The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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JUNE 24, 1911. The Billboard 11 Special Bargain Buys this Exquisite | Just your regu No Money Down 3...) ment of +. = after examination by you. easier way to secure a fine, pure Can you imagine white Diamond? All you have to do is to ask us to send you this Ring on pperevel. It will be sent at once, all charges prepa f you are not ectly satisfied, return + at our expense. This Diamond Ring is our great — It is the result of years of painstaking study and ex — = new stands alone as the most iment ever Hence the Only the finest quality y pure white di diamonds, perfect in cut and full of fiery brilliancy are used. Each diamond is skilfully mounted in our famous Loftis “Perfection” 6prong ring mounting. Guaran 2» be | as shown. Each ring is cased in a dark blue velvet ring box, with white satin lining, Write for our Free Catalog © containing ever lustrations of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, | te ete. It tells all about our easy credit plan. Write today. LOFT'S BROS. & CO., Jewelers Dep’ $886 92 to 98 State St., ee | ee: Pittsberg, Pa., and St. Louis, Mo. Se THE GREAT GALYERT World's greatest novel. im high wire Now playiog — England Park Circuit of ten weeks. Few fair dates open. Write quick. Manacement, JOHN C. JACK. EL, 1402 Broadway. New York, or GREAT CALVERT as per route. AT LIBERTY be man and wife, first-class piano player and drummer. Fully experienced | P. and vaudeville. H. E. B., 36 E. | 5th Ave., Cincinnati, O. AT LIBERTY For Parks and Fairs J. B. FISCHER Pedestal Hand Balancer and Teeth Equillbrist. Address WM. POLLARD, Marager, 422 Race St., or care of Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. FOR SALE The show concessions at Erle County Fair, San| dusky, Obto. ae 12-15. Price $1.00 a front foot. Address, T. H. ZERBE, Secretary, | Sandusky, Ohio. | successful. | highly polished nickel composition metal. | Mayer Bldg., | ——— | ‘ome | dress FRANK B. KELSO, Pony Trainer, Figure Five, Ark. Privileges for Sale Lunch Stands and Restaurants, Cider Mill, exclu| sive, at Coshocton, days and six Also current, money here, June 26th. Second Street, WANTED—Balloonist for July 4th, 1911, for Switzerland and Obio County Fair. Write at once. DR. D. BE. DOUGLAS, East Enterprise, —WANTED— BARITONE AND ALTO PLAYERS | For pleasant summer engagement on boat. Ohio, on the Fair Grounds, nights. All Shorty Adams or Buttons, big boys; come and get it. Week of Apply to G. W. FONNER, 103 N. Coshocton, Ohio. BAND, Miamisburg, Ohio. WANTED — attractions. New Opera House, Flora, Tilinois. la MEDLEY, Prop. HARVEY DUFF, Mer. | WANTED—Musical Sketch Team and one Musical Comedian. Week stands. Show opens July 2nd. State salary first letter. MODERN REMEDY CO., 356 North Main Street, Wichita, Kansas. | BARGAINS—FEx. M. P. Machine, complete, $75; “Ring a Duck’’ Outfit, with 30 ft. White Tent, 25x40, $: Song Slides, Electric Piano, FILM EXCHANGE, Canton, Ohio, | First class THE GREATEST MONEY-MAKING ATTRACTION, for Parks, Fairs and Amusement Resorts, is our Lauching Mirror Show. Largest returus | on the smallest investment. Hardly any running expenses. Easily managed, and anyone cap be Our improved mirrors are made of They can not rust and will not easily tarnish. Same appearance as the plate-glass mirrors and ansewer same purpose at far less cost. Light in weight and non-breakable. The only really portable Laughing Mirrors ever pete Write us today for full pestiemene. M. Naughton AMUSEMENT CONST UOTION CO., Hotel Peoria, NOTICE CALL—Al! people engaged with the Bolus Bros. Vaudeville Show, report at Mansfield, Obio, July ist. Show opens that day. Wanted, one more A-1 Versatile Team to put on after pieces. Must both do singles; also one good sight reader, piano pla wd that can fake. One show a night. Eat on sleep hotels. Salary One grand 7" Jon y> wire. ys. let me hear from you. ry — L.. -Ry BOLUS BROS.’ VAUDEVILLE | SHOW, Mansfield, Obio. People with tent show | experience preferred, | | WANT TO BUY Merry-go-round, in good condi| tion, 40 ft., 20th century style. Give = i | ticulars and lowest cash price. W. M | General Delivery, Detroit, Mich. ‘| WANTED _ Performers in all lines—Dnutch, Irish, Black Face 'and Sketch Team, for Medicine Show. Address | TOM A. SMITH, Columbus, Texas. AT LIBERTY—Pony Trainer and Ringman. | Will troupe with good wagon show if salary is | sure and furnished sleeping wagon. Will bur five Esquimaux or Spitz Dogs, if cheap. Ad WANTED—For Prairie Joe's Wild West, Cow| boys, Musicians and one good Canvas Boss. JOE | | SKERBECK, Manager, Bemidji, Minn. The Great N. C. State Faire. Raleigh, N. The best Fair in the South for high-<lass shows, moral exbibitions and legitimate concessionatres. Dancing girl and other objectionable shows and gambling absolutely cut out, tncrease the receipts of all legitimate exhibitions and concessionaires. shows will not be here to gobble all the money. than ever before. JOS. E. POGUE, Secretary, Oct. 16-21 1911 which will materially The strong games and The attendance this year will be 50% greater Raleigh, N. 0. MUSICIANS WANTED To enlarge band, or will consider eight pieces organized band. NIGRO & LOOS SHOWS, week June 19, Kirks letter. We pay car fare after joining. ville, Mo. Write your lowest in first At Liberty, July 4th--4-BALLOONISTS-4 All first-class attractions. Guaranteed not to disappoint. Address W, M, POLLARD BOOKING OFFICES, 422 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. enywhere. Long Distance Telephone, Main 578. NOTICE—A few Fair dates open. Also 50 other high-grade sensational Fair Attractions. Will furnish high-grade High Ascensions HUMANATONE CO., 104-106 Nassau St., New York Gity, HUMANATONE (Trade Mark Registered) THE MOST MARVELOUS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EVER INVENTED. Nothing like It in the world. Produces sweetest music, whether it be the Joyous notes of a quickstep or the solemn strain of a church hymn; tn fact, any class of music can be played on the Humanatone without practice, as it is almost a self-playing Instrument. Played with a piano or any other accompaniment, the effect is entrancing. The best seller and money getter for fairs, carnivals, celebrations and demonstrations, Send for jobber’s new price list. Samples 27c. at the big Centennial of Coshocton County, | six stands wired free. | PARK MANAGERS, EXHIBITION PEOPLE, CARNIVAL COMPANIES, ETC. DO YOU WANT A FLYING MACHINE THAT WILL REALLY FLY? WALTER JOHNSON FLYING THE THOMAS HEADLESS BIPLANE. FLIGHTS GUARANTEED ON THE TERM OF CONTRACT, —_— — If you want a real flying machine and an aviator who KNOWS HOW, and not a novice experimenting, READ what the Buffalo Papers say about Johnson’s flight. 5 “‘In real competition with the birds of the air,’’ Walter Johnson yesterd afternoon arose from the Stadium at Erie Beach, in a Thomas Headless Dielees, sa ailed a great circular course in the air, at marvelous speed, and brought the machine safely to a stop not more than five feet from where it had stood before it began. It was a demongtration of Johnson’s perfect control of the machine.—Buffalo Evening News, June 8, 1. “Flight is thrilling.’ A convincing and thrilling exhibition of man’s conquest of the air was given by Walter Johnson, at Erie Beach, yesterday afternoon.—Buffalo Express, June 8, 1911. “Buceessful flight." The first in the vicinity of Buffalo was made at Erie Beach. Walter Johnson. in a Thomas Headless Biplane, demonstrated mastery of air before many spectators.—Buffalo Commercial, June 8, 1911. PRETTY GOOD PROOF, EH? For further proof, open time, rates, etc., write THOMAS}BROS., Bath, N. Y. “Johnson makes a mile a minute seroplane trip.”” Young aviator seen in a spectacular flight, his brilliant marking the advent = local aviation.— Buffalo Enquirer, June 8, 191 Walter Johnson made a successful flight at Erie Beach yesterday afternoon in the Thomas Headless Biplane. That he had complete mastery over the machine was demonstrated by his maneuvers.—Buffalo Evening Times, June 8, 1911. THE RIDERS SUPREME IMPORTED FROM EUROPE. At last, something new in thejEquestrian Line GRACE, BEAUTY AND TALENT COMBINED. The fastest and most up-to-date riders on earth. We lead, let others follow who can. Directors, Managers and Agents must see this effective act to be believed. O Winter season 1911-1912. For terms, address, ,W. LLOYD, Manager of LLOYDS, as per route of The Hagenbeck & W. allace Shows. DEMONSTRATORS Got a live big moneymaker. This top does more tricks and outsells all others. Special prices to active men. Retails 25c; also 50c. Big profits. WIZARD PATENT DEVELOPING CO., Dept. B, 129 W. S3lst Street, New York Oity. == WANTED -SCHARDING BROS. EXPOSITION SHOWS McHenry, Ill., June 26th to July Ist. First Carnival this town has ever seen. People show-hungry. Big 4th of July in Wisconsin. Want Ferris Wheel, a good clean Girl Show; also Platform Shows, Concessions, come on. Must be legitimate. Write or wire. DING BROS. SHOWS, McHeary, Ulinois. for HE 4