The Billboard 1911-04-01: Vol 23 Iss 13 (1911-04-01)

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APRIL 1, 1911. The Billboard 5 | GREATEST SHOW ON EARTA\ \ ¥ A > &. . ; -@) ~ AOPENS AT MADISON UARE GARDEN N Lae ‘as oT ka Wa Pano: SP ; a pS oie hae aire _~ AUSPICIOUS PREMIERE ATTENDED BY MANY NOTABLES OF THE AMUSEMENT WORLD—PERFORMANCE UP TO THE USUAL HIGH STANDARD—HIGH-CLASS, WELL-BALANCED, WITH AN UNFAILING STAMINA OF WISE SELECTION AND JUDICIOUS PRESENTATION OF THE CHOICEST TALENT TO BE PROCURED—OPENED THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 23. By A. K. GREENLAND. Enthusiasm by the ocean-full. excitement by | duties that made their close attention to other | mind the visitors that they too are on exhiing to music, pyramid building. posing and acro the ton and bappiness and delight in illimit| matters in hand imperative. bition and expecting to receive their just share | batism was never to be expected, Prolonged able quantity, are the predominating elements Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill were most strongly | of appreciation. plaudits conveyed the appreciation of the marto be discovered within a mile’s radius of Mad-| represented in the personages of Louis E. Cooke, To be sure, a visit to the menagerie reveals | Veling crowd as the mammoth creatures bal json Squere Garden. Indeed, such can not help| Major John M. Burke, Frank W. Winch and|a large force of concessioners offering all the | a7ced themselves on their front legs. Every but be the case—for (let me say both loudly | Victor B. Cooke. 101 Ranch Wild West held | accompanying necessities, inseparable to the | Youngster invested forthwith in a bag of peaand with exultation) Barnum and re peed its own by coutributing George Arlington, Edw. | success of every large white top organization. — to feed his favorites after the show was come. Three cheers for the news and a pledge | Arlington and Arihur H. Degnon. There were On this side, cris ypeorn, delicately wrapped se . . of good-fellowship for the colossal ensemble. | perhaps other circus men present but, if <o, | and most contin ly freavenes: on that side. Before we realized it, Display No. 4 had disAll New York is stirred by its presence—ex-| it was my misfortune not to spy them in the | large glass tanks of red and yellow lemonade. | Dlaced its predecessor. Tis time the bar, ropes, pressions of joy are passing from every one’s | huge gathering that paid its respeets to the| huge receptacles of golden orangeade, and) !Tapeze, swings and a riggings were re lips that Barnum and Bailey's big circus is at| Rarnum and Bailey opening. A number {| stands ornamented with most appetizing deco| leased from their hiding places, and with the hand. Nobody feels restful—all are excited— | lithograph'e concerns were represented. Alj| rations of peanuts and ice cream cones. In| agility of simians. acrobats in all quarters of not a soul but who is on the qui vive. Expres | Stewart, of the Strobridge Lithograph Co.. of | short. all the delights for the mouth and the | the inclosure climbed the rones to their varlous sions of “Sure we'll be there’’—‘‘You bet I'm | Cincinnati: R. M. Bickerstaff. of the Russell-| palate have been most carefully provided. ae nage ieee any eS in ad agp an golng’’—"Il can hardly wait until I see it."’ | Morgan Lithographing Co.. of Cincinnati; Mr. The sound of the band urged the multitude a ae Cleo La R . wer wot ath cnage are bursting forth from all the loyal sons and | Cook, of the Metropolitan rings were Cleo La Kue in a lofty revolving tra Printing Co.. and] to seek their seats around the hippodrome— me > laughters of the metropolis. The big shows is| Worthy Butts, of the Morgan Litho. Co.. bob | and director Edwin H. Brill, at this point, de| PC2® Performance; Herbert. the Frogman. in a " t ° nothing less than a national celebration. “he | bing up on numerous occasions. To be sure, | serves special consideration. A most tastily Se teeeiae anol Wianeaie faneng ag IB —_ office boys, employees, business men, by no! Wells Hawks and Ike M. Southern were present | uniformed aggregation of forty musicians obey | supported the ceiling: Cordona. the Mexican means slighting the proprietor himself, just and the notables of the realm theatric attend-| in perfect unison the beck and nod of the lead-| marvel, flying most hazardously at dizzy heights have to go to see it, whether by book or crook. | ed in conspicuously large numbers. Mr. Gi-| er’s baton. Individuality has been infused in| through the atmosphere: Prince Youturkey Sudden unaccountable ills, most distracting | roux, of Jobn Cort connection, had a box filled] their renditions in most liberal degree. The! prince of wire artists, in a jeopardons series of molar sufferings, deaths of dear relatives. acci-| with a party of friends; A. Toxen Worm, Lee} band . ’ gives every evidence of thorough re equilibristie accuracy: Mlle. Fisher. accomplishdents te loved ones, and a thousand similar | Shubert, Willard Coxey, both John Considine | hearsing that impresses all is possessing a gen-! ing lofty revolutions with the grace of a Gre devastating maladies have entered almost every | and Senator Tim Sullivan, Nellie Revell in a! eral superiority over most circus musicians. cian: The Two Adacs. in a number of high dome household. Curiously enough, with all the)| box with a group of friends, Ben Rosenthal. Finally a pleasing number comes to an end— flights; Noblis Sisters, in a triple trapeze offertoothaches and need for extraction, the den-| manager of Sarah Bernhardt, and many others the vast throng aprlauds—there follows a short | ing of commendable grace: The Cortez Brothers, tist has not bad a patron—with all the deaths | attended. Senator Reynolds and Samuel W. Inll when to the intense delight of the thou-| in a divertisement of high ladder diving: The "Tr = A sled a A dnd oF bp BOS ; Hj; 0 moe) be es C2 ff ted Z “A f NO, | -/ <. oe (ay ay Oyrmi. i YA . / ee sty , ; Ppta iy. pnt WW ‘7 Ss iz (9 oe RA. ‘ “ ‘ Ww To ve INF } ’ . > / r ts IP. yea ot mah sc biavl. LA pret — WAcue.T. ae cNoHN. 27 AL. AARLIE. of dear ones, the undertakers have not had the | Gumpertz, manager of Dreamland, were also; sands assembled, four richly garbed heralds, | Great Vandors and Toledo and Price, presenting Silghtest occasion to remove the embalming fluld to be seen in one of the boxes that skirted | raising their trumpets of one accord to their several hitherto unseen novelties in aerial confrom its familiar baunt in the medicine cabithe spacious arena. | lips, are descried. The sound grips every tortion; The Freres Abreus, with an array of acnet—with all the reported accidents, no menSe much for the visitors—let us now pro-| heart—close attention engages every eye—the robatic pranks on a rectangular table; Mile. tion has been made in the papers, There is Ceed to an account of the show itself. As| grand tournament is hereby introduced. Drawn Tina, in a most pleasing presentation of suspenbut one conclusion—the auibbles are the creabefore mentioned, the big white tops have not/ back are the curtains at the entrance, and sion by the teeth. and Miss Dela and Dexter tions of irrepressible desires to witness the Yet been unfolded and need not be until the | in comes a pleasing, passingly picturesque pro| Lee, disclosing a number of exploits above the mammoth production—and who can blame these Greatest Show on Earth plays its first lot en-| cession of pompously plumed polites from the | heads of the audience. that kept the spectators prevaricators? Not you, not I. George Wash. g®gement three weeks hence in Brooklyn, April | representative centers of every country on the in a spell of dismay and delight; dismay at perington himself, would probably not have ha’ 24 Nevertheless, a plentitude of canvas is/ globe, the whole forming a brilliant kaleido| ils attendant upon the execution of the feats, de his wonderful record of truth to bequeath to safely on hand. The main top measures 500/ scopic vision of animated and iridescent splen-| light at the skill and artistry with which the posterity, had Barnum and Balley been in ex. X 246 feet. with five 50-foot middle pieces, the | dors. Hundreds of historical characters, cormany maneuvers were effected. istence back in the old Colonial Days. Ah, menagerie tent measures 346 x 146 feet, rerectly costumed, were preceded by four heraldDuring this program of mrd-air displays, the but Washington had no chance similar to the quiring five 40-foot middle pieces, while the | in blue and gold, with trumpets, and four drum| clowns made their debut in order that the necks “lof 1911-—he lived too early—it was his loss dimensions of the cook tent is 300 x 80 feet. | mers in red and gold, who beat a most stirring of the observers might not become rigid by mainbut our gain. We surely extend our sympa. There are three stable white tops, each 300 x | rataplan. Scores of equestrians in the cos taining an upturned position too long. And such ‘tes. Let's congratulate ourselves 100 feet in dimension. In addition, there are | tumes of all ages of historical records, most a host of hilarious harlequins as happened in— Opening day, March 23, dawned most auspltwo large side show tents, and the customary | sorgeously plumed and furbelowed, their horses jumping, grumping, thumping, bumping in they clously with a genial sun and moderate tem-| hospital, blacksmith, wardrobe, physician's and | most daintily mantled with trappings and nets | all came—swaying, neighing, braving, all execpt perature that would make any circus outfit | office tent. For a proper lay-out, the outfit | of most harmonizing hues, together with the | praying—one by one they lifted their raucous Jump With ‘ecstacy. The day was ideal for should be accommodated by a nine-acre lot.| trimphal car of Cleopatra, followed by hordes voices far above the noise of the ome —_ “ven an outdoor opening until about 4:00 p. m., Let us hope that the big white world does not | of Genghis Khan in barbaric medieval Mongotitude, and convinced the gathe red host t aa ~ when a stiff Atlantle blast soon drove the tem.| meet with a recurrence of the misfortune that | lian costumes, slaves, servitors, high priesis, had a brand of farcicality whic h commande¢ t perature down around the freezing point. A. befell it last year at Schenectady, when it was | floats, pacons and choruses, closed up in the right of their sttention. Late — ifn a unpleasant gale kept up all evening and completely destroyed by fire. y rear by the most Roman of charioteers, com tics were Lange i rations, mg i. -y paves most cruelly with pedestrians’ hats, But let us move on with the crowd Our prised the sumptuous pageant. Bursts of denie ey — —"s re eeess. Savteaaaine lowers? Moe eee: But what cared the folfirst stop is the menagerie. part of which was | light greeted the departure of Display No. 1. yer ree gage prize. fights, a sclay eles would pot A. Bag, y eae ae be A, he pee ny the eons to the South of the main The second uamber presented the latest in Eu| shoe dancer, life-destroying joy-riders, exponents Indeed, long before the first Aispl =a ‘trel = te ~ t nN ion —_— _ ts basement | ropean horsemausuiv. under the able direction of the latest styles in jupe culottes or harem the hippodrome, a large enth ne rie oo . ne Rolle aes ween Garden. Bar| of Adolph Konyot. The most graceful of tanskirts, grinning billikens, and most anxious and crowd, effervescing aus Ghaseneee a — ag a and Bailey has ever had a complete col-| dem and team maneuvers were here executed. | evil-designing spinsters. The best and letest aifespee ef e% ieetamen enn ef | on ection of four footed animals, but this year’s The blast of the ringmaster’s whistle soon | feature of the comicality produced by the bevy ushered to Schein y pageant, bad been outnumbers and even eclipses all of the past.) cleared the rings of equines, rc pli cing them with | of laugh-provokers is a suffragette meeting. A Of course, the ‘enwene) ; : Jungle inhabitants, mountain-top rarities, des a wontronsly large herd of elephants, that! group of most ardent male-antipathists and generous amount of re y . ene ye ert roamers and four-footed specimens of all) thumped into the arena most energeticaily, willing man-destroyers parade out to the center whem gathered, to. pe ti ‘ gultaries, all of climes have been added to the aggregation. trnok holding tail down the line. Their very | arena, where they prepare to hold a session. A Ringling Brothers Fo . respects to the Three towering giraffes, twenty-four time-hon energy prophesied a superiority of accomplish | lone clown policeman sees their preparations and ambition and intelli Mu meth indefatigable | ored pachyderms, a most well-kept collection | ment, for elephants ordinarily lumber into place | holdly essays to thwart them In their purpose. form of entertainment Ens oo this big of dromedaries and camels and a lioness with > most tardily and mechanically, Indeed, the | Alack! the disappointment when the pantalooned possible. but , jot only been made three tiny cubs, born on the fourth of March, start was great—energy being a most notable | brigade determine to chastise the andacious_of advanced t . y me j . ener’ " : , = » . fatics perfection as well, ge Rinoiings receive the bulk of the observer's attention, al attribute, and one for which Harry L. Moone) | ficer, and pummel! him most pugilistically. For a though th ywis . lines, sndis » recognized as ‘sponsible tell gence $ some ssionate were present, Alfred, Otto and John both Al oug oe gre s of other felines, the flendis must be recognized as respor l Inte er tunate, indeed, it is, that some compas: and ¢ ery of the hyenas, the stamping of the zebras alertness and prompt response to cue character| contemporary sends in the hurry alarm for the ( Charles being prevented from witnessing and the splash of the hippopotomus breaks ized the pondrous wards of J, S. Clark, J. Trainer Mooney. Such dane| (Continued on page 59.) the first » s » ; *t performance’ because of a deluge of forth most audibly at various intervals to reDooley and Master