The Billboard 1911-06-24: Vol 23 Iss 25 (1911-06-24)

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JUNE 24, 1911. The Billboard 15 STREET CAMERA A Sensational | Money-Maker Do You Want “Absolute independence and an Income of Hy $200.00 a Month? What's the good of slaving away your life for a few dollars a week when you cap line your pockets with money with my remarkable moneymaking Combination Street Camera? 1 offer you the chance to become your own boss, to employ your ability to making money for yourself. to travel all over the country, and to have a steady stream of dollars flowing Into your wkets every day of the year. Maybe this svunds tov good to be true, but isten to this: My Combination Street Camera takes a picture every minute, finishes and develops them instantaneously, Both tintypes and button pictures can be made. Everybody buye them for teo cents each, They cost 2% cents to take. If you work four bours a day, you can make a profit of $20.00 easily. Orders piling in every day. You can't afford to walt a minute before getting one. tell you bew sure [| am that you can make a bunch of coln with this wonderful machine, 1 am willing to ship you an outfit containing enongh stock for 600 pictures, which should bring you In at leaxt $00.00—a regular $30.00 outfit—for part cash, and the balance to be pald out of your profits in thirty days. EVERY MACHINE GUARANTEED. \% size. Don't sleep over this or some one in your town will beat yon to it. Write me today for full free particulars of my wonderful pre po sition and Hiustrated catalog. L. E, LASCELLE. Manager, 627 W. 43rd Street, Dept. 948, New York. Floral Parade Decorations BUY DIRECT. OUR PRICES ARE Pain Fireworks HAVE ALWAYS LED And will Continue to be in Advance of All Others OUR BUSINESS THIS YEAR BIGGER, BETTER THAN EVER Following are some 1911 contracts already closed with the principal Fairs of America for Big Pyrotechnic Displays and our Fireworks Spectacles ‘‘Last Days of Pompeii,”’ ‘‘ Battle in the Clouds,” “Pioneer Days,” ‘“ Erup tion of Vesuvius,” etc. Minnesota's Big State Fair, St. Paul-Minneapolis. lowa's Great State Fair, Des Moines. Appalachian Exposition, Knoxville, Tenn., three weeks. Kansas State Fair, Topeka. Western Kansas Fair, Hutchinson. Arkansas-Oklahoma Fair, Ft.Smith, Ark. Tennessee State Fair, Nashville. Summer Carnival, St. Joseph, Mo. No-tsu-oh Carnival, Houston, Tex. The Great Civic Celebration, Cape Girardeau, Mo., given by the Commercial Club. Inter-State Fair, Spokane, Wash. Press Club Celebration, San Antonio, Tex. Fiftieth Anniversary First Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers Celebration, RIGHT North State Fair. Mason City, lowa. St. Paul, Minn. fa International Fair Assn., San Antonio, | PanamaPacific Exposition, Santiago, Tex. California—Laying of Corner Stones Chrysanthemums Alabama State Fair, Birmingham. of Buildings. | Civic Celebration, Minneapolis. ALL COLORS Write us for anything you want in the Fireworks Line. PAIN FIREWORKS DISPLAY CO. H. B. THEARLE, President. B. E. GREGORY, Secretary. 1320 Wabash Avenue, . CHICAGO, ILL. CONFETTI NOVELTIES ! Rose holding Confetti in Pink and iia $4.50 gross Ball covered with Colored seach ..$1.50 per 100 $2.00 PER GROSS Terms—Cash with order. No C. O. D. shipments. Write for our Free Booklet. Something new—Our Floral Sheet. | One yard square. J. F. GASTHOFF & CO. Leading Manufacturers of Artificial Flowers and High Art Decorative Supplies 12-16 South Ver Street, ° ° Danville, Illinois *“Ye Grand Old York Fair’’ Tube with Confetti .. .. $3.75 gross OCTOBER 5. 4, 5 AND G Pumpkin with Confetti .. SL. 20 per 100 Excellent railroad and trolley facilities. Large attendance. High-grade free Gold Confetti .. .. $1.50 pound attractions. Daily aeroplane flights. Want more refined shows and concessions; none Serpentines 25c per 100 too lange crema. No gambling. Write Joho &. Rutten, Veoh, Fe. PO SAMPLES SENT UPON AVPLICATION, FREE OF CHARGR. Wanted for Aulger Bros. ‘‘The Girl and The Stampede’’ Co. Good Character Man for Old Man and Irish Comedy, to play bass drum or alto In band. Preference given to man with specialty, Clarinet B. & O. or stage, Want to bear from masicians on all instrument* for baud te double orchestra or stage. Two Car Tent Shew. Salary sure. State salary in first letter, Will send ticket to people we know, Wallace V. Goodwin, wire. Address AULGER BROS, Blunt, June Zt; Onlda, 24; Gettysburg, 26; Lebanon, 27; Faulkton, 28, all Bouth Dakota. Permanent address, Mo, Valley, lowa, THEODORE METZELER, 46 Vesey Street, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. WE make the best sweet Cones, hand-rolled, Cornucopias and Cornets. Guaranteed under the Pure Food Laws. WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES CORNUCOPIA WAFFLE OVEN CO., 7°22 ERANKLIN AVENUE, WE HAVE SOLVED THt HO’ WEAIHER PLATE TROUBLE! OUNTFORD ' N THE SUMMER HEAT ACHINES Special Offer Se in SURE Our$25 Combination BY OUR NEW PROCESS THAT PRODUCES A ONEY Our Combination Camera | PERFECTLY EVEN AND UNIFORM COATING isa machine in which the) ? Our $25.00 Camera-Scope Crack-er-Jack and CameraScope are combined | w guarantee aur goods to be as represented, or money refunded, We have ope grade only, and that the best Outfit given you atock enough to bring you 845.70. » oa one price Every plate and button that we manuIt makes 2 sizes of square fx eture Is wold under ‘ne pame and label. pictures and makes the | We manufacture everything we sell. The outfit conateta of Cam. era Scope. triped, 500 button ee. solution, toree rose | thin: ng We manufacture, button — pictures Tames and 100) post cards, : ani PRICES matically. It is fitted | rames wont carte, ‘Plates, 13-4x 2 1-2, per 100, 75c. crying oane, ooods to start They develop quickly, dry clear and glossy, product a perfect black and white picture. They have prov to be so satisfactory that our business Is increasing dall We sell every with two lenses and two carrying developing cups, and is Mounts, oa 100, + Snug sobs, Cammere-Seape Ie an, on rd positively the latest in| aioe Tevet. wBe that ~~» pletures as faat aa Our S25. oo | Oo 825. 00 street hoto Ta h rames, per gross, . Cc. up. | A person cam pose in front of Camera-Scope | Pras iret wt p graphy. Developer, per package, 20c. THE MOUNTFORD MFG. WORKS, 98-100 Maiden Lane, SEND FOR CATALOGUE NEW YORK CITY.