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The Billboard 1911-04-01: Vol 23 Iss 13 (1911-04-01)

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The Billboard APRIL 1, 1911. HAPPENINGS OF THE AMUSEMENT WEEK MRS. FISKE RETURNS. Becky Sharp Used to Inaugurate Her Engagement, Though it is Rumored She will, During Her Sojourn, Produce a New Play by Langdon Mitchell The Marquis of Steyne.......... Henry E. Dixey | Sir Pitt Crawley, Bart....... Robert V. Ferguson | 5 Soe ere Paul Scardon | Bewdon Crawley ............. Henry Stephenson SPOOR 624 05s ce ssveeres Lewis Howard | Dt Se .vonscwenccveses Reginald Mason ED con skvabdsvbes canted Harold Russell | ME ics ose sveavevecesnedse Ivan Simpson | Lord Bareacres ................. R. Owen Meech | Dn cocspetouenaccseltl Harry L. Fraser Lord Southdown .............. R. V. Ferguson Tommy Raikes ........... aseuaa Gregory Kelly i ny 55 pe >is besn seuss ..George McLeod A: <7 < reb nents -ogeuhiienssaie Herbert Holt ey ie .. Henry Mathewson PD B666b0vc0Snatheosqtehesvacbe Ralph Harlow RT re ee Thomas Clifton DEED bakaiedntdewenscisedngu Frederick Marshell EE Rr ere: Harold Mathews Landlord of the ‘‘Elepbant’’....... Carl Hartberg RSet Mre. Fiske PE SRO ccscccceseccen Helena Van Brugh SEO, 0s chvandvecedennvesié Florine Arnold DD subd biaebiestecescsedbened Mary Maddern OE Lae. Veda McEvers Lady Blanche Thistlewood....Constance Jackson Lr Ge CURD .ncsccccoveveess Sophie Blair | Marianne Marstrand New York, March 22 (Special to The Billboard).—After a season of fifty-one consecutive weeks throughout the country, Minnie Maddern Fiske returned to New York to begin her fiftysecond (even year) performance of her old success, Becky Sharp. by Langdon Mitchell, founded on Thackeray's Vanity Fair. All critics aver that The erstwhile devil who won such favor | able publicity as a graphic portrayer of sardonic art in The Devil, played the role of the Marquis of Steyne with distinction. quoted on the work of the cast: “Dixey’s grace of carriage, his presenting of the manners of the age of manners, and his fine delivery of the lines, made the part stand out Henry Stephenson was ex cellent as Crawley, don, Reginald Mason, (Continued on page 62.) MILDRED HOLLAND HERE Popular Actress Makes Her Advent at the Garden Theatre, in a Repertoire of the Tried and True Successes Upon Which She Built Her Reputation New York, March 22 (Special to The board).—The regime of Gustav Amberg, for some time past supplied the Garden Theatre with a series of German prowuctions, came to an end last Saturday, March 18, and in its stead came Mildred Holland to reveal a galaxy of vehicles that have proven such a suitable reper toire for the well known actress, best in her sphere of drama and Her first week's presentation was The Triumph of an Empress, a play revealing a phase court intrigue in Russia during the days | Catherine the Great. The critics all | the actress as powerful and admirable in her H. S. SHELDON, a a her performance has lost none of its charm, and proves a most welcome addition to the list of current attractions. Mrs. Fiske has reached the zenith for which all actresses who endeavor to impersonate Becky Sharp, aim. None, however, bave enriched the role with such subtlety of portrayal and euch delicacy of comedy. Doubtless, Mrs. Fiske has made the role of the depth and finish that Thackeray himself has tinted her. Such has been the consensus of critical opinions the country over. A new but welcome countenance in this connection was that of Henry E. Gotham’s Current Vaudeville Bills American Music Hall.—Marcus Loew's continuous vaudeville. Albambra.—George Lashwood. English singing comedian; Charlotte Parry and Company, in Into the Light; Jack Wilson Trio, black-face comedy; Eva Taylor and Company, in Chums; Charles and Fanny Van, in A Stage Carpenter's Experience; Beth Tate, singing comedienne; Lyons and Yosco, harpist and singer; Zera Carman Trio of Hoop Rollers; Karl Emmy’s pets, and others. Bronx.—Edward Abeles and Charlotte Lander, in He Tried to be Nice; Mabel Bardine and Company. in Jim Grantley’s Wife: The Top of the World Dancers; James Thornton, dean of monologuists; Exposition Four, instrumentalists; Mabel Fenton, singing comedienne; Jeter and Rogers, roller skaters; Millet and Lyle; The Four Acrobatic Boises, and others. Colonial.—Wm. H. Thompson and Company, in The Wise Rabbi; William Mack and Players, in High Life in Jail; Belle Blanche, impersonator; Paul Dickey and Company, in the college play, The Come Back; Deiro, accordionist; Tasmanfan-Van Dieman Troupe of aerial gymnasts, and others. Fifth Avenue Theatre.—-Paul Armstrong's dramatic sketch, A Romance of the Underworld, with twenty-one speaking parts; Belle Baker, singing comedienne; Marion Murray and Company, in The Prima Donna’s Honeymoon; Jack and Violet Kelly, stock whip manipulators; Clifford and Burke, comedians; Leon Rogee, whistler and imitator of musical instruments; Maxim’s Models, and others. Hammerstein’s.—-Billy B. Van and the Beanmont Sisters, in Props; Grace Hazard, in Five Feet of Comic Opera; Clark and Verdi, Italian character comedians: Three Banjophiends; Pat Rooney and Marion Bent, in The Rusy Bell Roy; Lewis and Gordon, singing comedians: Daisy | Harcourt, English character comedienne: La Verrill Troupe. sensational acrobats: Winsor McCay, cartoonist; Lyons and Yosco, harpist and singer. The H. K. Fly Publishing Company, of New York, geve Edgar Selwyn a check for five thonsand dollars as advance royalty for the book rights of The Country Boy. The usual price paid fer the book rights of a play runs from | one thousand to fifteen hundred dollars, but the | success of this play, together with the fact that | i there were two companies playing it. influenced publishing houses to make strong bids for the rights of novelization. There were five bidders. | Mr. Selwyn began work immediately and agrees to deliver the completed manuscript to the/ publishers by July 1 New York, March 24 (Special to The Biliboard).—Henry B. Harris, now in Europe. cabled Jesse L. Lasky from Paris, that he had secured several more startlingly sensational new acts for the Cabaret Show, which will be presented at their new Follies Bergere In Forty-sixth street west of Broadway, from | 11:15 p. m. to a. m., after the regular evening bill of revues and ballets. TY @4 rs Author of The Havoc, and a brother to Edward Sheldon, who wrote Salvation Nell, The Nigger, and The Boss. ete te ee New York T Goes to Pictures. board).—Monday will mark a the New York Thaatre, will inaugurate his system of junior vaudeville twelve theatres in along the same lines pursued at his other houses. Joe Carr, who has been manager of the Dewey for the past three years York Theatre on At the.Dewey, Mr. Carr is succeeded by Joe Baumann. of children gathered at lected for the special performance of Pomander Walk that is to be given next Mary’s Free Hospital already been selected for prominent roles, Jimmy Valentine performance, ested spectators. for two of the characters, perts were filled. s00n. Paul Armstrong’s New Playlet New York, March 25 (Special to board).—A Romance of the Underworld, act playlet in two scenes, written by strong, was presented for the first Hudson Theatre, Union Hill, N. J., There are twenty-one speaking parts piece. Next week It comes to the Fifth Avenue Theatre here. From John Cort’s offices announcement Ix made of the complete personnel for the presen tation of Lee Arthur's comedy-drama, The Fox, which will receive its Chicago premiere Garrick Theatre in April, under the of Oliver Moroseo. Miss Helen Lackaye, has been under Mr. Cort’s management for the past two seasons, as leading woman port of Max Figman, and Miss ing, secured by special permission Liebler and Company, will enact roles. The male roles will be portrayed Orme Caldara, Join Wesley, George C face, Sr. A. Byron Beasley, Ralph W. E. Bonney, Frederick Gilbert and J. Huntley. Mrs. 8. A. Woods, wife of Steve A. Woods, sailed for Spain, March 18, on the Koenig Al bert, to be gone quite some time. is to join her later. | role, rising to the full measure of her opportun! ties, yet presenting a Catherine not intrinsically of history, as the actress herself admitted in an ante-opening address. This criticism, however, could be in no way a disparagement, since Mis» | Holland herself disarmed any such contention by | her honest confession before the rise of the cur |tain. The remainder of the cast collaborated most helpfully, Jack Standing, the leading man, and Dorothy Rossmore, meriting particular com mendatien for the effectiveness and artistry of their work. Mildred Holland intends to present a repertoire of twenty-two plays, inciuding the following, al! of which are season-tried by her, wherefore they will undoubtedly claim a generous supporting clientele: The Triumph of an Empress, Divorcons, Frou Frou, In the Flare of the Torchlight, The Lady of Lyons, A Paradise of Lies, David Copperfield, East Lynne, The School for Scandal, The Power Bebind the Throne, The Provider, Adrienne Le Couvreur, A Royal Divorce, Two Little Vagrants, The Lily and the Prince. The Minister's Daughter, Mistress Hewlett, Camille, As You Like It, Mary Stuart, Romeo and Juliet, and The Taming of the Shrew. GARDEN THEATRE—The Triumph of an Empress, drama by Mr. Theodore Kremer. Grand Duke Peter............ Mr. Jack Standing Lieutenant Potemkin........ Mr. Edward Lynch Archbishop of Novgorod..Mr. Frankiin Pangborn Ce DE, ocovcapestesasion Mr. John E. Ince General Bibikoff .............Mr. Frank Backas Prince Galitzin .............. Mr. Andrew Guise Comme GeEE. ccc vccccccecscovecs Mr. De La Barre Jewish pedier ........... Mr. Juliug M. Winslow Princess Catherine........ Miss Mildred Holland Countess Vorontzoff...... Miss Dorothy Rossmore Countess Louise Dashkoff..... Miss Booth Chapin BRDEES cavccccencccccsccoses Miss Anna Barton GE. cc cadenvsbusdcesenseud Miss Beatriee Herron Gus Kerker. composer of The Belle of New York and other musical plays, who has been abroad for the last three years, arrived in New York, Monday, March 11, on the Miunewaska accompanied by Mrs. Kerker. He said he was now at work on the score for a new light opera libretto by R. H,. Burnside, formerly stage di rector at the Hippodrome. Pertinent Patter About Performers New York, March 25 (Special to The Bill board).— Marshall Vincent is no longer a mem ber of the Lyric Four. The place made Vacant by him has been taken by S. T. Ritter Houston and Olmstead in a comedy sketch, called Stripem are finishing a tour of the Keith and Proctor houses, and will soon open on the United time in New England. Hayes and Suits still have two weeks’ time In the East to play before they start on their Western tour at St. Louls. Robert M. Chambers, owner of the educated horse, Queen Ruby, is playing burlesque houses as a special attraction. Ralph Whitehead, composer of Salling, Sweet heart. You and I and other songs, has written a number called Please Whistle When you Want Me. Dearie. Whitehead is now in vaudeville with Miss Frances Rubins in a new act, called Live and Let Live. A comparative newcomer in the vandeville ranks is Mark List. a violinist List ts now making a tour of the Keith and Proctor houses. Supporting J. J. Callahan in The Butcher's Troublesome Errand Boy are A. A. Myers, H Dogan, H. Markwood, Miss Lillian Wallace ana Miss C. M. Darrell, Mr. Callahan is the autber of the skit In which he is appearing Al. Franklin. the Hebrew comedian, opens Monday at Philadelphia, on the Nixon and Nird linger time. Jules Ruby has booked Seymour and Allen, whose act is billed as The Dutchman and the Soubrette, to open on the Kelth and Troctor time at the Twenty-third Street Rijou next Mon day. Seymour and Allen have signed to go with one of the wheel burlesque shows next season Caroline Greenfield and Co. are presenting a (dramatic playlet called The Snitch. With Mies Greenfield's company are Horace Porter and Jef ferson Hall. Dan Casev fs managing the act. Norman Jefferies has booked the Lewis Sisters singers, dancers and instrumentalists, for four teen weeks, “Ohick’’ Sale, the comedy protean entertain er, scored heavily at the Greenpoint last week Sale Is booked until May 1, which week he plays Montreal. Then follows a rest until June, when Chick will return to work. Prof. LeReine and Company, electrical wis ards, are booked over the Kelth & Proctor John A. Miles, formerly assistant to Kar! Fmmy, now has an animal act of his own Next month he opens on the Fox time, James Leonard opens on the Orpheum Cireu!' in Angust. He will have a new travesty on Hamlet, Upon the conelusion of their vandeville en gngements, the Webb Trio will play parks and fairs. Joe Lasher-Margaret Keene and Company with Thomas Patton, have a new act by Flor ence Gerald. Jeannette and Leonard, tn a new act, oper Monday at Proctor's Theatre in Coboes, N. (Continued on page 62.)