The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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14 The Billboard JUNE 24, 1911. FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS A Summary of the Plans and Prospects of Agricultural Fairs, Exhibitions, etc., Throughout North America, Presented in Pellet Form READY FOR INTER-MOUNTAIN FAIR. Ogden, Utah, June 16 (Special to The Bill board).—What is known as The Inter-Mountain Four-State Fair and Intetrnational Sheep Show, which embraces the interests of Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Utah, will open its annual fair September 22, and will continue for nine days — September 30. Complete plans for making it the greatest event in its history are already .. and those in charge of carrying them out are now busy with their execution. In order that those who visit the fair this sea #on shall see the vast improvements that have deen made arrangements to have an aeroplane meet are now under way. It is the purpose of those in charge to get some of the best known aviators to attend and give full demonstrations ef their wonderful bird-like flights. The West erners like anything exciting, and to see the feerless flyers puncturing holes in the ozone at an altitude of two thousand feet or more, would the comment of the neighborhoods in four states for the next twelve months. Besides the seroplane flights, there will be some great vau@Geville attractions. The midway will be bigger and better than ever. Of course no fair is complete without Its horse races, and all lovers of trotters will have a chance to witness some good and lively heats. The track is the fastest in this section of the country, and many of the best horses will enter. This feature is always one of the biggest drawing cards at the fair. This sheep exhibit is the largest in the world, and, therefore, it is of vital interest to large ranchmen and wool buyers. It draws large erowds from all parts of the country. The ex shadow that of any previous year. This soclety is associated with five other fairs in the Southern Minnesota Circuit, and its meet will be the first of the series. Several high<las<. free attractions have been engaged, the circ *'' having made a larger appropriation for this fe ture than ever before. In past seasons the c’ cuit’s advertising in The Billboard has brough: the best of returns in the way of sales of concessions, and it is expected that the demand will be even greater this fall. tendance is looked for from the fact that the Minnesota State Dairymen's Association has designated this fair as one of those at which silver cups will be offered for the best herds of dairy cattle exhibited, and there is a great | Increased at-— probability that the Minnesota Holstein-Friesian | Association will conduct a branch cattle in connection with the competition. Light harness racing will, as usual, be an important feature of the fair. Owners from a number of Northwestern states will enter their horses, and will campaign through the entire circuit. show BIG FAIR FOR MONROE, WIS. Monroe, Wis., June 14 (Special to The Billboard).—The Green County Fair will be held here, Sept. 13. 14, 15 and 16. This will be the 57th aunual exhibition and the society enjoys the distinction of having always paid its premiums in full and without delay. From a small beginning it has forged ahead i, making a eteady growth each year. The city has gradually built out to and around the grounds until now 28 acres has become very valuable, It is one of the few county fair TEXAS STATE FAIR GROUNDS. Entrance and Coliseum of the State Fair Grounds at Dallas , Texas. Bibit will not be increased this year, is not room for more entries. One of the Judges of the sheep exhibit this season will be Prof. E. L. —_ 4 the Bureau of Husbandry, Washington, D. C. BIG FAIR FOR ST. PETER. 8t. Peter, Minn., June 10 (Special to The Bill).—With the best cron prospects this sec tion of Minnesota bas known in a score of years, there is every indication that the annua! Nicollet County Fair, to be held at St. Peter on September 11, 12 and 13, 1911, will over NEBRASKA CITY (NEB.) FAIR. The racetrack of this Association is laid out West, one of the most beautiful fair grounds in a the needed seed, as there | erounds supplied with city water syst yA and sewerage aes last year’s improvements we note a horsemen’s home, where light, fuel, teleplmne, writing desks and horsemen’s papers add 19 tbe comfort of the horsemen and have certainly been as by them. hey have the fastest half-mile track in the state of Wisconsin and now hold the world’s record for four-year-olds on half-mile track— time, 2:061-4. This year’s race program consists of $5,100 in stakes and purses, there being three $800 stakes. The 1911 fair will be held for four days and five nights including Saturday, which, by the way, is their big day, there being 21,000 people on the grounds that day last year. Two bands will be in attendance each dar, an even $1,000 having been contracted for free acts and a large midway will be a feature. Five thousand, eight hundred dollars is offered in premiums and same are payable on the grounds Friday p. m. and Saturday. BIG FAIR FOR OTTAWA. | | Ottawa, Ont., June 14 (Special to The Billboard).—$16,000 in cash prizes. fifty gold medals and other special premiums will be awarded in competition of purely agricultural character at the Central Canada Exhibition Association's | Fair, which opens September 8 at Ottawa Special attractions include dally filghts of a Curtiss aeroplane and race with automobile; aerial and comic vaudeville acts before the grand stand, which seats 12,000 people; spec tacular outdoor night show, comprising vaude ville, reproduction of grand naval review as seen at coronation of King George V, put on by Hand Firework Co. of Hamilton, Ont.; day and } | board) .—Those | night fireworks, etc. A rollicking midway will be a especial feature. The fair is held on the grounds of the Government Commission—one hundred acres in extent—and furnished with some buildings on the continent. horse races, free CHILDREN TO EXHIBIT CORN. Wis., Virogua, June 15 (Special to The Pillin charge of the Vernon County Agricultural Society are making a special feature band concerts, | Canadian | of the finest | | any one. line, September will be exhibited at the fair, which opens 19, It is also the plan of the society to have a gala Fourth of July. There will be — jrunning and tretting races to take place | baseball games and other out-of door a |In the evening fireworks will be exhibited Of course a band will be on hand to furnish music for the dancing. The Mt. Vernon Fair and Agricultural Association has only given four fairs and last year rank«d first among Southern Illinois fairs from ™ ut of attendance and entry fees. The track is in excellent shape this year, there being at this time :wenty six horses here in training and developing some great speed for a half-mile track. “ord fron Te: le Va., states that the Dan \-~nctution “< going to have a gala seRmson year. ‘lie management has inereased its preminm list, especiaiic along the live stock line. There will also be many unique attractions that should take well with the pub lic. The grounds will be open until 10 p. m. WANTED Slide Trombone Double Band and orchestra; first-class. Other musicians write; Two-car Tent Show. BILLY BENNETT'S BIG SHOWS, St. John, North Dakota. WANTED Cornet Player Producing Clown, and Feature Act containing four or five people; join immediately. Address SUN BROTHERS, 338 Summit Street, Toledo. Ohio SCENERY WANTED—Complete set for 18-foot opening. Must be in good condition. Also want Picture Machine. Describe fully. C. L. WILSON, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. WANTED QUICK FOR WELSH BROS.’ SIDESHOW—Good Punch man, that can do magic and handle the inside. Also two Dancing Girls and a good Freak. Can also use good Brother Act for big show. Wire BEN CASPER, as per route: Punxsutawney, Pa.. June 21; Brockwayville 22; Johnsonburg 23; Mt. Jewett 24; Brad ford 26. WANTED AT ONCE—Novelty Act, Comedian and Piano Player. Eat on lot, sleep at hotels. | You must join at once. Boozers don’t last here; cause of this ad. Salary every Sunday. Wire quick. Fred White answer. Address a | EVENS, Rouseville, Venango Co., Pa. WANTED—To book our Twentieth Century | steam riding gallery, nearly new, with carnival company making Minnesota and Iowa. Address MANAGER MERRY-GO-ROUND, 9th Street and Central Avenue, Faribault, Minn. ‘The Great Alferetta AMERICA’S AERIAL QUEEN aerial act, Trapeze and Spanish Web. Without a doubt, the | strongest single lady aerial act before the pub lic. for parks, airdomes and fairs. For open time, terms and particulars, address 703 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. o In a combination novelty and sensationa) introducing Roman Rings, Fiying A feature on any bill. A drawing card First For Concessions, write B. B. KEE freesboro, Tenn. Wanted—aAir Ship, days, and other good attractions. RUTHERFORD COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION Will Hold its Twenty-Seventh Annual Fair August 98, 10 ~~ 11. Fair on the circuit and it —_ MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR SALE—32-foot Twentieth Century Machine with 38-foot revolving top. Has two lovers’ tubs: new and up-to-date in every respect. Fine engine and organ. All | in good condition. Machine is stored at Nash| ville, Tenn. Will sell cheap for cash. Write for | particulars to K. M. BROWNE, 1006 Hamp shire St., Quincy, Ill. BASE BALL BATTING DEVICES — Big money made at amusement places with the device for testing batting strength; indicates a one, two, three base hit or a home run. Send for catalogne. WM. SULLIVAN, 344 Ward 8t., Richmond Hill, N. Y. WANTED Hal Hunt’s Minstrel Show under canvas—Colored Performers in all lines. Car show. Dining and sleeping car. You don't have to put it up or take it down with this show. Salary sure. Ask Am enlarging company. Portageville, 29-30, July 1; Blytheville, Ark., July Mo., June 3, 4 and 5 Thunder Shower, New Ball Game Just Patented | Send in your order quick. Only a few to go ont this year. African Dip can't beat this. Easy to get a man to work under this new trap. Trap and rigging, $10.00. Write for de scription and particulars. Address W. E. BEA MON, 3646 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. THE AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CO. | At Benton, Ill., week of June 19-24, want two more Grind Shows, two more RBallyhoo Shows (with tops). also legitimate concessions write (no graft). All shows on per cent All concessions, $7.50 per week. Fourth of IJnily. Join at onre as we expect big WIL LIAMS, Christopher, Address GREGORY C. Il. WANTED— Medicine Performers, first-class S. & D. Teams, Comedy Sketch Teams, M. & F. Nov elty Acts in all lines, with three or more changes. All to double In farces and negro acts. This is a legitimate Ailrdome and House Show. Continnons engagement No limit to salartes. I appreciate worth. (1 jndge with an experience | of twenty-five years). I pay all you are worth, your R. R. fare and baggage after joining. No | tickets unless I know yon You pay your own room and board (week atands) where you please, and do as you please, just as long aa you give | the natives a good, clean show Salary every | Tuesday in money. Why work with a med. show | | for sixteen and cakes? You don't have to. Write me fully: state your aalary Want you to open Iniy 10 of later, near Wichita, Kan Addreas EP ROGERS, 155% S. Water St.. Wichita, Kan |of interesting the school children in the art of | in a 0-acre tract known as Uriving Park, and is| growing corn. The society has given the young and the results of what they have eccomplished along agricultural ail | expecially Joe Ronhomme (Permanent address; keep In tonch.) | Wanted, for Fowler's Combined Wagon Shows. Cirens People tn all linés. Fat and sleep on lot; | show never closes. Money eure every week Wonld like to hear from all old-time kinkers House wagons fur nished. Address A. W. FOWLER, Daytona, Fin. for next three weeks. Opens a circult; big crowds, Midway located between Gates and. Grandstand. None escapes you. shows. or E. C. Anderson, Supt. GET SPACE ON THE TN ae ‘County Fair at Griggsville, Ill. July 18-21, inclusive. They d it here, No women SHINN, BSecy.. No gambling. Come. Address ROSS P. CHETOPA FALL FAIR October 4-7, inclusive Correspondence with CARNIVAL COMPANIES desired. A. R. BELL, Secretary, Chetopa, Kans. WANTED — ATTRACTIONS Shows and Concessions, for the Great HOPKINS COUNTY FAIR JULY 18th—5 Days. HENDERSON COUNTY FAIR JULY 19th—5 Days. No Gambling. Address | JAS. A. FRANCE AY, Sec'y, Madisonville, Ky. ©. D.COLE, AEROPLANE FLIGHT cat Fair Grounds—Farmington, Mo. JULY 4,1911 For Concessions write De Lassus, Missouri Par M. W. A. BLOW-OUT AUGUST 12. | We want to hear from Carnival Company, Free and Vay Attractions. Good oy Address W. E. BHUEMAKER, Ashe °, Ohie. In Answering Ads, Mention THE BILLBOARD.