The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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JUNE 24, 1911. The Billboard 13 BEST MUSIC FOR PARKS We Make All Sizes, targe and Small. Repairs Dene Right. Best Music in the World for Skating Rinks. Write for Catalogue and Prices. Worth Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works NORTH TONAWANDA, NN. Y. @RITE FOR OUR Catalog & Samples FREI =O 0 — UNIFORM For Bands, Shows, Thea tre and Park Employees Base Ball, Etc. Also urnish the best at lowest prices. DeMoulia Bres. & Ce. 1030 South Fourth $t., Greenville, Ill'nois. AFRICAN DIP CO. Box 34, ZANESVILLE, 0. AFRICAN DIPS AND SAPPHO TIPS The greatest moneygetters. Write for Catalog and Prices. P. POMERO & CoO. 808-11 Federal Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturers of . . . Mechanical Cylinder Pianos Single action and with Mandolin attachment for Shooting Gallery, Merry-go-round, Skating Rink. Moving Picture Show, etc., at reasonable price Also first-class condition second-hand Pianos with new music, at reduced price. Write for catalog. ORGANS For MERRY-G0-ROUNDS, Shows, Etc. A few imported ORGANS, rebullt (guaranteed tn condition good as new), at a special fow PRICE. To avold delay, state your wants fully. JOHANNES 8. DT 3024 MN. Lawrence &t., ees before buying. We goods Philadelphia, Pa. Coasters -Scenic Railways -Entire Parks Paul D. Howse OCEAN PARK, CALIFORNIA, Chicago office: 167 Dearborn Street. Hu‘ider of White City, Chicago, and many grea: rides FIREWORKS Complete assortments, $1.62 up; Fire Cracke assortments, $1.96 up. ‘‘Kat-a-log’’ for two cent stamp. MARRYATT, The Fireworks Map 32 Park Place, N. Y. WANTED. All kinds of Park and Theatre Attractions for best Winter and Summer Resort ta the South. Street cars every half hour. Merrygo-rounds and all kinds of Ridin Devices wanted on percentage, for Stationary Bus, New Virgin Soll, managed by an old head, that never missed a pay day or knew a failure. A square deal for all. Ask any one, Can use you right NOW. Twenty thousand people will be here to hear Senator Leroy Percy, 4th of July. Orches tra for hotel and dance wanted. Address all mall, TED. BLACKMORE, Summit, Miss, If You See It In The Billboard, Tell Them So. iwith a | 140th Street Ferry, New York City, when the | Aborn Comic Opera Company began the season spectacular revival of Victor Herbert | und Henry M. Blossom’s The Red Mill. | The opening of Monroe Park Theatre, Mo| bile, Ala., under the management of Lou Van Alstyne brought out a large gathering and the applause was liberal throughout the entire bill. lhe acts were numerous and an evening's enter| tulnment was in store for all those who attended | the performance, There are some Russian dancers on the bill at East End Park, Memphis, Tenn., this week who dance with a rush. They dance the folk | dances of their people with a vim and energy | | that is astounding. The act is one of color aud motion and is proving highly acceptable to the audiences, Electric Park, Kansas City, Mo., is drawing upon the lovers of good music. Philippini’s Band is rendering some good classical music in a masterly manner. Selections from such composers as Wagner, Tschaikowsky, Mascagni and Puecini make up the classical part of the program, Liberati’s Orchestra closed a successful week at Union Park, Dubuque. lowa, June 10; the Mercy Hospital Association, under whose auspices they played, netting a goodly sum therefrom. Mountain Dark, Roanoke, Va., is a big drawing resort for that city. Band music is the principal attraction. Dancing in the new pavillion has done much to attract the younger set. The Idlehour Park. at Pittsburg, Kan., opened this week with vaudeville supplied by J. C. Matthews. The opening bill was Cathildo & Curtis and Hardy Langdon. W. B. Lawrence of Winnipeg. Can., formerly manager of the Dominion Theatre in that city, was in Chicago Tuesday en route to Detroit. FAIR NOTES. The Stafford County Fair Association of St. John, Kan., expects to have a four days’ fair this season instead of three days as heretofore. The feature day will be what is known as Old Settlers’ Day. A speaker of National repute will be on hand to deliver the oration. The ~ crac exhibits will be the best obtainable. The Star Dome. Iola, Kan., opened last Saturday night under the management of Fred Funkhouser, and is being well patronized this year. The Star Dome was formerly run by Warren Bott and Harry LeVan. The date for the Gogebic County Agricultural Fair, Ironwood, Mich., has yet to be decided upon. The Board of Directors will meet sometime during the coming week, at which a date will be set. The Richwood Tri-County Fair, which holds forth at Richwood. O., will continue to keep Its old dates, October 3, 4. 5 and 6. It is ex ted that the fair this year will be the largest n its history. The $1,000 purse on two harness races and the $500 purse on one running race, will be the —~. attraction at the Central Fair and Ave Stock Association, Grenada, Miss., next September, The Morristown Fair Association have sold privileges for their fair to Nash Brothers of Knoxville, Tenn. This insures the fair manage ment a full quota of good, clean shows for their fair. Moch interest is being taken by the managers of the Fayette County Agricultural Society, West Union, lowa, which opens early in Septem_ There will be many new and novel attractions. The Danville Fair, Danville. Ky., will be held on August 2, 3 and 4. The catalog will be ready for distribution in about ten days. It is very attractive in every detail. On September 5 the Douglas County Agricultural Association at Henderson, Ill., will open its regular annual fair. Horse racing will be one of the main attractions. The Clare-Isabelle Bi-County Agricultural Society, Clare, Mich., will hold its fair Sept. 26 to 29. Good racing, baseball and other attractions will be featured, FOR SALE After operating for 30 years what Is perhaps the BEST PAYING PICNIC PARK IN NEW JERSEY Owner wishes to retire from business. The park is beautifully located in Jersey City, running from the Hudson Boulevard to Newark Bay about 35 minutes from New York by trolleys, which pass the door. The owner has more applications for booking than he can accommodate, being compelled to turn business away. For information, apply to W. A., care Billboard, 1440 Broadway, New York. WANT TO HEAR from Concession Men, Balloon Men and Free Attractions. J. F. MILLS, Privilege Man, Sharpsville, Ind. WANTED---At Lake Park Vaudeville and Dramatic Acts. engagement for season of Band of 10 or 12 pleces, who could double In Stock Company. 8B. BE. TABLER, McAlester, Okla. WANTED LIVE..... FREAK At a good, live park, either on salary or per centage, State all in first letter and send pho tos, and same will be returned. Address E. D MeGINTY, Luna Park, Cleveland, 0, HOOP-LA JEWELRY—Elegant flashy Jewelry. Ladies and gentlemen, Large and medium. Worth $25 gross; while it lasts, $8 gross. MEX Would consider ICAN CURIO CO., Cambridge Bldg., Chicago. Park and Fair Managers NOTICE Agnes Ahern & Co. AMERICA’S FINISHED ATHLETES Introducing Their Sensational Electrical Finish The HUMAN WHEEL What Managers Say: Flint, Michigan, May 27, 1911. AGNES AHERN & CO. 7 ” We wish to thank you for your valuable service as special free outside stage attraction of our shows, under auspices of Masons, Flint. Michigan, May 22-27, and we wish to state that your high-class acrobatic act with the spectacular finish, the human wheel, is one of the most beautiful and attractive novelties ever seen. Accept our congratulations on your securing contracts from Mr. J. O. Orr for the big Toronto Exposition in August and September, direct from him, as he knows a good act when he sees it. Hoping at some future date we may have you with us again, we remain, sincerely yours, HERBERT A. KLINE. City of Flint, Mich., May 31, 1911. To whom it may concern: ° At the Carnival given by the Herbert A. Kline Shows at Athletic Park, week of May 22-27 for the benefit of the Masonic Temple Association of this city, Agnes Ahern & Co. gave an exhibition that is worthy of special mention. Their Human Wheel act especially attracted much favorable attention. It is without doubt the most unique and magnificent acrobatic feat that was ever witnessed in this country. I desire also to mention the splendid personality of the two actors. They were well received and made many friends while in this city. x I write this voluntarily because of the favorable impression they left with me. S. C. MeCALL, Chairman of Masonic Temple Amusement Committee. HUMAN WHEEL FOR OPEN TIME, WRITE, 3219 Colorado Ave., Chicago, IIi., or The Billboard. Sell ICE WATER at 1000 % Profit —BY OPERATING OUR—— SANITARY DRINKING FOUNTAINS & WATER COOLERS with coin-controlled machines ‘attached that sell our RED CROSS SANITARY DRINKING CUPS Attractive in appearance. Accurate in operation. Different styles to suit all outdoor and indoor needs. Big mone made on this line last year. ‘Wait til you see it is a good thing, but don’t until every one sees it.” Valuable territory now open. Write at once for literature and prices. SANITARY DRINKING FOUNTAIN CO. W. T. BIRMINGHAM, Manager. WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA. Home Office and Factory, PITTSBURG, PA. WAGNER TORCHES ...FLAMBEAUX... 2 SIZES TO BURN 1 AND 2 HOURS. EDW. H. WAGNER ° . : : NEW YORK, N. Y. “United” Exhibition Fireworks Displays ———THE STANDARD FOR——— FAIRS, PARKS, CARNIVALS, EXPOSITIONS, AND PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS UNITED FIREWORKS COMPANY, Trenton, N. J. FRANK FITZSIMONS. 50 Broad Street, FRANK FERRIS. JOESTEVENSON. HENRY J. WINTER International Aeroplane Mfg. Co. Aviators : FLYING BIPLANES. Terms lowest. Flights guaranteed. Give description o grounds in corresponding. INTERNATIONAL AEROPLANE MFG. CO., 312 West 52d St., NEW YORK. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS, y