, 8 3). h; Palmetto Beach atte: (1. 3); Western Vaudeville Assn. books Baxter _ Springs—Reunion Park; C. | L. th, Operators; F. E. Cherot. gen. mgr. & mgr. attr. ‘ensacola—l’almetto ach; Pa 0 ac vandeville. Russellville—Crescent Airdome; E. M1. Butler, Am Co., prop. & mgr. “ ®eteraburg—Old Salem; Rex. J. M. Johnson, | Ft ee om at Oly of Ft. Scott, prop., mgr. & mgr. attr.; (1, x, 3). Tampa— Ballast Point Park: Tampa Electric| mer.; (2, x, 3). > ot i a pres. ; Walnut Ridge—Airdome; H. W. De Arman, Co., prop.; oe A. Trawick, mgr.; also mgr Chantanqnua—Chautauqua P Wim, Sauvage mar. attr; (x, « prop. & mgr.; (2, 8). attr.; (1, xx, 4, x); books independent. —Sul] Western Vaude | Herington—Lyric Airdome; L. D. Blachly, prop. , CALIFORNIA = Springs ty ite Ys ceeten 1 eee. ? | een —_ 2 8 “t,-). 5 eon A mgr. attr.; . a5 van nsidine ial P orton—Hortoen City r y | Onna Bench Coroate Tent cig; Cormate| Gia DeVries, Chinen as vwvarie | PUR wieeate! OS) Hepp ee | "pret otMorin mar Sy rk ¥ “8 3 % . Sh « : r.; (2, x. Carl E. Lindquist, mgr.; also mgr. attr.; (5); oe Geech winder, mer. ; q x); Henry GematehiasenRiverelie;” K. C. Beck, owner and : Sullivan & Considine book vaudeville. GEORGIA ne er A OT mer.; (1, 3, x), Dresno—Recreption Park; Fresno Traction Co., | Atlanta—White City, C. L. Chasewood, As ford—Harlem aie & Interurban | tndependence——South Side Park; A. P. McBride Perk: . G. Weshon, mgr.; (1, 4).—Zapp’s| (3).—Lakewood Park; J. Billet, pres.; (5, x). 3) m Morris, Inc.| @ Sons, props,: D. McBride, mgr.: (5). i; * goin’ Leote Zan. prope; Joke ZAP, | Ee ee Tree a Cannes eect SUSE, | mock Inland—Black Hawk @aten Tower: Tri. | Lawrence Wondiand Park: Lawevace | dimase. Hanford——Athietic Park: Athletic Park ©o.,| _ mgr, attr; (1). aa ag ge eg As, FS also books vaudeville attr.; (x, 1, 4). ‘ Mn hg St & oe -. “a ie Ye oo — bs ge oe ‘| dorf, vice-pres.; Richard Altendorf, secy.; | Leavenworth—Airdome Theatre; Chas. J. Keane. owner; B. L. York, gen. mgr.: (x. 2. 3). = D. Da Bore books attr. ; ee llntt7 8. Welss, yo «& Sc West At, eager ne Wark; C. A. Sparrow, secy.; (2, 2 ° : , oe esterve . cen ae mn une Ok = : > a ey gg Fn ‘mer, & mgt. attr.: prop.; George Roberts, mgr.; also mgr. attr.. | MePherson—Circle Lake Park: Frank Wallace, mer.; (2). : nie 7™ A. Cameron books vaudeville attr.; (x, atte L. 8. Rs og 4 hooks gentevilie attr. eo. 4. me; eS. mer. attr.; £wy 4 Sagramento—Onk Park: Sacramento Electric Ry. eridan—Glen Park; Sheridan Summer Kesort agg rey Mme ay 8 — Co. pron = Ww. apt p. mar. 3 company ; Ontnesvitie—c bettabeoebeo Pork: North Georeia ay = Joseph Gualano, mgr.; also mgr. Sina “Chreuit; Geo. G. . ALK Fa mer. of park: ) ectric prop . Martin, mgr.; also ’ at a San Rernardino—Urbita Springs Park: San Bermgr. attr.; Empire Theatrica! Circuit; George Sterling—Mineral Springs Park; Great North| Ottawa—Forest Park: City of Ottawa, prop. ; y ‘ ae Assn., prop.: C. 8. Coe, m (2, x); playe local bands only. nardino Valley Traction Co.. prop.: C. A.|_ Greenwood books vaudeville attr.; (1). western gr.: . Sk mgr.; A. B. Merrihew, mgr. attr.; y+ th ka =“ Teal i (2, 3): C. 8. Coe books vandeville attr. ets} Park; Chas, Morehead, prop. (x acon—Crump’s Par acon Ry. & Light Co., INDIANA Pittsburg—Idle Hour; Idle Hour Park Co., prop. San Diego— Mission Cliff Parflien: San Diego yor. S 2 yhan, mer. attr.; ; x. 3, xx); Anderson—Mounds Park: Indiana Union TracTopek a—Garfield Park: City of Topeka, prop.; Railway (Co.. prep.: John Davidson. mer,: acon Ry. & Light Co, books a tion Co.. props.: F. D. Norvell, mgr.:; also ‘oca-Cola Bottling Works, mer.: also mgr. ~ Carl EF. Windanist. mgr. attr.: (x. 5).—Ra| Rome—De Soto Park: Rome Ry. ‘* “Light Co., mgr. attr.: (2, 3, x). , attr.: (1, 8): manager hooks attr. —Vinewood; mona’s Moerriage Place; T. P. Getz. prop. & prop.; H. J. Arnold, mgr. 4) megr.: (5 x). Savannab—Thunderbolt Casino; Savannah Elec. | “2¢°&—Lake James Park; Lake James Park Albert M. Patton. mgr.: C. C. Matthews, San Francisco—Chntes Park: Chutes Co., prop.; trie Co., prop.: (x. 5).—Barbee’s Park, ., prop.: C. ree, mgr. attr.; (1, 8): Crawford, Kearney. Wells : ; Barattr. 8). redline mer.; also mer. Cirenuit; C. C. Matthews books vaudeville. E. P. Levy. mer.: BE. P. Levy mer. attr. ; bee & Son props.; (x. 5). Bloomington—Wonderland: W. A. Rrlesenden, | Wichita-—Wonderland Park; J. T. Nuttle. lessee (1, 3); Pantages hooks vandeville attr. TDAHO prop, & mgr.; also mgr. attr.: (1, 3. xx) " & megr.: also mgr. attr.; Wm, Morris Cir San Jose—Dnna Park: Andler Ingeraoll Amure. Rol Riverside: Schmelzel & Py! & | Cedar Lake—Monon Park; Monon R. R. props.: eult; (1, 3). o.. prve.: Autiey Snpeveci. mer.: alee mer. mer.; (x, 4); ‘plays burlesque. —Piees Fork: Chas Sigler, mgr.; (: tmnt KENTUCKY. ni ; attr ——Congrem Srrings Park: Pestacular B. Boise & Interurban Ry. Co., Ltd., owners; Orewferdavilic — Airéome, Lee Gilkey, mgr.; | Ashland—Clyffeside Park; Clyffeside lark A.D. H. E. Dalton, mgr.: (3, x). (xx). Co., prop. Hi. L. Hamilton, mgr.; also mer. COLORADO ew ety fe oe On oe oF Bellevue Queen City Beach; William E, Kroger ¥ 4 -: 1, 8 2); nd. Traction Co ss evu ueen ac’ am . Boulder—Chautanqua Park: City of Boulder, reece t. met.; cise mer. attr.; (1, 8, £); beok rag ra | Pests F. W. Cook infowhas Co., prop. mar.; (2, 4). . prop.; F. A. Boggess, secy. ILLINOIS (x Frankfort—Glenwood Park: Central Kentucky Boulder—Texado Park: City of Boulder, prop.; Bikbart—MeNanghton's: City of Elkhart, pro Traction Co, prop.: J. D. Sallee, mgr.: (2). A. Roggess, secy. Alten—Chautauqua Park; W. M. Sauva mer. Board of Works, City of Elkhart, mer.: es Lexingtoo—Blue Grasa Park; 1. L. Oppenheim. me J Springs—Stratton: Stratton Bstate. & prop.; also mgr. attr.; (1, 3); estern mer. attr.; (2, 3): Board of Works books van er. gen. mer. prop.: B. M. Lathrop. mer.; (1); one band Vandeville Assn. Circuit; W. M. Sauvage deville attr.—Island Park: City of Elkhart, Loulaville—Riverview: Riverview Park Co., engeged for entire season, hooks vandeville attr.—Airdome; Hippodrome prop.; Roard of Works. City of Elkhart. mer. prop.: Lum Simona, mgr.; also mer. attr.; Cripple Creek—Union; James E, Hanley, prop. Amuse. Co., prop.; Wm. Sauvage, mer.: also attr.; (3): Roard of Works hooks vandeville (1, 3): Wm. Morris books vaudeville.—Fon& megr.: aleo mgr. attr.: (5). mer. attr.; (1, 3): Western Vandeville Assn. attr.—Stndebaker; City of Elkhart, prop.; taine Ferry Park: Park Circuit and Realty Denver—Lakeside: Lakeside Realty & Amusebooks vaudevilie.—Rock Springs l’ark: City of Roard of Works, mers.; also mers. attr.: (2. Co., prop.: Tony Landenwich, mgr.; also mer. ment Co., prop.; Frank Burt, mgr. & mer. Alton, prop. & mgr.; (2); locu] bande only. x. 4).—Elkhart Driving Clnb: F. H. Cromb,| attr.: (1,8); Western Vaudeville Assn, books attr.; (x, xx, 3, 2).—Luna Park; Luna Park —Hippodrome; W. mM. Sauvage, mgr.; (1, 3). mgr.; also mgr, attr.; (2, x, 8). vaudeville.