The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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JUNE 24, 1911. The Billboard The patroulsing public fair a8 baving two individual ably related features, Other the amusement. Manager, secretary or both these sides to such stands to the otber in such needle to the thread bepefit celebration is profit ie then the surest and most curing same. Here it is that of the man or group of men in charge need the Popular faucy acutest direction tion must be analyzed Mass must be studied as of the tastes of the public today thon. There are bundmds of thonsands fmbabitatte whe have pot craft demonstration. They the dirigibility, ooar at differing altitudes. ‘ eagerness to witbess a Sight this commendable the speed, travel miles to gratify ity Of course, many witnessed the This clases has relished given and bave tndelibly proval on this form of divertisement too, are only too willing to attend any fair that offers an opportunity of witnessing old sport and pastime. Just imagine the column» in the form of comment that a fi aviators is certain to create. " come more willingly when a @elern feature is promised malern acrop lane A fair consideration of the people then leads @ great feature at all the the country this vear should Indeed there ts scarcely a fair im any state in the Unio @oere thoroughly contracted, ofr is not for from one to six days fair directors realize that aviat thing in the show line and @niricus to give the peonle Nearly all of the otate @istrict fairs throughout feady engaged aviators for fairs bave gow mile tracks pay for the best that them bave contracted for they may bave « variety of program of races, tests, ete. The dificulty with many arranging for an sere lane 1 able aviat m Geld The attempt fights in flelde o enclosed in a half mile Geld must be level and The people engaged attribute as ome of the wide public Interest in compare! with France thome, that there are few «ult big exh bitlons may bx ent no fast this sort of thing, and pertant ‘Tean Pallons Aero Club of San Dieg teen hundred scree of perfen the Los Angeles Aero ( Geld at Domingues. are Gviation by furnishing who wish to eiper ment @ation to other sere ci try os t thelr methods bibitions on these Gelds« C@perially the winter their experiments they cin not de it In the The Corthes Exhit . throug t the countrs rane for many fight« Ther * a die-arec ng fay confronts the hone«t time threatemed tt featr the oorlght aviators «nc Quite a number of flv by Motere of aerial exhib for filghts with them exhibition would arrive then would he elven heeanse cuse thet in each case sion In © much a* the publi come exasperated with the partics n charg. undertaking and their falr would me ae the result, a number of eecretarica and mar @gers have hed « eome what juetifiadl to the latest form of crowd entertanment These unreliate impos Wherefore the season of 1911 will indubitably witness a healthful tn Crease in the number of serial exhibitions of fered the patrons of faire and gatherings throughout the country, Allen County Fair, lola, Kan., te golng to have the biggest fair thie year they have ever bad They have con tracted with Strobel for ble biplane to fe every to light their park With electricity, and will ave their park a blare of light every night Admission to the grounds will be free at aight thie year. together they can The chief aim of any fair, accomplishments than lesire boWwevter clubs throngheut the cou: the country influ of insepar industrial Ww ise suppie a relationship as are ouders evrntennial or festival qucetio of pro effu appre buge trem is toward avia of American aeria. conceive lity effervesce willing curios lread) aeropauts thereby the.r They, good advertising reli } wit vr breaking alletidamew a4 The Fair and th (BIRDMAN SCIENCE TURNED CANADIAN FAIRS. ‘ANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TO RONTO This is Coronation Year at the big Canadian Ni thonal Exhibitor t ront Ontario, August oi September ] nd the pride of Canada will and grander scale th hitherto a comprehensive assemblage surces, exhibits by Provincial of manufactures boused in rs th of fine ) nee: bk whaling of European projuction of the 4 gorgeous spec Empire. There on fireworks, and the will render the music tacle called will be specia Corot Coldstream Guards’ B al program Canada’s great live stock show pa emain a £ overwhelming interest, There will be ther attractions. Ex cursion trains will be run from all parts of the continent The staff, headed by J. O. Orr tary. and J. K. Mun ianager, are working e exbivition this year Gooderham, M. F. P., manager and ro. press and advertisisr lay and night to make a reeord one (George is president, Tue Frederickton (N. B.) Exhibition will be held from September 16 to 23 They have en gaged seme first racing department * under ontrel and di e Air TO AMUSEMENT ACCOUNT.) The East Peterborough Agricultural Society of Norwood, Out., bave fixed their fair dates for Uectober 1u-11. Their prize list bas been revised and enlarged and the directors are spar ing DO pains to make this exhibition a record breaker. fue fair dates of the East Kent Fair Asso elation of T bamesville, Ont., Can., are October 3, 4. be association ciaims to bave the best racetrack in Auxrica, aud the second day of the fair will be set aside for racing €x bas decided on September 28 and 29 as dates, THE EDMONTON (ALBERTA) EXHIBITION. exhibition line. Last on their new fair are spending $175.000 more: will be spent on a new étock pavilion and the balance on a manufacturers’ hall and other improvements. of which 147 acres have been acquired, the Edmonton Exhibition spent, by the end of this year, $350,000 on fair grounds and bui.dings fair managem:nt will put on a five-day show this year, beginning August 15. It is expected that the attendance will be in the 40,000, premiums is being offered. The Edmonton Fair will follow the Deminion Fair. which is to be held at Edmonton beginning on August 15. to be held at Regina, Sa 12, have secured the services of James E. Hardy. the lusively. The Paris Agricultural Society of Paris, Ont., ts fair The city of Edmonton is going some in the year $170,000 was spent grounds, and this year they $100.000 of this Taking land into consideration, Association will have within two years. The ; vicinity of $11,000 in race purses and $20.000 in Regina, Sask., July 31 to August 12, The management of the Dominion Exposition, July 31 to August world’s greatest and most artistic high wire artist, as their special outdoor feature attraction. The Hardy high-wire attraction wil! “GLIDING IN.” The accompanying {llust ration shows Frederick “lo, Ohio, ations which is composed of same of Fred ri k . et bus ss mer Large urees are I races are open to Canadian and States horsemen Tm . ~* f Nor Crosby Fair Aas tiation ‘ st u DoBell, descending with power sbut of. a Strobel flator, at Bayview Park, the Pe wtage IndusManitoba, this year. Exhibition of 1911 will t Portage-la-Prairie, Mani tors are anticipating to relating to attend s 7+. Coleman f the fair. Contracts nber of new buildings, ” greatly improved in ural and Arts the best fai The dat July 1 on t t for the annual to be hel ld at Nelson, British tember 26 2 The attrac Saskatoon Agricultural and for 1911 have now been i are June 30 to July in ites are much ear than after due consideration jed on these dates to avoid ether fair in Saskatchewan AVIATION EXHIBITION AT MICHIGAN STATE FAIR. | vation introduced last year. | present with bis string of | several other gentlewen riders. er Manitoba. In addition, by taking these dates two very big crowds are assured, viz., Vouition Day, Juue 3U, and American Day, suy 4 The premiums for live stuck and agriCuitural products lave been increased this year ever 1luU per ceut, and the purses for the harLess races Lave Leeu ibcreased to $6,500, SasKkuloon Las uow a population of 18,000, and it is estiaced that by eauiviuon time it will be uearer 26,000. ‘Llere are uine railrvad inlets aud ouUlets, giving Saskatoon the indisputable coutrol of ISU taniving towus aud villages from which to draw at fair time. North Battleford bair dates are June 26-25, while l’riuce Albert fu.lows vn immediately after Saskatoon. Some Orst-Ciass bauus lave been eugaged for the Saskateon buir, including thefamous Irish Dragoons. sue New Westminster Fair will be held from October 3 to 7, inclusive. Although this falz ost several theusand dvllars last year, owing tou the weather, the directors feel contident that this year’s tair will show a large balance on the right side of the ledger. The directors are working in barmony this year and will epare no efforts to wake this year’s fair the greatest yet held. GIFT OF 13 ACRES. Uxbridge, Mass., June 16 (Special to The Billboard).—The 2stb Annual Fair of the Blackstone Valley Agricultural Suciety will occur Sept. and 20 at Uxbridge, Mass. During the summer the grandstang bas been doubled in capacity and a dozen uew boxes bave been added to the structure. A new bandstand is also under construction, while a dezen uew box stalls have been added to the horse sheds. The society has recently received as a gift, 18 acres of land contiguous to the grounds and this additivnal space will allow for a larger parking space for automubiles, as well as giving room for a larger midway. ‘llis )eur, the society expects to bave some interesting steeplechases, continuing the innoHarry W. Smith of Worcester, M. F. H. of the Grafton Hunt Club, celebrated steeplechaser, is expected to be From a daily attendance of 2,000 people, four years ago, the ofticers of the suciety bave put the fair on @ good financial basis aud last year the atten was 10,000 each day. BIG FAIR FOR GARDEN CITY. Garden City, Minn., June 14 (Special to The Billboard).—The Blue Earth Couaoty Agricultural Association’s fair has been held here on the same grounds since 1861. We are making | this season’s fair for the pioneers, using a | portion of our floral hall for relics and exhi| bitions of articles used in war times. | mounts, etc. We find a No. national guard bail game a good drawing card. The heads of each department seliciting exhibitions during the summer We will have sham battles, |have increased the amount paid in premiums nearly one-third. The Rockland County Agricultural and Horttcultural Association will open its sixty-elghth annual fair at its grounds, Orangeburg, N. Y., | on September 4, 1911, and continue for five days and four nights what promises to be the largest fair in Rockland County's history. This fair | through many years of triled success has grown to be one of New York's standard county fairs, and the addition of the new night carnival feature last year, and which proved a great success, bas placed it in the foremost rank of the county fairs of the Empire State. With the finest half-mile race track in the state and location only twenty miles from New York City, it is proving more popular every year with the amusement public. The great number of concessions and privileges sold thus far this year already guarantees an exhibition greatly in excess of previous years, while the special features that have been contracted for by the Association, and an enlarged premium list insure success for the entire exhibition. Special racing features will be introduced calculated to draw horsemen from all parts of the country, and already many entries have been received. The usnal attendance at this fair is about ten thousand daily, which should be greatly augmented this year becanse of the exceptional character of the advertising department. which will by means of auto service, bill and post over 350 miles of highways in adjoining counties. Coneession men who are looking for ready cash should get in line for this fair, as no other date conflicts anywhere in ite vicinity. The privfleges are under the personal supervision of aan State Pairs lost season is largely attributed to the drawing powers of aerial exbibitors. Mr. 0. A. Bauer, Sparkil, N. Y¥.. vice-president of the association, and all are assured of a satisfactory and equare deal therefor. Orangeburg is lecated on both the West Shore and Erie railroads, and transportation facilities for showmen are exceptionally good. The fair plays both percentage and fiat rental. The Barnes County Agricultural Fair Association, to be held at Valley City, beginning July *° promises to be the best in the history of the organization, Arrangements have been made with the Glenn Curtiss Exhibition Co. for aeroplane flights on three days out of the four of the fair. This is the biggest aviation meet in the etate this year. Several towns of the state are giving exhibitions for one day, but none are —— anything like a day exhibit. seen pay